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Re: Rogene's broken arm

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I'm almost laughing, but not really...I hope you know what I mean. I

was reading your answer to my post about testing, etc., and all of a

sudden I read, " I broke my right arm just above the wrist yesterday... "

and I almost missed what you said. I stopped and said to myself, " Wait

a minute... " and I went back to read it again. You just sort of tossed

it in there so casually! LOL! I said to myself, " Yesterday! " Oh,

dear, I'm sorry to hear about your fall. And I suppose you're

right-handed, too?

I'm not running off to Houston...just feeling like running! I will

probably poke around in my own back yard here to see who I can find.

The testing is just for me...no need for any legal stuff anymore...just

want to understand more about what has been going on with me, and what I

may need to do next. I'm fed up with medications with crummy side

effects from rheumatologists! A friend of mine who has ALS sees a

naturopath locally; I may ask who he sees and what his experience has

been. I've started deep tissue myofascial release mostly chest, but

into abdomen as well, and...well everything is connected, so who knows

where it will go! This has caused me to have 'toxic' symptoms like I

had before and after explantation, and which I've continued to have off

and on for 12 years now. That's why I asked about 'herx.'

Thank all of you who responded. We're having a gorgeous fall here in

Oregon, too, and we are just today getting our first real rain!

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Lea, what am I missing here? WHY did you have to destroy your

research? I don't know the whole story, but that sounds like very

invasive behaviour. It's unbelievable what they're getting away

with. Someday we can have a visit and you can fill me in.

Love & Prayers,

Sunny :)

> Rogene,

> I'm almost laughing, but not really...I hope you know what I

mean. I

> was reading your answer to my post about testing, etc., and

all of a

> sudden I read, " I broke my right arm just above the wrist

yesterday... "

> and I almost missed what you said. I stopped and said to

myself, " Wait

> a minute... " and I went back to read it again. You just sort

of tossed

> it in there so casually! LOL! I said to myself, " Yesterday! "


> dear, I'm sorry to hear about your fall. And I suppose you're

> right-handed, too?

> I'm not running off to Houston...just feeling like running! I


> probably poke around in my own back yard here to see who I

can find.

> The testing is just for me...no need for any legal stuff


> want to understand more about what has been going on with me,

and what I

> may need to do next. I'm fed up with medications with crummy


> effects from rheumatologists! A friend of mine who has ALS

sees a

> naturopath locally; I may ask who he sees and what his

experience has

> been. I've started deep tissue myofascial release mostly

chest, but

> into abdomen as well, and...well everything is connected, so

who knows

> where it will go! This has caused me to have 'toxic' symptoms

like I

> had before and after explantation, and which I've continued

to have off

> and on for 12 years now. That's why I asked about 'herx.'

> Thank all of you who responded. We're having a gorgeous fall

here in

> Oregon, too, and we are just today getting our first real




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Is it even legal for them to insist you destroy your research? Is

this simply intimidation tactics?? This really angers me.

Well, I have been talking to literally everyone, man and woman alike,

since I found out the truth about implants. Even elevator

coversations, line-ups at grocery stores....all I say is I am

recovering from breast surgery, and they say " what from " and there's

my open door.

When I get my life schedule for organized, it may be an idea to start

a support group here in Red Deer to meet 2x a months or something.

Just to offer a listening heart and to educate.


Sunny :)

> >> Rogene,

> >> I'm almost laughing, but not really...I hope you know

what I

> > mean. I

> >> was reading your answer to my post about testing, etc.,


> > all of a

> >> sudden I read, " I broke my right arm just above the


> > yesterday... "

> >> and I almost missed what you said. I stopped and said to

> > myself, " Wait

> >> a minute... " and I went back to read it again. You just


> > of tossed

> >> it in there so casually! LOL! I said to

myself, " Yesterday! "

> > Oh,

> >> dear, I'm sorry to hear about your fall. And I suppose


> >> right-handed, too?

> >> I'm not running off to Houston...just feeling like

running! I

> > will

> >> probably poke around in my own back yard here to see who


> > can find.

> >> The testing is just for me...no need for any legal stuff

> > anymore...just

> >> want to understand more about what has been going on

with me,

> > and what I

> >> may need to do next. I'm fed up with medications with


> > side

> >> effects from rheumatologists! A friend of mine who has


> > sees a

> >> naturopath locally; I may ask who he sees and what his

> > experience has

> >> been. I've started deep tissue myofascial release mostly

> > chest, but

> >> into abdomen as well, and...well everything is

connected, so

> > who knows

> >> where it will go! This has caused me to have 'toxic'


> > like I

> >> had before and after explantation, and which I've


> > to have off

> >> and on for 12 years now. That's why I asked about 'herx.'

> >> Thank all of you who responded. We're having a gorgeous


> > here in

> >> Oregon, too, and we are just today getting our first real

> > rain!

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Lea, sorry if I seem a bit naive...if the information that was

researched is on record, and true then why can't it be brought up

legally? Is this medical information accumulated through tests?

You'll have to enlighten me. I know there's pressure not to expose

the lies, and definitely threats to women -- the more I hear, the

more motivated I get.

I was brought up to " not rock the boat " " keep the sick family

secrets " and broke through alot of that garbage later in my life.

It's a real sore spot for me.

It seems as though accountability has gone out the window. Even when

my children were in middle school, I would go for a meeting when one

of the boys got in trouble. I always taught them to own their part

and make amends....I would also ask the teacher to be accountable for

his/her part and try to find resolution. My child would always

apologize first. I've had teachers walk out SO angry, red-faced and

full of ego. Anyway, I am discouraged right now with feeling

powerless over these " corporate giants " . How about a and

Goliath skit?? lol

I love ya lots, Lea....keep up your health and know you're making a

huge difference in this area.

Sunny :)

> >> >> Rogene,

> >> >> I'm almost laughing, but not really...I hope you


> > what I

> >> > mean. I

> >> >> was reading your answer to my post about testing,


> > and

> >> > all of a

> >> >> sudden I read, " I broke my right arm just above the

> > wrist

> >> > yesterday... "

> >> >> and I almost missed what you said. I stopped and

said to

> >> > myself, " Wait

> >> >> a minute... " and I went back to read it again. You


> > sort

> >> > of tossed

> >> >> it in there so casually! LOL! I said to

> > myself, " Yesterday! "

> >> > Oh,

> >> >> dear, I'm sorry to hear about your fall. And I


> > you're

> >> >> right-handed, too?

> >> >> I'm not running off to Houston...just feeling like

> > running! I

> >> > will

> >> >> probably poke around in my own back yard here to

see who

> > I

> >> > can find.

> >> >> The testing is just for me...no need for any legal


> >> > anymore...just

> >> >> want to understand more about what has been going on

> > with me,

> >> > and what I

> >> >> may need to do next. I'm fed up with medications


> > crummy

> >> > side

> >> >> effects from rheumatologists! A friend of mine who


> > ALS

> >> > sees a

> >> >> naturopath locally; I may ask who he sees and what


> >> > experience has

> >> >> been. I've started deep tissue myofascial release


> >> > chest, but

> >> >> into abdomen as well, and...well everything is

> > connected, so

> >> > who knows

> >> >> where it will go! This has caused me to have 'toxic'

> > symptoms

> >> > like I

> >> >> had before and after explantation, and which I've

> > continued

> >> > to have off

> >> >> and on for 12 years now. That's why I asked

about 'herx.'

> >> >> Thank all of you who responded. We're having a


> > fall

> >> > here in

> >> >> Oregon, too, and we are just today getting our

first real

> >> > rain!

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

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