Guest guest Posted August 10, 2006 Report Share Posted August 10, 2006 I'm right there with you....I have a PS here that will remove all the capsule...and he's a lot cheaper and closer...I'm leaning in that direction....I think that is the main concern..that the capsule is removed...I'm right aren't I girls ? Dr Melmed told me this was the main concern and if I had a PS that would do that I would be fine...I love Dr Kolb and I think she is no 1 but the cost of her surgery the motel the's hard on some of us. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2006 Report Share Posted August 10, 2006 Hi , Do whatever you're comfortable with, just make sure you get it in writing if you go to another doctor. I think they key is getting someone who makes an effort to get all of the capsule and leave nothing behind. Unfortunately most of us here have suffered financially from implants and so it's not a matter of being able to afford one doctor or another, I know my original plastic surgeon was going to remove mine for $2500 - but since he didn't believe I was sick and didn't do alot of explants without removal, I wanted someone who understood implant illness and who had alot of explant experience, and ended up paying $6500. I was unemployed at the time and I'm still paying off the credit card for the implants that are no longer in my body. The choice is totally yours, though, do what you think is best for you. Sis > > I'm right there with you....I have a PS here that will remove all the > capsule...and he's a lot cheaper and closer...I'm leaning in that direction....I > think that is the main concern..that the capsule is removed...I'm right aren't I > girls ? Dr Melmed told me this was the main concern and if I had a PS that > would do that I would be fine...I love Dr Kolb and I think she is no 1 but the > cost of her surgery the motel the's hard on some of us. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2006 Report Share Posted August 10, 2006 Sandy . . . Don't give up! . . . It's disgusting that your doctor would refuse to look at your documentation! But I'm not surprised!. . . These doctors don't want to stick their necks out! . . . A little knowledge could be a dangerous thing . . . Think of all the other patients who have implants who will need attention - if they know what's making them sick! You might have to be more assertive! . . . Or find another doctor! I don't know what it's going to take to "educate" these doctors . . . But, by God, it's going to happen! Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2006 Report Share Posted August 10, 2006 Thanks Sis this Ps does take the whole capsule or as much as he can get..(that's all Dr Kolb says she can do also) its never 100% sure anyone can get it all.... this Ps did Kj's on explantation .com and 's here on saline..they are both really happy...I'm not going with cheaper...I'm going with several things...closer cheaper..etc....but I wouldn;t go to a Ps that had never done an explant or that doesn't try and get as much capsule as possible...I just hope you girls here can help me with the detox if needed my worst symptoms are joint and muscle pain... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2006 Report Share Posted August 10, 2006 Same thing here. I really wanted to be sure and have ALL the nasty scar tissue/chemicals scraped out leaving nothing behind that would continue to make me sick. It is enough knowing that the nasty toxins are still there in all my fat cells, continuing to make me sick. I too, chose a more expensive Dr. that was knowledgeable with explants and aware of implant illness. *big sigh* I am also still paying off credit cards, for those nasty implants r/t removal. It has hurt us financially, but health is more important. ~ married to DH Mark, and sharing the lives of nine busy children. <3 <3 Re: Toxic Breast Implants/ Venting Hi ,Do whatever you're comfortable with, just make sure you get it in writing if you go to another doctor. I think they key is getting someone who makes an effort to get all of the capsule and leave nothing behind. Unfortunately most of us here have suffered financially from implants and so it's not a matter of being able to afford one doctor or another, I know my original plastic surgeon was going to remove mine for $2500 - but since he didn't believe I was sick and didn't do alot of explants without removal, I wanted someone who understood implant illness and who had alot of explant experience, and ended up paying $6500. I was unemployed at the time and I'm still paying off the credit card for the implants that are no longer in my body. The choice is totally yours, though, do what you think is best for you.Sis>> I'm right there with you....I have a PS here that will remove all the > capsule...and he's a lot cheaper and closer...I'm leaning in that direction....I > think that is the main concern..that the capsule is removed...I'm right aren't I > girls ? Dr Melmed told me this was the main concern and if I had a PS that > would do that I would be fine...I love Dr Kolb and I think she is no 1 but the > cost of her surgery the motel the's hard on some of us.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2006 Report Share Posted August 10, 2006 I had to apply for credit cards (we didn't have any and didn't believe in them) and then charge the cost of explant and travel... etc. For me, it was the only way. I was afraid to keep them in any longer and get sicker. It sucks now that we have all this debt, and I had to get a job (even though I am not feeling well) that takes me away from my little ones at night. BUT, it is worth it to me and it will eventually be paid for (I hope! the interest is a killer) and I can put it behind me. Just a suggestion? hugs julie ~ married to DH Mark, and sharing the lives of nine busy children. <3 <3 Re: Toxic Breast Implants/ Venting I'm right there with you....I have a PS here that will remove all the capsule...and he's a lot cheaper and closer...I'm leaning in that direction....I think that is the main concern..that the capsule is removed...I'm right aren't I girls ? Dr Melmed told me this was the main concern and if I had a PS that would do that I would be fine...I love Dr Kolb and I think she is no 1 but the cost of her surgery the motel the's hard on some of us. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 11, 2006 Report Share Posted August 11, 2006 It's always good when you've got other patients who are happy and can attest to the doctor's work. We'll be there to support you, no matter which doctor you choose. I didn't take anything for about 6 months after explant - because my body is very sensitive, however I've noticed that probiotics have helped me quite a bit lately. I'm nowhere near how I was pre-implant, but I'm definitely better than I was with the implants in. Sis > > Thanks Sis this Ps does take the whole capsule or as much as he can > get..(that's all Dr Kolb says she can do also) its never 100% sure anyone can get it > all.... this Ps did Kj's on explantation .com and 's here on > saline..they are both really happy...I'm not going with cheaper...I'm going with > several things...closer cheaper..etc....but I wouldn;t go to a Ps that had never > done an explant or that doesn't try and get as much capsule as possible...I just > hope you girls here can help me with the detox if needed my worst symptoms > are joint and muscle pain... > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 17, 2006 Report Share Posted August 17, 2006 Hi Sandy, I know it is an awful thing to be in this position, where you paid the price for having implants because of the failure of the medical professionals to adequately deal with the true risks, and you continue to pay the price because of their ignorance in how to even take them out properly or treat the diseases that results. It surely is abdication of responsibility in the worst degree by so-called medical "professionals". They are acting instead like poorly educated human body mechanics. Just cutting and stuffing and pretending that things are hunky-dory. Oh, and of course, then blaming us for not properly taking care of our body when we get sick, rather than accepting that they did anything wrong. It's us women who get caught in the middle of this sick game. There was a recent article by Shomon about the problems associated with taking your internet print-outs to the doctor. It's sad that they won't even take the initiative to get educated by their own patients. That's when it's time to find a new doctor. If they won't even listen to you, they have no business treating patients. Maybe they need to change their specialty to pathology and doing autopsies. Dead people don't talk! Here's what she says, though: "It's great to do research, and many of us rely on the Internet because of the many source of medical and health information available. But when you want to share something with your doctor, do you come to your appointment with stacks of papers you've printed off from various websites? If so, you could be interfering with the effectiveness of your visit. One of two things may happen. (1) Your doctor may spend most of your appointment time reading through your printouts. Or (2), Your doctor may decide that he/she doesn't have time to even look at the printouts at all, and ignore them completely. A BETTER APPROACH?: Carefully select a few pages that are of particular importance, and mail or fax them at least a week before your appointment, along with a brief cover note that says "I am hoping we can discuss this during my appointment on Day/Date/Time." Sandy, I hope things are looking better for you by now! Having found our group, now you at least are gaining knowledge that you can use to help yourself. One step at a time, you'll get there. Hugs, Patty Sandy Verticelli <> wrote: I had called my plastic surgeon and explained even though you removed my implants I need to have my capsules and scar tissue removed because it harbors bacteria. My plastic surgeon said they find that hard to believe and they cannot do anything without going through my physician first. I said to myself no problem so I made the appointment with my physician. I just seen my physician today, Thanks to Regena and everyone I made a copy of why and how the bacteria is harbored in the scar tissue and capsules. I asked my doctor to contact my plastic surgeon and get together as a team and call Dr.Kolb so my surgery in removing my scat tissue and capsules can be done correctly so I can have my life back. My physician responded, I don't know anything about implants it's going to have to be up to your plastic surgeon. My doctor also handed me back the doumentation I had copied and never even glanced at it to see why I am so ill But I did have a liver function test done today.. Removal of Implants My Plastic Surgeon... $2000.00 Dr Kolb... $6000.00 I am soooooooooooo..... frustrated, in the poor house, crippled to a degree, agony, fybromyalga, shallow breathing, constant sweating, cannot exercise, immune system messed up, covered in skin tags, to sick and weak to clean my house and worse yet a prisoner in my own home,barely can work and I look pregnant....grrrrrrr....boy I am mad... I have been searching on my own for almost 4 years for answers to my health problems Now I have found the answers and still cannot get the medical attention I need. Go Figure !! Sandy Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 17, 2006 Report Share Posted August 17, 2006 Hi Terri, I am quite surprised that your PS didn't take care of the capsule properly for you. It was Dr. Gordon, right? I know a girl who went to him and had the en bloc procedure, and he gave her the pictures and the implants and I saw that the capsule was still around the was pretty gross, but it was proof that he got it all out. I wonder why he wasn't that good about getting all yours? Maybe because it wasn't discussed, but he should know better. I am sorry you are going through this! Where are you at with it at this point? What is happening regarding your higher sed rate? Patty Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote: -I know it is hard but continue to hang in there. I was in the same boat. My own family turned their back on me. I reached out to my best friend from high school mainly out of comfort to hear a sweet voice and she shocked me eith, I'll put it on my credit card. My explant was 3030. It has been one year and I just found out through this site and rereading my operative report that my left capsule was not removed only a generous portion for biopsy, I called the PS who did the explant to do 1 year follow up and try to find out about the fianl biopsy on the capsule that he left in, Guess what no phone call back, What a surprise when I told the office why I was calling she asked if the yeast, staph, bacteria was in the breast, I said no MY WHOLE BODY. She was so shocked, Oh do you want to fly here to have Dr remove the remaining capsule? I said no I will have someone here do it but I would like the final biosy report. She said she would have someone call. Yea right they probabaly think I am going to sue them. When all I want is my records of what they found in that generous biopsy. I know I would be detoxing easier and not have this Staph bacteria if he would have taken out both capsules. But live and learn I didn;t have you ladies then. So have someone you trust speak on your behalf if you are embarassed to ask everyone you know. It could be a lifesaving procedure. You definatley can't get better if they stay in. Oh my Rhemy said I have a high sediment rate but not RA so back on the merry go round we go. Since I am trying to detox I have had terrible migraines, which I thought had gone. We are all in the same place just at different times hunny Don't give up,Terri P HawaiiAloha and prayers . How low will we go? Check out Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 17, 2006 Report Share Posted August 17, 2006 > -I know it is hard but continue to hang in there. I was in the same > boat. My own family turned their back on me. I reached out to my best > friend from high school mainly out of comfort to hear a sweet voice > and she shocked me eith, I'll put it on my credit card. My explant > was 3030. It has been one year and I just found out through this site > and rereading my operative report that my left capsule was not > removed only a generous portion for biopsy, I called the PS who did > the explant to do 1 year follow up and try to find out about the > fianl biopsy on the capsule that he left in, Guess what no phone call > back, What a surprise when I told the office why I was calling she > asked if the yeast, staph, bacteria was in the breast, I said no MY > WHOLE BODY. She was so shocked, Oh do you want to fly here to have Dr > remove the remaining capsule? I said no I will have someone here do > it but I would like the final biosy report. She said she would have > someone call. Yea right they probabaly think I am going to sue them. > When all I want is my records of what they found in that generous > biopsy. I know I would be detoxing easier and not have this Staph > bacteria if he would have taken out both capsules. But live and learn > I didn;t have you ladies then. So have someone you trust speak on > your behalf if you are embarassed to ask everyone you know. It could > be a lifesaving procedure. You definatley can't get better if they > stay in. Oh my Rhemy said I have a high sediment rate but not RA so > back on the merry go round we go. Since I am trying to detox I have > had terrible migraines, which I thought had gone. We are all in the > same place just at different times hunny > Don't give up, > Terri P Hawaii > Aloha and prayers > > > > > Recent Activity > > 4 > New Members > > 3 > New Files > > Visit Your Group > Photos > Upload Now! > First 20 > prints are free > > TV > Staying in tonight? > Check listings to > see what is on. > > Connect fast > Use your Toolbar > to IM your > Groups buddies > > > > . > > > > > > --------------------------------- > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 17, 2006 Report Share Posted August 17, 2006 . . . Dr. Gordon is obligated to send a copy of your record to any requesting physician . . . Or, you could tell him you're investigating an abnormality and need those records NOW! They are unlikely to delay sending them if they know it's a medical necessity. Rogene Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote: > -I know it is hard but continue to hang in there. I was in the same > boat. My own family turned their back on me. I reached out to my best > friend from high school mainly out of comfort to hear a sweet voice > and she shocked me eith, I'll put it on my credit card. My explant > was 3030. It has been one year and I just found out through this site > and rereading my operative report that my left capsule was not > removed only a generous portion for biopsy, I called the PS who did > the explant to do 1 year follow up and try to find out about the > fianl biopsy on the capsule that he left in, Guess what no phone call > back, What a surprise when I told the office why I was calling she > asked if the yeast, staph, bacteria was in the breast, I said no MY > WHOLE BODY. She was so shocked, Oh do you want to fly here to have Dr > remove the remaining capsule? I said no I will have someone here do > it but I would like the final biosy report. She said she would have > someone call. Yea right they probabaly think I am going to sue them. > When all I want is my records of what they found in that generous > biopsy. I know I would be detoxing easier and not have this Staph > bacteria if he would have taken out both capsules. But live and learn > I didn;t have you ladies then. So have someone you trust speak on > your behalf if you are embarassed to ask everyone you know. It could > be a lifesaving procedure. You definatley can't get better if they > stay in. Oh my Rhemy said I have a high sediment rate but not RA so > back on the merry go round we go. Since I am trying to detox I have > had terrible migraines, which I thought had gone. We are all in the > same place just at different times hunny > Don't give up,> Terri P Hawaii> Aloha and prayers> > > > > Recent Activity> > 4> New Members> > 3> New Files> > Visit Your Group > Photos> Upload Now!> First 20> prints are free> > TV> Staying in tonight?> Check listings to> see what is on.> > Connect fast> Use your Toolbar> to IM your> Groups buddies> > > > .> > > > > > ---------------------------------> How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 18, 2006 Report Share Posted August 18, 2006 > > -I know it is hard but continue to hang in there. I was > in the same > > boat. My own family turned their back on me. I reached out to my > best > > friend from high school mainly out of comfort to hear a sweet voice > > and she shocked me eith, I'll put it on my credit card. My explant > > was 3030. It has been one year and I just found out through this > site > > and rereading my operative report that my left capsule was not > > removed only a generous portion for biopsy, I called the PS who did > > the explant to do 1 year follow up and try to find out about the > > fianl biopsy on the capsule that he left in, Guess what no phone > call > > back, What a surprise when I told the office why I was calling she > > asked if the yeast, staph, bacteria was in the breast, I said no MY > > WHOLE BODY. She was so shocked, Oh do you want to fly here to have > Dr > > remove the remaining capsule? I said no I will have someone here do > > it but I would like the final biosy report. She said she would have > > someone call. Yea right they probabaly think I am going to sue > them. > > When all I want is my records of what they found in that generous > > biopsy. I know I would be detoxing easier and not have this Staph > > bacteria if he would have taken out both capsules. But live and > learn > > I didn;t have you ladies then. So have someone you trust speak on > > your behalf if you are embarassed to ask everyone you know. It > could > > be a lifesaving procedure. You definatley can't get better if they > > stay in. Oh my Rhemy said I have a high sediment rate but not RA so > > back on the merry go round we go. Since I am trying to detox I have > > had terrible migraines, which I thought had gone. We are all in the > > same place just at different times hunny > > Don't give up, > > Terri P Hawaii > > Aloha and prayers > > > > > > > > > > Recent Activity > > > > 4 > > New Members > > > > 3 > > New Files > > > > Visit Your Group > > Photos > > Upload Now! > > First 20 > > prints are free > > > > TV > > Staying in tonight? > > Check listings to > > see what is on. > > > > Connect fast > > Use your Toolbar > > to IM your > > Groups buddies > > > > > > > > . > > > > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------- > > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone > call rates. > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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