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Re: Fw: Fwd: Fw: I am back!!!!!!

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WElcome back Lea! WE've missed you!


I am back!!!!!!

Darling Friends:

I am back, and I have missed this group so very much. We are in our new/old home in Riverbend. The cats are no longer fighting because they love all the big trees and the many birds that come to feed at the birdfeeders.

I have missed this group so much, but now I am reconnected to the internet, which is next door to our bedroom. I have a laptop that will be set up by my bed as well, for the times that I am really suffering.

This morning I took time to read all of the messages, and my heart goes out to all of the ladies who have had to go through this painful process. We must protect women who are considering having this unsafe surgery. I have been spreading the word to all of the people who come to our home...most are men. They seem to not like women who have these devices!!!!!

Please stay close...love always...... ........Lea

~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~`

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Welcome back, Lea.


> I just sent a reactivation request. The member list showed that her

> messages were bouncing because her mailbox was full. As soon as it is

> cleaned out, it should work for her.


> Lea, I hope you get this message!

> Patty



> Please, can you help me to get back into the group?


> Love always.........................Lea

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~``

> I am back!!!!!!



> Darling Friends:


> I am back, and I have missed this group so very much. We are in our

> new/old home in Riverbend. The cats are no longer fighting because they

> love all the big trees and the many birds that come to feed at the

> birdfeeders.


> I have missed this group so much, but now I am reconnected to the

> internet, which is next door to our bedroom. I have a laptop that will be

> set up by my bed as well, for the times that I am really suffering.


> This morning I took time to read all of the messages, and my heart goes

> out to all of the ladies who have had to go through this painful process.

> We must protect women who are considering having this unsafe surgery. I

> have been spreading the word to all of the people who come to our

> home...most are men. They seem to not like women who have these

> devices!!!!!


> Please stay close...love always..............Lea

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`



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Oh Lynda, it is great to be back. This group will save many lives....love



I am back!!!!!!



>> Darling Friends:


>> I am back, and I have missed this group so very much. We are in our

>> new/old home in Riverbend. The cats are no longer fighting because they

>> love all the big trees and the many birds that come to feed at the

>> birdfeeders.


>> I have missed this group so much, but now I am reconnected to the

>> internet, which is next door to our bedroom. I have a laptop that will


>> set up by my bed as well, for the times that I am really suffering.


>> This morning I took time to read all of the messages, and my heart goes

>> out to all of the ladies who have had to go through this painful


>> We must protect women who are considering having this unsafe surgery. I

>> have been spreading the word to all of the people who come to our

>> home...most are men. They seem to not like women who have these

>> devices!!!!!


>> Please stay close...love always..............Lea

>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`








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Dear sweetie Lea,

Good to hear you're o.k. I haven't unpacked much since my move on

Sept. 1st...boxes everywhere, but an organized mess! I've struggled

with lung problems, before and after explant...Rogene said to talk

with you about that. Otherwise, it feels absolutely awesome to be

free of those killers. Love ya lots,

Hope you and get rest in between all the work.

Love & Many God's Blessings,

Sunny :)


> ---- Forwarded Message ----

> From: Lea <devans@...>

> Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...>

> Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2006 10:39:37 AM

> Subject: Re: Fwd: Fw: I am back!!!!!!



> Darling Patty:


> Thank you for helping me to reconnect with this wonderful group. I

truly would be lost without support. We are both worn out from our

last move and it will take months to get everything in its proper



> Sending lots of love to everyone............Lea

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~```


> I just sent a reactivation request. The member list showed that

her messages were bouncing because her mailbox was full. As soon as

it is cleaned out, it should work for her.


> Lea, I hope you get this message!

> Patty



> Please, can you help me to get back into the group?


> Love always.........................Lea

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~``

> I am back!!!!!!



> Darling Friends:


> I am back, and I have missed this group so very much. We are in our

new/old home in Riverbend. The cats are no longer fighting because

they love all the big trees and the many birds that come to feed at

the birdfeeders.


> I have missed this group so much, but now I am reconnected to the

internet, which is next door to our bedroom. I have a laptop that

will be set up by my bed as well, for the times that I am really



> This morning I took time to read all of the messages, and my heart

goes out to all of the ladies who have had to go through this painful

process. We must protect women who are considering having this unsafe

surgery. I have been spreading the word to all of the people who come

to our home...most are men. They seem to not like women who have

these devices!!!!!


> Please stay close...love always..............Lea

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`


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Darling Lea,

Do not worry at all about helping me with litigation. I'll tell you,

when people say " God will deal with them....don't worry " it isn't

soon enough for me!!

I am horrified at what is happening to you and many other wonderful,

loving families. I am one to forgive and forget, as soon as

possible, but what I won't tolerate is people harming others and not

being accountable. Now Health Canada is permitting silicone implants

again! HELP!! I'm still keeping the faith even though times are


I was just told today that I can't be a respite giver to my

granddaughter as of Feb. 1 because I'm a relative, and they're

cutting down my hours every month until then. The government isn't

my favorite subject these days. I'm planning to finish designing my

holistic healing workshop and make $$ that way. I'll still help with

Emma as long as she is alive. I love her so much. Now that I'm

regaining my health somewhat, that will be possible.

I am praying for you and everyday and wish my car was

roadworthy so I could visit. I don't even have insurance

anymore 'cuz I haven't been paid for 7 weeks. The family just went

to Edmonton squeezed into my son's mini-van for my Mom's 88th

birthday...just a quick day trip.

Anyway, we shall prevail! Litigation is not on the top of my list

right now, however still on my mind. I am recovering slowly, with

lung problems, fungal growth (I keep saying I need to spit up a

hairball but nothing seems to budge!! LOL ) and neurological damage

on my left leg. Still, so, so happy to have the poison source out of

my body! :)

Love you lots & please nurture yourself....you deserve it! Thanks

again for all your continuing love & support. God bless you both!

Sunny :)


> Oh, Sunny, we have been through hell. My neurological symptoms

have been

> so bad that I was afraid; however, each day seems to get a bit

better. We

> have so much stuff to sort out that we are both overwhelmed. We

think that

> it might be good to have our psychologist to help us with this

because we

> were both traumatized by the litigation. While in litigation, we


> selling our old home that had all the problems, and then we decided

to sell

> the condo as well. We never want to see a realtor or a realty sign

again. I

> think that because of my illness, I still feel the trauma and I

really feel

> dislocated. Today, my head feels a bit clearer and the brain fog is


> gone. Rest is the only cure for my neurological symptoms.


> Honey, I wanted to help you with your case; however, I have been


> that, according to my mediation settlement, I cannot help another

lady with

> her litigation. I did call the lawyer in Calgary, but he has never


> my call! Would you like his phone number? I really feel that he has


> his mind about taking on a breast implant case. It took him 13 or

14 years

> to win the jaw implant case.


> I am sorry that I am not able to help you legally. You know that

you will

> always have my support and love though...Lea

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

> Re: Fw: Fwd: Fw: I am back!!!!!!



> > Dear sweetie Lea,

> >

> > Good to hear you're o.k. I haven't unpacked much since my move


> > Sept. 1st...boxes everywhere, but an organized mess! I've


> > with lung problems, before and after explant...Rogene said to


> > with you about that. Otherwise, it feels absolutely awesome to


> > free of those killers. Love ya lots,

> >

> > Hope you and get rest in between all the work.

> >

> > Love & Many God's Blessings,

> >

> > Sunny :)


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