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Re: breast enhancement pills

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, Welcome to . You haven't had time to "fluff" yet . . . give yourself up to a year before you decide that what you have is what you get! .. Breast enhancement pills have come up before . . . but as far as I know, no one has decided that's the way to go . . . To make your breasts larger, they would have to mess with your hormones . . . and that can be playing with fire! Stick around . . . you'll see that most of our women would be happy just to feel good again! Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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> Hey everyone:

> well, i was looking in the archives and i found some information on

> breast enhancement pills... but not alot. i was explanted about 2

> months ago and i am really glad! i feel great. i am about a AA and i

> would like to be a full A or small B if possible, but i don't want to

> harm my body. i was just looking on the web for information on breast

> enhancement pills that are all natural (herbs)... i know that doesn't

> mean they are necessarily safe, but i wanted to ask all of you to see

> if you have experience with them and what you thought about them. this

> time i am doing it right... when i had my implants i didn't research

> well, otherwise i would not have gotten them. :)


> thanks,

> nicole


I agree with the Rogene. My breasts didn't completely fill back out

until about 8 months after my explant, Although I was just happy having

them soft again, Remember your breast tissue and surrounding area is

still pretty raw inside all those nerves and cells have to rebuild, you

are still healing, I am sure you will be happier in a few months. Hang

in there and don't worry at least you still have your breasts some

women have lost their breasts completely due to cancer. Let your self

heal it doesn't hurt to do research but maybe do some low impact

excercises. Love yourself kiddo you are natural beauty,

Terri P


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, you've read Rogene's message by now. The " fluffing " period is

important, from what I've learned. here.

, I just got explanted 3 weeks ago after 20 yrs. of toxic bags

in my body. I am SO grateful to be me again. I help other people

with holistic healing sessions that enable them to love themselves as

is and look carefully at the reasons for changing who you are...it's

usually for someone else, or societal pressure. My ex-husband

influenced me to have my breasts made larger. I was 32A and being a

sexual abuse survivor, and told all my childhood I was too skinny and

too flat, I virtually had no self-esteem and terrible body image.

Anyway, to shorten my essay, I succumbed to societal and husband-

pressure...and shortly after I had the operation, I regretted it.

I've always prided myself in being " me " - take it or leave it, folks --

kind of attitude and I felt really phony and ill-at-ease.

Thank God I found this site last year and got educated on the dangers

of implants. I had become so ill...I was literally saying to my

family...I'm dying. And I was. My doctor and even a psychiatrist

told me to go ahead...they're safe...you'll probably feel better about

yourself. What I needed to hear was, " you're beautiful just the way

you are " .

Please allow yourself healing time and ask yourself " who is putting

this belief in my head? boyfriend? mother? father? friend? Even my

junior high friends were brutal with criticism and teasing. It

imprints up very negatively and can ruin our adult lives unless we

clear it from our subconscious mind. All those things are in us from

the past and must be thrown out.

All the best to you and lots of healing prayers going your way,


Sunny :)


> Hey everyone:

> well, i was looking in the archives and i found some information on

> breast enhancement pills... but not alot. i was explanted about 2

> months ago and i am really glad! i feel great. i am about a AA and i

> would like to be a full A or small B if possible, but i don't want to

> harm my body. i was just looking on the web for information on breast

> enhancement pills that are all natural (herbs)... i know that doesn't

> mean they are necessarily safe, but i wanted to ask all of you to see

> if you have experience with them and what you thought about them.


> time i am doing it right... when i had my implants i didn't research

> well, otherwise i would not have gotten them. :)


> thanks,

> nicole


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Glad to hear your on the road to recovery

from those toxi bags.

I was under pressure with my ex husband

who is Italian every step of the way

He kept begging me to get implants

I am so sorry I listened to him at all

I am now explanted but the capsule

is still inside of my chest.

I never knew about this till I found all of you

wow I was really niave to all this

I am de-toxing and praying I will be alright

I am now sort of crippled from those implants

I hope and pray I can turn my heath around,

I will be with this group for a very long time

I am so all alone and even my family thinks

I am a so called dying swan and it's all in my head

Another family member was implanted

about the time I was and she is fine.

I feel like an outcast in my own family

So here with all of you I feel safe

Sandy ~

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Sandy, I'm so grateful and excited that you found this site. It has

literally saved my life. Last year I came upon it while researching

implants. I was so sick I had to turn over every stone. We really

do have to look out for ourselves, as for the most part, the medical

community has degenerated to alot of money-making and very weak

scruples. My family doctor has been " nervous " but supportive with me

explanting. Ofcourse, he won't admit I'm ill because of them, but

atleast he referred me and I've got them out. I feel like a new

woman! Still a healing journey ahead, but the worst is over and I am

ALIVE! Stay close to the women here...they are VERY loving and that

love is unconditional.

Keep your eyes looking upward & lots of love to you,

Sunny :) p.s. I'm praying that your family will be more supportive.


> Glad to hear your on the road to recovery

> from those toxi bags.


> I was under pressure with my ex husband

> who is Italian every step of the way


> He kept begging me to get implants

> I am so sorry I listened to him at all


> I am now explanted but the capsule

> is still inside of my chest.


> I never knew about this till I found all of you

> wow I was really niave to all this


> I am de-toxing and praying I will be alright

> I am now sort of crippled from those implants


> I hope and pray I can turn my heath around,

> I will be with this group for a very long time


> I am so all alone and even my family thinks

> I am a so called dying swan and it's all in my head


> Another family member was implanted

> about the time I was and she is fine.


> I feel like an outcast in my own family

> So here with all of you I feel safe


> Sandy ~


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, I don't think alot of women have experimented with these breast enhancement pills, but I have. I was a little nervous about it too, as I didn't want to risk having too much estrogen in my system, and I can tell you that after a period of a number of weeks on the various herbs, my body was definitely reacting to the estrogenic components of them. My brain fog got worse, and my thyroid issues were a bit more evident. (Estrogen depresses thyroid function). I had tingling in my breasts so I knew that things were going on with them, but no real growth. I used individual herb combinations that I made up myself, and I also used a product that was marketed to induce breast growth. Neither produced results. I do know that there was one girl that had great success with the various estrogenic herbs. She wrote us to tell us about her experience (she was here because her sister was getting

implants), and I think she went from an A to a small D on herbs. She also bought the individual ones. I think that those kinds of results are not typical, so it's best not to get hopes up too high. But you never know unless you give it a try. Most women here are too sick to consider playing around with their bodies again, and they are more focused on getting their health back and being able to enjoy life once more and function well. But, having been there, once the healing begins, I know that at times our thoughts turn toward seeing what possibilites are out there to fix our bustline. It's up to you if you want to give these things a shot, but I think what eventually happens, is that we come to terms with our self-image, and realize that we have been made perfectly all along. It's a good lesson to learn, and there are various roads to get to this point...just be watchful

for any signs that your body does not like the herbs. On a good note, some herbs have medicinal values that go beyond the breast enhancing effects, and could very well be worthwhile from a medicinal standpoint. (I used wildcrafted herbs.) There are several ways suggested to enhance the breasts, if you do internet searches. Ever the student, I researched them all....from Brava, to herbs, to creams to visual imagery, to hypnosis and more....I must say, there are enough options to keep you busy for awhile! Best wishes! Patty "nicole.cellardoor" <nicole.cellardoor@...> wrote: Hey everyone:well, i was looking in the archives and i found some information onbreast enhancement pills... but not alot. i was explanted about 2months ago and i am really glad! i feel great. i am about a AA and iwould like to be a full A or small B if possible, but i don't want toharm my body. i was just looking on the web for information on breastenhancement pills that are all natural (herbs)... i know that doesn'tmean they are necessarily safe, but i wanted to ask all of you to seeif you have experience with them and what you thought about them. thistime i am doing it right... when i had my implants i didn't researchwell, otherwise i would not have gotten them. :) thanks,nicole

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Sandy, Yes you are safe here with us! It is sad to feel so left out and misunderstood, but it is because those other people have not walked in our shoes, and they are not privy to the types of information we share here. We know that there is a huge deception going on in this world, and it is not just limited to breast implants....it goes far and wide and deeper than many of us care to know about....and I feel sad for those people who are bouncing around in life believing all those lies. Our job is to try to help open their eyes, if they would be willing to hear it. If they are not, then pray for them. PattySandy Verticelli <dusty.com@...> wrote: Glad to hear your on the road to recoveryfrom those toxi bags.I was under pressure with my ex husbandwho is Italian every step of the wayHe kept begging me to get implantsI am so sorry I listened to him at allI am now explanted but the capsule is still inside of my chest.I never knew about this till I found all of youwow I was really niave to all thisI am de-toxing and praying I will be alrightI am now sort of crippled from those implantsI hope and pray I can turn my heath around,I will be with this group for a very long timeI am so all alone and even my family thinksI am a so called dying swan and it's all in my headAnother family member was implantedabout the time I was and she is

fine.I feel like an outcast in my own familySo here with all of you I feel safeSandy ~ __________________________________________________

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