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Re: Pamela

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Hi Pamela,

We're all very proud of you. I have not see any parasites yet. Well, I

am not on a parasite cleanse either:>) which I am going to get on but wow a

blue one. What are some of the colors they can be. I would probably trip out

if I saw a blue or any other color:>). I know what you mean about the sweets.

I am on day number 3 with eating the best that I have in a while. I am taking

a protein drink and enzymes and the protein does not have any sugars or

fillers. I don't know if you have heard of O'Brien or Dr. Jensen but O'Brien

is one of the fomulaters of the products I'm taking. Actually

O'Briens son Tim O'Brien has opened his own company now. Well, I am taking

this and hope to add a few more things from that I used to be on such as

HSO's soil based organisms from Natures Biotics or either Primal Defense.

Wow, I did not know they would bite ya Pamela. Did it hurt real bad?.....Tonya

P.S. Keep up the good work. Your right, it is not easy but God can get you

through it and this support group is wonderful online. Also a great book is

" Lick the Sugar Habit " By Appleton.

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Could I get some info about the protein drinks, etc. you're using??

I am new to this list and I have some really dumb questions that I am

looking through the archives to find. I would like to do a bowel cleanse,

and am looking at Dr. Schulze's products or Herbal Fiberblend. Here is what

I wonder: I have heard that some of the stuff you get out is long and hard

as a rock. Have any of you had hemorrhoids flare up while trying to get

this stuff out? If this happens while I am at work, am I going to have any

trouble getting this stuff to flush? Have any of you had trouble? I know

this sounds weird but I am really concerned about it. Another thing I worry

about is whether any of you have " barely made it " during a cleanse. I work

in customer service and I would hate to have the urge during a call and not

make it in time. Thanks a lot for any input.


Re: Pamela

> Hi Pamela,

> We're all very proud of you. I have not see any parasites yet. Well,


> am not on a parasite cleanse either:>) which I am going to get on but wow


> blue one. What are some of the colors they can be. I would probably trip


> if I saw a blue or any other color:>). I know what you mean about the


> I am on day number 3 with eating the best that I have in a while. I am


> a protein drink and enzymes and the protein does not have any sugars or

> fillers. I don't know if you have heard of O'Brien or Dr. Jensen but


> is one of the fomulaters of the products I'm taking. Actually

> O'Briens son Tim O'Brien has opened his own company now. Well, I am taking

> this and hope to add a few more things from that I used to be on such as

> HSO's soil based organisms from Natures Biotics or either Primal Defense.

> Wow, I did not know they would bite ya Pamela. Did it hurt real



> P.S. Keep up the good work. Your right, it is not easy but God can get you

> through it and this support group is wonderful online. Also a great book


> " Lick the Sugar Habit " By Appleton.


> Subscription email:

> mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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  • 2 months later...
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Hi -- I just finished reading of your plight of your son & his hateful user in-laws!!! I believe that to be just outrageous...... altho I kinda know what he is going thru...as I had same problem with some of my better 1/2's relatives...being felt like like an 'outsider' IE: when I'd come into a room... everyone would get up one by one & just leave & when I'd go to where they were @ the same thing would happen! And if I'd use their bathroom-- they'd use the other one!! Now this wasn't Ken's Mom & Dad or his brother- although when he started a family he WAS leery of me ( but they checked it out on the web) Ken's grandma has always been just great! as are the ones 9relatives that live near us) but the others will sit & stare @ me & when I look their way they look away reall quick( these people were Police people-He's the chief of Police in some small town & never did like me-- the 1st time he met me I had 2 black eyes--right away he was jumping to conclusions he thought Ken had done it--actually the horse I was riding reared up as I was leaning forward & we connected-I got hit right between the eyes & broke my nose too IE: 2 shiners<g> but of course he didn't believe THAT story.....Gosh I can't stand that guy......bad-assed COP!!!!!! Always assuming the worst even of his relatives!! Anyway what we did was to just 'steer clear' for quite some time(all relatives) didn't go to ANY functions(family) After a time Ken's mom asked what was wrong & Ken told her...... You see even at first Ken thought it was in my imagination.... then he started watching & learning<g>!!!!!!

So anyway , in time, I hope your son will stop the 'denial stage' & put a stop to this treament especially from his so-called wife!! Kinda sounds like she's a Me -Me -Me type---everything for her & she won't accept anything but the best!! His relatives sond like abusers & users!!!!!!

Take Care


Re: [ ] Re: Pamela

That's a nice story, Diane. Maybe that is one thing we can gain from this disease, a better understanding of those people made to be "outcasts" in our society. Just like hcv, it doesn't matter how he got aids, it's not his fault. We have all made mistakes in our life. I am reminded of the afflicted man in a biblical story. The disciples asked Jesus whether the man's affliction was because of his sins or because of the sins of his parents. Jesus became a little angry and said that he was afflicted neither for his nor for his parents sins, but to show the glory of God and at that Jesus cured the man. It is still a fitting story today, I don't recall if the man's affliction was blindness or lameness or what, but it could just as well have been hcv or hiv or any number of problems. -dz- diane214@... wrote: Thank you so much for your heartfelt feelings on this disease ....I have a little story to tell. After my sisters funeral we all went backto her home. One man that was a friend of my sister has aids.. He hasbeen on medication and is now undetectable...... He sat in a corner andeveryone there were scathing him and not coming near him...... I went tohim and asked what he wanted on his platter and fixed it for him..... Ialso hugged him and asked how he was coming along with treatment..... Hegot this thru blood transfusions and I thought to myself.... This isprobably how everyone feels towards me too.... They were saying behindhis back...."What's he doing here?" I said to them...("The same thingyou are doing here... Paying his respects") I think that this wastotally ignorant!!!! He wasn't drooling over the food or doing anythingto hurt anyone....... This is just the ignorance of our society.......My niece used to work at a very nice diner.... The 2nd week she workedthere she came home an told me almost every waitress that worked therewas on heroine.... On break they shot up in the bathroom or went out totheir cars.... After she told me this I looked at them closely and sureenough I could see in their eyes that they were high as a kite.... Thesepeople fix our plates and place our silverware on the tables.... Touchour rolls and don't wash their hands.. Now think about that one.... Wejust never know what is out there and who is doing what ever........ Atleast I had disposable plates, forks ad etc. at my sistersgathering...... At a diner you eat from everyone and I have seen somenasty silverware in public...... Just something to ponder....... you are a doll..... A Mama Lioness........ A Fluffy One at that........LOL..... Thanks for sharing your feelings......... We are all scared atthe future just as you are for your son....... Sending a ((((( HUGE HUGTO YOU )))))) Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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--It's too bad you can't get it on camcorder--secretly-- then let them try & worm their way out of it..... Some KIDDERS HaH?!!!!!!


Re: [ ] Re: Pamela

That story just brings out the worst in me. I havebeen so lucky to have a VERY supportive family andin-laws. It has to make you want to tell your son tocome home where people love and care for him. Myhusband would throw HIS family out of the house ifthey treated me like that. Sharon--- WILLIAM A WALTKE <kbwaltke@...> wrote:> Oh Terry we are not tough loving Greg, we are> rejecting the way he is treated> by his inlaws they show him zero and less respect> now.> We have a very hard time with that. As sad as it> sounds his wife> has that certain edge in her voice now too IE when> we got there> Greg was cleaning and vacumming and such and she was> fussing with her hair> Something was said about something and she says Greg> didn't I tell you to do> that and he said I did take care of it. Edge in> voice she starts up he says> After all I have done yesterday and today I don't> think you want to nag.> Enter stage left inlaws. Her mom says Oh you> have just a marvelous> job she beams saying Yes I did.... Greg head down> went outside and just> stood there. Then later on sincethey are ready to> make an offer on a house> as his wife is demanding a house period. They> wanted to show us the house> The father in law had the audacity to say well I> think this is the one and you get in the house. > Then get> rid of him. I don't think he saw me there. I said> she may wish to keep him around considering he out> earns> her over two to one. He says she will get food> stamps and support and with> that she could probably do the house on her own.> Well I said Greg> did you know your father in law wants you gone and> her in the house,.> He said he has made that point quite clear yes he> has.... See what I mean> Happy easter to us. Sad part is our only two sons> are married to their only> two daughters. our oldest son ended up in the> ER this weekend chest pain> they took blood and he told them to test for the Hep> while they were at it. He> has a tattoo too same period of time same Tattoo> shop. So he is thinking good time to test.> That got brought up and the father in law said oh> to see if you can ruin my> other daughters life like that joker. Bill and I> will not be back till issues are> resolved and our son has things resolved so that we> are not made to feel> like this it was worse than awful. Things always> had seemed fine and Greg was the good> guy doing alright by all till the diagnosis now he> is treated pretty shabby all in all.> I think I saw in the last couple weekends many> reasons why he is treating this with> denial. Bill and I are furious he does not seem to> have the self esteem right now> to resolve this. He just shuffles off head down and> yet we know we can't be> guilty of interference but all in all he does> deserve better treatment I think so anyway.> > > __________________________________________________

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That's a GOOD one Sharon!!!! But then they'd probably lock us up in some

god-forsaken place---just cause we always 'carry a loaded(lethal) weapon!!


Re: [ ] Re: Pamela

> I guess we should have our blood registered as a

> lethal weapon. lol


> Sharon

> --- diane214@... wrote:

> > -dz-

> > I sure hope our Stgmas don't turn into

> > Stigmata.... We would be

> > bleeding and that is a no no for a Hepper..... Just

> > a little fun to

> > take our minds off of our disease..... ;o We can kid

> > each other without

> > taking offense....

> >

> > Angel Hugs,

> > Diane

> >

> > May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope,

> > Peace & Unity

> >

> >

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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Too bad we can't cash in on it too & THEN put it in the Bank!!!!!


Re: [ ] Re: Pamela

> Terry,


> Oh we do have our fun here..... If we can't find some humor in our lives

> than we might as well crawl in a hole and die.... None of us in this

> group are ready to do that........ You can take that to the bank!!!!!


> Angel Hugs,

> Diane


> May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity







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So far they're not doing that in Oregon!!!!! Of course Oregon is very backward about hcv....years behind many places(states) Talk about your Hick states-- it's almost like living in the Ozarks or Tenn. but probably worse here!! Feels kinda like you're livin' in the real 'back woods'<g>


Re: [ ] Re: Pamela

It is. Our physicians are bound to report the presence of the virus to the health department. -dz- Sharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote: I guess we should have our registered as alethal weapon. lol Sharon--- diane214@... wrote:> -dz-> I sure hope our Stgmas don't turn into> Stigmata.... We would be> bleeding and that is a no no for a Hepper..... Just> a little fun to> take our minds off of our disease..... ;o We can kid> each other without> taking offense....> > Angel Hugs,> Diane> > May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope,> Peace & Unity > > > > __________________________________________________

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-- I know thew shell-shocked syndrome as I was raised with it.. had a very dysfunctional family-- it wasn't to bad til I became a teenager... from that time on I was literally blown outta my socks so many times & liberally bombarded!!!!! It has taken a very long time to get over this...my last bombshell was dropped on me ( & Ken) less than 2 yrs ago. It has been very hard to get 'close' with anyone anymore!! Sure hate to be that way..... as I'm typically a fun-loving type of person...... but at times I'm very leery & feel distrust to many people when I first meet them...in other words I'm on my guard!! Some people though I just mix with very well...... I can kinda read the eyes...if you know what I mean


Re: [ ] Re: Pamela

That's a nice story, Diane. Maybe that is one thing we can gain from this disease, a better understanding of those people made to be "outcasts" in our society. Just like hcv, it doesn't matter how he got aids, it's not his fault. We have all made mistakes in our life. I am reminded of the afflicted man in a biblical story. The disciples asked Jesus whether the man's affliction was because of his sins or because of the sins of his parents. Jesus became a little angry and said that he was afflicted neither for his nor for his parents sins, but to show the glory of God and at that Jesus cured the man. It is still a fitting story today, I don't recall if the man's affliction was blindness or lameness or what, but it could just as well have been hcv or hiv or any number of problems. -dz- diane214@... wrote: Thank you so much for your heartfelt feelings on this disease ....I have a little story to tell. After my sisters funeral we all went backto her home. One man that was a friend of my sister has aids.. He hasbeen on medication and is now undetectable...... He sat in a corner andeveryone there were scathing him and not coming near him...... I went tohim and asked what he wanted on his platter and fixed it for him..... Ialso hugged him and asked how he was coming along with treatment..... Hegot this thru blood transfusions and I thought to myself.... This isprobably how everyone feels towards me too.... They were saying behindhis back...."What's he doing here?" I said to them...("The same thingyou are doing here... Paying his respects") I think that this wastotally ignorant!!!! He wasn't drooling over the food or doing anythingto hurt anyone....... This is just the ignorance of our society.......My niece used to work at a very nice diner.... The 2nd week she workedthere she came home an told me almost every waitress that worked therewas on heroine.... On break they shot up in the bathroom or went out totheir cars.... After she told me this I looked at them closely and sureenough I could see in their eyes that they were high as a kite.... Thesepeople fix our plates and place our silverware on the tables.... Touchour rolls and don't wash their hands.. Now think about that one.... Wejust never know what is out there and who is doing what ever........ Atleast I had disposable plates, forks ad etc. at my sistersgathering...... At a diner you eat from everyone and I have seen somenasty silverware in public...... Just something to ponder....... you are a doll..... A Mama Lioness........ A Fluffy One at that........LOL..... Thanks for sharing your feelings......... We are all scared atthe future just as you are for your son....... Sending a ((((( HUGE HUGTO YOU )))))) Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Pamela: My name is Genny and I live in Central Florida. Your questions

about post transplant are that it depends on the individual. My daughter

Jodi is 28 years old and I gave her 60% of my liver three months ago. She

too was on the waiting list at the University of Miami for almost five months

before we did the living donor transplant. I don't know if she would have

survived the two year wait so that's why I decided to try the living donor


She is getting along great and went back to work part-time this past Monday.

She recovered faster than I did to tell the truth. Everyone keeps telling me

20 years makes a difference and their right. She can run, play with her

three year old son, clean house and just about anything she wants to do. The

only two things she has to wait on is riding her horse and their airboat

which she dearly loves to do both but is a small price to pay for living. Oh

yes, they warned her never to play contact sports but her football days are

long gone. LOL

It is a nasty scar which does bother her at her age but doesn't bother me at

all. I haven't worn a two piece bathing suit in years anyway. We are very

blessed that a scar and taking her meds on time is all she has to deal with.

There has been no rejection what so ever and we thank God every day.

Hope I answered your questions which are from a living donor transplant

situation but others can help you with their post transplant experiences also.

God Bless, Genny/Jodi's Mom

Living Donor Transplant 5-18-01

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  • 6 months later...
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I think I'd rather have Naomi Judd as a spokesperso.

How about all the normal everyday people who have the

disease. The ones who haven't lived that lifestyle. I

think those 2 having it just makes our job harder.

Convincing people anyone CAN get it. It just stays a

partiers disease with those two.


--- imaganeer <imaganeer@...> wrote:


> I suppose by now everybody has heard that Pamela

> (and Tommy Lee) have hepatitis C. At first

> I thought this may help get the message accross that

> this is a real epidemic, but with the media and

> Pamela and Tommy Lee's well documented ual games,

> I have heard the inference several times that this

> was ually transmitted, talking with such medical

> experts as the tattoo artist that Tommy and Pamela

> had visited at times. I'm afraid this may set us

> back a step. -dz-


> Sharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote: It's

> Thursday morning. I am starting to get mail.

> Some of yours from Tuesday and Wednesday is coming

> in

> now. Boy, they've really fixed . I hope you get

> this someday. I hope everyone is feeling OK.

> Sharon

> --- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> > I'm gettin yours and Terry's but no one else's..

> >



> __________________________________________________


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Dz I was thanking on the same lines except I am fearing it will be four or five steps back.


imaganeer <imaganeer@...> wrote:

I suppose by now everybody has heard that Pamela (and Tommy Lee) have hepatitis C. At first I thought this may help get the message accross that this is a real epidemic, but with the media and Pamela and Tommy Lee's well documented ual games, I have heard the inference several times that this was ually transmitted, talking with such medical experts as the tattoo artist that Tommy and Pamela had visited at times. I'm afraid this may set us back a step. -dz- Sharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote: It's Thursday morning. I am starting to get mail.Some of yours from Tuesday and Wednesday is coming innow. Boy, they've really fixed . I hope you getthis someday. I hope everyone is feeling OK.Sharon--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:> I'm gettin yours and Terry's but no one else's..> __________________________________________________

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Sharon I agree 100%. These two partiers have only made our job even harder. I would love having Naomi Judd as our spokesperson. Terry

Sharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote: I think I'd rather have Naomi Judd as a spokesperso.How about all the normal everyday people who have thedisease. The ones who haven't lived that lifestyle. Ithink those 2 having it just makes our job harder.Convincing people anyone CAN get it. It just stays apartiers disease with those two.Sharon--- imaganeer wrote:> > I suppose by now everybody has heard that Pamela> (and Tommy Lee) have hepatitis C. At first> I thought this may help get the message accross that> this is a real epidemic, but with the media and> Pamela and Tommy Lee's well documented ual games,> I have heard the inference several times that this> was ually transmitted, talking with such medical> experts as the tattoo artist that Tommy and Pamela> had visited at times. I'm afraid this may set us> back a step. -dz-> > Sharon Zeis wrote: It's> Thursday morning. I am starting to get mail.> Some of yours from Tuesday and Wednesday is coming> in> now. Boy, they've really fixed . I hope you get> this someday. I hope everyone is feeling OK.> Sharon> --- Jannewilms42@... wrote:> > I'm gettin yours and Terry's but no one else's..> > > > > __________________________________________________>

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I am not sure that Pamela Lee and Tommy Lee are the best shining star

examples. But they are saying tattoos so I won't disagree with them

speaking up. Greg got his Hep C not through any kind of a party life

style. But tattoos. It seems that tattoos are definitely on the rise

in popularity.

> > > I'm gettin yours and Terry's but no one else's..

> > >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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To me it doesn't matter who speaks out about this disease as long as we

get recognition and funding to work for a cure.... We have all led

dfferent lifestyles but it brought us all together with the same

disease...... Some may have come from drugs... Some from tattoo's, blood

transfusions as mine did but it doesn't matter in the end...... We are

all drawn together for a cause, and that is to beat that Dragons butt.

In s case she needs the support for her son..See Fluffy I

remembered ;o... maybe you can take the time to let us know how

you feel being with a loved one who has Hep C.... I for one would like

to know the feelings of having someone with this disease and what goes

thru your mind... Maybe you can help me to understand how my loved ones

feel towards me, especially when I am a bit-h... We all go thru mood

swings with this disease... I sometimes feel like I am ready for a

nervous break down cause I don't know what the future holds.... I can

never do any treatment again because of my rare bleeding disorder.... I

can't have a transplant either, so if I seem like I get carried away

with how I eat it is because I have to take control now..... I pray that

one day there will be something without interferon in it so I can have a

chance to live longer......

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Ok here goes ... How did and does it feel to learn that our son has Hep C. Scarey as all get to heck that is how it feels. Cause I want nothing but good news. At first it felt like the room was going in circles and someone had sucked all the air and light out of the room.... It was beyond devastating it was of epic and tragic poportion this was my son. First I was like did you get a 2nd opinion that was denial and I think I went through everything from bargaining with God in prayer to just somehow let it be me... not my baby to wanting to literally go find this dragon and beat the stuffins out of it to having a need to arm myself with knowledge. Then I became the quintessential ..... crusader out to save my son and the world all in one fell swoop. Mostly now I think back to how I would look at Greg and try to see if somehow did he look different and no he did not. Was I expecting to see he was sick I don't know. And I had white hot fear The last thing I could even think about was the possiblity of loosing my son. But when I would look at him with what expectations I have no way of even rationalizing I came to realize that He was and is still the same man that stood before me the very week before he found out. How could he be sick how could this be so.... and I have worked past that and most of the craziness and fear mostly thanks to this list to the realization that we shall get through this much the way anyone with a health challenge does. One day and one step at a time. Unfair sure its unfair Greg wanted a tattoo not a life threatening virus, but life is not fair. So we move on from here. I have an unconditional love for my son. I never even thought a second about anything but lets fight this. Sure at the time I begged for him not to get a tattoo but none of that matters now. Its irrelevant. Mostly what Greg has right now is the extreme tiredness and fatigue. That is part of this and perhaps some brainy fog and well none of that matters what matters is to me he is just as perfect as he has always been Perhaps I have a little of that momma lion instinct coming out. I had a good friend more or less in round about ways ask me gosh aren't you afraid you will get it. I loathe ignorance. And if Greg was bleeding the last thing I would probably think of was the Hep C. I'd be jumping to help him. But yet I know we need always to think towards caution and protection of others should he need care or there is a bleeding wound. Mostly I just want my son to never know the prejudice of ignorant people who would act like somehow he brought this on himself. And if does encounter that I want him to see it for what it is ignorance. No matter how you got it you didn't ask for or bargain for this. So the how becomes irrelevant. What is relevant is taking care and doing what you can to optimize the chance for health. I wish I knew when I wouldn't feel just this fear for him and I wish I could say hey everything is just like it always was but its not. Mostly though he is my son he is not Hep C or at least not to me. He has a virus and this virus could make him sick and this virus is an enemy it has forever changed our lives. But it will not win. Greg is more than a diagnosis and a virus he is my son and no matter what we will face it together. I can't do it for him no more than many other challenges in his life But I can be mom ....... and I just hope and I pray and I mostly I have come to the point that I just surrender it to the Lord and ask him to give me faith and strength sufficient for today and help us deal with whatever comes I don't know what tomorrow holds for Greg if he will stay fairly healthy or even if he will come out of this cocoon he has built around himself . I think its to soon yet to really say for sure that we even have comprehended it all. And I think the doctor told Greg your healthy yet and thatwas the last phrase he listened too and I think knowing my son he will hang on to that for a while then he will get proactive in his own health. Or at least that is what I am hoping and praying for. I know there is much we have to learn yet about Hep C and we will. Hugs Re: [ ] Re: Pamela To me it doesn't matter who speaks out about this disease as long as weget recognition and funding to work for a cure.... We have all leddfferent lifestyles but it brought us all together with the samedisease...... Some may have come from drugs... Some from tattoo's, bloodtransfusions as mine did but it doesn't matter in the end...... We areall drawn together for a cause, and that is to beat that Dragons butt.In s case she needs the support for her son..See Fluffy Iremembered ;o... maybe you can take the time to let us know howyou feel being with a loved one who has Hep C.... I for one would liketo know the feelings of having someone with this disease and what goesthru your mind... Maybe you can help me to understand how my loved onesfeel towards me, especially when I am a bit-h... We all go thru moodswings with this disease... I sometimes feel like I am ready for anervous break down cause I don't know what the future holds.... I cannever do any treatment again because of my rare bleeding disorder.... Ican't have a transplant either, so if I seem like I get carried awaywith how I eat it is because I have to take control now..... I pray thatone day there will be something without interferon in it so I can have achance to live longer...... Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Thank you so much for your heartfelt feelings on this disease ....

I have a little story to tell. After my sisters funeral we all went back

to her home. One man that was a friend of my sister has aids.. He has

been on medication and is now undetectable...... He sat in a corner and

everyone there were scathing him and not coming near him...... I went to

him and asked what he wanted on his platter and fixed it for him..... I

also hugged him and asked how he was coming along with treatment..... He

got this thru blood transfusions and I thought to myself.... This is

probably how everyone feels towards me too.... They were saying behind

his back.... " What's he doing here? " I said to them...( " The same thing

you are doing here... Paying his respects " ) I think that this was

totally ignorant!!!! He wasn't drooling over the food or doing anything

to hurt anyone....... This is just the ignorance of our society.......

My niece used to work at a very nice diner.... The 2nd week she worked

there she came home an told me almost every waitress that worked there

was on heroine.... On break they shot up in the bathroom or went out to

their cars.... After she told me this I looked at them closely and sure

enough I could see in their eyes that they were high as a kite.... These

people fix our plates and place our silverware on the tables.... Touch

our rolls and don't wash their hands.. Now think about that one.... We

just never know what is out there and who is doing what ever........ At

least I had disposable plates, forks ad etc. at my sisters

gathering...... At a diner you eat from everyone and I have seen some

nasty silverware in public...... Just something to ponder.......

you are a doll..... A Mama Lioness........ A Fluffy One at that........

LOL..... Thanks for sharing your feelings......... We are all scared at

the future just as you are for your son....... Sending a ((((( HUGE HUG

TO YOU ))))))

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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You are welcome. You can better believe that I will be one of the dragons worst enemies. I happen to know a few people with it and they are dear to me and so this dragon is in big trouble. Ask anyone who knows about those fluffy momma lion types ....... whoo hoo!! I cannot believe the ignorance of people that they should treat this friend of your sisters this way. He is first and foremost a human being. And as you say he did nothing to get this. Yet they condemn and ostrasize hime for a sin not commited. And for those whose lifestyle may or maynot have contributed is that worse than a smokers contribution to lung cancer? Or even an overeaters contribution to a heart attack. Or a drivers contribution to an accident on the highway we all live and love and make mistakes and it may be our mistake that we live with the consequences of, but in the case of HepC we are living with the consequences of someone elses and they with someone elses before them.... be it through innocent contact or a risk behavior of any kind they sure didnt deserve this any more than my son or you all did. Prejudice of any kind is ignorance. I was a Hospice volunteer for years and it was the most meaningful experience of my life. I would do it still if I had not lost the ability to drive in an injury. Only love is powerful enough to cast out hate. It is a choice and a way of living. Re: [ ] Re: Pamela Thank you so much for your heartfelt feelings on this disease ....I have a little story to tell. After my sisters funeral we all went backto her home. One man that was a friend of my sister has aids.. He hasbeen on medication and is now undetectable...... He sat in a corner andeveryone there were scathing him and not coming near him...... I went tohim and asked what he wanted on his platter and fixed it for him..... Ialso hugged him and asked how he was coming along with treatment..... Hegot this thru blood transfusions and I thought to myself.... This isprobably how everyone feels towards me too.... They were saying behindhis back...."What's he doing here?" I said to them...("The same thingyou are doing here... Paying his respects") I think that this wastotally ignorant!!!! He wasn't drooling over the food or doing anythingto hurt anyone....... This is just the ignorance of our society.......My niece used to work at a very nice diner.... The 2nd week she workedthere she came home an told me almost every waitress that worked therewas on heroine.... On break they shot up in the bathroom or went out totheir cars.... After she told me this I looked at them closely and sureenough I could see in their eyes that they were high as a kite.... Thesepeople fix our plates and place our silverware on the tables.... Touchour rolls and don't wash their hands.. Now think about that one.... Wejust never know what is out there and who is doing what ever........ Atleast I had disposable plates, forks ad etc. at my sistersgathering...... At a diner you eat from everyone and I have seen somenasty silverware in public...... Just something to ponder....... you are a doll..... A Mama Lioness........ A Fluffy One at that........LOL..... Thanks for sharing your feelings......... We are all scared atthe future just as you are for your son....... Sending a ((((( HUGE HUGTO YOU )))))) Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Good for you Diane. This poor man needed that. This only shows that my thoughts about you were right. Even durring a time of loss. You were thanking of others.


diane214@... wrote: Thank you so much for your heartfelt feelings on this disease ....I have a little story to tell. After my sisters funeral we all went backto her home. One man that was a friend of my sister has aids.. He hasbeen on medication and is now undetectable...... He sat in a corner andeveryone there were scathing him and not coming near him...... I went tohim and asked what he wanted on his platter and fixed it for him..... Ialso hugged him and asked how he was coming along with treatment..... Hegot this thru blood transfusions and I thought to myself.... This isprobably how everyone feels towards me too.... They were saying behindhis back...."What's he doing here?" I said to them...("The same thingyou are doing here... Paying his respects") I think that this wastotally ignorant!!!! He wasn't drooling over the food or doing anythingto hurt anyone....... This is just the ignorance of our society.......My niece used to work at a very nice diner.... The 2nd week she workedthere she came home an told me almost every waitress that worked therewas on heroine.... On break they shot up in the bathroom or went out totheir cars.... After she told me this I looked at them closely and sureenough I could see in their eyes that they were high as a kite.... Thesepeople fix our plates and place our silverware on the tables.... Touchour rolls and don't wash their hands.. Now think about that one.... Wejust never know what is out there and who is doing what ever........ Atleast I had disposable plates, forks ad etc. at my sistersgathering...... At a diner you eat from everyone and I have seen somenasty silverware in public...... Just something to ponder....... you are a doll..... A Mama Lioness........ A Fluffy One at that........LOL..... Thanks for sharing your feelings......... We are all scared atthe future just as you are for your son....... Sending a ((((( HUGE HUGTO YOU )))))) Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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.... Amen and Amen..... I couldn't have said it better..... You Go

Girl...... ;o

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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It is just a natural thing to me to reach out to someone in need.....

It is me in a nutshell...... Thank you for the kind thoughts...... ;o

Don't get me wrong.... I can be a terror when I am provoked.... LOL.....

Just kiddin..... Not me. hahahahahaha

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Only for as long as I draw breath.... I am who I am.... What you see is what you get. Re: [ ] Re: Pamela .... Amen and Amen..... I couldn't have said it better..... You GoGirl...... ;o Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Diane, I also seam to seance the needs & feelings of others & try to reach out to them.


diane214@... wrote: Terry, It is just a natural thing to me to reach out to someone in need.....It is me in a nutshell...... Thank you for the kind thoughts...... ;oDon't get me wrong.... I can be a terror when I am provoked.... LOL.....Just kiddin..... Not me. hahahahahaha Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Good for you... No matter how bad we feel there is always someone else

that is worse off....... We can't always be there but I try to be if

possible....... Susy is a lucky gal to have you.......


Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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diane214@... wrote: Terry,Good for you... No matter how bad we feel there is always someone elsethat is worse off....... We can't always be there but I try to be ifpossible....... Susy is a lucky gal to have you.......HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!! Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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That's a nice story, Diane. Maybe that is one thing we can gain from this disease, a better understanding of those people made to be "outcasts" in our society. Just like hcv, it doesn't matter how he got aids, it's not his fault. We have all made mistakes in our life. I am reminded of the afflicted man in a biblical story. The disciples asked Jesus whether the man's affliction was because of his sins or because of the sins of his parents. Jesus became a little angry and said that he was afflicted neither for his nor for his parents sins, but to show the glory of God and at that Jesus cured the man. It is still a fitting story today, I don't recall if the man's affliction was blindness or lameness or what, but it could just as well have been hcv or hiv or any number of problems. -dz-

diane214@... wrote: Thank you so much for your heartfelt feelings on this disease ....I have a little story to tell. After my sisters funeral we all went backto her home. One man that was a friend of my sister has aids.. He hasbeen on medication and is now undetectable...... He sat in a corner andeveryone there were scathing him and not coming near him...... I went tohim and asked what he wanted on his platter and fixed it for him..... Ialso hugged him and asked how he was coming along with treatment..... Hegot this thru blood transfusions and I thought to myself.... This isprobably how everyone feels towards me too.... They were saying behindhis back...."What's he doing here?" I said to them...("The same thingyou are doing here... Paying his respects") I think that this wastotally ignorant!!!! He wasn't drooling over the food or doing anythingto hurt anyone....... This is just the ignorance of our society.......My niece used to work at a very nice diner.... The 2nd week she workedthere she came home an told me almost every waitress that worked therewas on heroine.... On break they shot up in the bathroom or went out totheir cars.... After she told me this I looked at them closely and sureenough I could see in their eyes that they were high as a kite.... Thesepeople fix our plates and place our silverware on the tables.... Touchour rolls and don't wash their hands.. Now think about that one.... Wejust never know what is out there and who is doing what ever........ Atleast I had disposable plates, forks ad etc. at my sistersgathering...... At a diner you eat from everyone and I have seen somenasty silverware in public...... Just something to ponder....... you are a doll..... A Mama Lioness........ A Fluffy One at that........LOL..... Thanks for sharing your feelings......... We are all scared atthe future just as you are for your son....... Sending a ((((( HUGE HUGTO YOU )))))) Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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