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My conversation with a plastic surgeon about explants

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If you don't mind I want to call that nurse and tell her my symptoms

Just for her records.. and I wont mention your phone call

I will be saying I live in Memphis, TN if need be

Just want to see if my insurance will pay since I am crippled from implants

and all my other symptoms to.

The medical field needs to be more educated,

Forget making a buck and start saving these woman and children

I will mention that to her to...Geeez

My plastic surgeons wife saids she was also implanted

I am starting to wonder if this is a sales pitch ?

She also said....

You cannot believe anything you read online.

They did say they would remove the capsules and scar tissue

But with their way of thinking with no open mind

My life is in their hands

I am to crippled to travel to Dr.Kolb

I hardly can dress myself since saline breast implantation


Ok, on the advice of Rogene, I contacted a plastic surgeon in my areato ask some questions about getting my implants removed. The doctorwas.....DR. ROBERT WALLACE, P/S,U T Medical Group-Plastic Surgery,910 Madison Avenue, Suite 525,Memphis, TN 38103-3470,1-901-347-8290Here was my conversation....Me: Hi-I'd like to have my explants removed because I'm having a lotof health problems that I believe are caused by my implants. I've beendiagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Raynaud'ssyndrome, I've got bad memory problems now, horrid one-sided headachesthat don't respond to aspirin, and pain in my breasts and chest thathas caused me to go to the emergency room. My Mom had breast cancer atmy age, and I really want to have mine taken out. I'm read a lot ofinformation online about the dangers of implants, as well as joined aSaline Support group and have talked to lots of women with the samesymptoms.... Will my insurance cover this?Nurse: Well, first off...no, your insurance will NOT cover explants,any more than it will cover implants. Two-saline implants are VERYsafe-I've had mine for 11 years with NO problems at all. You cannotbelieve everything you hear, and you certainly can't believe ANYTHINGyou read online. Fibromyalgia and your other problems are NOT causedby implants, believe me! We can do the explants if that's what youwant, but your skin will be all stretched out and you WILL bedeformed. As for the surgery, if you still want to do it, will costaround $7,000 UPFRONT, and that's with no lift. I would think twiceabout this if I were you-saline implants are VERY safe!Me: Ok, thanks so much for your time-but remember our conversationwhen YOU start having Fibro and other weird symptoms yourself! Bye!*sigh*

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