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Re: At my wits end...what can I do ?

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Sis don't EVER worry about being WORDY...I need and want all the help I can get. Thanks I mean that from the bottom of my heart...I wrote Dr Kolb and she told me I need to be on an antifungal....I have 45 tabs left of diflucan so I asked her if I should start using that again....I hope that is what she meant....I think my GP will give me more if needed...she has talked to DR Kolb before when I was going to use her for my explant.

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I felt worse for the first four or five months after explant - I

don't know if it was because the surgery itself weakened me even

further, or if it's because all the toxins get stirred up. Before

explant my fingers were swollen, but after explant my knees, elbows,

ankles, everything - swelled up and my bone pain was worse. I

didn't do a ton of detoxing because my body is sensitive, but not

everyone's is. I eat alot of vegetables. What helped me ALOT was a

probiotic - the one I use is Culturelle and it's available in CVS,

Eckerd, Rite Aid, the Vitamin Shoppe. Others here swear by Garden

of Life Primal Defense - and I've purchased that at the Vitamin

Shoppe but it's available at alot of health food stores, too. I

recently found bottled Lifeway Kefir smoothies in Stop n' Shop, and

also they are available in Target Stores from what the website

says. It's like yogurt but it's supposed to be really good for

you. They have plain ones with no sugar, and they also have ones

that have " natural cane juice " which technically is sugar, but I do

use things with that in it on a limited basis - it seems like the

processed sugar is what makes me feel awful. Also, although I keep

saying I'm going to get one, so far I haven't, an infrared sauna

seems to help quite a bit - and you can get one for a couple hundred

dollars if you search the internet for a portable one. Also,

Kenda's naturopath Dr. Leu has done alot for her, maybe he can help

you, too. If you google Dr. Leu, you'll find him. Also,

what is your diet like? Are you drinking water? As an example, if

you weigh 130 lbs, then you should drink 65 ounces of water a day.

I've seen people swear by eating raw, crushed garlic. You have to

do these type of things consistently, every day. If you haven't

been taking epsom salts baths, start taking them, but start out by

putting about a half cup in the bath because when I went above that

I felt awful, then work it up from there (and I think that's a

couple times a week, I don't think it's every day). Also, if you're

eating processed sugar you should stop immediately! I don't eat any

white bread, either.

Do you have a routine at all that you're doing, I think that might

help if we knew that, then we might be able to suggest something

that you could do. Have you tried anything at all?

I just recently read something that said you could do a one day

detox, and that looked like something that would work for me. It

said within one half hour of waking, drink a pint of water. Then

for breakfast have a bowl of bran cereal, and some fruit, and then

for the rest of the day drink a pint of water each hour (up until 3

or 4 hours before bedtime). You don't have to fast, it said just

don't eat any fats (so then you would probably have to have skim

milk with the bran cereal). It said to just do that for ONE day, no

more than that. You probably wouldn't feel miraculously better in

one day, but maybe it'll help.



> Ok Girls, I know you are tired of hearing me complain...but I feel

worse now

> than I did before my explant 9/12/06 ! I don't know where to turn.


> afraid I could have fibmyalgia. I hurt all over. From the back of

my head all the

> way down my spine and my legs and knees ache all the time. I don't

know what

> doctors to turn to if any...I don't know what meds to take or what

herbs to

> try....I really need all you girls help and I need to know if any

of you had

> these symptoms after explant . Thanks...I just feel like I can't

go on.


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I have it too . Mine was worse before explant though....but yeah, I still have it. Seems like everyone heals at different times, and different things are working for all of us. I seem to do really well with things that support my immune system and balance out my PH levels....wheatgrass works wonders for me, as well as green tea,Kombucha tea, organic fruit smoothies, things like that. But those may not work for you...you just have to keep experimenting till you find something that works for the pain, and then stick with it! Good luck!GMCLADY98@... wrote: Ok Girls, I know you are tired of hearing me complain...but I feel worse now than I did before my explant 9/12/06 ! I don't know where to turn. I'm afraid I could have fibmyalgia. I hurt all over. From the back of my head all the way down my spine and my legs and knees ache all the time. I don't know what doctors to turn to if any...I don't know what meds to take or what herbs to try....I really need all you girls help and I need to know if any of you had these symptoms after explant . Thanks...I just feel like I can't go on.

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Also, it seems like the major food stores are offering alot more

organic foods these days, and the prices seem to be coming down. I

use organic milk, and it lasts a month or more, and I used to have

to throw out milk because I never used what I bought - that problem

is gone with Organic milk because it lasts so long - and in the long

run it's cheaper because I'm not pouring any of it down the sink.

If you are still using regular deodorant, you might want to switch.

I was worried about using the natural crystal deodorant because I

thought it wouldn't work as well, but after explant I purchaased

some from Walmart - it's a liquid roll-on called " Naturally Fresh

Deodorant Crystal " . I wouldn't buy the stuff before because I

didn't like the hard crystal rock they offered before, but this one

is in liquid form. No more itchy armpits for me!!

Pick up a meditation tape and use it every day. Usually they don't

require alot of time, they break the meditations down into 5 minutes

or so sometimes. Tell your brain that you will be well again, every

day. My sister knows a woman who had cancer, and she meditated

herself well again, and the cancer is gone. I believe she's in the

process of writing a book, I'll ask my sister if the book has hit

the shelves yet. If she can meditate herself well, then why can't


I used to put vaseline on my lips at night. I don't do that

anymore, because I didn't think petroleum products were great for

our health. At Stop n' Shop, I found something called " Un-Petroleum

Jelly " . If you don't have a Stop n' Shop near you, it's available

on line - just search for " Un-Petroleum Jelly " . It's made of castor

oil, vitamin E, coconut oil, beeswax and soybean oil. I put it on

my feet at night before bed, too.

The probiotics help balance our digestive tract. We've got good and

bad bacteria in our intestines, and when we take antibiotics the

good gets killed off along with the bad. I'm sure our diets are

also to blame, and the toxins we come in contact with every day.

The probiotics increase the good bacteria and create a balance, and

I know for me they really helped. I also use a digestive enzyme,

and I don't use it every day because it binds me up if I do, but

that's something you could try, too.

One last thing - are you cleaning your house with household cleaning

products? I noticed that every time I cleaned the house and touched

or smelled the cleaning products, I felt bad the next day. The

Vitamin Shoppe has some cleaning products that I've tried and like,

and also I use vinegar to clean the floors. If you use hair dye, I

also notice when I highlight my hair, I feel bad again for a few

days. I've seen some natural hairdyes online, but I haven't tried

any of them, so I have no idea if they work well or not.

Sorry it's wordy, just some things that have helped me.



> Sis...thank you...thank you so very much ! I'm printing off your


> and I'm going to try everything you said. It's nice to know that

feeling better

> happens after explant and then you do feel better...i guess I need

to hear

> that over and over. This is a hard battle...and I feel so lost. I

have spent

> thousands of dollars running to doctors to get no help at

all....you girls are

> my only hope and you seem to know what you are talking about..I

have some of

> the probitic pearls I ordered from DR Kolb but I never started


> them...I am now..I'm going to go get them from the frig

now.....what are they

> suppose to be good for ? Like I said thanks .... you girls are my

life line.

> from Va


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One word on deodorants, if you eat a clean diet, your sweat should not smell

offensive. I didn't believe this when I first heard it but it is true. I

do not wear deodorant or antiperspirant and haven't for several years. I

felt naked without it at first. The last thing you want to do is clog your

sweat glands from doing their job.


> ,


> Also, it seems like the major food stores are offering alot more

> organic foods these days, and the prices seem to be coming down. I

> use organic milk, and it lasts a month or more, and I used to have

> to throw out milk because I never used what I bought - that problem

> is gone with Organic milk because it lasts so long - and in the long

> run it's cheaper because I'm not pouring any of it down the sink.


> If you are still using regular deodorant, you might want to switch.

> I was worried about using the natural crystal deodorant because I

> thought it wouldn't work as well, but after explant I purchaased

> some from Walmart - it's a liquid roll-on called " Naturally Fresh

> Deodorant Crystal " . I wouldn't buy the stuff before because I

> didn't like the hard crystal rock they offered before, but this one

> is in liquid form. No more itchy armpits for me!!


> Pick up a meditation tape and use it every day. Usually they don't

> require alot of time, they break the meditations down into 5 minutes

> or so sometimes. Tell your brain that you will be well again, every

> day. My sister knows a woman who had cancer, and she meditated

> herself well again, and the cancer is gone. I believe she's in the

> process of writing a book, I'll ask my sister if the book has hit

> the shelves yet. If she can meditate herself well, then why can't

> we?


> I used to put vaseline on my lips at night. I don't do that

> anymore, because I didn't think petroleum products were great for

> our health. At Stop n' Shop, I found something called " Un-Petroleum

> Jelly " . If you don't have a Stop n' Shop near you, it's available

> on line - just search for " Un-Petroleum Jelly " . It's made of castor

> oil, vitamin E, coconut oil, beeswax and soybean oil. I put it on

> my feet at night before bed, too.


> The probiotics help balance our digestive tract. We've got good and

> bad bacteria in our intestines, and when we take antibiotics the

> good gets killed off along with the bad. I'm sure our diets are

> also to blame, and the toxins we come in contact with every day.

> The probiotics increase the good bacteria and create a balance, and

> I know for me they really helped. I also use a digestive enzyme,

> and I don't use it every day because it binds me up if I do, but

> that's something you could try, too.


> One last thing - are you cleaning your house with household cleaning

> products? I noticed that every time I cleaned the house and touched

> or smelled the cleaning products, I felt bad the next day. The

> Vitamin Shoppe has some cleaning products that I've tried and like,

> and also I use vinegar to clean the floors. If you use hair dye, I

> also notice when I highlight my hair, I feel bad again for a few

> days. I've seen some natural hairdyes online, but I haven't tried

> any of them, so I have no idea if they work well or not.


> Sorry it's wordy, just some things that have helped me.


> Sis





>> Sis...thank you...thank you so very much ! I'm printing off your

> response

>> and I'm going to try everything you said. It's nice to know that

> feeling better

>> happens after explant and then you do feel better...i guess I need

> to hear

>> that over and over. This is a hard battle...and I feel so lost. I

> have spent

>> thousands of dollars running to doctors to get no help at

> all....you girls are

>> my only hope and you seem to know what you are talking about..I

> have some of

>> the probitic pearls I ordered from DR Kolb but I never started

> taking

>> them...I am now..I'm going to go get them from the frig

> now.....what are they

>> suppose to be good for ? Like I said thanks .... you girls are my

> life line.

>> from Va





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I don't think my diet will ever be clean enough where I can avoid

deodorants, mainly because I'm away from home 12 hours a day and I

think a diet that clean requires more time. I do the best I can,

though, I avoid processed foods, and I eat veggies, and drink water,

don't use sugars, try to avoid all the chemicals I can - but I

figure if I can avoid the aluminum in the regular deodorants, that's

at least better.


> >>

> >> Sis...thank you...thank you so very much ! I'm printing off your

> > response

> >> and I'm going to try everything you said. It's nice to know that

> > feeling better

> >> happens after explant and then you do feel better...i guess I


> > to hear

> >> that over and over. This is a hard battle...and I feel so

lost. I

> > have spent

> >> thousands of dollars running to doctors to get no help at

> > all....you girls are

> >> my only hope and you seem to know what you are talking about..I

> > have some of

> >> the probitic pearls I ordered from DR Kolb but I never started

> > taking

> >> them...I am now..I'm going to go get them from the frig

> > now.....what are they

> >> suppose to be good for ? Like I said thanks .... you girls are


> > life line.

> >> from Va

> >>

> >

> >

> >


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Hi Sis,

You might be surprised. You might try going without deodorant one weekend

and see how you smell. :) Your diet sounds pretty good to me. Also, a

clean diet does require thought but really not any more time. I pack all of

my food in a cooler and carry it around all day so I can eat when I need to.



>> I don't think my diet will ever be clean enough where I can avoid

>> deodorants, mainly because I'm away from home 12 hours a day and I

>> think a diet that clean requires more time. I do the best I can,

>> though, I avoid processed foods, and I eat veggies, and drink water,

>> don't use sugars, try to avoid all the chemicals I can - but I

>> figure if I can avoid the aluminum in the regular deodorants, that's

>> at least better.


>> Sis




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Wheatgrass is almost pure chlorphyll (sp?). Excellant detox, and has unbelievable health benefits. Sorry-I'm late for work, but if you google it, you'll find tons of info! :) Drinking it in shots when it is freshly juiced is the best way to get its benefits-I've been told that it loses its effectiveness after something like 7 minutes after juicing-so I doubt that the capsules and powders you can buy would work very good. The other day I was really hurting, and I drank a shot, and I could literally feel the pain going away in a few minutes-it was like everywhere the wheatgrass touched, going in my body, the pain was gone...sorry, that's not a very good explanation-all I can say is that it works for me!GMCLADY98@... wrote: Thanks ...now wheatgrass what is that...in what form do you take ? I worry about taking all these things...wonder if its ok to take so many different things ?

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I have been almost pain-free for about two weeks now-- I really think it's the amino acids I am taking(see the missive to Terri). Also, magnesium is really important for fibro symptoms, and in an absorbable form. There is an interesting article about it here:


I know about the total body pain you are experiencing. I have had it really bad. But you will get better.


At my wits end...what can I do ?

Ok Girls, I know you are tired of hearing me complain...but I feel worse now than I did before my explant 9/12/06 ! I don't know where to turn. I'm afraid I could have fibmyalgia. I hurt all over. From the back of my head all the way down my spine and my legs and knees ache all the time. I don't know what doctors to turn to if any...I don't know what meds to take or what herbs to try....I really need all you girls help and I need to know if any of you had these symptoms after explant . Thanks...I just feel like I can't go on.

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Hi Kenda,

Well, I'll give it a try over the Christmas holiday when I'm not at

the office - I don't want to have my new nickname become Stinky! Ha

ha. The cooler sounds like a pretty good idea, too. I think

lunchtime is the toughest part for me - because I've never been good

at packing a lunch. Breakfast is ok because I bring yogurt, and I

keep a bottle of Kefir in the work fridge, and I eat those Puffins

bars sometimes (and I just started buying organic instant oatmeal).


--- In , Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...>



> Hi Sis,


> You might be surprised. You might try going without deodorant one


> and see how you smell. :) Your diet sounds pretty good to me.

Also, a

> clean diet does require thought but really not any more time. I

pack all of

> my food in a cooler and carry it around all day so I can eat when

I need to.


> Kenda



> >

> >> I don't think my diet will ever be clean enough where I can


> >> deodorants, mainly because I'm away from home 12 hours a day

and I

> >> think a diet that clean requires more time. I do the best I can,

> >> though, I avoid processed foods, and I eat veggies, and drink


> >> don't use sugars, try to avoid all the chemicals I can - but I

> >> figure if I can avoid the aluminum in the regular deodorants,


> >> at least better.

> >>

> >> Sis

> >

> >

> >


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have you seen the frozen wheat grass that comes in shots in a little

tray? I guess they freeze it right away - wonder if that has

benefits and is an option for when you can't get to a juice bar?

been considering getting some for post explant. I have a great

juicer, but I won't feel like cleaning and chopping any greens, I am


Thanks ...now wheatgrass what is

that...in what form do you take ? I worry about taking all these

things...wonder if its ok to take so many different things ?






> ---------------------------------

> Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.


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You shouldn't have a problem . . just start slow and build, one thing at a time.GMCLADY98@... wrote: Thanks ...now wheatgrass what is that...in what form do you take ? I worry about taking all these things...wonder if its ok to take so many different things ?

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Dear, dear , I'll never tire of hearing your feelings!

I'm 3 months and some post-explant, and am having some challenges

also. My hands and feet started hurting -- sharp pains, a few days

ago. They were fine post-surgery and I was so happy. Now more symptoms

again. I'm struggling with my mental health-- have been off and on

anti-depressants all my life for bi-polar disorder and anxiety. Now am

on Flax Oil...it's working great..also other supplements...as much as

I can afford for now. I do have mood swings still. Short term memory

loss. Insomnia some nights. Overall, though, I am so grateful to

have those ugly poison bags out of my body, nothing's as bad as how I

felt though the years pre-explant...I was dying! Now I know I will

recover. It's going to take time for all the poison to leave the

body...and who knows what damage has been done that may be


It seems like forever since my surgery but it's been only a few

months....and lots of women here have been years post-explant, and

still suffering.

I don't know how my future will be health-wise, all I know is I'm glad

to be alive and try to laugh alot everyday. I get jokes emailed to me

from a couple of clean site. I pray with my family alot. Do you have

spiritual support? I think that's really important for us. Lately

alot of grief hit me...I've been really emotional. It's like all of a

sudden it hit me how close I actually was to losing my life. How

concerned my family was....my little grandchildren watching their fun,

active grandma turn into a sickly, grey-faced zombie. Sounds a bit

harsh, but that's how I was getting. Always saying, sorry, I'm too

tired or too sore to do anything extra.

You know what, I just have to cling closely to God and allow Him to

unfold my life, knowing that His will is happening for me, because I

ask for that everyday. It's easier said than done some days, and I

certainly can turn from Sunny to Stormy at times....but, hey, that's

the human condition.

Hope this helps a bit....know that you are in my thoughts and prayers

everyday...you all are. Just keep living one day at a time and keep

close to us here.

Love & Comfort,

Sunny :)


> Ok Girls, I know you are tired of hearing me complain...but I feel

worse now

> than I did before my explant 9/12/06 ! I don't know where to turn.


> afraid I could have fibmyalgia. I hurt all over. From the back of my

head all the

> way down my spine and my legs and knees ache all the time. I don't

know what

> doctors to turn to if any...I don't know what meds to take or what

herbs to

> try....I really need all you girls help and I need to know if any of

you had

> these symptoms after explant . Thanks...I just feel like I can't go



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I just realized something - the natural deodorant doesn't prevent me

from sweating - it's not an antipersperant, just a deodorant.


> > >>

> > >> Sis...thank you...thank you so very much ! I'm printing off


> > > response

> > >> and I'm going to try everything you said. It's nice to know


> > > feeling better

> > >> happens after explant and then you do feel better...i guess I

> need

> > > to hear

> > >> that over and over. This is a hard battle...and I feel so

> lost. I

> > > have spent

> > >> thousands of dollars running to doctors to get no help at

> > > all....you girls are

> > >> my only hope and you seem to know what you are talking


> > > have some of

> > >> the probitic pearls I ordered from DR Kolb but I never


> > > taking

> > >> them...I am now..I'm going to go get them from the frig

> > > now.....what are they

> > >> suppose to be good for ? Like I said thanks .... you girls


> my

> > > life line.

> > >> from Va

> > >>

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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I get my natural deodorant from my health food stores.


At 12:10 PM 11/12/2006, you wrote:

>I don't think my diet will ever be clean enough where I can avoid

>deodorants, mainly because I'm away from home 12 hours a day and I

>think a diet that clean requires more time. I do the best I can,

>though, I avoid processed foods, and I eat veggies, and drink water,

>don't use sugars, try to avoid all the chemicals I can - but I

>figure if I can avoid the aluminum in the regular deodorants, that's

>at least better.



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Hi Sis

I know this is a little behind, but I haven't been on this site for

several weeks and just was able to get back on and catch up some! I

was reading this post and wanted to tell you that I use Miracle 2

products for cleaning and like them alot. I clean just about

everything in my house and my body and my clothes with their " soap "

and use their neutralizer too. Like you, I don't like the smell of

cleaners--when I was sick they used to make my heart skip beats. I

got so I was very chemically sensitive. The miracle 2 products have

no chemicals in them. They are safe to use from a standpoint of

getting them on your skin and breathing them in. Recently my sister

and I were cleaning up a very dirty and moldy house (her mother-in-

laws). The walls were terrible. They started using this really

strong chemical stuff that was making me beg to open the windows. I

went home and got my Miracle 2 and started cleaning the walls. It

did every bit as well cleaning. My sister was pretty amazed and now

likes using it too. Also, I use their neutralizer with a solid

crystal and it works very well for me as a deoderant. I had tried a

liquid crystal rollon that I had bought before in a natural food

store and it didn't work. But this works both for me and my husband

who walks everyday at work and says it keeps him dry. Just wanted

to share. I also wanted to ask how you have been doing lately. I

hope that you are seeing improvements! It has been quite awhile

since I have been online. I have been very busy with my parttime

job and volunteering at church. Take care!

Love, Kathy

> > >>

> > >> Sis...thank you...thank you so very much ! I'm printing off


> > > response

> > >> and I'm going to try everything you said. It's nice to know


> > > feeling better

> > >> happens after explant and then you do feel better...i guess I

> need

> > > to hear

> > >> that over and over. This is a hard battle...and I feel so

> lost. I

> > > have spent

> > >> thousands of dollars running to doctors to get no help at

> > > all....you girls are

> > >> my only hope and you seem to know what you are talking


> > > have some of

> > >> the probitic pearls I ordered from DR Kolb but I never


> > > taking

> > >> them...I am now..I'm going to go get them from the frig

> > > now.....what are they

> > >> suppose to be good for ? Like I said thanks .... you girls


> my

> > > life line.

> > >> from Va

> > >>

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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