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Re: My conversation with a plastic surgeon about explants

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Bummer, Leyna, Well, that is no surprise, that is how it usually goes, unfortunately. Except that your closing line was great! You've got it right girl! I am sorry that this search for a good explanting surgeon is going to be difficult for you. Most of us have had to travel. It's not really fun, but it is a necessity sometimes. It's got to be done right. I hope you can find someone close that is very knowledgeable and skilled, but if not,you may want to consider some of the experts that we KNOW will do it right. And you can live in peace with your decision. Hugs,Pattyleyna1964 <leyna1964@...> wrote: Ok, on the advice of Rogene, I contacted a plastic surgeon in my areato ask some questions about getting my implants removed. The doctorwas.....DR. ROBERT WALLACE, P/S,U T Medical Group-Plastic Surgery,910 Madison Avenue, Suite 525,Memphis, TN 38103-3470,1-901-347-8290Here was my conversation....Me: Hi-I'd like to have my explants removed because I'm having a lotof health problems that I believe are caused by my implants. I've beendiagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Raynaud'ssyndrome, I've got bad memory problems now, horrid one-sided headachesthat don't respond to aspirin, and pain in my breasts and chest thathas caused me to go to the emergency room. My Mom had breast cancer atmy

age, and I really want to have mine taken out. I'm read a lot ofinformation online about the dangers of implants, as well as joined aSaline Support group and have talked to lots of women with the samesymptoms.... Will my insurance cover this?Nurse: Well, first off...no, your insurance will NOT cover explants,any more than it will cover implants. Two-saline implants are VERYsafe-I've had mine for 11 years with NO problems at all. You cannotbelieve everything you hear, and you certainly can't believe ANYTHINGyou read online. Fibromyalgia and your other problems are NOT causedby implants, believe me! We can do the explants if that's what youwant, but your skin will be all stretched out and you WILL bedeformed. As for the surgery, if you still want to do it, will costaround $7,000 UPFRONT, and that's with no lift. I would think twiceabout this if I were you-saline implants are VERY safe!Me: Ok, thanks so much for

your time-but remember our conversationwhen YOU start having Fibro and other weird symptoms yourself! Bye!*sigh*

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Leyna . . . I'm sorry your conversation with his receptionist didn't go well . .. But, catch your breath for a minute . . . Don't give up on him! . . . Because he comes recommended by Dr. Shanklin, I'd give him a chance to talk to you! . . . His receptionist can believe whatever makes her happy! He doesn't have to believe that implants are dangerous . . . All he has to do is to remove them properly . . . and respect your desire to do so. Virtually all plastic surgeons are placing breast implants . .. Let's face it, it's a cash cow! . .. The price you were quoted is in line with what most surgeons charge . .. a bit higher than some, lots cheaper than others . . . Considering that you wouldn't have to travel, it would probably be the best price you can get. We're talking about

finding a doctor who has the skills to help you and to do it right. That's all that matters. You're not going to make a convert out of him! . . . Unless a miracle happens (although that has happened) . . . Take a deep breath . . . and call for an appointment . . . Wait to see how you feel about the doctor before you make a decision. Sometimes, when a doctor sees how sick a woman is, they've been known to cut their price - Let's pray for the best! Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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Sandy . .. I'd suggest mentioning that Dr. Shanklin recommended him! Rogene Sandy Verticelli <dusty.com@...> wrote: If you don't mind I want to call that nurse and tell her my symptoms Just for her records.. and I wont mention your phone call I will be saying I live in Memphis,

TN if need be Just want to see if my insurance will pay since I am crippled from implants and all my other symptoms to. The medical field needs to be more educated, Forget making a buck and start saving these woman and children I will mention that to her to...Geeez My plastic surgeons wife saids she was also implanted I

am starting to wonder if this is a sales pitch ? She also said.... You cannot believe anything you read online. They did say they would remove the capsules and scar tissue But with their way of thinking with no open mind My life is in their hands I am to crippled to travel to Dr.Kolb I hardly can dress myself since saline breast implantation Sandy Ok, on the advice of Rogene, I contacted a plastic surgeon in my areato ask some questions about getting my implants removed. The doctorwas.....DR. ROBERT WALLACE, P/S,U T Medical Group-Plastic Surgery,910 Madison Avenue, Suite 525,Memphis, TN 38103-3470,1-901-347-8290Here was my conversation....Me: Hi-I'd like to have my explants removed because I'm having a lotof health problems that I believe are caused by my implants. I've beendiagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Raynaud'ssyndrome, I've got bad memory problems now, horrid one-sided headachesthat don't respond to aspirin, and pain in my breasts and chest thathas caused me to go to the emergency room. My Mom had breast cancer atmy age, and I really want to have mine taken out. I'm read a lot ofinformation online about the dangers of

implants, as well as joined aSaline Support group and have talked to lots of women with the samesymptoms.... Will my insurance cover this?Nurse: Well, first off...no, your insurance will NOT cover explants,any more than it will cover implants. Two-saline implants are VERYsafe-I've had mine for 11 years with NO problems at all. You cannotbelieve everything you hear, and you certainly can't believe ANYTHINGyou read online. Fibromyalgia and your other problems are NOT causedby implants, believe me! We can do the explants if that's what youwant, but your skin will be all stretched out and you WILL bedeformed. As for the surgery, if you still want to do it, will costaround $7,000 UPFRONT, and that's with no lift. I would think twiceabout this if I were you-saline implants are VERY safe!Me: Ok, thanks so much for your time-but remember our conversationwhen YOU start having Fibro and other weird symptoms yourself!


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Good job Leyna, I am so proud of you. By the way I got 60% of the cost of explant reimbursed by my health insurance. I would have gotten 80% if I had chosen someone within network to do the surgery. However, I wanted someone not like what you experienced, so I went to Dr. Feng. That nurse is totally wrong. I don't looked deformed at all either. I look just like I did before implants except now I have big scars in the crease. Keep looking my dear, you will find someone who will believe you. leyna1964 <leyna1964@...> wrote: Ok, on the advice of Rogene, I contacted a plastic surgeon in my areato ask some questions about getting my implants removed. The doctorwas.....DR. ROBERT WALLACE, P/S,U T Medical Group-Plastic Surgery,910 Madison Avenue, Suite 525,Memphis, TN 38103-3470,1-901-347-8290Here was my conversation....Me: Hi-I'd like to have my explants removed because I'm having a lotof health problems that I believe are caused by my implants. I've beendiagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Raynaud'ssyndrome, I've got bad memory problems now, horrid one-sided headachesthat don't respond to aspirin, and pain in my breasts and chest thathas caused me to go to the emergency room. My Mom had breast cancer atmy age, and I really want to have mine taken out. I'm read a lot

ofinformation online about the dangers of implants, as well as joined aSaline Support group and have talked to lots of women with the samesymptoms.... Will my insurance cover this?Nurse: Well, first off...no, your insurance will NOT cover explants,any more than it will cover implants. Two-saline implants are VERYsafe-I've had mine for 11 years with NO problems at all. You cannotbelieve everything you hear, and you certainly can't believe ANYTHINGyou read online. Fibromyalgia and your other problems are NOT causedby implants, believe me! We can do the explants if that's what youwant, but your skin will be all stretched out and you WILL bedeformed. As for the surgery, if you still want to do it, will costaround $7,000 UPFRONT, and that's with no lift. I would think twiceabout this if I were you-saline implants are VERY safe!Me: Ok, thanks so much for your time-but remember our conversationwhen YOU start

having Fibro and other weird symptoms yourself! Bye!*sigh*

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Does this Dr. Wallace have a website? If he does, I wonder if his nurse suggests we believe what is states about him or his staff.Sandy Verticelli <dusty.com@...> wrote: If you don't mind I want to call that nurse and tell her my symptoms Just for her records.. and I wont mention your phone call I will be saying I live in Memphis,

TN if need be Just want to see if my insurance will pay since I am crippled from implants and all my other symptoms to. The medical field needs to be more educated, Forget making a buck and start saving these woman and children I will mention that to her to...Geeez My plastic surgeons wife saids she was also implanted I

am starting to wonder if this is a sales pitch ? She also said.... You cannot believe anything you read online. They did say they would remove the capsules and scar tissue But with their way of thinking with no open mind My life is in their hands I am to crippled to travel to Dr.Kolb I hardly can dress myself since saline breast implantation Sandy Ok, on the advice of Rogene, I contacted a plastic surgeon in my areato ask some questions about getting my implants removed. The doctorwas.....DR. ROBERT WALLACE, P/S,U T Medical Group-Plastic Surgery,910 Madison Avenue, Suite 525,Memphis, TN 38103-3470,1-901-347-8290Here was my conversation....Me: Hi-I'd like to have my explants removed because I'm having a lotof health problems that I believe are caused by my implants. I've beendiagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Raynaud'ssyndrome, I've got bad memory problems now, horrid one-sided headachesthat don't respond to aspirin, and pain in my breasts and chest thathas caused me to go to the emergency room. My Mom had breast cancer atmy age, and I really want to have mine taken out. I'm read a lot ofinformation online about the dangers of

implants, as well as joined aSaline Support group and have talked to lots of women with the samesymptoms.... Will my insurance cover this?Nurse: Well, first off...no, your insurance will NOT cover explants,any more than it will cover implants. Two-saline implants are VERYsafe-I've had mine for 11 years with NO problems at all. You cannotbelieve everything you hear, and you certainly can't believe ANYTHINGyou read online. Fibromyalgia and your other problems are NOT causedby implants, believe me! We can do the explants if that's what youwant, but your skin will be all stretched out and you WILL bedeformed. As for the surgery, if you still want to do it, will costaround $7,000 UPFRONT, and that's with no lift. I would think twiceabout this if I were you-saline implants are VERY safe!Me: Ok, thanks so much for your time-but remember our conversationwhen YOU start having Fibro and other weird symptoms yourself!


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Wow. That conversation sounds very familar! I wonder if they give

all the medical professionals scripts to read for when people come

in and question whether their implants are making them sick. Aren't

you glad there are places like this to come to and find out the

truth? I know it helped save my life! I love your parting comment

to the nurse. Hopefully she will remember when her symptoms set

in. I have a friend who still has salines and blames all her aches

and pains on family history and things she would have developed

anyway. She simply doesn't want to hear that implants can make you

sick because she doesn't ever intend to remove them.

Hugs, kathy

-- In , " leyna1964 " <leyna1964@...>



> Ok, on the advice of Rogene, I contacted a plastic surgeon in my


> to ask some questions about getting my implants removed. The doctor

> was.....



> U T Medical Group-Plastic Surgery,

> 910 Madison Avenue, Suite 525,

> Memphis, TN 38103-3470,

> 1-901-347-8290


> Here was my conversation....


> Me: Hi-I'd like to have my explants removed because I'm having a


> of health problems that I believe are caused by my implants. I've


> diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Raynaud's

> syndrome, I've got bad memory problems now, horrid one-sided


> that don't respond to aspirin, and pain in my breasts and chest


> has caused me to go to the emergency room. My Mom had breast

cancer at

> my age, and I really want to have mine taken out. I'm read a lot of

> information online about the dangers of implants, as well as

joined a

> Saline Support group and have talked to lots of women with the same

> symptoms.... Will my insurance cover this?


> Nurse: Well, first off...no, your insurance will NOT cover


> any more than it will cover implants. Two-saline implants are VERY

> safe-I've had mine for 11 years with NO problems at all. You cannot

> believe everything you hear, and you certainly can't believe


> you read online. Fibromyalgia and your other problems are NOT


> by implants, believe me! We can do the explants if that's what you

> want, but your skin will be all stretched out and you WILL be

> deformed. As for the surgery, if you still want to do it, will cost

> around $7,000 UPFRONT, and that's with no lift. I would think twice

> about this if I were you-saline implants are VERY safe!


> Me: Ok, thanks so much for your time-but remember our conversation

> when YOU start having Fibro and other weird symptoms yourself! Bye!


> *sigh*


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Good idea about you calling her too! It did sort of

sound like a " sales pitch " to me-she was a little too

adament about " none of your symptoms are caused by

implants " ...sort of like there were other people in

the room that she didn't want to say anything bad in

front of maybe....let me know what they said if you do


--- Lamse <wannabe_proverbs31@...>


> Does this Dr. Wallace have a website? If he does, I

> wonder if his nurse suggests we believe what is

> states about him or his staff.


> Sandy Verticelli <dusty.com@...> wrote:

> If you don't mind I want to call that

> nurse and tell her my symptoms

> Just for her records.. and I wont mention your

> phone call

> I will be saying I live in Memphis, TN if need be


> Just want to see if my insurance will pay since I

> am crippled from implants

> and all my other symptoms to.


> The medical field needs to be more educated,

> Forget making a buck and start saving these woman

> and children

> I will mention that to her to...Geeez


> My plastic surgeons wife saids she was also

> implanted

> I am starting to wonder if this is a sales pitch ?

> She also said....

> You cannot believe anything you read online.


> They did say they would remove the capsules and

> scar tissue

> But with their way of thinking with no open mind

> My life is in their hands


> I am to crippled to travel to Dr.Kolb

> I hardly can dress myself since saline breast

> implantation

> Sandy


> Ok, on the advice of Rogene, I contacted a plastic

> surgeon in my area

> to ask some questions about getting my implants

> removed. The doctor

> was.....



> U T Medical Group-Plastic Surgery,

> 910 Madison Avenue, Suite 525,

> Memphis, TN 38103-3470,

> 1-901-347-8290


> Here was my conversation....


> Me: Hi-I'd like to have my explants removed because

> I'm having a lot

> of health problems that I believe are caused by my

> implants. I've been

> diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue

> Syndrome, Raynaud's

> syndrome, I've got bad memory problems now, horrid

> one-sided headaches

> that don't respond to aspirin, and pain in my

> breasts and chest that

> has caused me to go to the emergency room. My Mom

> had breast cancer at

> my age, and I really want to have mine taken out.

> I'm read a lot of

> information online about the dangers of implants, as

> well as joined a

> Saline Support group and have talked to lots of

> women with the same

> symptoms.... Will my insurance cover this?


> Nurse: Well, first off...no, your insurance will NOT

> cover explants,

> any more than it will cover implants. Two-saline

> implants are VERY

> safe-I've had mine for 11 years with NO problems at

> all. You cannot

> believe everything you hear, and you certainly can't

> believe ANYTHING

> you read online. Fibromyalgia and your other

> problems are NOT caused

> by implants, believe me! We can do the explants if

> that's what you

> want, but your skin will be all stretched out and

> you WILL be

> deformed. As for the surgery, if you still want to

> do it, will cost

> around $7,000 UPFRONT, and that's with no lift. I

> would think twice

> about this if I were you-saline implants are VERY

> safe!


> Me: Ok, thanks so much for your time-but remember

> our conversation

> when YOU start having Fibro and other weird symptoms

> yourself! Bye!


> *sigh*













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I'm so proud of you for getting your insurance to

reimburse so much of your sugery! You go girl!

--- Lamse <wannabe_proverbs31@...>


> Good job Leyna,


> I am so proud of you. By the way I got 60% of the

> cost of explant reimbursed by my health insurance.

> I would have gotten 80% if I had chosen someone

> within network to do the surgery. However, I wanted

> someone not like what you experienced, so I went to

> Dr. Feng. That nurse is totally wrong. I don't

> looked deformed at all either. I look just like I

> did before implants except now I have big scars in

> the crease. Keep looking my dear, you will find

> someone who will believe you.




> leyna1964 <leyna1964@...> wrote:

> Ok, on the advice of Rogene, I contacted a

> plastic surgeon in my area

> to ask some questions about getting my implants

> removed. The doctor

> was.....



> U T Medical Group-Plastic Surgery,

> 910 Madison Avenue, Suite 525,

> Memphis, TN 38103-3470,

> 1-901-347-8290


> Here was my conversation....


> Me: Hi-I'd like to have my explants removed because

> I'm having a lot

> of health problems that I believe are caused by my

> implants. I've been

> diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue

> Syndrome, Raynaud's

> syndrome, I've got bad memory problems now, horrid

> one-sided headaches

> that don't respond to aspirin, and pain in my

> breasts and chest that

> has caused me to go to the emergency room. My Mom

> had breast cancer at

> my age, and I really want to have mine taken out.

> I'm read a lot of

> information online about the dangers of implants, as

> well as joined a

> Saline Support group and have talked to lots of

> women with the same

> symptoms.... Will my insurance cover this?


> Nurse: Well, first off...no, your insurance will NOT

> cover explants,

> any more than it will cover implants. Two-saline

> implants are VERY

> safe-I've had mine for 11 years with NO problems at

> all. You cannot

> believe everything you hear, and you certainly can't

> believe ANYTHING

> you read online. Fibromyalgia and your other

> problems are NOT caused

> by implants, believe me! We can do the explants if

> that's what you

> want, but your skin will be all stretched out and

> you WILL be

> deformed. As for the surgery, if you still want to

> do it, will cost

> around $7,000 UPFRONT, and that's with no lift. I

> would think twice

> about this if I were you-saline implants are VERY

> safe!


> Me: Ok, thanks so much for your time-but remember

> our conversation

> when YOU start having Fibro and other weird symptoms

> yourself! Bye!


> *sigh*







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Well, the thing is...if my insurance does not cover

100%, then there is no way at all that I can have them

removed. My husband and I live paycheck to paycheck as

it is. :(

--- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

> Leyna . . .


> I'm sorry your conversation with his receptionist

> didn't go well . ..


> But, catch your breath for a minute . . . Don't

> give up on him! . . .


> Because he comes recommended by Dr. Shanklin, I'd

> give him a chance to talk to you! . . . His

> receptionist can believe whatever makes her happy!


> He doesn't have to believe that implants are

> dangerous . . . All he has to do is to remove them

> properly . . . and respect your desire to do so.

> Virtually all plastic surgeons are placing breast

> implants . .. Let's face it, it's a cash cow! . ..


> The price you were quoted is in line with what

> most surgeons charge . .. a bit higher than some,

> lots cheaper than others . . . Considering that you

> wouldn't have to travel, it would probably be the

> best price you can get.


> We're talking about finding a doctor who has the

> skills to help you and to do it right. That's all

> that matters. You're not going to make a convert out

> of him! . . . Unless a miracle happens (although

> that has happened) . . .


> Take a deep breath . . . and call for an

> appointment . . . Wait to see how you feel about the

> doctor before you make a decision. Sometimes, when a

> doctor sees how sick a woman is, they've been known

> to cut their price - Let's pray for the best!


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene




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I'm glad you made a note of my conversation on your

doctor's list! I would bet that every nurse and

receptionist in his office has had their boobs done by

him-and even if they are sick as a dog from them, they

are more than likely NOT allowed to discuss any

related problems at all!

Either way-I can't get it done unless my insurance

pays...which, obviously, it doesn't.

So, I'm out of luck here. :(

--- Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:

> P.S. I made a note on our doctor list about this

> office and possibly hearing that implants don't

> cause illness.


> You may still want to talk to the doctor himself

> and see how his bedside manner is, or at least if he

> will be willing to do a proper explant. All that

> matters is that he does the surgery correctly,

> whether or not he agrees fully with your position.

> He doesn't have to.. (although it is nice when they

> do). But it is more important that he respects your

> decision, and then uses his talents to do the right

> thing for his patients.


> However, if he says that taking the implants out

> will leave you deformed, better to just run away

> from that one. He'll be discussing his own skills!

> There's others out there who can do it and make you

> look great!

> Patty


> Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:

> Bummer, Leyna,

> Well, that is no surprise, that is how it usually

> goes, unfortunately. Except that your closing line

> was great! You've got it right girl!


> I am sorry that this search for a good explanting

> surgeon is going to be difficult for you. Most of

> us have had to travel. It's not really fun, but it

> is a necessity sometimes. It's got to be done

> right. I hope you can find someone close that is

> very knowledgeable and skilled, but if not,you may

> want to consider some of the experts that we KNOW

> will do it right. And you can live in peace with

> your decision.

> Hugs,

> Patty

> leyna1964 <leyna1964@...> wrote:

> Ok, on the advice of Rogene, I contacted a

> plastic surgeon in my area

> to ask some questions about getting my implants

> removed. The doctor

> was.....



> U T Medical Group-Plastic Surgery,

> 910 Madison Avenue, Suite 525,

> Memphis, TN 38103-3470,

> 1-901-347-8290


> Here was my conversation....


> Me: Hi-I'd like to have my explants removed because

> I'm having a lot

> of health problems that I believe are caused by my

> implants. I've been

> diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue

> Syndrome, Raynaud's

> syndrome, I've got bad memory problems now, horrid

> one-sided headaches

> that don't respond to aspirin, and pain in my

> breasts and chest that

> has caused me to go to the emergency room. My Mom

> had breast cancer at

> my age, and I really want to have mine taken out.

> I'm read a lot of

> information online about the dangers of implants, as

> well as joined a

> Saline Support group and have talked to lots of

> women with the same

> symptoms.... Will my insurance cover this?


> Nurse: Well, first off...no, your insurance will NOT

> cover explants,

> any more than it will cover implants. Two-saline

> implants are VERY

> safe-I've had mine for 11 years with NO problems at

> all. You cannot

> believe everything you hear, and you certainly can't

> believe ANYTHING

> you read online. Fibromyalgia and your other

> problems are NOT caused

> by implants, believe me! We can do the explants if

> that's what you

> want, but your skin will be all stretched out and

> you WILL be

> deformed. As for the surgery, if you still want to

> do it, will cost

> around $7,000 UPFRONT, and that's with no lift. I

> would think twice

> about this if I were you-saline implants are VERY

> safe!


> Me: Ok, thanks so much for your time-but remember

> our conversation

> when YOU start having Fibro and other weird symptoms

> yourself! Bye!


> *sigh*






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Hey, I was thinking about calling too, and the only thing that stopped me was the time difference. It was 4:30 here, so they were already gone. I was ready to give them a little education! PattyLeyna <leyna1964@...> wrote: Good idea about you calling her too! It did sort ofsound like a "sales pitch" to me-she was a little tooadament about "none of your symptoms are caused byimplants"...sort of like there were other people inthe room that she didn't want to say

anything bad infront of maybe....let me know what they said if you docall!--- Lamse <wannabe_proverbs31 >wrote:> Does this Dr. Wallace have a website? If he does, I> wonder if his nurse suggests we believe what is> states about him or his staff.> > Sandy Verticelli <dusty.comcomcast (DOT) net> wrote:> If you don't mind I want to call that> nurse and tell her my symptoms > Just for her records.. and I wont mention your> phone call> I will be saying I live in Memphis, TN if need be> > Just want to see if my insurance will pay since I> am crippled from implants> and all my other symptoms to.> > The medical field needs to be more educated, > Forget making a buck and start saving these woman> and

children> I will mention that to her to...Geeez> > My plastic surgeons wife saids she was also> implanted> I am starting to wonder if this is a sales pitch ?> She also said....> You cannot believe anything you read online.> > They did say they would remove the capsules and> scar tissue> But with their way of thinking with no open mind> My life is in their hands> > I am to crippled to travel to Dr.Kolb> I hardly can dress myself since saline breast> implantation> Sandy> > Ok, on the advice of Rogene, I contacted a plastic> surgeon in my area> to ask some questions about getting my implants> removed. The doctor> was.....> > DR. ROBERT WALLACE, P/S,> U T Medical Group-Plastic Surgery,> 910 Madison Avenue, Suite 525,> Memphis, TN 38103-3470,> 1-901-347-8290> >

Here was my conversation....> > Me: Hi-I'd like to have my explants removed because> I'm having a lot> of health problems that I believe are caused by my> implants. I've been> diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue> Syndrome, Raynaud's> syndrome, I've got bad memory problems now, horrid> one-sided headaches> that don't respond to aspirin, and pain in my> breasts and chest that> has caused me to go to the emergency room. My Mom> had breast cancer at> my age, and I really want to have mine taken out.> I'm read a lot of> information online about the dangers of implants, as> well as joined a> Saline Support group and have talked to lots of> women with the same> symptoms.... Will my insurance cover this?> > Nurse: Well, first off...no, your insurance will NOT> cover explants,> any more than it will

cover implants. Two-saline> implants are VERY> safe-I've had mine for 11 years with NO problems at> all. You cannot> believe everything you hear, and you certainly can't> believe ANYTHING> you read online. Fibromyalgia and your other> problems are NOT caused> by implants, believe me! We can do the explants if> that's what you> want, but your skin will be all stretched out and> you WILL be> deformed. As for the surgery, if you still want to> do it, will cost> around $7,000 UPFRONT, and that's with no lift. I> would think twice> about this if I were you-saline implants are VERY> safe!> > Me: Ok, thanks so much for your time-but remember> our conversation> when YOU start having Fibro and other weird symptoms> yourself! Bye!> > *sigh*> > > > > > > >

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Oh, this is wonderful!-they obviously NEED to be

educated about this! And you know, the only thing I

didn't mention to the nurse is about the mold, fungus,

and possible plant life in explants! Maybe if you

called, you could say that you want yours removed

because a friend of yours got hers removed and had a

plant growing inside! Let's get that nurse totally

freaked out! LOL

--- Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:

> Hey, I was thinking about calling too, and the only

> thing that stopped me was the time difference. It

> was 4:30 here, so they were already gone. I was

> ready to give them a little education!

> Patty


> Leyna <leyna1964@...> wrote:

> Good idea about you calling her too! It

> did sort of

> sound like a " sales pitch " to me-she was a little

> too

> adament about " none of your symptoms are caused by

> implants " ...sort of like there were other people in

> the room that she didn't want to say anything bad in

> front of maybe....let me know what they said if you

> do

> call!


> --- Lamse <wannabe_proverbs31@...>

> wrote:


> > Does this Dr. Wallace have a website? If he does,

> I

> > wonder if his nurse suggests we believe what is

> > states about him or his staff.

> >

> > Sandy Verticelli <dusty.com@...> wrote:

> > If you don't mind I want to call that

> > nurse and tell her my symptoms

> > Just for her records.. and I wont mention your

> > phone call

> > I will be saying I live in Memphis, TN if need be

> >

> > Just want to see if my insurance will pay since I

> > am crippled from implants

> > and all my other symptoms to.

> >

> > The medical field needs to be more educated,

> > Forget making a buck and start saving these woman

> > and children

> > I will mention that to her to...Geeez

> >

> > My plastic surgeons wife saids she was also

> > implanted

> > I am starting to wonder if this is a sales pitch ?

> > She also said....

> > You cannot believe anything you read online.

> >

> > They did say they would remove the capsules and

> > scar tissue

> > But with their way of thinking with no open mind

> > My life is in their hands

> >

> > I am to crippled to travel to Dr.Kolb

> > I hardly can dress myself since saline breast

> > implantation

> > Sandy

> >

> > Ok, on the advice of Rogene, I contacted a plastic

> > surgeon in my area

> > to ask some questions about getting my implants

> > removed. The doctor

> > was.....

> >


> > U T Medical Group-Plastic Surgery,

> > 910 Madison Avenue, Suite 525,

> > Memphis, TN 38103-3470,

> > 1-901-347-8290

> >

> > Here was my conversation....

> >

> > Me: Hi-I'd like to have my explants removed

> because

> > I'm having a lot

> > of health problems that I believe are caused by my

> > implants. I've been

> > diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue

> > Syndrome, Raynaud's

> > syndrome, I've got bad memory problems now, horrid

> > one-sided headaches

> > that don't respond to aspirin, and pain in my

> > breasts and chest that

> > has caused me to go to the emergency room. My Mom

> > had breast cancer at

> > my age, and I really want to have mine taken out.

> > I'm read a lot of

> > information online about the dangers of implants,

> as

> > well as joined a

> > Saline Support group and have talked to lots of

> > women with the same

> > symptoms.... Will my insurance cover this?

> >

> > Nurse: Well, first off...no, your insurance will


> > cover explants,

> > any more than it will cover implants. Two-saline

> > implants are VERY

> > safe-I've had mine for 11 years with NO problems

> at

> > all. You cannot

> > believe everything you hear, and you certainly

> can't

> > believe ANYTHING

> > you read online. Fibromyalgia and your other

> > problems are NOT caused

> > by implants, believe me! We can do the explants if

> > that's what you

> > want, but your skin will be all stretched out and

> > you WILL be

> > deformed. As for the surgery, if you still want to

> > do it, will cost

> > around $7,000 UPFRONT, and that's with no lift. I

> > would think twice

> > about this if I were you-saline implants are VERY

> > safe!

> >

> > Me: Ok, thanks so much for your time-but remember

> > our conversation

> > when YOU start having Fibro and other weird

> symptoms

> > yourself! Bye!

> >

> > *sigh*

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million

> > songs.Try it free.


> __________________________________________________


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Leyna, That's why I think you need to talk one-on-one with this surgeon . . . Forget about his nurse! . . . If Dr. Shanklin recommends him, he must be qualified to remove implants, even if he's still planting them. . . Don't let one nurse (who has her own reasons to be in denial) get in your way! Hugs and prayers, Rogene Leyna <leyna1964@...> wrote: Rogene,Well, the thing is...if my insurance does not cover100%, then there is no way at all that I can have themremoved. My husband and I live paycheck to paycheck asit is. :(--- Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote:> Leyna . . . > > I'm sorry your conversation with his receptionist> didn't go well . .. > > But, catch your breath for a minute . . . Don't> give up on him! . . . > > Because he comes recommended by Dr. Shanklin, I'd> give him a chance to talk to you! . . . His> receptionist can believe whatever makes her happy! > > He doesn't have to believe that implants are> dangerous . . . All he has to do is to remove them> properly . . . and respect your desire to do so.> Virtually all plastic surgeons are placing breast> implants . .. Let's face it, it's a cash cow!

.. .. > > The price you were quoted is in line with what> most surgeons charge . .. a bit higher than some,> lots cheaper than others . . . Considering that you> wouldn't have to travel, it would probably be the> best price you can get. > > We're talking about finding a doctor who has the> skills to help you and to do it right. That's all> that matters. You're not going to make a convert out> of him! . . . Unless a miracle happens (although> that has happened) . . . > > Take a deep breath . . . and call for an> appointment . . . Wait to see how you feel about the> doctor before you make a decision. Sometimes, when a> doctor sees how sick a woman is, they've been known> to cut their price - Let's pray for the best!> > Hugs and prayers,> > Rogene> >


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I would, but if my insurance will not cover explants, then I have to forget the whole idea of having them removed....It's all we can do to pay our monthly bills! I can't afford to pay to have them removed-no way!Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: Leyna, That's why I think you need to talk one-on-one with this surgeon . . . Forget about his nurse! . . . If Dr. Shanklin recommends him, he must be qualified to remove implants, even if he's still planting

them. . . Don't let one nurse (who has her own reasons to be in denial) get in your way! Hugs and prayers, Rogene Leyna <leyna1964 > wrote: Rogene,Well, the thing is...if my insurance does not cover100%, then there is no way at all that I can have themremoved. My husband and I live paycheck to paycheck asit is. :(--- Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote:> Leyna . . . > > I'm sorry your conversation with his receptionist> didn't go well . .. > > But, catch your breath for a minute . . . Don't> give up on him! . . . > > Because he comes

recommended by Dr. Shanklin, I'd> give him a chance to talk to you! . . . His> receptionist can believe whatever makes her happy! > > He doesn't have to believe that implants are> dangerous . . . All he has to do is to remove them> properly . . . and respect your desire to do so.> Virtually all plastic surgeons are placing breast> implants . .. Let's face it, it's a cash cow! . .. > > The price you were quoted is in line with what> most surgeons charge . .. a bit higher than some,> lots cheaper than others . . . Considering that you> wouldn't have to travel, it would probably be the> best price you can get. > > We're talking about finding a doctor who has the> skills to help you and to do it right. That's all> that matters. You're not going to make a convert out> of him! . . . Unless a miracle happens (although> that has happened) . .

.. > > Take a deep breath . . . and call for an> appointment . . . Wait to see how you feel about the> doctor before you make a decision. Sometimes, when a> doctor sees how sick a woman is, they've been known> to cut their price - Let's pray for the best!> > Hugs and prayers,> > Rogene> > __________________________________________________

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Leyna, This is the most common situation women who are sick find themselves in. They have no funds set aside for this tragic development. It happens all the time....you are not alone. I know that it seems impossible, but somehow, someway, you will find the money to get this surgery. I have yet to hear of a woman who just couldn't get it done. When it comes to your health, you find a way. Look at all of your possible options...taking out a loan, borrowing from family or friends, maxing out a credit card, digging into 401K funds, or a home equity loan, selling an asset, doing a fundraiser, breeding dogs....or a combination of the above...I know that you are going to be able to make this work somehow. It is a difficult situation to be in, and as I said, probably the number one situation we find our women having to deal with when they find out they

are sick. The doctors never warn women to set aside funds for a day such as this. So, it is a challenge to accomplish, but as I said, I have yet to hear of a woman who couldn't get it done somehow. Keep pursuing the insurance option. My insurance paid for my removal. The surgeon I used wrote a letter that worked to get it covered, including the lift. I don't know if that was God doing a miracle or what, but it was covered. I know that others have paid up front and then gotten reimbursed....which you may have to do, but if you keep documenting the problems, including an analysis of your implants that shows bacteria, mold or other fungus, you will have a good chance of success. I will be praying it all works out for you soon! PattyLeyna <leyna1964@...> wrote: I would, but if my insurance will not cover explants, then I have to forget the whole idea of having them removed....It's all we can do to pay our monthly bills! I can't afford to pay to have them removed-no way!Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: Leyna, That's why I think you need to talk one-on-one with this surgeon . . . Forget about his nurse! . . . If Dr. Shanklin recommends him, he must be qualified to remove implants,

even if he's still planting them. . . Don't let one nurse (who has her own reasons to be in denial) get in your way! Hugs and prayers, Rogene Leyna <leyna1964 > wrote: Rogene,Well, the thing is...if my insurance does not cover100%, then there is no way at all that I can have themremoved. My husband and I live paycheck to paycheck asit is. :(--- Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote:> Leyna . . . > > I'm sorry your conversation with his receptionist> didn't go well . .. > > But, catch your breath for a minute . . . Don't> give up on him! . . . > >

Because he comes recommended by Dr. Shanklin, I'd> give him a chance to talk to you! . . . His> receptionist can believe whatever makes her happy! > > He doesn't have to believe that implants are> dangerous . . . All he has to do is to remove them> properly . . . and respect your desire to do so.> Virtually all plastic surgeons are placing breast> implants . .. Let's face it, it's a cash cow! . .. > > The price you were quoted is in line with what> most surgeons charge . .. a bit higher than some,> lots cheaper than others . . . Considering that you> wouldn't have to travel, it would probably be the> best price you can get. > > We're talking about finding a doctor who has the> skills to help you and to do it right. That's all> that matters. You're not going to make a convert out> of him! . . . Unless a miracle happens (although> that

has happened) . . . > > Take a deep breath . . . and call for an> appointment . . . Wait to see how you feel about the> doctor before you make a decision. Sometimes, when a> doctor sees how sick a woman is, they've been known> to cut their price - Let's pray for the best!> > Hugs and prayers,> > Rogene> > __________________________________________________

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Patty, Thanks so much for your support! It means a lot. I'm still trying to find a way to do this-I have no family left, and just filed bankruptcy not that long ago, so a loan would be out of the question, and even if I was able to get a loan, I still could not afford the extra bills of paying it back. :( I do have a pregnant dog right now! :) We only get $100 per puppy though, as she's not registered, so that wouldn't help much-it would take many years to save up all that money. My one credit card is already maxed. I have no 401K at all, and nothing to sell. But,I have an appointment with my gynocologist on the 15th...maybe he can somehow give me some options-he's awesome (and I don't say that often about a doctor at all!), and got my hysterectomy covered, so hopefully he can somehow

help. Anyway, thanks again for the support and encouragement!Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote: Leyna, This is the most common situation women who are sick find themselves in. They have no funds set aside for this tragic development. It happens all the time....you are not alone. I know that it seems impossible, but somehow, someway, you will find the money to get this surgery. I have yet to hear of a woman who just

couldn't get it done. When it comes to your health, you find a way. Look at all of your possible options...taking out a loan, borrowing from family or friends, maxing out a credit card, digging into 401K funds, or a home equity loan, selling an asset, doing a fundraiser, breeding dogs....or a combination of the above...I know that you are going to be able to make this work somehow. It is a difficult situation to be in, and as I said, probably the number one situation we find our women having to deal with when they find out they are sick. The doctors never warn women to set aside funds for a day such as this. So, it is a challenge to accomplish, but as I said, I have yet to hear of a woman who couldn't get it done somehow. Keep pursuing the insurance option. My insurance paid for my removal. The surgeon I used wrote a letter that worked to get it covered,

including the lift. I don't know if that was God doing a miracle or what, but it was covered. I know that others have paid up front and then gotten reimbursed....which you may have to do, but if you keep documenting the problems, including an analysis of your implants that shows bacteria, mold or other fungus, you will have a good chance of success. I will be praying it all works out for you soon! PattyLeyna <leyna1964 > wrote: I would, but if my insurance will not cover explants, then I have to forget the whole idea of having them removed....It's all we can do to pay our monthly bills! I can't afford to pay to have them removed-no way!Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: Leyna, That's why I think you need to talk one-on-one with this surgeon . . . Forget about his nurse! . . . If Dr. Shanklin recommends him, he must be qualified to remove implants, even if he's still planting them. . . Don't let one nurse (who has her own reasons to be in denial) get in your way! Hugs and prayers, Rogene Leyna <leyna1964 > wrote: Rogene,Well, the thing is...if my insurance does not cover100%, then there is no way at all that I can have themremoved. My husband and I live paycheck to paycheck asit is. :(--- Rogene S

<saxony01 > wrote:> Leyna . . . > > I'm sorry your conversation with his receptionist> didn't go well . .. > > But, catch your breath for a minute . . . Don't> give up on him! . . . > > Because he comes recommended by Dr. Shanklin, I'd> give him a chance to talk to you! . . . His> receptionist can believe whatever makes her happy! > > He doesn't have to believe that implants are> dangerous . . . All he has to do is to remove them> properly . . . and respect your desire to do so.> Virtually all plastic surgeons are placing breast> implants . .. Let's face it, it's a cash cow! . .. > > The price you were quoted is in line with what> most surgeons charge . .. a bit higher than some,> lots cheaper than others . . . Considering that you> wouldn't have to travel,

it would probably be the> best price you can get. > > We're talking about finding a doctor who has the> skills to help you and to do it right. That's all> that matters. You're not going to make a convert out> of him! . . . Unless a miracle happens (although> that has happened) . . . > > Take a deep breath . . . and call for an> appointment . . . Wait to see how you feel about the> doctor before you make a decision. Sometimes, when a> doctor sees how sick a woman is, they've been known> to cut their price - Let's pray for the best!> > Hugs and prayers,> > Rogene> > __________________________________________________

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Unfortunately, just about all of us were in the same position as

you - one of the many things the plastic surgeons won't point out to

you in your consultation (when first getting implants) is that you'd

better have a hefty bank account because eventually, for one reason

or another, you'll need more surgery. I'm still paying my credit

card off for the getting the implants in May of 2005, even though I

had them removed in November. My insurance didn't pay for the

explant, either. It's your choice to keep the implants in your

body, but eventually you'll need more surgery because they're not

guaranteed for life. Also, if you're having health problems because

of them, you won't get better while they're in your body.



> > Leyna . . .

> >

> > I'm sorry your conversation with his receptionist

> > didn't go well . ..

> >

> > But, catch your breath for a minute . . . Don't

> > give up on him! . . .

> >

> > Because he comes recommended by Dr. Shanklin, I'd

> > give him a chance to talk to you! . . . His

> > receptionist can believe whatever makes her happy!

> >

> > He doesn't have to believe that implants are

> > dangerous . . . All he has to do is to remove them

> > properly . . . and respect your desire to do so.

> > Virtually all plastic surgeons are placing breast

> > implants . .. Let's face it, it's a cash cow! . ..

> >

> > The price you were quoted is in line with what

> > most surgeons charge . .. a bit higher than some,

> > lots cheaper than others . . . Considering that you

> > wouldn't have to travel, it would probably be the

> > best price you can get.

> >

> > We're talking about finding a doctor who has the

> > skills to help you and to do it right. That's all

> > that matters. You're not going to make a convert out

> > of him! . . . Unless a miracle happens (although

> > that has happened) . . .

> >

> > Take a deep breath . . . and call for an

> > appointment . . . Wait to see how you feel about the

> > doctor before you make a decision. Sometimes, when a

> > doctor sees how sick a woman is, they've been known

> > to cut their price - Let's pray for the best!

> >

> > Hugs and prayers,

> >

> > Rogene

> >

> >


> __________________________________________________


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Leyna . . . I know you're upset . . . but, if your life is worth anything to you, you can't afford NOT to remove your implants . . . . Please talk to this surgeon . . . Tell him from the heart how desperate you are . .. If he has a heart, he will try to help you. At least he knows how to remove implants properly. Whether or not he thinks implants are safe is immaterial when it comes to your health. Please pray over it . . . and put yourself in God's hands . . . We've seen prayers answered over and over here! Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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I just wasn't real comfortable with the whole

conversation....I felt like IF he did the surgery,

he'd do something to screw it up, just so they could

gloat and say " See, I TOLD you you'd be deformed! " I

know how crazy that sounds, but I just did not feel

good about this surgeon at all. I know that he came

highly recommended, but people CAN change for the


--- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

> Leyna . . .


> I know you're upset . . . but, if your life is

> worth anything to you, you can't afford NOT to

> remove your implants . . . . Please talk to this

> surgeon . . . Tell him from the heart how desperate

> you are . .. If he has a heart, he will try to help

> you. At least he knows how to remove implants

> properly. Whether or not he thinks implants are safe

> is immaterial when it comes to your health.


> Please pray over it . . . and put yourself in

> God's hands . . . We've seen prayers answered over

> and over here!


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene




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Leyna, If you felt this way after talking to the surgeon . . . I'd feel differently . . . But, since his nurse has implants, she's going to take a defensive stance. . . . One plastic surgeon told me that his nurse had another doctor put her implants in, because if she told him she wanted them, he would have talked her out of them. . . Please talk to the doctor personally before making a decision about him. He may tell you that you'd be deformed . . . but let it come from him, not from his nurse! Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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Do you know anything about this place? It guarantees

very low prices.....something like 60%-80% off. It

said implants were around $2,999, which is VERY cheap

these days! I paid $2,350 for mine, 16 years ago. The

office has emailed me a couple of times, but I wanted

to get ya'lls opinion if you knew anything about it. I

wrote to them this morning to ask how much for

explants, since I did not see that listed.


--- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

> Leyna,


> If you felt this way after talking to the surgeon

> . . . I'd feel differently . . . But, since his

> nurse has implants, she's going to take a defensive

> stance. . . .


> One plastic surgeon told me that his nurse had

> another doctor put her implants in, because if she

> told him she wanted them, he would have talked her

> out of them. . .


> Please talk to the doctor personally before making

> a decision about him. He may tell you that you'd be

> deformed . . . but let it come from him, not from

> his nurse!


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene



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Leyna, No I don't konw anything about any of the discount implant docs . . . I'd be very suspicious of any one who advertises like that! They're main interest is in putting implants in the first time . . Rogene Leyna <leyna1964@...> wrote: Rogene,Do you know anything about this place? It guaranteesvery low prices.....something like 60%-80% off. Itsaid implants were around $2,999, which is

VERY cheapthese days! I paid $2,350 for mine, 16 years ago. Theoffice has emailed me a couple of times, but I wantedto get ya'lls opinion if you knew anything about it. Iwrote to them this morning to ask how much forexplants, since I did not see that listed.http://1800beyourbest.com/--- Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote:> Leyna,> > If you felt this way after talking to the surgeon> . . . I'd feel differently . . . But, since his> nurse has implants, she's going to take a defensive> stance. . . .> > One plastic surgeon told me that his nurse had> another doctor put her implants in, because if she> told him she wanted them, he would have talked her> out of them. . . > > Please talk to the doctor personally before making> a decision about him.

He may tell you that you'd be> deformed . . . but let it come from him, not from> his nurse!> > Hugs and prayers,> > Rogene> __________________________________________________

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Rnnnnn, rnnnnnnnnn, rnnnnnnnn, rnnnnnnnnn!!!!

Did you hear that? That's the sound of the warning signs going off in

my head after reading that internet ad.

Since I work at home at the computer and am mostly bored with my job, I

take frequent breaks to play. I signed up to be contacted by one of

their people. I signed up for my home state in FL. They said they will

contact me within 45 minutes ( in case I change my mind within the hour

and decide I don't want a procedure!) I researched a LOT of surgeons

here in my home state, so mabye I can get the flavor of the

establishment, at least as far as what kind of surgeons this place

" manages. "

I know a few people who have gotten implants from those " centers for

cosmetic surgery " and I have also seen their tv ads. I have also seen

the news stories of botched jobs, and I have looked up the training and

c.v. of their docs. They were scary.

Hopefully I'll find something out.

Maybe it is actually of quailty, but I doubt it.


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For Brigite and Lenya,

I know this idea might sound crazy, and it would take guts, but do you

think you could go to the local media and see if they will do a story on

you? You can describe all the avenues you have tried -- teaching

hospitals, loan options, etc. Doctors you have seen for your illnesses.

You could be frank with your symptoms and get cliffs notes versions of

facts for the reporters to check (make it easy for them to do a story),

including research articles, this support site, contact info for Dr.

Kolb or Dr. Melmed, who would probably be happy to speak publically on

how bad implants are.

It would be a bold story and, having several reporters in my family, I

know it is an attractive thing-- to expose something controversial that

has facts behind it, witnesses, etc.

You could be frank about your plight- - can't afford to get them

removed, and are getting sicker. Set up a website or fund through some

local organization that will help manage donations. If everyone who

heard or read the story kicked in five bucks, you'd be well on your way.

Downside -- you would not be able to keep your stories private.

Everyone will know. But the good side of that is you will be able to

help turn something bad into something that is actually good, which is

how God works, by the way. And after surgery you would be able to be

the contact people in your area to help other women -- you'd have a way

to " pay back " the kindness you received by maybe doing some non-profit

thing for women who can't afford to get implants. I know NOW, whom I

actually dislike, but who has tons of money, might kick in.

You could help spread the word and hopefully keep women from getting

implants. Part of our problem is that we can't get our stories out

there - there is such an infatuation with boob jobs and Hollywood, and

such pressure to keep things pro-implant. (Remember Shari's story that

got cut down to 1 or 2 minutes?)

I think by using local media this would be an easier hurdle.

Then again, I would love to see a story in national media that paid some

time to this -- like 60 minutes or 20-20 or one of those shows that has

the time and research power to to devote a third of a show to the idea.

And a third thing -- there are so many makeover reality shows. They

need a counter makeover -- where they profile people reversing the " bad

things " they have done to their bodies. A natural, wholistic makeover.

Hey wow! Maybe I'll pitch it to Oxygen. We can get you two to be on it.

Wouldn't it be a kick to do a follow-up on you two six weeks later, like

they do with the other folks on that show. You could show results of

bloodwork that improved, skin changes, energy changes, and all that. It

would be very hard for the nation to ignore that kind of proof.

Like I said, it's a crazy idea, but it's that stuff that gets born when

you have no other options.

If you are interested, let me start thinking about ways I could help. It

breaks my heart to know you can't get these things out. I know we

certainly didn't have the money -- we have five kids, one with special

needs and one who keeps needing surgery, but we were blessed to own a

house in an area that had a huge real estate boom and we were able to

get an equity loan, or else I would still have my implants in. I can't

stand that thought, since I already feel SO MUCH BETTER in the three

weeks since they were removed. I want this for you too!


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Okay, I talked with a " representative " from that plastic surgery group

that advertised through that link that was a few posts back..

Here's how it went:

She was very sweet, almost calming and sugary, like we were about to

share something personal.

I said: I am calling for a friend who has become terribly ill from her

implants and wants to get them removed. She is looking for a safe and

affordable option. Your prices are so good that we want to see if your

surgeons do breast implant removals.

She stuttered and her tone immediately changed : Ah , uh,

ah....well......(long pause), we do do them, but..... ( I could hear

papers rustling on the other end) the procedure costs $7,324 dollars

plus $999 for anesthesia and surgical suite and a follow-up visit.

Me: How come it costs $2,900 to put them in, but almost three times

that to take them out?

Her: Well, it's a more complicated surgery. They have to scrape out

all the scar tissue, and it takes a lot longer. You'd be under

anesthesia a long time.

Me: Hmm, well I don't think that's true in all cases.

Her: Yes. It is.

Me: When I had my implants removed, it took nearly two hours to put

them in, and when I had them removed it was about half that time. So I

am proof that it is not true in all cases.

Her : Well, it's a more complicated surgery.

Me: I see your point.Well, can you tell me some of the surgeons we may

be working with?

Her: No. That's not the way we work. We don't reveal the name of the

surgeon until you have booked with us and paid your fee.

Me: Wow, frankly, that seems foolish. You mean, we book for an

invasive surgery without knowing a single thing about the doctor doing

the work? Not only is that foolish, that is irresponsible.

Her: Well, all our doctors are qualified and we are a member of the

Better Business Bureau.

Me: Yeah, and so are a lot of roofers, and no one I know would even let

someone do work on their house unless they interview them personally and

check their references.

Her: Well that's they way we do business.

Me: Okay, thank you very much for your time, but we're going to run,

not walk, away from your organization.

Can you believe that? At least we know. STAY AWAY FROM THIS ORGANIZATION


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