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Re: Wooo HOOOO! I have smaller boobies!

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Sunny . . . It's wonderful to hear from you - and to hear you sound so perky! . . . You'll probably feel even better tomorrow . . . but just the same, get plenty rest and drink lots of water! . . . Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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Rogene, Sweet Angel -

You are so amazing and vigilant on this site! Love ya lots! Yes,

the rest is important, alright. It's a test for me to rest (hey, I'm

a poet and don't know it!) God will keep me velcroed to my bed! lol A

water bottle is with me everywhere I go. I am measuring the " stuff "

coming out of my drains and there's less and less over the last few

hours. Good Night, sweet lady and have Godly dreams! I have a follow-

up appointment in Outpatient Dept. at 1:30 p.m. Did you read my post

about Dr. Furness suggesting that Pathology mail off my implants?

I'm going to request to see them first, if I choose that route.

Otherwise, I have the go-ahead to pick them up in a few days.

Love & Continuing Warm Fuzzies,

Sunny :)


> Sunny . . .


> It's wonderful to hear from you - and to hear you sound so

perky! . . .


> You'll probably feel even better tomorrow . . . but just the

same, get plenty rest and drink lots of water! . . .


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene


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Sunny, Take care of yourself, Wow I can't believe you go in for follow-up already. I think mine was a week later. Good for you and your family Aloha Terri P HawaiiSunny <wellnessnow@...> wrote: This is Sunny and I'm feeling very elated right now. My breasts were a 32A to start with before implantation...went to a 34C...now they look 32B or so. We'll see what happens in

6 months, when I'll have my reconstruction. My surgery went great...I had no nausea after, my PS was actually loving & compassionate (God must have grabbed him by the ear! lol) and he even suggested that I ask the Pathologist to send my implants on to Dr. Blais right from the hospital. I am going to request to see them, if I go this route. He mentioned what ('s Mom) did about if I'm going for compensation, they may accuse me of tampering. I am also welcome to pick them up in a few days and send them myself, if I wish.I am so grateful for all your love & support. You are an exceptional group of Angels! I'm staying up with my son Mike ( who will be my room-mate again soon, as we're moving back to Red Deer Sept. 1) and we're munching and watching movies. I have a very loving family...my son and his wife and little 6 yr. old (one of my 4 "cutsie" grandchildren, who has a kidney disease and has

had 9 surgeries) were there when I woke up. His face was just what I needed to see! He looked so wise, as if to say " I know what you're going through, Granny".Well, I'll keep you posted, and I realize tomorrow and the next day are the most painful after surgery...but as I've heard from a few of you, the implant post-surgery is worse for pain. I can believe that already!Love, healing prayers, nurturing, butterfly kisses & warm fuzzy hugs,Sunny :) :) :0) ;) and so on! lol

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Hi Sunny,

Congratulations!! I hope the next few days are great for you. I

had such minimal pain compared to getting implants, so I'm hoping

you experience the same thing. Enjoy the family!!


--- In , " Sunny " <wellnessnow@...>



> This is Sunny and I'm feeling very elated right now. My breasts


> a 32A to start with before implantation...went to a 34C...now they

> look 32B or so. We'll see what happens in 6 months, when I'll


> my reconstruction. My surgery went great...I had no nausea


> my PS was actually loving & compassionate (God must have grabbed


> by the ear! lol) and he even suggested that I ask the Pathologist


> send my implants on to Dr. Blais right from the hospital. I am


> to request to see them, if I go this route. He mentioned what

> ('s Mom) did about if I'm going for compensation, they may

> accuse me of tampering. I am also welcome to pick them up in a few

> days and send them myself, if I wish.


> I am so grateful for all your love & support. You are an


> group of Angels! I'm staying up with my son Mike ( who will be my

> room-mate again soon, as we're moving back to Red Deer Sept. 1)


> we're munching and watching movies. I have a very loving


> son and his wife and little 6 yr. old (one of my 4 " cutsie "

> grandchildren, who has a kidney disease and has had 9 surgeries)


> there when I woke up. His face was just what I needed to see! He

> looked so wise, as if to say " I know what you're going through,

> Granny " .


> Well, I'll keep you posted, and I realize tomorrow and the next


> are the most painful after surgery...but as I've heard from a few


> you, the implant post-surgery is worse for pain. I can believe


> already!


> Love, healing prayers, nurturing, butterfly kisses & warm fuzzy



> Sunny :):) :0) ;) and so on! lol


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-Woooooo HOOOOOOOOOOOO! back to you Sunny!

Yeah, it is over!!! What a wonderful day!!!!

I am glad you are doing so well.....


-- In , " Sunny " <wellnessnow@...> wrote:


> This is Sunny and I'm feeling very elated right now. My breasts


> a 32A to start with before implantation...went to a 34C...now they

> look 32B or so. We'll see what happens in 6 months, when I'll


> my reconstruction. My surgery went great...I had no nausea


> my PS was actually loving & compassionate (God must have grabbed


> by the ear! lol) and he even suggested that I ask the Pathologist


> send my implants on to Dr. Blais right from the hospital. I am


> to request to see them, if I go this route. He mentioned what

> ('s Mom) did about if I'm going for compensation, they may

> accuse me of tampering. I am also welcome to pick them up in a few

> days and send them myself, if I wish.


> I am so grateful for all your love & support. You are an


> group of Angels! I'm staying up with my son Mike ( who will be my

> room-mate again soon, as we're moving back to Red Deer Sept. 1)


> we're munching and watching movies. I have a very loving


> son and his wife and little 6 yr. old (one of my 4 " cutsie "

> grandchildren, who has a kidney disease and has had 9 surgeries)


> there when I woke up. His face was just what I needed to see! He

> looked so wise, as if to say " I know what you're going through,

> Granny " .


> Well, I'll keep you posted, and I realize tomorrow and the next


> are the most painful after surgery...but as I've heard from a few


> you, the implant post-surgery is worse for pain. I can believe


> already!


> Love, healing prayers, nurturing, butterfly kisses & warm fuzzy



> Sunny :):) :0) ;) and so on! lol


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congrats Sunny!!!

a little advice.... i would let the hospital ship them to blais if you are looking at a lawsuit... I picked them up and sent them immediately but there may be an issue were he to find something and you try w/ legal action... I know they could not show mine on the MTV spot for that very reason... i wanted them on there as mine were sooo gross but they wouldn't as as p/u the implants, sent them to blais' who end turn did take quite a while turn them around as he is sooo busy.... I wished the hospital sent them direct this way there would be no break in "paper trail" of them being in others hands..... just my advice... I am sure you could see them at the hospital and have them take dig pics maybe for you - just do not touch....

it did bite me in the booty for the mtv spot for sure....

I am happy for you - give it some time....I really love mine without those hard nasty balls on my chest... I was a 34aa - went to a 34 small c... went to a 34A after explant and w/ recent weight gain have gone to a 36b... hope to get back to the 34 soon which I sure will mean an A and I am ok with that.... mean no more trouble with leaky boobs!!!! yeah for us!!!

hope you feel better soon!!!



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, I'm doing so great. I went for a post-surgery appointment this

p.m. and removed my drains as nothing much is coming out today. He

did the surgery en bloc and told me that the left implant was

definitely ruptured. He wasn't sure about the right one. I guess I

caused a kirfuffle (sp) when I submitted my letters re: my implants

going East. My PS suggested that I ask the Pathologist to send them

to Dr. Blais. He said people were getting a little nervous, and he

told them, " well, you should have a policy " ...I guess no one has asked

for them before. Even if they said " no " , I could get a lawyer's letter

in 24 hrs. and have them in my hands. They are mine...I paid for them.

Anyway, I walked half way home from the hospital and stopped at a

Thrift Store Bag Sale, then took a cab home. Now I'm resting. Can

shower tomorrow and outer butterfly stitches can come off in a week -

then I start the Vitamin E oil on the scar tissue. I put my bra on

today and I almost fill it out still. Weird. I have put on some

weight though and have more fatty tissue in them.

Love to you all -

Sunny :)






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Sis, thanks for the congrats! I am doing great. Read my message to

for the update. I even shopped for an hour today. Now I'm


Love & Healing,

Sunny L(

> >

> > This is Sunny and I'm feeling very elated right now. My breasts

> were

> > a 32A to start with before implantation...went to a 34C...now


> > look 32B or so. We'll see what happens in 6 months, when I'll

> have

> > my reconstruction. My surgery went great...I had no nausea

> after,

> > my PS was actually loving & compassionate (God must have grabbed

> him

> > by the ear! lol) and he even suggested that I ask the Pathologist

> to

> > send my implants on to Dr. Blais right from the hospital. I am

> going

> > to request to see them, if I go this route. He mentioned what


> > ('s Mom) did about if I'm going for compensation, they may

> > accuse me of tampering. I am also welcome to pick them up in a


> > days and send them myself, if I wish.

> >

> > I am so grateful for all your love & support. You are an

> exceptional

> > group of Angels! I'm staying up with my son Mike ( who will be


> > room-mate again soon, as we're moving back to Red Deer Sept. 1)

> and

> > we're munching and watching movies. I have a very loving

> family...my

> > son and his wife and little 6 yr. old (one of my 4 " cutsie "

> > grandchildren, who has a kidney disease and has had 9 surgeries)

> were

> > there when I woke up. His face was just what I needed to see! He

> > looked so wise, as if to say " I know what you're going through,

> > Granny " .

> >

> > Well, I'll keep you posted, and I realize tomorrow and the next

> day

> > are the most painful after surgery...but as I've heard from a few

> of

> > you, the implant post-surgery is worse for pain. I can believe

> that

> > already!

> >

> > Love, healing prayers, nurturing, butterfly kisses & warm fuzzy

> hugs,

> >

> > Sunny :):) :0) ;) and so on! lol

> >


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, thanks for the huge WoooHooooo back...I'm SO happy. It's

like Christmas and I'm a little kid. I can't wait to lose some of my

weight and get back into a size 8.

Love to you and yours,

Sunny :)

> >

> > This is Sunny and I'm feeling very elated right now. My breasts

> were

> > a 32A to start with before implantation...went to a 34C...now


> > look 32B or so. We'll see what happens in 6 months, when I'll

> have

> > my reconstruction. My surgery went great...I had no nausea

> after,

> > my PS was actually loving & compassionate (God must have grabbed

> him

> > by the ear! lol) and he even suggested that I ask the Pathologist

> to

> > send my implants on to Dr. Blais right from the hospital. I am

> going

> > to request to see them, if I go this route. He mentioned what


> > ('s Mom) did about if I'm going for compensation, they may

> > accuse me of tampering. I am also welcome to pick them up in a


> > days and send them myself, if I wish.

> >

> > I am so grateful for all your love & support. You are an

> exceptional

> > group of Angels! I'm staying up with my son Mike ( who will be


> > room-mate again soon, as we're moving back to Red Deer Sept. 1)

> and

> > we're munching and watching movies. I have a very loving

> family...my

> > son and his wife and little 6 yr. old (one of my 4 " cutsie "

> > grandchildren, who has a kidney disease and has had 9 surgeries)

> were

> > there when I woke up. His face was just what I needed to see! He

> > looked so wise, as if to say " I know what you're going through,

> > Granny " .

> >

> > Well, I'll keep you posted, and I realize tomorrow and the next

> day

> > are the most painful after surgery...but as I've heard from a few

> of

> > you, the implant post-surgery is worse for pain. I can believe

> that

> > already!

> >

> > Love, healing prayers, nurturing, butterfly kisses & warm fuzzy

> hugs,

> >

> > Sunny :):) :0) ;) and so on! lol

> >


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Sunny, So glad for you. HurrayFunny isn't it when I put on my bra post explant it was the same thing is not as full on the top part ,but the bottom and sides fit just fine. I thought I was going to have to buy new bras. Now 11 months later I have put on 20 lbs dut to the yeast or fungus or whatever is happening. And I am just the same size the fluffing as they call it is true your own fatty tissue fills any voids. It sure looks alot better that that hard thing I had on the right. You are on your way. Terri P HawaiiSunny <wellnessnow@...> wrote: , I'm doing so great. I went for a post-surgery appointment this p.m. and removed my drains as nothing much is coming out today. He did the surgery en bloc and told me that the left implant was definitely ruptured. He wasn't sure about the right one. I guess I caused a kirfuffle (sp) when I submitted my letters re: my implants going East. My PS suggested that I ask the Pathologist to send them to Dr. Blais. He said people were getting a little nervous, and he told them, "well, you should have a policy"...I guess no one has asked for them before. Even if they said "no", I could get a lawyer's letter in 24 hrs. and have them in my hands. They are mine...I paid for them.Anyway, I walked half way home from the hospital and

stopped at a Thrift Store Bag Sale, then took a cab home. Now I'm resting. Can shower tomorrow and outer butterfly stitches can come off in a week -then I start the Vitamin E oil on the scar tissue. I put my bra on today and I almost fill it out still. Weird. I have put on some weight though and have more fatty tissue in them.Love to you all -Sunny :)>> SUNNY I"M SO VERY HAPPY FOR YOU ! GOD BLESS YOU>>>HAPPY AND QUICK HEALING. > >

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Shari, thanks for the info...that's the route that sounds sensible to

me. If I do go for compensation - and the sole reason would be to

make the manufacturers accountable - I wouldn't want anything to mess

it up. I do want to see them, though. And maybe they will give me

some snapshots of them.

Thanks again,

Love ya,

Sunny :)


> congrats Sunny!!!


> a little advice.... i would let the hospital ship them to blais if

you are

> looking at a lawsuit... I picked them up and sent them immediately

but there

> may be an issue were he to find something and you try w/ legal

action... I know

> they could not show mine on the MTV spot for that very reason... i


> them on there as mine were sooo gross but they wouldn't as as p/u

the implants,

> sent them to blais' who end turn did take quite a while turn them

around as

> he is sooo busy.... I wished the hospital sent them direct this

way there

> would be no break in " paper trail " of them being in others

hands..... just my

> advice... I am sure you could see them at the hospital and have

them take dig

> pics maybe for you - just do not touch....

> it did bite me in the booty for the mtv spot for sure....


> I am happy for you - give it some time....I really love mine

without those

> hard nasty balls on my chest... I was a 34aa - went to a 34 small

c... went to

> a 34A after explant and w/ recent weight gain have gone to a

36b... hope to

> get back to the 34 soon which I sure will mean an A and I am ok

with that....

> mean no more trouble with leaky boobs!!!! yeah for us!!!


> hope you feel better soon!!!


> love

> shari


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