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Fw: {}.. Crawly feeling in joints ???

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Trust me I have no doubts that this was definitely from my implants

For three straight years while those stupid implants were inside me

My knees became very blown up.

My knees are still swollen but not like they were the three years the implants were still inside of me

I would lay in bed night after night with that crawly feeling like worms crawling inside of my kneecaps

As soon as I woke up from being explanted that crawly feeling dissapated immediately

and since than no crawly feeling exists just a lot of pain in my knees

Nobody could believe that when I awoke from being explanted immediately

I was able to walk again and that crawly feeling was no longer there and has never returned

The doctors thought I had water of the knees and tested me a few times

But like all other tests and ex-rays it came up negative

They kept testing me over and over again for lymes disease,MS, and other diseases...negative

I do have a picture of my knee cap if you want to see it

Just type in your e-mails and I will send it to you so you can see for yourself

Also I was very healthy and athletic before implants

Right after implants my health began to fail but I gained a lot back after explantation

It's what I am left with now to figure out, because the doctors here are so clueless

It wouldn't surprise me to hear of other symptoms that's not documented that other woman have experienced.

If this would become reality in everyones eyes. I bet there are tons and tons of woman out there

that are so sickly from thier implants but believe it is something else just like I did and so many others.

Thanks to the medical field


Sandy, The crawly feeling you describe is Restless Leg Syndrome. I've had it my whole life, so it may or may not be from the implants. I used to get it really bad when I was a little girl, and my Mom had me walking around the room. I think it's from some sort of vitamin defiency..

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