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Re: Banned from Breast Implants 4 You Forum

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Those forums are financed by the implant industry . . . There's no way they want anyone to know the downside! . . . Anybody who thinks they are finding "friends" there, are sorely deluded. I could spend and hour telling you about my experience with 's group . . . I lost my ISP because I was sending information to women asking for help! . . . They messed with my computer, etc. etc. etc. Once they've identified you as a "troublemaker" . .. stay away . . . they can mess up your computer! Rogene

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Isn't that amazing? They do the same thing on 's positive implant site. You can't say one bad word about implants to anyone who thinks they are the best thing around. You get totally blasted out of there! Pattyjtaylor813 <jtaylor813@...> wrote: Hey everybody. I went on breast implants 4 you forum at the beginning of the week before making my decision to cancel my procedure. So, today I went on there in a very kind way to tell anyone who would listen that they should

come here to see what you all are saying about the issue. I was kicked off. Truly sad. Pray for them, and that someone heeded what I said before they erased it all.

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That's funny, Dawn, because I actually used your letter to as

reference when writing to them. So, they heard from you again even

though they kicked you off!


> I used to be a member there. The same thing happened to me. Same


> story.


> Dawn


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Well thank you for making that happen.

It's kind of a silencing virus, ain't it? It's infected that whole


I'm at a point where I am having trouble processing the information I

have been learning --

from surgeon's reactions, to their secretaries' reactions, to my

neighbors' reactions ( getting implants anyway, regardless of the many

links and emails I have sent from this forum), to what I am now learning

about the FDA, to the desperate women who are coming to this forum to

help them resist getting implants, to the impact that my letter to

has made ( I have received a lot of emails about that little post!) to

getting kicked off of " Yes They're Fake " and the silencing attempts that

go on everywhere, and to the idea of being labeled positive for " psych "

because I went to a doctor with symptoms that challenge his limited

understanding of allopathic medicine.

I am starting to see pieces of the big picture and I need to sit back

and assimilate it. It has far larger implications than each of us

getting over our personal implant fiascos. (I am not saying that that

is anyone's attitude -- I am just trying to say that I am opening up my

eyes to more than my own experience).

It's frustrating in the way that people get frustrated when they are

about to make a learning breakthrough -- they have the pieces and can

put part of the puzzle together, but they can't...



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Dawn . .. You really summed the situation up well . . . This mess destroys our faith in what we thought was real . . . advertising, the medical profession, medications, health care, trust, government, etc. . . I know my view of the world around compeltely! . . . I see people differently than I did before . . . I feel deeply for all the people who are suffering - for many reasons. . . war, poverty, abuse, illness, lack of education and opportunity. While some people reap the results of their actions, most people are just doing the best they can to cope with the fallout of living in this crazy mixed up world where black can be white, and what you see is often an illusion. Just don't let this become stressful . . . that will only hurt you. That's when you have to reach down inside your being and ask that God will give you the

guidance to get you though . . . The wonderful news is that He will do it! God Bless! Rogene

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I was so upset and afraid and crying for help and they were down right hateful to me. I'd love to go back now or after I have reports from Dr Kolb and tell them I wasn't crazy and I was / am sick. They were nasty hateful women and I pray they never need help or get as sick as I have .

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My sister has a friend who was getting implants, and my sister told

her about all the problems I had, how sick I became, etc., and the

friend refused to listen. I was just at a picnic yesterday and saw

my sister's friend and noticed she had gotten implants (I confirmed

it with my sister). My sister said she got them over the winter,

but wasn't having any problems. I told my sister that not everyone

gets sick right away like I did (within weeks), sometimes it takes a

few years, and some people never have problems - but this girl has

endometriosis like I did (until I went into early menopause), so she

obviously has some type of immune system issues. Just hoping that

she never gets sick, but in the event she does, I'll be there to


I'm actually surprised the pro-implant sites haven't kicked me off

yet, because I do occasionally go there to offer help - however I

generally approach it like " some women have problems " and " others

don't " , but I generally tell someone who is asking specifically

about immune problems to e-mail me and if they do, I tell them my

story, and I direct them to this site.


--- In , Dawnsusan <dawnsusan@...>



> Well thank you for making that happen.


> It's kind of a silencing virus, ain't it? It's infected that whole

> community.


> I'm at a point where I am having trouble processing the

information I

> have been learning --

> from surgeon's reactions, to their secretaries' reactions, to my

> neighbors' reactions ( getting implants anyway, regardless of the


> links and emails I have sent from this forum), to what I am now


> about the FDA, to the desperate women who are coming to this forum


> help them resist getting implants, to the impact that my letter to

> has made ( I have received a lot of emails about that little

post!) to

> getting kicked off of " Yes They're Fake " and the silencing

attempts that

> go on everywhere, and to the idea of being labeled positive

for " psych "

> because I went to a doctor with symptoms that challenge his


> understanding of allopathic medicine.


> I am starting to see pieces of the big picture and I need to sit


> and assimilate it. It has far larger implications than each of


> getting over our personal implant fiascos. (I am not saying that


> is anyone's attitude -- I am just trying to say that I am opening

up my

> eyes to more than my own experience).


> It's frustrating in the way that people get frustrated when they


> about to make a learning breakthrough -- they have the pieces and


> put part of the puzzle together, but they can't...

> quite....get....the....whole....thing.


> Dawn


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