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Re: My conversation with Benson . . . FDA public liason for medical devices

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He's got another one out called "More Natural Cures Revealed" and this one contains a very comprehensive list of detox procedures and website links for products more complete than the last one. I bought it for my husband in case something ever happens to me, so that he would have a very succinct and concise place to find detailed info about our detox lifestyle. We do alot right now, but he usually follows my lead, and this gives him his own resource. I haven't read it yet, but I assume it has the same discussion the first one did. I mainly bought it for the chapters listing all the detoxing methods out there and links to pages that provide the products if needed. Actually, that chapter is called "The Uncensored, Original Infamous "Chapter Six"", which I assume is Chapter 6 in his original book, but with all the stuff the government censored out of it. PattyLeyna <leyna1964@...> wrote: Rogene,Read "Natural Cures they don't want you to know about"by Trudeau-you'll realize then how crooked theFDA, the medical industry, the pharmaceuticalindustry, the American Diabetes Association, theCancer Foundation, etc. etc. etc. is....here's thecheapest I found the book...this book will blow yourmind-you won't be able to put it down,and it will makeyou sick, how these agencies do us!http://www.asseenontvandmore.com/bcuthdowayou.html--- Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote:> I sent a message to Benson> <cynthia.bensonfda (DOT) hhs.gov> this morning expressing> my grave concern about what's happening to the women> who are getting breast implants, and their> offspring.> > She was gracious enough to call me, and to listen> to me vent . . . For that, I thank her.> > Basically, speaking for the FDA, this is what she> told me:> > Consumers are assumed to be knowledgeable> consumers because, with the Internet, most people> are assumed to have the ability to check whatever> devices are to be used for themselves. . . The FDA> is not

responsible for decisions people make . ..> The FDA is NOT going to protect people from faulty> devices. . . .Yes, DEVICES. She told me that they> receive calls from people suffering from all kinds> of devices. Many are very sick. She tells me that> 50% of the people who call the FDA call to tell them> how happy they are, and how glad they have access to> whatever device they have. . . > > Her job is to take the punches (my word) - She can> do nothing. > > I told her about the sick children . . . She told> me that the SICK implant women and their children> have been studied, and no connection with implants> has been found . . . She did not give me the name of> those doing the studies of sick women and children,> or tell me who is funding the studies . . . If> anyone knows, please let us know! . . .She had no> explanation for why women get

much better after> getting their implants removed. > > What I find interesting is that the Bush> administration is trying to get legislation enacted> that, if a device is approved by the FDA, the> consumer will have NO recourse! . .. > > It makes one wonder what the FDA's role is . . . I> guess I'm stupid! . . At one time the words "FDA> approved" meant that the product had been tested and> was safe. When products were found to be unsafe, the> FDA stepped in to protect the public. > > I suggested that they change the name of the FDA> to "Buyer Beware" . . . That certainly is the> position the FDA is taking, as she relayed it to me.> I'm heartsick!> > Why am I not surprised? . . . this is the message> we've been getting from the FDA for years! . . . > > Rogene> > >


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So much for what Benson told me . . . That "Americans want Freedom of to choose" . . . Yeah . .. freedom to enrich the pockets of those who the FDA wants to get the money! Disgusting! Rogene Leyna <leyna1964@...> wrote: Oh, how sad about that woman's business!Yeah, there are cures out there, but they will NEVERbe known-it's up to us to find them for ourselves,

bytrial and error.Did you read that story in the news recently aboutthat 16 year old boy who has cancer, and, after 3months of chemo, he decided that he wants to go toMexico for some alternative help, eating only organicfoods and taking supplements, etc.....He made the huge mistake of telling his doctor abouthis decision, and the doctor went straight to the FDAand social services, who stepped in and are FORCINGhim to return to taking chemo, they have "forbid" himto leave the country, and he now may be taken awayfrom his parents by social services!Yeah, and all because the FDA probably knows thatthere is a natural cure for his cancer, and they dont'want it to get out!If something MAKES us sick, then then FDA lovesthat-more money for them when people have to buy yetmore medicines to help their increasing symptoms!GRRRRRR!!!--- Sunny <wellnessnowhotmail> wrote:> Rogene & Leyna - It's unbelievable how far they'll> go...I used to work > with a herbalist, ex-nurse who was in a serious car> accident and was in > a wheelchair. She was told by the MD that she would> never walk again. > Being stubborn and perservering, she took herbology> and concocted a > brown, looking syrupy formula she called Omeda,that> was very incredibly > healing! She not only got better and walked, but> she was helping AIDS > patients, and alot of First Nations people who were> being abused by the > Medical System. I saw first hand an AIDS patient> bloodwork change > within months. Then she told him he had to go and> public speak at high > schools! She was quite the lady...very abrupt and> aggressive, in a > loving way. She

had a do or die attitude.> > She was forced to move out of her home 3x in a> couple of years, because > they wanted to shut her down. She was very vocal> about "curing" people > not just helping symptoms. No, no, no! We can't> say that!> > Keep up the good fight, and you're right,> Rogene...we must keep > speaking and petitioning. I'm looking into starting> a petition here in > Canada to present to the FDA.> > Love & Healing to all of you,> > Sunny :)> > > >> > Oh Leyna . . . I know! . . . > > > > There' s so much money at stake, they're going> to kill as many > people as necessary to get it! . . . Trudeau has it> right!>

> > > I told Ms. Benson that I hope the day comes when> the people > responsible for this mess end up in prison! . .. > > > > Regardless, we have to keep speaking up . . .> Otherwise, they think > we're happy with the toxic bags!> > > > Hugs,> > > > Rogene> >> > > > > > __________________________________________________

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Actually, 's second book you mentioned actually

DOES contain a few " cures " ...the first book pretty

much just directed people to his website, where they

have to pay to join his website to learn the cures. I

skimmed through it at work one night, and it mentioned

Flaxseed and Coconut Oil to be a couple of very good

things to take. I took both daily, but recently cut

out the coconut oil, as it was too expensive, and it

made me very tired and sluggish all the time-but it is

great for your face!

--- Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:

> He's got another one out called " More Natural Cures

> Revealed " and this one contains a very comprehensive

> list of detox procedures and website links for

> products more complete than the last one. I bought

> it for my husband in case something ever happens to

> me, so that he would have a very succinct and

> concise place to find detailed info about our detox

> lifestyle. We do alot right now, but he usually

> follows my lead, and this gives him his own

> resource.


> I haven't read it yet, but I assume it has the

> same discussion the first one did. I mainly bought

> it for the chapters listing all the detoxing methods

> out there and links to pages that provide the

> products if needed.


> Actually, that chapter is called " The Uncensored,

> Original Infamous " Chapter Six " " , which I assume is

> Chapter 6 in his original book, but with all the

> stuff the government censored out of it.


> Patty


> Leyna <leyna1964@...> wrote:

> Rogene,


> Read " Natural Cures they don't want you to know

> about "

> by Trudeau-you'll realize then how crooked the

> FDA, the medical industry, the pharmaceutical

> industry, the American Diabetes Association, the

> Cancer Foundation, etc. etc. etc. is....here's the

> cheapest I found the book...this book will blow your

> mind-you won't be able to put it down,and it will

> make

> you sick, how these agencies do us!

> http://www.asseenontvandmore.com/bcuthdowayou.html


> --- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:


> > I sent a message to Benson

> > <cynthia.benson@...> this morning

> expressing

> > my grave concern about what's happening to the

> women

> > who are getting breast implants, and their

> > offspring.

> >

> > She was gracious enough to call me, and to listen

> > to me vent . . . For that, I thank her.

> >

> > Basically, speaking for the FDA, this is what she

> > told me:

> >

> > Consumers are assumed to be knowledgeable

> > consumers because, with the Internet, most people

> > are assumed to have the ability to check whatever

> > devices are to be used for themselves. . . The FDA

> > is not responsible for decisions people make . ..

> > The FDA is NOT going to protect people from faulty

> > devices. . . .Yes, DEVICES. She told me that they

> > receive calls from people suffering from all kinds

> > of devices. Many are very sick. She tells me that

> > 50% of the people who call the FDA call to tell

> them

> > how happy they are, and how glad they have access

> to

> > whatever device they have. . .

> >

> > Her job is to take the punches (my word) - She can

> > do nothing.

> >

> > I told her about the sick children . . . She told

> > me that the SICK implant women and their children

> > have been studied, and no connection with implants

> > has been found . . . She did not give me the name

> of

> > those doing the studies of sick women and

> children,

> > or tell me who is funding the studies . . . If

> > anyone knows, please let us know! . . .She had no

> > explanation for why women get much better after

> > getting their implants removed.

> >

> > What I find interesting is that the Bush

> > administration is trying to get legislation

> enacted

> > that, if a device is approved by the FDA, the

> > consumer will have NO recourse! . ..

> >

> > It makes one wonder what the FDA's role is . . . I

> > guess I'm stupid! . . At one time the words " FDA

> > approved " meant that the product had been tested

> and

> > was safe. When products were found to be unsafe,

> the

> > FDA stepped in to protect the public.

> >

> > I suggested that they change the name of the FDA

> > to " Buyer Beware " . . . That certainly is the

> > position the FDA is taking, as she relayed it to

> me.

> > I'm heartsick!

> >

> > Why am I not surprised? . . . this is the message

> > we've been getting from the FDA for years! . . .

> >

> > Rogene

> >

> >

> >


> __________________________________________________


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