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Message from Breast Implant Support Forum

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Hello Ladies,IMPORTANT INFO - Please post your information to MARLENE. Her emailaddress is keeling.m@...I need mother's with sick children born after implantation with siliconebreast implants to contact me immediately. This event planned for October27 th will only happen if we get 30 to 45 women to step forward withinformation by Oct. 13th. You do not need to come to D.C. we only needyour child's photograph (can be one as a young child to protect identities),only first name will be used (no last name), only state will be revealed (nocity will be mentioned), and you can stipulate that you do NOT want to becontacted by your local media (if you wish to maintain your family'sprivacy). Your child's symptoms and diagnoses will be listed. We stillneed mother's to commit to travel to Washington, D.C. for

the October 27thevent (we need about eight). This is a rare opportunity to focus on ourchildren's health. If we do not get enough women - this event will nothappen.Please provide your information in the following format:(1) State (where you are from)(2) Mother's implant history (year implanted, type of implant.silicone,polyurethane covered, textured, double-lumen.year explanted and status ofimplant when removed(3) Mother's symptoms and diagnoses after implantation (also list yourhealth status prior to implantation)(4) State if any children were born prior to implantation and their healthstatus.(5)Child's name born after implantation, birth date, whether breast-fed andif so, for how long, symptoms and diagnoses.(6)Your contact information - name, address, phone, number, and e-mailaddress (this information will be used only by Strategies and onlygiven to the media should you agree to be

contacted by anyone in your localmedia wanting to do a story.We are not able to include saline-only women and their children born afterimplantation at this event. KeelingChemically Associated Neurological DisordersP.O. Box 682633Houston, Texas 77268-2633281/444-0662keeling.m@...Thanks for taking the time to read this!beth taylor

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