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Re: Weight gain..and venting :( Sorry! lol

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what park of WV did you say you were from.... Huntington? ton? I was wondering since we were talking about WV last week... I was asking my hubby about the heat as well.... says it depends on where you are - some places get very hot... funny as my parents bought there for a summer home to get away from the heat... but where they bought it is not very hot so it is ok... they are on a mountain.... were there last week and said the highest it got duing the day was high 70's - 80 and at nit 50-low 60's.... what they wanted as here it is sooooo nasty for months and months....100% humidity for 7-8 months.... hot as you know what all the time.... sheesh. If we did move up there it would be somewhere that would have somewhat decent weather..... hopefully...

Sorry you had such a hard time in your marriage at first... that sounds pretty rough... not sure if would have made it through that... you are pretty tough....

Mine was really good at first although I was not sick for several years.... it was good when I first was getting ill....lately it has been a little "rough".... I am sure it is getting hard for him... it is very hard for me... things are tough financially and now with the new diagnosis and symptoms it seems never ending.... I wouldn't say rocky but these new meds they have me one severely affect my mood - in not such a good way....doc said this would happen but it is causing some issues. Plus - we have not had any alone time or vacations... no money.... plus I am always sick anyways..... it takes its toll. He is in for the long haul - I know that - I just need to be off the original med - they are supposedly start weaning me next week since I have started the new epilepsy stuff....it has to be slow for fear of more seizures... apparently the first drug - Keppra, causes lots of people to freak out and get emotional and mean.... why would they give it out - especially to me???? who knows....luckily we are changing.

Good luck!!! stay healthy!


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Brigite . . . . I'm so sorry you've been through so much with your husband and health . . . I know, despite all your health problems, you have incredible strength - mental and physical. Please keep hanging in there . . . one step at time. . . . You're going to get through this and get your life back! . . . Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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> What I meant was I used to eat junk when I was lighter. Of course

I was younger.I haven't eaten junk food or any of the other things I

listed in 3 to 4 months and I gave it all up I was so proud of

myself. I was eating only no salt turkey for protein and veggies and

fruit and only water to drink no snacking, which was really hard for

me, I thought wow you are doing really good. 3 or 4 months now and

only 3 lbs lost come on something is wrong. It has to be plus riding

the bike and I hahaven't been able to excercise in 9 years. I don't

know like you said most people could give up the sodas alone and lose

wight. My DR. said well at least you haven't gained you have lost

even if it is only three lbs.Keep it going.

What was all the hooplah about ? I stopped getting all the postings e-

mailed to me I sense I missed something.

Terri P



> In a message dated 7/29/2006 11:32:04 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> peaketeresa@... writes:


> Brigite,

> So true. I was 110, 5 " 1 and now I am 170. I used to eat alot of

junk now for

> the past 3 months i quit everything. No fast food, no fried food,

no sodas

> of any kind. No starch, no bread. I have only lost 3 lbs in three

months. It

> is like I might as well eat what I like then if it makes no







> That's the thing, though, I wasn't eating junk. I've never been a

junk eater

> nor eaten fast food unless it was absolutely necessary if we were

out some

> where (which isn't often). I gained this weight living in a garage

apt with no

> a/c (in 100% humidity climate of WV, and 100 degree summers) and


> couldn't open the windows, because there were no screens. (I'm

allergic to bees,

> plus we had a cat.) Our apt stayed over 110. (That alone would

make most people

> lose weight. Not only staying hot, but you don't feel like eating

in such

> heat.) My husband worked all the time and we were considering

separation due to

> how much my life had changed from not being able to work (and my


> depression). He ate at work, so I lived on Lean Cuisine and Budget

Gourmet Low Fat

> dinners that were only a few hundred calories each, very low fat.

(I always

> lived on those when I had had better income because I counted

calories and those

> made it easy.) We literally kept no food in our apt other than my


> meals. We didn't even have things like sliced cheese or ketchup.


> When I was finally diagnosed with the thyroid issues, they put me

on Xenical

> to lose weight. I don't know if you've heard of it or not, but it

takes the

> fat out of your food and eliminates it through your bowels. The

side effects

> are diahreah and it makes your bowels " leak " at any time. Well, I

didn't have

> 1 side effect ---which is extremely rare, because I wasn't eating

fat, so

> they took me off of it. I always had between 800-1200 calories per

day (if not

> less) and 0-20 fat grams per day. (This was long BEFORE people


> carbs.) And I gained 100 pounds in 1 year simply because my

thyroid changed that

> bad.


> After I got Pseudotumor Cerebri, I ate less because I stayed doped

up on

> medicine and slept 24 hours at a time to sleep the pain away. I

should also

> mention the fact that I could no longer drive and wasn't able to

get out and buy

> groceries (nor did I have my own money), and my husband didn't

care if I ate

> or not at the time. He hated me. (This was also the period he

wouldn't insure

> me, so I couldn't get a spinal tap or the care I needed, or half


> medications I needed.) I would call him and beg him to bring me

something to eat,

> and he would tell me he didn't have time. I'd beg him to bring me

something on

> his way home, and he would say " I'm too tired " -real snide. He

would bring

> home fast food and eat in front of me sometimes. My parents never

once came to

> my place because they were wrapped up in my drug addicted niece

they were

> raising. So, I would go days with nothing but tap water for 3-5

days at a time.

> I did finally lose weight some weight from that. I lost about 40

pounds in 6

> months. Then once we worked everything out, we moved and things

improved. I

> gradually gained the weight back.


> By the way, since I'm venting (sorry! lol), our landlord was my


> boss. He owns a heating/cooling/restaurant equipment and service/


> construction company. My husband could have fixed the a/c. He

chose not to fix

> it just to be that way to me. (He was never home, and if he was it

was in the

> week hours of night to sleep a few hours-so it didn't bother him.)


> how bad our marriage was at the time. It was so miserable being in

that heat

> having all the migraines and nausea -throwing up around the clock.

Then I also

> lived that way trying to care for a baby for several months.


> In recent years, I've eaten 800-2000 calories per day (certainly

not enough

> to maintain the weight I'm at)... if a normal person ate the way I

did, they

> would be tiny. We still don't have junk in the house. If we do,


> something Jeff likes and I don't (like Little Debbie cakes). My

only problem has been

> Pepsi, and I cut it out a few weeks ago after reading how sugar

fuels the

> bad things in our bodies. I've had no sugar for weeks, but haven't

had any

> weight changes. I guess I didn't expect any, but I have known

other people do cut

> sugar and lose!!! lol


> Anyway, I guess that opened up some wounds for me about what life

was like

> when I was putting all the weight on and how differently people

treated me.

> Things have since changed with my husband, and all has been well

for many

> years. It was just a rough adjustment seeing me go from day to

night in every way,

> shape, and form. Watching your wife morph from Pamela

into Roseanne

> Barr couldn't be easy. My personality also changed with it all

from the

> neuro trauma, although he feels it changed for the better where

our marriage is

> concerned. Otherwise, it's made me completely phobic of social

encounters, but

> that's probably partly because of how I look now. People who knew

me before

> laugh at me and snicker and point if they see me out, or come up

and ask if

> I'm pregnant. That would make anyone social phobic to have to be


> when you run into people you know.


> Maybe someday we'll all get back on track!!!


> Brig :)


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I weigh 20 lbs more than I did last summer and my stomach is always bloated like I'm pregnant...does this get better after explant ? I hate being heavy..I'm 5/4 140 use to be 120.

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