Guest guest Posted April 3, 2002 Report Share Posted April 3, 2002 You are so so right. Re: [ ] Re: Pamela Terry, I can't imagine watching our kids being verbally abused..... Afterthe episode with my son's girlfriend that time when she actually hit meand I showed her smart ass who was going to get the respect..... Itwasn't her thats for sure..... I was shocked that she actually hit meone time.... That was all she had the chance to do...... My youngeryears all came back and I taught her a good lesson.....She was holdingthe ice bag on her eye and face..... Imagine that..... LOL...... Nowwhen she sees me she shows me all the respect in the world........ It isa disgrace to even put me in a position like that.... When my sonrealized what was going on he pulled me up and I still had her in aheadlock pounding on her..... He really let her have it.... He told herno one disrespects his Mother... I left before it got ugly...... ;oCouldn't believe it.... If I didn't have my leather coat on she wouldhave got worse..... In a neck brace with severe pain thru my body andHep C slugging it out..... I still can't believe it...... Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 3, 2002 Report Share Posted April 3, 2002 Sounds like a difficult situation. I guess this will test the mettle of their marriage. I don't remember if you had said how long they have been married. Like most things marriage is great when everything is going along smoothly and it's all love and kisses. When adversity sets in we have to work a little harder at it as long as they stick together and don't let hurtful things from her parents influence their behavior towards each other. Admittedly it is a difficult thing for our spouses too, hopefully a little time will give her a chance to reflect on what is really important in their relationship. -dz- WILLIAM A WALTKE <kbwaltke@...> wrote: Thing is Diane there was a time just so shortly ago she treated him with deep love and respect. And I am so hoping this is a period of adjustment or well I don't know... But it seems they have issues and I don't care to know what they are. Just that tone in the voice etc. But this deal of about her and getting the support and foodstamps etc to afford the house, poor taste all across the board. You don't joke about stuff like that. Marriage is a commitment. I would advise no one to buy a house unless things are rock solid across the board and no interference is on the horizon I am just sick about the whole of the day on Easter ..... can't hardly even put it to rest. It has me greatly disturbed ... Re: [ ] Re: Pamela , My heart goes out to you and your son... He should see thru thatwitch now, before he buys anything let alone a house..... I commend youfor keeping your composure cause I would have been in jail. I would havewhacked the hell out of the whole bunch of em.. It is bad enough wedeal with ignorance outside of our families, but his own WIFE!!!!! Heneeds to get away from her now.... But we can't live their lives forthem... Only be there to pick up the pieces when they come to us... I amhere for you whenever you need to talk.... Love ya Fluffy ;o Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 3, 2002 Report Share Posted April 3, 2002 It is. Our physicians are bound to report the presence of the virus to the health department. -dz- Sharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote: I guess we should have our registered as alethal weapon. lol Sharon--- diane214@... wrote:> -dz-> I sure hope our Stgmas don't turn into> Stigmata.... We would be> bleeding and that is a no no for a Hepper..... Just> a little fun to> take our minds off of our disease..... ;o We can kid> each other without> taking offense....> > Angel Hugs,> Diane> > May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope,> Peace & Unity > > > > __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 3, 2002 Report Share Posted April 3, 2002 Unfortunately we cannot choose our in-laws. My ex mother-in-law was very difficult to deal with. We couldn't even get her to meet my parents before we got married. We had to change our wedding date once, because it interfered with a bowling tournament, I suppose had we not changed it, she wouldn't have come to the wedding. We finally got her and her husband (who I got along marvelously with) to my parents house to grill steaks. The grill was going and they arrived only to have her tell us that she had already eaten. It was all very upsetting to the occasion. -dz- Sharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote: It scares me to think what I'll have to deal with. Myhusband and I have 5 kids between us. Who will theymarry and what will I have to put up with. Oh well, Iget to wait and see. Try to keep in mind that you arehere getting information and support while they areout there thriving on their own ignorance about thisdisease. It IS a shame your sons married sisters butmaybe the other one is different. I kknow my sisterand I are like day and night.Try to remember "this too shall pass". It sounds likeyou'll be there for your son no matter what and thatis the most important thing. Sharon__________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 3, 2002 Report Share Posted April 3, 2002 Good choice. As much as it hurts, when it comes to your son's spouse and in-laws you've got to leave it to him to decide when enough is enough. I know it must be very difficult to sit back and watch this happen. I hope that things can smooth out between them. It is a stressful situation for all. -dz- Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote: Your right no one should disresect our child, But when they let their spouse do that to them. There is not much we can do. We told that we were always here for him if he wanted to talk. Until then all we can do is pray for him. We will not get in the middle of it, that only tears us up even more. Terry WILLIAM A WALTKE <kbwaltke@...> wrote: Greg has said the same thing. No one disrespects his mom. However no one should disrespect Greg either. I it when those tones get in the voice etc. But the deal that blew my mind was on the house.. its like what could be more disrespectful than that? It will take me a bit to get past a few issues. I love my daughter in law dearly don't get me wrong but that strikes to the very core of trust issues. I can't help but feel the way I do. No one needs to buy anyone a house without plans of making it a home together and such garbage to plant in the mind like a destructive seed. Never would I have done such of a thing to my daughterinlaw how disrespectful. I need so much to be able to spend time with my son and cherish each moment but under the circumstance we feel like we just must withdraw. What a place to be in its so painful. Re: [ ] Re: Pamela Terry, I can't imagine watching our kids being verbally abused..... Afterthe episode with my son's friend that time when she actually hit meand I showed her smart ass who was going to get the respect..... Itwasn't her thats for sure..... I was shocked that she actually hit meone time.... That was all she had the chance to do...... My youngeryears all came back and I taught her a good lesson.....She was holdingthe ice bag on her eye and face..... Imagine that..... LOL...... Nowwhen she sees me she shows me all the respect in the world........ It isa disgrace to even put me in a position like that.... When my sonrealized what was going on he pulled me up and I still had her in aheadlock pounding on her..... He really let her have it.... He told herno one disrespects his Mother... I left before it got ugly...... ;oCouldn't believe it.... If I didn't have my leather coat on she wouldhave got worse..... In a neck brace with severe pain thru my body andHep C slugging it out..... I still can't believe it...... Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 3, 2002 Report Share Posted April 3, 2002 Well said. Re: [ ] Re: Pamela , My heart goes out to you and your son... He should see thru thatwitch now, before he buys anything let alone a house..... I commend youfor keeping your composure cause I would have been in jail. I would havewhacked the hell out of the whole bunch of em.. It is bad enough wedeal with ignorance outside of our families, but his own WIFE!!!!! Heneeds to get away from her now.... But we can't live their lives forthem... Only be there to pick up the pieces when they come to us... I amhere for you whenever you need to talk.... Love ya Fluffy ;o Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 3, 2002 Report Share Posted April 3, 2002 Yes you are right there. Well some MIL's give all till hurts incredible. Others whoa!!!! LOL Re: [ ] Re: Pamela Unfortunately we cannot choose our in-laws. My ex mother-in-law was very difficult to deal with. We couldn't even get her to meet my parents before we got married. We had to change our wedding date once, because it interfered with a bowling tournament, I suppose had we not changed it, she wouldn't have come to the wedding. We finally got her and her husband (who I got along marvelously with) to my parents house to grill steaks. The grill was going and they arrived only to have her tell us that she had already eaten. It was all very upsetting to the occasion. -dz- Sharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote: It scares me to think what I'll have to deal with. Myhusband and I have 5 kids between us. Who will theymarry and what will I have to put up with. Oh well, Iget to wait and see. Try to keep in mind that you arehere getting information and support while they areout there thriving on their own ignorance about thisdisease. It IS a shame your sons married sisters butmaybe the other one is different. I kknow my sisterand I are like day and night.Try to remember "this too shall pass". It sounds likeyou'll be there for your son no matter what and thatis the most important thing. Sharon__________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 3, 2002 Report Share Posted April 3, 2002 Susy I wrote to the group telling about Mom's china cabinet, telling them about Mom leaving it to & that we were keeping that we were affraid that e would sell it or something. Terry Note: forwarded message attached. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 4, 2002 Report Share Posted April 4, 2002 Well it certainly was not a happy easter for me. Easter is such a special time for me. A really special day. This about did me under. I have not got my bearings yet. You always want to believe the best of everyone or at least I do. I am shell shocked for sure. I won't be doing this again anytime soon. Only way I know is butt out. Why does that feel like abandoning principles and hurt like I am loosing my son. Re: [ ] Re: Pamela That's a nice story, Diane. Maybe that is one thing we can gain from this disease, a better understanding of those people made to be "outcasts" in our society. Just like hcv, it doesn't matter how he got aids, it's not his fault. We have all made mistakes in our life. I am reminded of the afflicted man in a biblical story. The disciples asked Jesus whether the man's affliction was because of his sins or because of the sins of his parents. Jesus became a little angry and said that he was afflicted neither for his nor for his parents sins, but to show the glory of God and at that Jesus cured the man. It is still a fitting story today, I don't recall if the man's affliction was blindness or lameness or what, but it could just as well have been hcv or hiv or any number of problems. -dz- diane214@... wrote: Thank you so much for your heartfelt feelings on this disease ....I have a little story to tell. After my sisters funeral we all went backto her home. One man that was a friend of my sister has aids.. He hasbeen on medication and is now undetectable...... He sat in a corner andeveryone there were scathing him and not coming near him...... I went tohim and asked what he wanted on his platter and fixed it for him..... Ialso hugged him and asked how he was coming along with treatment..... Hegot this thru blood transfusions and I thought to myself.... This isprobably how everyone feels towards me too.... They were saying behindhis back...."What's he doing here?" I said to them...("The same thingyou are doing here... Paying his respects") I think that this wastotally ignorant!!!! He wasn't drooling over the food or doing anythingto hurt anyone....... This is just the ignorance of our society.......My niece used to work at a very nice diner.... The 2nd week she workedthere she came home an told me almost every waitress that worked therewas on heroine.... On break they shot up in the bathroom or went out totheir cars.... After she told me this I looked at them closely and sureenough I could see in their eyes that they were high as a kite.... Thesepeople fix our plates and place our silverware on the tables.... Touchour rolls and don't wash their hands.. Now think about that one.... Wejust never know what is out there and who is doing what ever........ Atleast I had disposable plates, forks ad etc. at my sistersgathering...... At a diner you eat from everyone and I have seen somenasty silverware in public...... Just something to ponder....... you are a doll..... A Mama Lioness........ A Fluffy One at that........LOL..... Thanks for sharing your feelings......... We are all scared atthe future just as you are for your son....... Sending a ((((( HUGE HUGTO YOU )))))) Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 4, 2002 Report Share Posted April 4, 2002 Now that would be priceless.... Re: [ ] Re: Pamela That story just brings out the worst in me. I havebeen so lucky to have a VERY supportive family andin-laws. It has to make you want to tell your son tocome home where people love and care for him. Myhusband would throw HIS family out of the house ifthey treated me like that. Sharon--- WILLIAM A WALTKE <kbwaltke@...> wrote:> Oh Terry we are not tough loving Greg, we are> rejecting the way he is treated> by his inlaws they show him zero and less respect> now.> We have a very hard time with that. As sad as it> sounds his wife> has that certain edge in her voice now too IE when> we got there> Greg was cleaning and vacumming and such and she was> fussing with her hair> Something was said about something and she says Greg> didn't I tell you to do> that and he said I did take care of it. Edge in> voice she starts up he says> After all I have done yesterday and today I don't> think you want to nag.> Enter stage left inlaws. Her mom says Oh you> have just a marvelous> job she beams saying Yes I did.... Greg head down> went outside and just> stood there. Then later on sincethey are ready to> make an offer on a house> as his wife is demanding a house period. They> wanted to show us the house> The father in law had the audacity to say well I> think this is the one and you get in the house. > Then get> rid of him. I don't think he saw me there. I said> she may wish to keep him around considering he out> earns> her over two to one. He says she will get food> stamps and support and with> that she could probably do the house on her own.> Well I said Greg> did you know your father in law wants you gone and> her in the house,.> He said he has made that point quite clear yes he> has.... See what I mean> Happy easter to us. Sad part is our only two sons> are married to their only> two daughters. our oldest son ended up in the> ER this weekend chest pain> they took blood and he told them to test for the Hep> while they were at it. He> has a tattoo too same period of time same Tattoo> shop. So he is thinking good time to test.> That got brought up and the father in law said oh> to see if you can ruin my> other daughters life like that joker. Bill and I> will not be back till issues are> resolved and our son has things resolved so that we> are not made to feel> like this it was worse than awful. Things always> had seemed fine and Greg was the good> guy doing alright by all till the diagnosis now he> is treated pretty shabby all in all.> I think I saw in the last couple weekends many> reasons why he is treating this with> denial. Bill and I are furious he does not seem to> have the self esteem right now> to resolve this. He just shuffles off head down and> yet we know we can't be> guilty of interference but all in all he does> deserve better treatment I think so anyway.> > > __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 4, 2002 Report Share Posted April 4, 2002 I keep going over it and over it in my mind to make sure that somehow nothing was said or done that would have invited this kind of thing. I sure cant find it. I know about the eyes .... yes I do. Re: [ ] Re: Pamela That's a nice story, Diane. Maybe that is one thing we can gain from this disease, a better understanding of those people made to be "outcasts" in our society. Just like hcv, it doesn't matter how he got aids, it's not his fault. We have all made mistakes in our life. I am reminded of the afflicted man in a biblical story. The disciples asked Jesus whether the man's affliction was because of his sins or because of the sins of his parents. Jesus became a little angry and said that he was afflicted neither for his nor for his parents sins, but to show the glory of God and at that Jesus cured the man. It is still a fitting story today, I don't recall if the man's affliction was blindness or lameness or what, but it could just as well have been hcv or hiv or any number of problems. -dz- diane214@... wrote: Thank you so much for your heartfelt feelings on this disease ....I have a little story to tell. After my sisters funeral we all went backto her home. One man that was a friend of my sister has aids.. He hasbeen on medication and is now undetectable...... He sat in a corner andeveryone there were scathing him and not coming near him...... I went tohim and asked what he wanted on his platter and fixed it for him..... Ialso hugged him and asked how he was coming along with treatment..... Hegot this thru blood transfusions and I thought to myself.... This isprobably how everyone feels towards me too.... They were saying behindhis back...."What's he doing here?" I said to them...("The same thingyou are doing here... Paying his respects") I think that this wastotally ignorant!!!! He wasn't drooling over the food or doing anythingto hurt anyone....... This is just the ignorance of our society.......My niece used to work at a very nice diner.... The 2nd week she workedthere she came home an told me almost every waitress that worked therewas on heroine.... On break they shot up in the bathroom or went out totheir cars.... After she told me this I looked at them closely and sureenough I could see in their eyes that they were high as a kite.... Thesepeople fix our plates and place our silverware on the tables.... Touchour rolls and don't wash their hands.. Now think about that one.... Wejust never know what is out there and who is doing what ever........ Atleast I had disposable plates, forks ad etc. at my sistersgathering...... At a diner you eat from everyone and I have seen somenasty silverware in public...... Just something to ponder....... you are a doll..... A Mama Lioness........ A Fluffy One at that........LOL..... Thanks for sharing your feelings......... We are all scared atthe future just as you are for your son....... Sending a ((((( HUGE HUGTO YOU )))))) Angel Hugs, DianeMay Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 5, 2002 Report Share Posted April 5, 2002 I was that way with women for a long time after my divorce. My relationships were very shallow for a long time after that. I guess I got over it at least enough to get married. I still have problems with trust issues now and then. I know it's wrong to judge other women by what my ex-wife did, but avoiding it is easier said than done. -dz- -- I know thew shell-shocked syndrome as I was raised with it.. had a very dysfunctional family-- it wasn't to bad til I became a teenager... from that time on I was literally blown outta my socks so many times & liberally arded!!!!! It has taken a very long time to get over last hell was dropped on me ( & Ken) less than 2 yrs ago. It has been very hard to get 'close' with anyone anymore!! Sure to be that way..... as I'm typically a fun-loving type of person...... but at times I'm very leery & feel distrust to many people when I first meet other words I'm on my guard!! Some people though I just mix with very well...... I can kinda read the eyes...if you know what I mean arlene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 6, 2002 Report Share Posted April 6, 2002 Ok no one said Happy Birthday Jan..What's up with that///Got away for a few miserable days and yall forgot about me or what??? LOLOLOLOL.....I spent it in the damn hosp of all places..Glad to be back and bitchin though....So did yall miss me???? LOL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 6, 2002 Report Share Posted April 6, 2002 Jan, I didn't know it was your birthday. It stinks spending your birthday in a Hosp. You better belive we missed you. WECOME BACK! Terry Jannewilms42@... wrote: Ok no one said Happy Birthday Jan..What's up with that///Got away for a few miserable days and yall forgot about me or what??? LOLOLOLOL.....I spent it in the damn hosp of all places..Glad to be back and bitchin though....So did yall miss me???? LOL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 6, 2002 Report Share Posted April 6, 2002 Happy Birthday Jan,...... sorry I missed it ... Oh I am glad to have you back. Oh heck yes we missed ya terrible much bad and some more. Hugs Fluffy Re: [ ] Re: Pamela Ok no one said Happy Birthday Jan..What's up with that///Got away for a few miserable days and yall forgot about me or what??? LOLOLOLOL.....I spent it in the damn hosp of all places..Glad to be back and bitchin though....So did yall miss me???? LOL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 6, 2002 Report Share Posted April 6, 2002 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sharon --- Jannewilms42@... wrote: > Ok no one said Happy Birthday Jan..What's up with > that///Got away for a few > miserable days and yall forgot about me or what??? > LOLOLOLOL.....I spent it > in the damn hosp of all places..Glad to be back and > bitchin though....So did > yall miss me???? LOL > __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 7, 2002 Report Share Posted April 7, 2002 Happy Birthday! 16 candles? -dz- Jannewilms42@... wrote: Ok no one said Happy Birthday Jan..What's up with that///Got away for a few miserable days and yall forgot about me or what??? LOLOLOLOL.....I spent it in the damn hosp of all places..Glad to be back and bitchin though....So did yall miss me???? LOL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 8, 2002 Report Share Posted April 8, 2002 Thanks Sharon Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 8, 2002 Report Share Posted April 8, 2002 Yea dz 16 candles will do it!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 8, 2002 Report Share Posted April 8, 2002 I heard that 16 will get you 20. -dz- Jannewilms42@... wrote: Yea dz 16 candles will do it!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 9, 2002 Report Share Posted April 9, 2002 dz I can't ever remember having a 16..Thank goodness!!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 8, 2002 Report Share Posted June 8, 2002 Pamela…I’m on a group called surviving pain. It’s a friendly group of women dealing with all kinds of pain…there is one other person on the list with hep c….you are welcome to join us if you would like……..would you like me to have the monitor to send you a welcome. We all write back and forth all day……judy -----Original Message----- From: Pamela Rae Davey [mailto:pdavey@...] Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 1:25 PM Hepatitis C Subject: RE: Terri Thanks that would be great. Tell me how do people find other people to email to. Do you make friends at the hepatitis c groups and how do you get there. I hope you will be my friend also. Still waiting for my medication my viral load is higher now and been on the list for 3 months. God Bless Pamela -------Original Message------- From: Hepatitis C Date: Friday, June 07, 2002 07:34:43 PM Hepatitis C Subject: RE: Terri If I find out anything I'll be sure to let you know...... Thanks Pamela Love Terri Pamela Rae Davey <pdavey@...> wrote: hi terri No I didn't watch it. But if you find out let me know. I have emailed 20/20 and The View about our status. The research and the dreaded LIST.. I hope to hear that they take action.. God Bless Pamela Davey -------Original Message------- From: Hepatitis C Date: Friday, June 07, 2002 05:46:37 PM Hepatitis C Subject: RE: Terri It really makes me mad to see what these doctors (I'm not talking all) get away with.....I give them all the credit in the world for going to school and learning and treating patients, and hopefully curing. So many times though you see $$$$$$$ instead of the care. I know patients out number doctors, but it is no excuse to pawn us off. I would much rather have the doctor tell me (He-She) is way to busy and maybe I need to see someone else. Brain Fog is setting in again, (actually I don't think it ever left) but someone told me that there was a special on T.V. the other night on Hep-C and it's victems. I wish I would have watched. If anyone did, Please let me know what the program covered. Take Care Everyone, Love Terri Judy Mckee <tmckee@...> wrote: Would you believe this specialist charges $135 for an office visit of about 15 minutes? He has done nothing my family doctor couldn’t do and wasted a lot of time also….judy Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. Do You ? Sign-up for Video Highlights of 2002 FIFA World Cup Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. Do You ? Sign-up for Video Highlights of 2002 FIFA World Cup Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. Your use of is subject to the Terms of Service. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 8, 2002 Report Share Posted June 8, 2002 Yeah sure that would be great! Is it a chat room! How do I get there? Sablerae -- RE: Terri It really makes me mad to see what these doctors (I'm not talking all) get away with.....I give them all the credit in the world for going to school and learning and treating patients, and hopefully curing. So many times though you see $$$$$$$ instead of the care. I know patients out number doctors, but it is no excuse to pawn us off. I would much rather have the doctor tell me (He-She) is way to busy and maybe I need to see someone else. Brain Fog is setting in again, (actually I don't think it ever left) but someone told me that there was a special on T.V. the other night on Hep-C and it's victems. I wish I would have watched. If anyone did, Please let me know what the program covered. Take Care Everyone, Love Terri Judy Mckee <tmckee@...> wrote: Would you believe this specialist charges $135 for an office visit of about 15 minutes? He has done nothing my family doctor couldn’t do and wasted a lot of time also….judy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 8, 2002 Report Share Posted June 8, 2002 hi everyone, wow I opened my email site and there are 41 letters....made my eyes blink a Hope everyone is doing as best as they can, as for me I am still having lots of unexplained pain and tiredness...not bad for a so called inactive hep c person huh? I've got to find a way for my doctor to get to the bottom of this. anyway hang in there everyone.... mitakui oyasin (we are all related) Judy Mckee <tmckee@...> wrote: Pamela…I’m on a group called surviving pain. It’s a friendly group of women dealing with all kinds of pain…there is one other person on the list with hep c….you are welcome to join us if you would like……..would you like me to have the monitor to send you a welcome. We all write back and forth all day……judy RE: Terri It really makes me mad to see what these doctors (I'm not talking all) get away with.....I give them all the credit in the world for going to school and learning and treating patients, and hopefully curing. So many times though you see $$$$$$$ instead of the care. I know patients out number doctors, but it is no excuse to pawn us off. I would much rather have the doctor tell me (He-She) is way to busy and maybe I need to see someone else. Brain Fog is setting in again, (actually I don't think it ever left) but someone told me that there was a special on T.V. the other night on Hep-C and it's victems. I wish I would have watched. If anyone did, Please let me know what the program covered. Take Care Everyone, Love Terri Judy Mckee <tmckee@...> wrote: Would you believe this specialist charges $135 for an office visit of about 15 minutes? He has done nothing my family doctor couldn’t do and wasted a lot of time also….judy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 12, 2002 Report Share Posted June 12, 2002 Hi Hanna, I too am waiting for treatment it is sooooo frustrating I have been waiting now 11 weeks. Next week will be the 12th. They said between 10-12 weeks. I'm afraid too. I am a school teacher and I wanted to get this on the ball while i'm out for summer. I have an 11 year old son also. He has HCV also. He is having a biospy next week. There is another site I go to for information Many people there with hepatitis C There is also a doctor who posts there to any questions that you may have. I have learned a lot. They are really supportive. But then again so are you guys. I'm so glad to meet you. I hope you stay well. Friends forever, Pamela Rae/Sablelovely P.S. Sable is my cocker spanials name lol........ -- Pamela Hey, How are you? I,m o.k. No I haven,t started treatment yet,but my Doc is getting ready to get it started. See, I know nothing about all of this stuff really. I didn,t knoe you had to be on a waiting list or that there is a hard time getting the meds. He told me It was time to start my treatment now that my other health problems are ouy of the way. I have that breast disease you know, and I have had colen problems. Plus I just had a hysterectomy and an apendectomty due to ovarian cyst and tons of scarring all over my female organs and my appendix. Now I,m worried listening to you guys, and I,m thinking I may never get my medicine. I sure hope things work out for me and I get better. Thats all I care about. I have a child to raise along with all these animals. Write me soon, Much Love Hanna/oceaneyes38 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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