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Amen to that ....if needed moderation is going to be back in effect ..


and I forgot to tell you that it is NOT hard to spread hep c, otherwise why would there be over 4 MILLION of us in the US alone?

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Amen to that ....if needed moderation is going to be back in effect ..


and I forgot to tell you that it is NOT hard to spread hep c, otherwise why would there be over 4 MILLION of us in the US alone?

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> You are over-reacting again here,, NO ONE is blaming all Hep C on


> drug use, it is one of the ways this is spread tho.. along with

> sharing straws, razors, toothbrushes,,or having blood


> Please dont shoot the messenger,, Liz is only posting info that


> has obtained..

> jax


If there are any Viet Nam era veterans among the group, they might

recall walking a " gauntlet " of air-powered injection guns which gave

us all the shots we needed to survive the jungle...The Army found it

efficient to give hundreds of folks shots with the same gun. I've

read that Viet Nam veterans have a disproportional high rate of

HCV...but then again, Viet Nam veterans also were more likely to

experiment with IV drugs than the general population. I personally

have three tattoos and a pierced ear which I got before anyone was

aware of the potential of viral infection. At the end of the

argument, it doesn't matter where any of us have been...just where

we are and where we are going.

I must admit, (perhaps a bit like ) that I'm a little touchy

whenever a doctor asks me where I think I might have gotten exposed

to HCV. If one admits to experimenting with IV drug use, it becomes

a permanent part of your record and may impact your treatment

options down the road.

My brother was denied a liver transplant because he used drugs and

drank alcohol. He died at 39.

The day he died, an entire family of Laotian immigrants received new

livers after ingesting wild mushrooms for dinner.

I'm thankful that I don't have to vote on who lives and dies.

(I know the Laotians are)

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People in the health profession have contracted HCV just from a very small needle prick!! Sharonredjaxjm <redjaxjm@...> wrote: and I forgot to tell you that it is NOT hard to spread hep c, otherwise why would there be over 4 MILLION of us in the US alone?

Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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im pretty sure that u need 1 year clean on charts for a transplant it might have been 10 months but that was diccussed in a local support group,i have also read that agent orange might also have played a factor in vets with hep c,i haven't read enough on it but have pass't it in reading,i think the docs that dont beleave hep c is a virus is where i read that.theres alot of intresting stuff if any of you care to read on why hep c is not a virus.

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So true Sharon, That is how I suspect that I got Hep C. From a needle prick. Being a nurse you come in contact with blood almost every day. Folks like Jackie and Liz were our front line warriors as Paramedics. They were first on the scene, slapping on the gloves, and wading through the victims of all kinds of mishaps. They don't take the time to ask do you have AIDS, or hep C they just did what they had to do to save that persons life. In a code situation, in a hospital supplies, needles, gloves anything possible is thrown on the floor, might end up in the patients bed, who knows. I know I got stuck during a code. Also I had a patient pick her noses she was on blood thinners, guess what, I walked into the room to the woman with her hands over her nose bleeding profusely, splashed all over me, my

hands(which I have a OCD problem of scratching till I bleed, open wounds on my hands.(I know silly me, but I usually don't wear gloves into the room, only when I had patient contact). And yes some people in their youth did some mighty risky behavior. Like IV drug uses and other things. That doesn't mean that I am going to treat them any different than I would a nurse who got it while working, a person who got it from a transfusion, a person who got it from a tattoo or piercing. We all are in the same battle here. It happens now we have to fight it, and with all the love and consideration for our brothers and sisters against the fight of Hep C. Love JanetSharon Crosby <blubirdxoxo@...>

wrote: People in the health profession have contracted HCV just from a very small needle prick!! Sharonredjaxjm <redjaxjm@...> wrote: and I forgot to tell you that it is NOT hard to spread hep c, otherwise why would there be over 4 MILLION of us in the US alone? Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. There are souls in this world which have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go." -Frederick Faber

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  • 5 months later...


My PS now feels there is greater risk to my health in having the scar capsule removed because it is to close to my lungs.

I am hoping to change his mind as my PS has the knowledge and experience in removing the capsules plus thier office accepts my insurance.

The implants left me sort of crippled so I cannot travel even if the other doctors on our list accepted my insurance.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I am excited about your news.!

Do you think this will work for me as I have the scar capsules still in me ?

What type of doctor are you seeing for your fibro.?

How is your fatigue.?

This may be fibro that's in my knees and lower back, which is most

likely why I am so crippled up like this, the pain is so unbearable :(

I also hurt really bad under my armpits where I was cut twice for both surgeries.

from having the breast implants taken in and out. I wonder if laser will help there also

I am wondering if cutting into the muscle under my armpits if I am damaged for life there :(

Oooh I hurt so so bad under my armpits, lower back, knees and breast pain.

I know this sounds off the wall but...I have a hard time dressing myself

After implants I swelled up so much that my buttocks moved up to my back

The sad part is the medical field and my family does not believe me :(

God Bless,



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