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How to Avoid One of the Most Widespread but Unreported Health Dangers

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"Dr. Mercola" <jm@...> wrote: From: Dr. Mercola <jm@...>saxony01@...Subject: How to Avoid One of the Most Widespread but Unreported Health DangersDate: 25 Oct 2006 00:00:20 -0500 Discover a Truly Deadly Type of Health Deception ... Sweet Deception It is easily one of the most widespread and dangerous deceptions of our time, and a genuine threat to your health in ways you likely can't even imagine. In fact, when you discover the inside story on

this one, you'll be exposed to the absolute dark heart and soul of how giant food and drug corporations and the government are secretly risking your health for their own personal gain ... and you will be astonished at the important new insights I've uncovered that haven't been revealed anywhere else. It took me and seven full-time investigators over two years to compile the information in my brand new book, "Sweet Deception: Why Splenda, NutraSweet and the FDA May Be Hazardous to Your Health." We poured through stacks of papers and correspondence with the FDA, and carefully reviewed thousands of studies to create this book -- and to provide you with a proven roadmap out of the health nightmare that the food and drug giants have created and the FDA allows to occur. (And believe me,

folks, when you read the first half of this book you'll understand why you need to escape their clutches. Now.) As part of the extensive research my team and I did for this book, we secured several pounds of pure sucralose (in Splenda) and had it tested by an independent outside laboratory. You will be shocked at what we discovered ... PREORDER SWEET DECEPTION NOW (You'll Get the Book for 34% Off Its Retail Price PLUS You Will Instantly Get All Five Bonus Gifts Described on This Page) NOTE: To get

the five bonus gifts you must advance order the book here. Your book will be shipped to you by a major book retailer through our special arrangement with them when it is publicly launched in the 2nd week of November. Your Support CAN Make a Difference Largely due to enthusiastic supporters of the truth like yourself, my last book, The Great Bird Flu Hoax, hit #3 on The New York Times bestseller list. So the momentum is finally in our

favor for creating big waves to change the healthcare paradigm to one focused on real prevention, cure and the TRUTH. But where that book has started the wave, Sweet Deception has even greater potential to grasp the mass media that can further popularize it ... because of the astounding secrets it exposes, and because of the profound impact it can have on peoples' health. It could really serve to accelerate the desperately needed changes in the conventional medical system. Explosive Secrets that Have Never Been Revealed Before (and that are Crucial to Your Health and Wellness) Here is one thing I am

certain of: out of all the books I've authored, perhaps out of everything I've ever authored at all, Sweet Deception is the best I have written ... and it is the most comprehensive expose on the artificial sweetener industry. You'll find it reads as compellingly as a good novel, it has been meticulously researched so you are getting facts not hearsay, but the real reason I state this is because: The hidden secrets I've uncovered in the book about the food and drug companies, and about the FDA as well, has great potential to shake the very foundations of the conventional healthcare paradigm. (My hope is that we can win some type of investigative journalism award for this one ... when you read the book you'll see why.) The new insights revealed

should also prevent much unnecessary suffering while dramatically improving people's health ... including yours. I am therefore providing this opportunity to you to make sure you preorder this essential book from Mercola.com today ... IMPORTANT NOTE: Only by preordering the book through Mercola.com versus anywhere else, we will be able to collect all preorders and have them fulfilled in a way that enables us to make the New York Times bestseller list ... which of course provides much-needed attention to all of the secrets this book reveals! The special offer when you preorder the book here today includes: A low preorder price that is

34% off what the book will retail for when it is released in bookstores A bonus online certificate good for 30% off your next Mercola.com order up to $20 off Four amazing instant gifts (two more valuable and beneficial than anything I have ever given away before) that will be sent to you immediately including: My entire 3-hour "Top Secrets of Anti-Aging" MP3 audio seminar and 100-page written .pdf transcript that sells in the Mercola.com store for $49.97 but is your FREE gift My entire 3-hour "Introduction to the Emotional Freedom Technique" MP3 audio seminar and 100-page written .pdf transcript that sells in the Mercola.com store

for $49.97 but is your FREE gift The 300-page History of a Crime Against the Food Law .pdf eBook (the must-read classic for any natural health enthusiast, in a new clean easy-to-read format; sells at Amazon and elsewhere for $29.99 on up but is yours FREE) The new eBook 101 Simple Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp ... at Any Age! (sells elsewhere for $14.99, but also yours FREE) The first two gifts above (that I normally sell in the store) are a true goldmine of health insights that I urge you to listen to as soon as possible. I encourage you to read more about all these gifts further below. I will instantly send you all these exceptional gifts and your e-coupon for 30% off your next order

when you preorder the book today. But please keep in mind that this offer will expire November 15, 2006. This Book is NOT for You If ... You want to blindly trust the FDA has really done its homework by pronouncing Splenda -- now the most widely consumed artificial sweetener in America -- safe for your consumption. Even though this determination is based primarily on animal studies, and even the very few human studies were only short-term (amongst other serious flaws.) You want to remain convinced that artificial sweeteners are a diet

aid, even though they are anything but. In fact, according to strong new evidence they definitely don't want you to know about, artificial sweeteners are actually prone to making you gain weight. You are diabetic, or someone you love is diabetic, AND you want to believe the extremely dangerous lie that artificial sweeteners are safer for you than sugar. (If you do want the truth, your jaw is going to drop at what you learn in Sweet Deception about this one.) I could go on, but you know I'm being tongue-in-cheek here. Fact is, because of the prevalence of sweeteners in most foods, and even more so because of the prevalence of the FDA in ALL of our lives, everyone should read this book. For

example, on the chemical that serves as a framework for the book's larger story -- Splenda ---- you will discover the full story behind such facts as: There are no long-term studies done on Splenda. Over 100 studies were done to prove its safety but only 6 of the published studies are human clinical trials and only 4 of those looked at health related issues. You'll learn much more on how and why Splenda, America's top artificial sweetener, was determined safe for consumption based on such super-thin-ice "evidence." Although Splenda's starting material is made from sugar (sucrose), it is rapidly transformed, through chemical manipulation, into a fructo-galactose molecule never before seen in nature ... Find out what that means for your body! Sucralose (Splenda is a mixture of sucralose and sugar) is a chlorinated sugar molecule. Chlorinated hydrogen compounds have a dark history of causing serious health consequences in humans ... So what could that mean for the millions now consuming Splenda routinely? How Much Do These 21 Insights Matter to You? I realize you've got limited reading time in your life. If you're like me, you might also have quite a number of books you'd like to get to reading when you can. In short, I know that Sweet Deception may be competing with other potential books you would like to read. That is why I am offering you the special price and incredible bonus gifts for preordering it today, including the two 3-hour audio seminars described below that are loaded with insights on preventing premature aging and improving your emotional health and the 30% off coupon for your next order, amongst other gifts. But I still want to give you even more of a reason why Sweet Deception is an essential book worth you preordering today ... and worth you shifting to the very TOP of your reading pile once it is mailed to you in mid-November. So here's just a taste (no pun intended) of what you will discover in the book (please ask yourself how important this knowledge is to you as you brief through these) ... The widely used food

that most people don't realize actually disturbs your hormone levels and accelerates the aging process. (page 33) The startling reasons why addiction to sugar is very similar to heroin or morphine. The simple technique you can use to find out if an artificial sweetener is causing unhealthy side effects on you (page 128-130) The very widely used food additive that has had more complaints to the FDA than all others combined (pages 126-127) If you are pregnant, learn about the animal studies that should provoke a great concern and prompt you to avoid sucralose at ALL costs (pages 160-161) The one

inexpensive blood test that is more important than your cholesterol level and that you should have done regularly if you are overweight, have high blood pressure or high cholesterol (page 32) How a currently well-known TOP political figure manipulated the FDA to obtain approval of a popular artificial sweetener (pages 84-88) A secret to successful permanent weight loss that you rarely hear about elsewhere The inside scoop on why only 5% of the money the FDA spends is for drug safety while over 80% of it goes to actually approving drugs. (page 248) The popular artificial sweetener that has prompted negative side effects in over one million people (pages 126-127) This simple change in how you prepare your food can drastically lower your risk of Alzheimer's, cataracts, arthritis and heart disease. (page 37) Find out what artificial sweetener is 10,000 times sweeter than sugar and makes aspartame look like health food ... this may be among the most dangerous artificial sweeteners on the market period. (page 69) The dirty little secret that the food industry is using to save them money though it has never been tested on humans and is likely to increase your risk of toxic side effects. (pages 72-74) The popular new natural sweetener that is not all it is cracked up to be, is frequently adulterated and may be actually cause miscarriages because of its

toxicity (pages 343-346) Discover how the revealing story of how the manufacturer of aspartame manipulated data to get its approval. (page 91) How artificial sweeteners are hundreds to many thousands of times sweeter than sugar and are combined with substances that invalidate nearly every study used to confirm their safety in diabetics (pages 144-145) The six things that you do that radically increases the amount of sucralose you absorb into your body. (page 160) How sucralose may ALSO be harming the environment in addition to you and your family. (page 186) The two new "natural" sweeteners on the market

that you should NOT let fool you, as they are being deceptively marketed as zero calorie sweeteners. (pages 356-357) If you must use a sweetener, the one sweetener that is probably the safest to use as it is the least processed and has the highest density of sweetness per calorie of carbohydrate. (page 323) In concentrated form this natural sweetener is quite high in fiber and you can actually use it as a treatment for constipation (page 334) If some of these items above piqued your interest remember -- this is just a brief overview of what you'll get the full inside story on in Sweet Deception: Why Splenda, NutraSweet and the FDA May Be Hazardous to Your Health. (Check out still more of what you'll find in the book further below, after learning more about the bonuses you will get for preordering the book here at Mercola.com today!) You Will Get These 5 Bonuses Instantly -- Including Two of My Most Popular Audio Seminars that I Normally Sell on the Site! Order Sweet Deception through Mercola.com today and, in addition to the discount price, you will instantly be emailed: BONUS 1: "The

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practical steps you can take to increase your longevity, and improve the way you feel -- even if you suffer from a degenerative disease! In the "Secrets of Anti Aging" MP3 audio recording and .pdf transcripts that you will get instantly for FREE, you will learn the important information that Dr. Rosedale has discovered ... meaning you will have these insights long before others in the general public and even the medical community! BONUS 2: "Introduction to the Emotional Freedom Technique" MP3 Audio Seminar Recording & .PDF Transcripts(sells for $49.97 in the Mercola.com store!) EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is the world's best tool to reduce stress and overcome emotional barriers in your life. In early June 2005 Craig, the pioneer of EFT, and I presented a complete 3-hour introduction to EFT teleclinic that is now available to you in MP3 file mode (over three hours of audio!) PLUS written transcripts (over 100 pages) of the entire teleclinic in .pdf file. Nearly every doctor will tell you that stress is one of the primary reasons why most people get sick. That's why we have epidemic numbers of people suffering from ulcers, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders and more. If you want to eliminate

stress and overcome the emotional issues that bar you from success in health, relationships, finances, and all aspects of life, then you want to learn EFT. And this "Introduction to EFT" package is the most convenient, economical and effective manner available to learn EFT at your own pace. From the convenience of any MP3 player (including your computer), you'll learn all the basics of EFT from top EFT expert Craig and me, Dr. Mercola, to help you: Lose weight and keep it off ... by overcoming the most stubborn barrier of all, the emotional one Finally have the success you dream of Eliminate the stress in your life Improve your personal relationships

Break the barriers to reach every goal you ever imagined More than any traditional or alternative method I have used or researched, EFT works. I have witnessed the results in my patients since deciding to use EFT exclusively in June of 2001. Though future teleclinics on particular applications with EFT will become available, this is the audio recording (and written transcripts) that provides the EFT basics that everyone will need to know! With this MP3 and .pdf package -- FREE if you preorder the book here at Mercola.com today -- you will be able to study EFT at your own convenience, and you will be able to review the information at any time! BONUS 3: Online Coupon Good for 30% Off Your Next Mercola.com Order You'll be sent a coupon code worth 30% off your next Mercola.com store order ... up to $20 off your next order. So if you intend to make any Mercola.com purchase in the future, this is a real obvious win! BONUS 4: "The History of a Crime Against the Food Law" 300-Page eBook(sells at Amazon and elsewhere for $29.99 on up but is yours FREE) This 1929 classic book by Dr. Harvey Wiley, first commissioner of the FDA, details what he calls "the amazing story of the national food and drugs law intended to protect the health of the people -- perverted to protect adulteration of foods and drugs". In this 300-page downloadable version of the book:

You'll see how corruption was frequent in the early FDA, just as it is today ... You'll discover how the FDA has never been able to protect the public from hazardous foods and drugs ... You'll find that the solution to this problem is the same as it was nearly 100 years ago ... Contains a new foreward by me, Dr. ph Mercola. BONUS 5: 101 Simple Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp ... at Any Age eBook(sells elsewhere for $14.99, but also

yours FREE) Is there such a thing as successful aging? Science says yes! In this easy-to-read downloadable e-book authored by Dr. Nickerson DC PT, you'll receive 101 simple and pro-active ways to continually challenge yourself mentally, and adopt healthy brain-enhancing habits. As far as your brain is concerned, "use it or lose it" may be your simple key to healthy brain aging. These ideas for your brain's "new fitness plan" are accompanied by a number of online resources to get you started on your journey.

As part of the extensive research my team and I did for this book, we secured several pounds of pure sucralose (in Splenda) and had it tested by an independent outside laboratory. You will be shocked at what we discovered ... PREORDER SWEET DECEPTION NOW (You'll Get the Book for 34% Off Its Retail Price PLUS You Will Instantly Get All Five Bonus Gifts Described on This Page) NOTE: To get the five bonus gifts you must

advance order the book here. Your book will be shipped to you by a major book retailer through our special arrangement with them when it is publicly launched in the 2nd week of November. Remember, to get these bonuses you must preorder Sweet Deception from the Mercola.com store today ... you will get the low preorder price that is 34% off what the book will retail for when it is released in bookstore. So

here are the simple steps to take advantage of this offer: Preorder Sweet Deception today in the Mercola.com store by clicking any purchase link on this page and proceeding through check-out You will be sent an email contain your four bonus downloads PLUS an email containing your coupon for your next Mercola.com order Your Sweet Deception book(s) will be shipped to you via a book retailer whom we have a special arrangement with around the 2nd week of November 21 More Insights You'll Discover (In Case You're Still "On the Fence") In Sweet Deception: Why Splenda, NutraSweet and the FDA May Be Hazardous to Your Health you'll also discover ... The story behind Splenda's made up chemical name ... in short an evil marketing genius stroke of brilliance followed by flawed logic that the FDA used to allow this incredible deception (page 140-142) The shocking difference in studies that are funded by the manufacturer versus those that are independently funded (and how could this have enormous impact on the safety of FDA approved products that you use on a daily basis.) (p 151-152) The insider techniques that the evil marketing geniuses use to con you into buying their highly processed foods loaded with artificial ingredients (pages 204-208) Why the FDA is incapable of protecting you from potentially dangerous toxic drugs that could kill you. The foods that commonly have hidden sources of sugar in them that keep you further addicted to sugar. The ONLY product that ever prompted an FDA-initiated criminal investigation and how the grand jury was manipulated until the statute of limitations ran out. (page 83) The food that actually causes you to increase your fat production and slow down the breakdown of fat ... and it is NOT fat itself. (page

40) How several of the breakdown products of this popular artificial sweetener have been associated with the development of cancer (page100-101) How scientific studies are manipulated to deceive you. 216- 231 Why this particular artificial sweetener can excite your brain cells to death, break down your blood brain barrier and cause changes in neurotransmitter levels resulting in depression, weight gain, migraines, seizures, strokes brain cancers and other brain injuries, some resulting in permanent blindness. 104-124 How one of the biggest hoaxes with Splenda is also true for other artificial sweeteners ... and this deceptive ploy could spell disaster for diabetics.

Virtually all health care professionals are unaware of this crucial distinction. 166-167 How FDA Advisory Panels actually form the weak link in the drug approval process and are rife with opportunity for massive drug company conflict of interest. (page 258-260) The risky side effects that sugar alcohols can cause -- which are actually the safest and which ones should be avoided? (pages 350-355) The "natural" sweetener you clearly want to AVOID as it may be the worst of the bunch ... it has been associated with excessive weight gain and obesity, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and inflammation (pages 347-348) How and why 16 drugs

killed tens of thousands of people (and were removed from the market) when safer and less expensive alternatives were readily available. (pages 250-254) The shocking statement the chief scientific and medical officer of the American Diabetes Association made about sugar and diabetes ... and exactly what makes it so shocking. (page 224) The most common side effects from Splenda and what you should be especially careful of if you chose to use it. (page 183) Which amazing natural sweetener that has been used for many centuries in other countries has been banned by the FDA ... and the political reasons why they can seize any product that uses this as a sweetener. (page 268-275) The new sweetener that now dominates the market and the average American now consumes 61 pounds per year of. Which sweetener can be use to achieve remarkable recoveries for persistently infected non-healing wounds. In addition to its antibacterial properties it may facilitate natural bioelectrical currents that stimulate wound repair! (page 329) How the changes that occurred at the FDA recently now makes them nearly impotent at fulfilling their mandate -- to protect you from potentially dangerous foods and drugs. (page 246-250) Order Sweet Deception from Mercola.com Today (and Get Your Five Gifts Detailed Above Emailed to You

Instantly!) As part of the extensive research my team and I did for this book, we secured several pounds of pure sucralose (in Splenda) and had it tested by an independent outside laboratory. You will be shocked at what we discovered ... PREORDER SWEET DECEPTION NOW (You'll Get the Book for 34% Off Its Retail Price PLUS You Will Instantly Get All Five Bonus Gifts Described on This Page) NOTE: To get the five bonus gifts you must advance order the book here. Your book will be shipped to you by a

major book retailer through our special arrangement with them when it is publicly launched in the 2nd week of November. Would you like to update your subscription to a new email address? Update My Address.If you would like to stop receiving this email, unsubscribe here. Mercola.com1443 W. Schaumburg Road, Suite 250Schaumburg, IL 60194

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