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Re: Re: FAR Sauna

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I have been using mine at least three or four times a week. I don't have

stinky sweat but I do notice that sometimes the day after I feel really

achy. I know I haven't been drinking enough water to offset the amount I

sweat so I am making an effort to drink more. I would guess that by not

drinking enough, the toxins are being stirred up and not necessarily

eliminated. Is this correct? It is amazing how much easier I sweat out the

sauna now.

We have a steam sauna too but the FAR feels SO much nicer. The steam really

irritated my nose, throat and lungs. It is nicer than the FAR for sinus

problems but that's probably the only time we'll use it now.


> Wow! . .. Outstanding price! . . . At that price every household needs

> one!


> Sometimes I have a hard time taking time to use my sauna . . . Then I use it

> and feel wonderful! . . . It's a very different feel that one gets from a dry

> or steam sauna.


> What blows me away is how the towel I use for a mop occasionally stinks

> horribly! . .. Something awful must have been released!


> Rogene




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, Do a web searh for "far infrared sauna" . .. You'll find a number of types and manufactuers . .. they can explain it much better than I can. I have a walk-in sauna . . . It's wonderful for detoxing and just plain feeling better when achy. Rogene GMCLADY98@... wrote: Can you tell me what a far sauna is ?

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