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Natural Cellular Defense

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I recently posted about my experience with NCD. If you type in a

search for NCD or Natural Cellular Defense you'll see the recent

postings. A few within this month actually. I have seen a lot of

improvements since starting my son but also some negatives. The

positives far out weigh the negatives so we are sticking with it. I

most recently posted about a side effect of him chewing and sucking

on his clothes. It something I've seen before when he's been sick.

Someone mentioned it might be yeast. It could be a mineral deficiency

so we are going to make changes in both those areas.


> A funny story here. In October a package was misdelivered to us.


> was supposed to go to our former neighbor. I called three times for

> her to come get it but she never did and I couldn't talk to a real

> person at UPS either. This weekend we're cleaning out the garage


> I decide I'm going to open it already. It was a pack of natural

> cellular defense which sounded vaguely familiar so I looked it up


> saw it's worth 200 bucks!!!


> Anyway, I thought I'd try it myself and maybe give it to my son


> it's the closest thing to something falling down from heaven into


> laps that I'm going to experience. I just want to make sure it

> doesn't have anything harmful--you know like some chlorella has

> mercury, that type of thing. Does anyone know?


> Thanks,


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Its getting rave reviews from what I hear. You can go read up on it at:



[ ] natural cellular defense

A funny story here. In October a package was misdelivered to us. It was

supposed to go to our former neighbor. I called three times for her to come

get it but she never did and I couldn't talk to a real person at UPS either.

This weekend we're cleaning out the garage and I decide I'm going to open it

already. It was a pack of natural cellular defense which sounded vaguely

familiar so I looked it up and saw it's worth 200 bucks!!!

Anyway, I thought I'd try it myself and maybe give it to my son since it's

the closest thing to something falling down from heaven into our laps that

I'm going to experience. I just want to make sure it doesn't have anything

harmful--you know like some chlorella has mercury, that type of thing. Does

anyone know?



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  • 4 months later...
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This message has an embedded table that's not going to make it to the archives . . . If anyone wants a copy of the mesage as an attachment, let me know . . . I've been taking NCD for about six months . . . One study showed that it put Stage IV cancer into remission in 78% of patients over the period of a year. Rogene Cochran <marycochran@...> wrote: From: " Cochran" <marycochran@...>"Rogene S" <saxony01@...>Subject: Emailing: z019825Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 08:57:36 -0400 Hi Rogene This is why and what I saw when NCD was introduced. You cannot argue with results like this... The mothers and children with implant impairment need to know this information so they can decide for themselves if this is something that would benefit them. Blessings -----NewsTarget.com printable articleOriginally published August 1 2006 Natural Cellular Defense removes heavy metals, pesticides, toxic chemicals from body - studyNatural Cellular Defense is a natural zeolite-based substance that is being increasingly studied for its near-miraculous ability to bind with

heavy metals and toxic chemicals, removing them from the body. Dr. Cousens, M.D., is leading the research on the use of Natural Cellular Defense to remove these chemicals from the body, and this article shares his latest results. Those results are quite remarkable, as you will see below. Given that virtually every person living in modern society today has hundreds of synthetic chemicals in their bodies that do not belong there, and with the documented proof that combining Natural Cellular Defense with a simple juice fast can remove 88 percent of those chemicals from the body, this is research of tremendous importance. Its importance cannot be overstated when discussing the prevention of cancer, Alzheimer's, birth defects and even diabetes. For anyone interested in acquiring Natural Cellular Defense products, contact information is listed at the

end of this report. Neither Truth Publishing nor its writers has any financial interest whatsoever in this product. From Dr. Cousens As a natural holistic physician, I, Cousens, M.D., M.D.(H) Diplomate of the American Board of Holistic Medicine, Diplomate of Ayurveda have come across a major breakthrough in detoxifying the human body of the carcinogens, heavy metals, viruses, bacteria, fungi, and overall acid conditions that promote and cause disease. Some 70,000 chemicals are being dumped into our environment, 65,000 of which are potentially hazardous to our health. We live in a virtual sea of pollutants, and carry many of these toxins within us. They can be found even in unborn children. A 2004 study by the Environmental Working Group identified 287 industrial

chemicals in babies’ umbilical-cord blood, including 180 known to cause cancer and 217 that are toxic to the brain and nervous system. In my research to develop a detoxification system for prospective mothers, I recently learned about a naturally occurring mineral called zeolite, which has a unique, negatively charged, crystalline structure. Zeolite is formed from the fusion of lava and ocean water, and combines all four elements. I feel that zeolite is an alchemical gift from God. It has been used for more than 800 years in Asia as a remedy for overall health and well-being, and is on the FDA’s GRAS list (generally recognized as safe). Zeolite is available commercially in a purified, activated form, in the zeolite product. The results of research

on zeolite are very impressive: Zeolite appears to prevent and may become an important treatment for cancer. In one study, 78 percent of the 65 participants with terminal cancer (many types) are now in complete remission for 12 months (LifeLink Pharmaceuticals, 2005, currently not published). It has a chelation-like effect in removing heavy metals (particularly lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic), pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, and other toxins from the body, shown in a study of miners at Duke University. These toxins are strongly correlated with the occurrence of a wide range of diseases, including cancers and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, autism, and dementia. Zeolite also improves liver function, indirectly improving elimination of pesticides, herbicides, and

xeno-estrogens. Zeolite appears to block viral replication, and may prove to be a potent anti-viral and general remedy for all viruses. To date, 40 anecdotal cases of herpes zoster have reportedly been healed. Preliminary anecdotal case studies suggest that it may help alleviate rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and hepatitis C as well as the common cold and flu. Zeolite’s binding power was proven during the Chernobyl disaster, when tons of it were used to remove radioactive cesium and strontium-90 before they contaminated local water systems. Zeolite creates a natural buffer in the system by establishing an optimal pH level (between 7.35 and 7.45), which in turn activates healthy brain function and a strong immune system. It is an effective detoxifier for prospective mothers

and fathers. Anecdotal evidence and centuries of use in Asia suggest that zeolite is safe to use even during pregnancy and breastfeeding, although its safe use in pregnancy has not been proven in double-blind studies. A pilot study at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center with 55 people, based on my non-toxic baby protocol for preparing parents to bring forth non-toxic babies, consisted of a one-week green juice fast and detox support program with zeolite in the form of Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) 15 drops, 4X/day. The following very significant results were found. 18 people were tested for depleted uranium (DU), a very serious worldwide radioactive contamination resulting from the use of DU armaments, especially used in Iraq. Sixteen of the 18 people tested initially had DU in at least the liver, the breast, or the brain, and 13 of the 18 people had

started with it in all three organs, the liver, the breast, and the brain. In one week on this protocol, all the people became DU-free except for one person, who still had DU in the liver. Also, thirty-two people were tested for Teflon and Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), the carcinogenic element of teflon. Teflon was found in the livers of 27 people, the breasts of 25 people, and the brains of 28 people. All but two people became teflon-free after one week. Only one person had Teflon remaining in the breast, and one person had Teflon remaining in the brain. In the same 32 people, initially PFOA was found in the liver of 28 people, the breast of 29 people, and the brain of 28 people. After one week, all people became PFOA-free except for one person having PFOA remaining in the breast and brain. In testing people for a whole set of toxins consisting of 14 to 26 of the common heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides,

the people initially had on average 90 to 95% of the toxins in their liver, breast, and brain, whether they were live-food eaters or not. The overall percentage of removal of these toxins from these organs was 88%, leaving only 12% of the toxins in their systems overall. This included 91% removal from the liver, 88% removal from the breast, and 87% removal from the brain. In the 55 people tested the heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicide toxins, initially 801 toxins were found in the subjects’ livers, 825 toxins in the breasts, 824 toxins in the brain. After the one-week protocol, just 73 toxins were left in the liver, 102 toxins left in the breast, and 111 toxins left in the brain: Results of Week-Long NCD and Juice Fasting Non-Toxic Baby Protocol LIVER BREAST BRAIN TOTAL Toxins Found BEFORE 801 825 824 2450 Toxins Found AFTER 73 103 111 287 Percentage Removed 91% 88% 87% 88% The four subjects who continued the green juice fasting with NCD for two weeks went down to 0 toxins, a 100% removal rate. These results suggest a powerful synergy of NCD plus a detoxifying green juice fast. In observing thousands of fasters since 1988, fasting alone—although wonderful for enhancing the vital force—does not seem to significantly get rid of pesticides, herbicides, and heavy metals after 1 week by itself. I am proposing a theoretical model for explaining the testimonials of the powerful, across-the-board healing effects of NCD (a purified zeolite) from such health problems as ADD/Hyperactivity, Addiction, Agent Orange Exposure, Arthritis, Autism, Cancer, Cysts and Tumors, Depression, DES Exposure, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Flu, Colds, and Respiratory Problems, Gastro-Intestinal Problems, Heavy Metal Poisoning, Hepatitis C, High Blood Pressure, HIV/AIDS, Kidney Stones, Lack of Mental Clarity, Pain,

PMS/Menstrual Pain, Silicone Breast Implant Toxicity, Skin Conditions, Spider Bite, Toothache/Gum Disease, Varicose and Spider Veins, Viral and Other Infections, Yeast Infections. The model is a foundational healing concept. The basic mechanism we can draw from the literature and my present pilot study is that, by removing heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and DU, as well as through its effect of increasing immune system function, alkalizing the blood, blocking viral replication, and neutralizing free radicals, the NCD removes the blocks which compromise the vital life force. When the vital life force is freed up and activated, the body’s natural ability does the healing and relieving of these chronic diseases itself. With the NCD, we have returned to the basic natural healing theory for all chronic diseases. NCD is truly an alchemical gift from the Divine. Also: According to

testimonials, zeolite promotes a sense of well-being, clarity, and happiness. It appears to do this as a consequence of eliminating toxins and also, according to preliminary research, by increasing serotonin production. One study suggests that zeolite also helps relieve depression. Anecdotal reports suggest that zeolite increases energy, immune function, and general health. Zeolite neutralizes the formation of nitrosamines in the stomach. Found in processed meats, nitrosamines are one cause of stomach cancer. Another positive effect on the stomach, according to many anecdotal reports, is relief of acid reflux. Testimonials suggest that zeolite captures triggering antigens, which cause allergies, migraines, and asthma, decreasing the rate and severity of these symptoms. Zeolite directly absorbs free radicals and thus decreases free radical activity and damage to the body. This

zeolite product is a clear liquid that, taken daily as oral drops, supports us in living healthy, happy, and active lives in an increasingly toxic world. For more information on this article, please call Jan Boyer 814-765-2010, or email jan2010@... or visit my website http://www.getheavymetalsout.com/ Cousens, M.D., M.D.(H), Diplomate American Board of Holistic Medicine, Diplomate Ayurveda, Director and Workshops Facilitator of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, Host of “Physician of the Soul” and “Creating Peace by Being Peace” Internet Radio Programs, and Author of Spiritual Nutrition, Conscious Eating, Depression-Free for Life, Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine, and Sevenfold Peace. All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is

protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing LLC takes sole responsibility for all content. Truth Publishing sells no hard products and earns no money from the recommendation of products. Newstarget.com is presented for educational and commentary purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice from any licensed practitioner. Truth Publishing assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. For the full terms of usage of this material, visit www.NewsTarget.com/terms.shtml

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