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Re: Someone wants to join Rogene

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You really are so sweet Rogene, I cannot wait to meet you in September.

I got my new glasses today and the improvement to my reading is incredible, I think I can even thread a needle.. lol I have not been able to do that for a while!!.

I am going to see my Dr on Thursday and really tell her what's what, I am fed up with feeling like this.

I have been reading Sharis posts with interest, I hope to be able to get some info from her.

Take care love Sue.

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Hi Rogene,

Its funny you should talk about orange juice, I only ever drink water but as I have very little calcium intake as I react to milk I have started drinking something called Tropicana which is orange with added calcium, gave me that tip from her ME specialist.

I will ask my Dr if she would be willing to speak with Dr Kolb via email but I have my doubts as Myhill wrote to her a few years back and she pretty much pooh whooed it, and said I didn't have ME, she asked why I was wasting my money paying for a private Dr when there was no evidence to prove the silicone link, but I will try again.

I will see if I can get the grapefruit extract, I have not seen it but will try to locate it.

I am really looking forward to finding out what Shari finds out.

I will email you tomorrow with my blood results, finger crossed.


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Sue, Garth Nicolson recommended that Shari go to Dr. Kolb's clinic . .. I wish you were here so you could go there . . . She has other doctors who handle detox and biotoxin issues. I asked Shari to tell you what tests they order . .. I stongly suspect that you are dealing with the same type of biotoxin issues that she is . . . I just wish she was going to see them sooner! . .. Do you think your doctor would be willing to talk/email Dr. Kolb? . . . She's been working with a lot of women's doctors . . . apparently at no charge. That may be your best bet in educating your doctor about the issues you're dealing with. Hopefully, seeing better willl help with your headaches! . . . I'm developing cataracts . . . Not bad enough for surgery yet . . . But I'm beginning to feel the strain. Glasses don't do much good there. Can you get Grapefruit seed extract there? . . . I took some early on and was impressed with how much it helped me. .. I'd forgotten about it for the most part. But tomorrow I'm getting some more! . . . It tastes horrible, but you can mask it in juice = grape juice is recommended. I found that orange juice worked pretty good. It could help reduce the toxin load signficantly. Love, Rogene

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Sue . . . There are some really good calcium supplements in the States . . . I'm sure you could find some there . . . There's calcium in lots of foods beside milk . .. In fact, cows milk isn't readily processed by the human body! . . . Goats milk is though- if you can find that. Something that one of our silent sisters did was to copy off messages from women coming to the group that decibel the problems they were having . . . She gave them to her doctors and asked him to read them . . . From what she told me, their confidence in what they thought they knew about implants faded away as they read them . . . They are fully supportive of her now. . . .One doctor in particular was shocked . . . His comment was "I had no idea. I'm so sorry!" Nevertheless . .. since your doctor has her mind made up . . . maybe leaving the word "implant" out of your discussion. . . Ask about biotoxins, mycoplasma bacteria .

... if she doesn't "get it", then tell her about this doctor (Kolb) in the states whose clinic is treating biotoxin illnesses and is recommended by a leading researcher (Garth Nicoloson) . . . I'm sure Dr. Kolb would help . .. I just hope your Doctor will accept her advise if she doesn't already know what needs to be done. Love, Rogene

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Hi Sue

I just wanted you to know that I am always thinking of you and

praying for you. Hopefully it won't be much longer before you will

be making progress again towards getting better. Sometimes we take

downhill turns and can't figure out why, but eventually things turn

around.I have a friend doing a treatment that consists of salt and

vitamin C and she has been doing this for 21 months. In that

time,she has been herxing almost constantly, often with severe

headaches. I was reading her posts with interest because she had

been on the antibiotic protocol site before that but had back

slidden and felt that she was getting worse again to the point of no

hope. She was in a wheel chair at this point. She had had lyme for

17 years (misdiagnosed) and never remembered being bitten by a

tick. She swears she got as sexually transmitted from her husband

who was eventually diagnosed with lyme. Anyway, the salt/C has

provided her tremendous improvement and her headaches are gone. She

is not well yet, but her life is so much better. The two things to

take away from this person's experience is that first, we can herx

for a very long time and not know it. Many many people on this site

herx pretty much continuously for wellover a year. Second, if one

thing appears to have stopped working, or isn't working, there is

always a way to tweak it or try something else that will get you

back on the path to healing! I know a woman with fast progressing

scleroderma who wasn't helped with one protocol and switched to the

Marshall Protocol and is doing very well now. We just have to keep

searching and trying things and never give up!! Stay encouraged. I

am so glad that Rogene will be visiting you . That is awesome! I

wish I could go back to England. I loved it back in 2000 when we

toured europe. Take care and God bless.



> Hi Rogene,


> Its funny you should talk about orange juice, I only ever drink

water but as

> I have very little calcium intake as I react to milk I have

started drinking

> something called Tropicana which is orange with added calcium,

gave me

> that tip from her ME specialist.

> I will ask my Dr if she would be willing to speak with Dr Kolb via

email but

> I have my doubts as Myhill wrote to her a few years back and


> pretty much pooh whooed it, and said I didn't have ME, she asked

why I was wasting

> my money paying for a private Dr when there was no evidence to

prove the

> silicone link, but I will try again.

> I will see if I can get the grapefruit extract, I have not seen it

but will

> try to locate it.


> I am really looking forward to finding out what Shari finds out.

> I will email you tomorrow with my blood results, finger crossed.


> Sue.


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Well I got my results today from my blood tests, thyroid normal, hormones normal, liver normal..everything normal. One piece of good news though they are referring me to a neurologist at long last so maybe we are breaking the ice. I didn't mention anything else today I am just happy to be being referred to someone, I will see how that goes and maybe take my information to him rather than my doctor.

Love Sue.

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Dear Sue . . . . It sounds like good news/bad news . . . It's good that all your tests (so far) are normal, but it's not answering your questions as to why you've been so ill. . . .I'm really glad to hear you're getting past this doctor! . . . Neurologists are considered to be more open minded - at least that's one an implants sister/doctor told us recently! Just hang in there until you get results! . . . Nobody should have to go through life feeling as badly as you have been. Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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