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a long e-mail ---Re: Cindy's response to the PR Machine and the FDA

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Please post to others ~ Thank you. From-- Fuchs-sey/past 1976 McGhan/3M teenage breast implant patient whos brain is filling up with various lesions from multiple sclerosis caused/exerted---"turned on" from my extremely failed/toxic McGhan/3M silicone gel breast implants that did induced/enhance/exert---TURN ON the variants of certain key genes that could NOT embrace the chemical adjuvancy of my very failed breast implants (that contained catalysts/ platinum excesses) along with this adjuvant and the time factor of exposure that DID induced sensitivity/an adverse reaction/the exerting---turning on of the immune response...via the placental barrier through fetal cells, I believe from what I have educated myself to. Breast feeding really is just extra hits. The reason to be e-mailing again is because: On August 1, 2006 I sat and watched CSPAN. I listened to Dr. von Eschenbach (FDA Commissioner Nominee) in what he said as he presented himself. I listened to what others informed the public about, with him as well. As I listened, (noting, others say that HE is talented, highly educated & all) I noted that he himself had cancer, three times (if memory serves me correctly). Which is does NOT, so I wrote it down for me to remember. Then Dr. von Eschenbach, being so very talented, highly educated and all should note that IF having cancer (three times like what was disclosed on CSPAN that day) that HE, himself may have the variants of certain key genes that embraced the medical treatment for HIS TYPE of

cancer(s). Sadly, some (many) patients in the general population may NOT be as lucky as Dr. von Eschenbach who sat there in front of everyone with DeCamp (Nominee for Labor Dept. Wage & Hour Division Administrator) at his side. Gosh, I am glad that he, Dr. Eschenbach survived HIS cancer(s), (many in our family were not so lucky to embrace cancer treatment) but my concern (which is valid) IS what about the others who have the variants of certain key genes that will have their immune systems elevated/exerted --"turned on" with sensitivity, adverse reactions, the exerting/turning on of the human immune response, or with cancers and or death, even worse via the placental barrier with fetal cells....**because of medicines, vaccines, dentistry, medical devices -like the chemcial adjvuancy of breast implant lot numbers*** (of the past, present and future) that

have NEVER been crafted/nor tailored to the variants of those certain key genes (whatever the genes may be). I see that the medical community (the FDA and industry as well) does NOT have a full grasp of understanding of the human genome like they would love for all to to believe or believe in years to come. Beware, because medicine, science and research is going to get sloppy and swift with new changes around the corner with the FDA....they are going to many things. I understand that the medical community will hide behind genetics as a cause for diseases and/or birth defects/mutations-subtypes in the offspring now or in the generations to come... hey, like breast implant exposure for starters...but studies on breast implants come 'after the fact' from breast implants of the past. I need to say that otherwise without Dr. Eschenbach's immune

response (those variants of certain key genes) **embracing the medical treatement** HE and his physicians opted for to help 'cure' his cancer(s), this highly educated man (Dr. von Eschenbach) would not have been sitting there on CSPAN wanting & willing to take on the task at hand with the FDA, which is broken and needs to be fixed by those (who are) truly dispassionate people willing to really uphold the oath of First, do no harm to a heck of alot higher standard then has been seen within the entire medical community, starting with the Division of Plastic Surgery and the breast implant companies. Personally, being a past 1976 teenage breast implant patient myself believes that the FDA which is broken, and the Gold Standard is tarnished (black as can be) despite what Dr. Eschenbach's feelings were on the matter when he spoke on CSPAN on August 1, 2006. I

also noted that Dr. Eschenbach said something about "is there anything else"? Yes, there is...I believe that more research with better data (documented in a truly dispassionate manner to uphold one's oath to First do no harm) must be done before the FDA approves these PMAs or anything that may be FDA approved whether breast implants or whatever else. I also believe that medicines, vaccines, dentistry and all medical devices (starting with breast implants) need to be crafted/tailored to the variants of certain key genes that are being expressed/exerted-'turned on' which is not the 'cause' of one's genetics at all, but rather the cause of a offending trigger/genetically offending trigger being placed in the human body. So I hope this answers Dr. von Eschenbach's question (about the part of a female patient wanting to know whatever). Personally, I am tired of always

observing medicine, science and research bungled (like with silicone breast implants that will soon be FDA approved) and this is why I needed to e-mail my words as my health fails. I have noted the FDA maintains on its Website ---that small amouts of platinum can leak from breast implants, they state it is in an inert state that does not pose any significant risk...but that may NOT hold true... what IF that person has the variants of certain key genes that can not embrace platinum no matter how small...if one has the variants of certain key genes it may not matter how small the amounts may be, that the variants of key genes that find that trigger offending & may have a problem. Silicone gel breast implants are not inert either, like everyone used to think....and I doubt platinum in breast implants is inert from what I have lived with breast implants....the outcome is a significant risk of silicone

gel breast implants. I am sure other women/ their offspring feel the same by what suffering they have done. But whatever studies that come in the future really do come 'after the fact' with different chemical adjuvancy of the breast implant lot number...so the study is good only for that chemical adjuvancy of that lot number. Also, I have noted that Analytical Chemical Society's journal, Analytical Chemistry is now suggesting the platinum study to be viewed" with caution" which they placed the warning out Monday. Again, here we go with trying to thumb down researchers Drs. Lykissa & Maharaj) willing to step up to the plate to help the suffering. "On Monday, the editors of Analytical Chemistry stopped short of calling those results wrong, but concluded the evidence FALLS SHORT OF THIS JOURNAL's STANDARDS" (quote taken from Health News/InteliHealth

-Harvard Medical Schools website) So why didn't everyone (within the medical community FDA, IOM, NIH, NCI, and so forth) from years past act in the proper interests of science when silicone gel breast implants did not meet that mark showing results to be solid in years past and or to date, Aug. 3, 2006? There were solid studies, but in THE ART OF MEDIICNE they feel can make other studies show the way they want as they twist things with medical words of art to cover their tail....I have to say IF in the Art of Medicine they were always forthcoming with the truth and the FULL documentation done in a truly dispassionate way, that was fully tracked then medicine & science would NOT be doing as well today. Their foundation is faulty in many respects as they fail to be forthcoming in the Art of Medicine...and in all art, there is good art, middle of the road art & poor art.

Nothing is changing because the medical community is allowing /THEY ARE MAKING THE CHOICE (and the FDA will be making a choice/giving their approval) as will as for the Senate in the United States of America for MENTOR's breast implants (Inamed's implants as well) to induce/exert---turn on the variants of genes, just to go on with business as usual. I believe, This is wrong, very poor medicine, science as well and a very low standard no matter what medical words of art states as everyone is able to come up with to make it appear ok. Now days, and after the FDA approval on silicone gel breast implants the companies can change the chemical adjuvancy of any breast implant. I am sure that MENTOR as will INAMED (which is really McGhan) and other breast implant companies will link up to other companies to to begin to craft/tailor their so-called devices of an illusion of the

mind (a breast implant) to genetics/the variants of key genes so that one day possibly a breast implant will embrace the human body/genetics/genetic predisposition/the variants of certain key genes... BUT remember, that will take alot of money (money that breast implant companies and plastic surgeons would rather pocket) and alot of time AND ALOT OF SUFFERING OF HUMAN LIFE (of women) and of the their offspring as well to ever get a breast implant EMBRACE the human body....so buyer, beware. If they can't get a breast implant right to date/Aug.2006, or don't understand a breast implant in science & reserch then time/money and lives are being wasted....this is what I believe being a past 1976 McGhan/3M breast implant patient. No, nobody needs to agree with me, but since McGhan/3M created me into what I am today, and how I think (with all of the multiple

sclerosis lesions in my brain) I wanted others to know, I understand from the wisdom I have gained from my breast implant experience. I know the truth because I have watched so many women and children live the truth with not only breast implant exposure but with medicines/vaccines/dentistry and medical devices that made them sick and have made note as I studied/informed myself since 1990. Besides, in medicine they can make their studies fall the way they want...and that IS what MENTOR /Inamed , plastic surgeons, those linked with the FDA and many others are going to do with medicines/vaccines/dentistry and medical devices...as this is just about business as usual (and hiding behind genetics as a cause for disease than taking responsibility for the harm caused by medicine, science and research) not about science appearing solid and meeting a certain mark of evidence and

extremely high standards. I am just glad I am explanted and through this VERY, VERY hellish experience with silicone gel breast implants I gained wisdom despite the brain lesions & other crapola I deal with today. I will never give in, nor never give up concerning the breast implant saga. I have great resiliency and hope others learn this from me & that this is one thing I can leave with others is, resiliency in their own life. Take care, CFM/ Fuchs-sey

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