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Citizen comments to FDA due Nov. 9

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Charlie Brown <charlie@...> wrote: From: "Charlie Brown" <charlie@...>"Charlie Brown" <charlie@...>Subject: Citizen comments to FDA due Nov. 9Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 17:55:34 -0500 Citizen comments to FDA due Nov.

9 Folks, All of us have until Thursday, November 9, to submit comments to FDA about the harm done or threatened by mercury fillings. Our September 7 victory -- the rejection of FDA’s claim of safety by two scientific panels -- stands at risk as pro-mercury forces inside and outside FDA try to block the reforms called for by scientists. Examples of potential topics could include: the “silver” deception that hides the mercury from children and adults, environmental data, personal experience, patients you have seen healed scientific information, impact on a family member, · impact on the workplace self-interest by the pro-mercury dentists FDA’s preference of dentist protection over consumer

protection If you submitted comments this summer to the record, re-submit them. To our surprise, FDA will not put those comments on the record unless they are re-submitted. Even after two scientific

panels decisively voted “No” to FDA’s pseudo-scientific protection of amalgam, the pro-mercury bureaucrats at FDA aren’t giving up. Just yesterday, the Deputy Director of the Center on Devices of FDA, Kahan, wrote me that she and Center Director Schultz have ruled that the notorious Dental Devices Branch -- the ADA-dominated sector who gave us the LSRO debacle and fiction that mercury causes “allergies” -- will remain in charge of the amalgam issue. Director Schultz, a physician, and Kahan, a lawyer, have decided that professional courtesy to their dentist friends outweighs the health of America’s children. Thus, we must build a record that leaves no doubt in a court review. While Consumers for Dental Choice pursues other avenues -- our court case seeking a ban, Capitol Hill oversight, media attention – I ask that you do your part here by writing FDA. Comments are due November 9, 2006 Send e-mail to FDADockets@... Be sure to put in the reference #, or it could get lost: 2006N-0352 And the topic “Mercury dental fillings” You may also mail comments to: Dockets Management Branch (HFA-305), FDA, 5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061, Rockville, MD 20852 Thank you. Charlie, 10/29/06 G. Brown, National Counsel Consumers for Dental Choice 1725 K St., N.W., Suite 511, Washington, DC 20006 Ph. 202.822-6307; fax 822-6309 charlie@..., www.toxicteeth.org

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