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Our Toxic World

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This months National Geographic has a couple articles on how toxic our world is . . Don't know if it's on the newstands yet . . . It doesn't appear to be online yet either. But, if you can get hold of a copy, it's worth reading. NG has a number of articles on toxins . . . just go to www.nationalgeographic.com and do a search for "toxins". One puzzlement though . . they said hard plastics are dangerous . . . hmmmmmmmmmm.... Rogene Molly Bloom <mollyb54@...> wrote: Bindi,I never thought of that. I have gravitated to glass in microwave, because it is just easier (and i have had plastic melt in the microwave).> , > Yes, plastic is a toxic material, especially when heated. One should be very careful not to breathe vapors from heated plastic, or eat food or liquids that have been heated in plastic. Even throwaway water bottles are suspect. Softer plastics are more dangerous.> > My dear uncle is very sick with severe fibro symptoms. After many, many tests and doctors, they found he has chemicals from plastic in his liver and kidneys. The doctors, (from UC Med and Stanford, some of the best medical researchers in the country) think it is from his years of eating food microwaved in plastic, especially plastic wrap.> > There are many reasons to avoid plastic. If it were me, I would take that plastic stuff down asap. It will keep offgassing, and you don't need any more toxic triggers! I wonder if those quilted window

coverings would help? I know it isn't as pretty as being able to see through the windows, but healthier. > > I hope you feel better soon,> Bindi> > > > > Winterizing> > > Good Aternoon Ladies,> > I have a warning for all the ladies here that live areas that have alot of snow. I live in Michigan and my hubby and I have been winterizing our home to help conserve energy costs. We bought that plastic you put on the inside of the windows and vaccum seal it with a blow dryer. We were putting some up yesterday, which happens to be a day I felt great. At least till I heated up the plastic with the blow dryer. Gases must get released when the plastic is heated up because I suddenly got very ill. I felt like I

was going to pass out, so I sat down. I got extremely nausious and went to lay down. My hubby said my cheeks turned very red and I felt like someone blended my brain with a mixer. I was in and out of it for quite some time. My hubby suggested I do an ionic foot bath, to eliminate some of the toxic levels. The colors that came out of me was different than all the other times. I felt horribly the whole rest of the day and evening. I also had weird brain> symptoms, it felt like my head periodically had to 'shiver". I had a rough night and my fibro symptoms all increased. I do have to say, I did feel alot better after the ionic foot cleansing. I shudder to think how I would be feeling today if I hadn't done one. So, please Ladies, have a loved one do your home winterizing for you. > > I hope you all enjoy your Sunday Afternoon,> > > >

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