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Stiff Neck

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Hello from NZ

Ten years ago I needed C1-C2 fusion with a halo traction unit for 13


Please be very, very, very careful with your neck. It MUST

be thoroughly check and X-rayed.

In my case arthritis (rheumatoid) had EATEN a hole without me knowing

and with almost no discomfort. I had 12 mm subluxation and was immediately

immobilized once this was found, with a full body hard splint brace while

I awaited surgery. I was not allowed in a vehicle and was told by

every Dr that I saw, that I was extremely lucky to be alive.

Like , it took a while to recover but I had no choice but immediate

surgery. Now my neck is fine and I still have a good range of movement

etc. Still no pain in my neck - wish I could say that about other

places! (That was the creepiest thing about it all - never

did I have bad neck pain. I was terrified after this, as if the damn

RA had eaten one hole, what else has it done to me that I don't yet know


I too like , advise you to be really careful as C1 - C6 in severe

arthritis patients is reasonably common I was told.

Good Luck



RA also 25+ years (and I am just 40)

Bryarwoode@... wrote:


I haven't had x-rays yet but plan on a complete workup when I visit my

RD. The physiotherapist that designed a program for me

would not let me bend my neck backwards, but the sideway turns and forwards

were okay. I'll check with my RD for sure but I will do the

side ones gently.


. I hope your neck has improved for you.

I find the back of my skull and the bottom feels stiff too.




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Hi Bev,

Glad to hear you're going back on Mino, that should eventually start to

help things. I do think some exercises would help your neck -- you know

the saying, use it or lose it. You know I have a terrible neck and have

to be careful what I do so I'm quite sure the exercises I was told to do

would be safe to try. Here they are:

1) Sit up straight, looking straight ahead. With your hand, gently but

firmly push your chin back (not up) towards your neck. Hold for 5 to 10

seconds and repeat at least 3 times. (This exercise reduces pressure on

the discs)

2) Looking straight ahead, gently bend your head down towards each

shoulder as far as you can and hold for 5 to 10 seconds, also repeating

at least 3 times on each side.

3) Start looking straight ahead, then turn your head as far to the left

as you can, hold for 5 to 10 seconds, go back to center then turn your

head to the right as far as you can, holding for 5 to 10 seconds.

Again, repeat the entire exercise at least 3 times.

If you do these exercises periodically throughout the day, you should

soon notice that your neck range of motion will improve. You may notice

that your neck hurts and feels tight while doing the exercises,

particularly when you first start but if you keep at it and gently do

the stretching as far as you can, it really should improve. I know they

are completely responsible for keeping my neck somewhat mobile.

I also have the pain on the tops of my feets without noticeable

inflammation (along with pretty much every other part of my feet LOL)

so I don't think that is too unusual but it will hopefully improve when

the mino kicks in. In the meantime, enjoy your company and be glad you

live in Eastern Canada. We are suffering through yet another snowstorm

in Alberta (my new theme song, sung to the tune of Jungle Bells, is

" Jingle Bells, this weather smells, I want to move awaaaaaay! " ), making

my joints scream yet again. It's bad enough being snowed in in May

without having joints that react violently to every miserable barometer

change. I beg all members in warm climates to blow some warm dry

weather in the direction of Alberta. If we don't get some soon, I fear

we might go crazy!! :}



Bryarwoode@... wrote:


> Hi,

> Any input is appreciated. I have had a stiff neck for quite a few

> months and at the moment can barely turn my neck to my shoulders. I

> went off my Minocin in January for a break but am going back on it.

> Also anyone have pain in the tops of the feet when pressure from your

> shoes is applied when you walk along. I don't seem to have a great

> deal of inflammation that's visible but there is some.

> Does exercising the neck help or make little difference or do damage.

> Thanks for any help or suggestions.

> As we have company from England in June, I'd sure like to be more

> mobile. Doesn't look so great to go down the steps one at a time

> like in kindergarten.

> Bev.


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Don't know where you live, but if you have access to a Far Infrared

Sauna, that would be very helpful. The hyperthermia and the rays

penetrate into muscles and ligaments and somehow give much relief.

After my husband and I went three times a week for a month to a new

sauna place, we purchased a small one for our garage. It came

yesterday and I'm about to go out there now. It really made a

difference with spinal pain I'd had for quite some time.

Being off the Minocin for so long probably allowed the " return of the

myco's. " Maybe now that you are back on it, you will get better.




> Hi,

> Any input is appreciated. I have had a stiff neck for quite a few


> and at the moment can barely turn my neck to my shoulders. I went

off my

> Minocin in January for a break but am going back on it.

> Also anyone have pain in the tops of the feet when pressure from

your shoes

> is applied when you walk along. I don't seem to have a great

deal of

> inflammation that's visible but there is some.

> Does exercising the neck help or make little difference or do


> Thanks for any help or suggestions.

> As we have company from England in June, I'd sure like to be more


> Doesn't look so great to go down the steps one at a time like in

> kindergarten.

> Bev.

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Hey a,

Thanks for the exercises. I'll print them off and start them. On the first one, do you resist when you push the chin back or just gently push back on the chin?

So sorry about your weather. I couldn't believe what I saw on tv with you guys shovelling snow. Just like January. Our weather is dismal in the east with cool and damp days. We had ice on the bird bath on the weekend. Hope you get some decent weather soon. The spring gardening season is a flop for the nurseries with no one showing up. I was going to buy my annuals but changed my mind. Can't think of putting my window boxes in with this weather.

I decided on Naprosyn for my anti inflam. Roche has stopped making Mobiflex the one I took for years. I don't feel good taking Vioxx. When I tried it about a year ago, I felt like I was going to black out and it scared me so I just quit it.

Hope you and Buttons get some decent weather so you can enjoy your walks again.

Thanks for the exercices, a.



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, I haven't had x-rays yet but plan on a complete workup when I visit my RD. The physiotherapist that designed a program for me would not let me bend my neck backwards, but the sideway turns and forwards were okay. I'll check with my RD for sure but I will do the side ones gently.

Thanks, . I hope your neck has improved for you. I find the back of my skull and the bottom feels stiff too. Weird.



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Bev, have you talked to your doctor about your neck and had x-rays? Be very careful before doing any exercises in that area, and make sure a physio checks you to see you are doing them correctly and in the correct position. Perhaps I'm being overly cautious, but I am still recovering from neck fusion surgery last August.

(RA 25+ years, AP since Nov. 97)

Re: rheumatic Stiff Neck

Hey a,Thanks for the exercises. I'll print them off and start them. On the first one, do you resist when you push the chin back or just gently push back on the chin?So sorry about your weather. I couldn't believe what I saw on tv with you guys shovelling snow. Just like January. Our weather is dismal in the east with cool and damp days. We had ice on the bird bath on the weekend. Hope you get some decent weather soon. The spring gardening season is a flop for the nurseries with no one showing up. I was going to buy my annuals but changed my mind. Can't think of putting my window boxes in with this weather.I decided on Naprosyn for my anti inflam. Roche has stopped making Mobiflex the one I took for years. I don't feel good taking Vioxx. When I tried it about a year ago, I felt like I was going to black out and it scared me so I just quit it.Hope you and Buttons get some decent weather so you can enjoy your walks again.Thanks for the exercices, a.Hugs,Bev To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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  • 3 weeks later...
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This may sound almost too easy, but I also sufer from occasional neck

stiffness due to the PA. I keep searching for the perfect pillow. I find if

I have a pillow that is too bulky, I always end up with a stiff neck and it

takes quite a while before it gets better. I also keep stretching the neck

muscles gently, so it doesn't freeze up entirely. You might see if that

helps. -- Jan O', Alaska


> I am sufferring from PA for the past 13 years. I can fill a whole

> book whit what I went through.

> But lately its terrible. My neck is stiff I can hardly turn it, and

> when I do tilt it adrop I feel painfol cracks.

> The medicine that I take does not help for the neck. I would like to

> hear if anybody has any info To share. I would really appreceate it.

> Thanks

> m. m.






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In reference to your stiff neck-I've had that problem for years. Mine is so

bad now that

I can't turn my head enough to see to drive. I''ve had x-rays and mri's wich

showed that I had spurs and herniated disks in the cervical area. I've had

therapy and I''ve recently seen a chiropracter who made adjustments on my

neck. It was so painfull on the second visit that I actually cried. When my

neck gets really bad, it gets inflammed and swollen even into the back of my

head. My rhuemy tells me that one of the target areas for Pa is your spine.

Good luck in trying to find relief!



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I too have a dreadfully stiff neck (cervicle spondylosis), it appeared many

years before I was diagnosed with PA (after a whiplash injury in a car crash )

Movement is significantly restricted both laterally and verticaly and locks in

position frequently. I have experienced little or no improvement from the PA

drugs and somehow don't expect to 'though I am convinced it's severity is

because of the PA

I was advised to avoid the use of varifocal lenses in glasses because of the

neck movement required to align the subject viewed. As an aside, does anyone

have comment to make about their use?

I too would like to hear if any of the PA treatments impact the neck.



I am sufferring from PA for the past 13 years. I can fill a whole

book whit what I went through.

But lately its terrible. My neck is stiff I can hardly turn it, and

when I do tilt it adrop I feel painfol cracks.

The medicine that I take does not help for the neck. I would like to

hear if anybody has any info To share. I would really appreceate it.


m. m.

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  • 2 years later...
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Look to diet and absorbtion that may be affecting the neck. Does the QXCI say there is any rheumatism or? Check the Nutrition panel and the Risks panel for what is the suggested supps and emotional links.

Moneca e, CHNP, ND (candidate)

stiff neck

Has anyone successfully treated a chronic stiff neck? Mine is causingnumbness in my head and neck and has been going on for over a year. Iget chiropractic, cranial sacral and massage but to no avail. I'vebeen using the spinal program and frequencies on the QX. I'm alsodoing exercises to stretch the muscles but the neck quickly misaligns.is Rotella, M.Ac. ............................................

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I've seen " miracles " with JMT (Jaffre-Mellor Technique) for stiff necks and

back problems. Not too many practitioners in Europe though. JMT uses the

subconscious and autonomic nervous system to make corrections. Has worked

phenominally on people I know. Check out

http://www.jmt-jafmeltechnique.com. There's

a seminar going to be held in London in October!!

Blessings! Nona

stiff neck

Has anyone successfully treated a chronic stiff neck? Mine is causing

numbness in my head and neck and has been going on for over a year. I

get chiropractic, cranial sacral and massage but to no avail. I've

been using the spinal program and frequencies on the QX. I'm also

doing exercises to stretch the muscles but the neck quickly misaligns.

is Rotella, M.Ac.


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Sometimes it is bebeficial to put the patterns in local to the issue, using

double power. The pain and beauty pads allow the patterns to be focues into

up to 8 1 " x1 " locations.

See w/site below for details

Kelsey PhD

QXCI User Manual Author, Advanced Trainer

Visit www.qxcisynergy.co.uk for tech infos

stiff neck

Has anyone successfully treated a chronic stiff neck? Mine is causing

numbness in my head and neck and has been going on for over a year. I

get chiropractic, cranial sacral and massage but to no avail. I've

been using the spinal program and frequencies on the QX. I'm also

doing exercises to stretch the muscles but the neck quickly misaligns.

is Rotella, M.Ac.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

I was wondering if you have heard of PATHS? I had a similar issue

with extremely tense muscles in the neck and back and also trouble

sleeping (maybe because of the tenseness?) But I found this website

Promotional Link:


and it is pretty miraculous. I recommend that

you give it a look especially since it has a money back guarantee,

if it doesnt work just get your $$ back. Thought this would help.

Best Wishes



> Further to my earlier email regarding stiff neck( i hope it will

come up above) I would like to fill you in on the details.


> The neck thing has not got better and I have been tapping loads

and loads.


> the association between stiff neck and narrow mindedness was

interesting and indeed may partially apply to me, although, due to

perthes of the hip as a child one leg is longer than the other so

this may be related also.


> I guess I do think that i have a significant blockage and

perhaps some pent up emotions that may warrant release but not sure

what these are or why. sometimes have weird anxieties for no reason.


> I have been trying the affirmation " when though I have this fear

of letting go experience i completely and profoundly etc " , and

also " even though i have this constant stiff neck experience etc " .


> I have been tapping a lot, anything between 30 min and an hour

and a half per day following the basic recipe but nothing is

happening yet.


> I noticed that there is mention of tapping on the top of the

head in some of the emails, is this meant to be the third eye

position as it is not mentioned in the booklet.


> Regarding sore spots this is mainly at the side of the eye and

when saying the affirmation using the breast sore spot. Does this

mean I should concentrate on these areas. I hardly feel anything

when I tap the fingers and back of hand etc.


> I am also quite addicted to sugar and sometimes feel real

compulsions for sweet things although I am of thin build.


> Sometimes my energy levels are a bit lower than I would like and

also I tend to have a bit of a dry mouth.


> Anyone have any instructions as to where to go with this.


> I would love to hear from some you and thanks for the previous

emails regarding my post, very interesting.


> Kind Regards


> Ray


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  • 2 months later...

Man if any of you had to name the worst symptom you have ...what would it be ? My is my stiff neck it's awful right up the middle to my head. Also did your worse symptom go away after explant or at least get a lot better ?

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This isn't an instant fix, and it takes time to see improvements. I

know you are very anxious to feel better, and I am right there with

you, but please don't set yourself up for anxiety by expecting to feel

better right away. We all have different healing times, and some

women do get better right away, and for others it takes months to

years. I only had my implants for six months, and I'm 9 months post

explant and my healing is slow. I'm at peace, though, because the

implants aren't in my body, and I see very gradual improvements.

I have neck issues since getting implants, too, and it has improved

since explant, but it took at least 6 months before I noticed any

changes, maybe more.



> Man if any of you had to name the worst symptom you have ...what

would it be

> ? My is my stiff neck it's awful right up the middle to my head.

Also did

> your worse symptom go away after explant or at least get a lot

better ?


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Brain fog was my worst symptom...that spacey, drunk feeling. Oh, I am so thankful that it is finally gone! It took the longest to go away of all my symptoms. But the stiff neck would be a close second. I had that too. PattyGMCLADY98@... wrote: Man if any of you had to name the worst symptom you have ...what would it be ? My is my stiff neck it's awful right up the middle to my head. Also did your worse symptom go away after

explant or at least get a lot better ? __________________________________________________

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I'll just bet implants/chemicals damaged that part of our brain.


~ married to DH Mark, and sharing the lives of nine busy children. <3 <3

Re: Re: Stiff Neck

What I find interesting is that when I use the wrong words, they're used in the right context . .. i.e. I may say I heard something on the radio when I meant TV . . . Say there's a car out front, when I mean a truck . . . ask for coffee when I want tea. . . . It's really strange! . . . Because my mind KNOWS the word I want to say . .. It just comes out wrong.

If I feel emotional about something, I find it hard to keep my sentences straight . .. to finish one sentence before starting another.

Simple math is harder than more complex math . .. i.e. . . . how many servings do I need to prepare for six people . . . One time I prepared three servings of a main dish (six pieces) for six people. Horribly embarrassing!

I threw an anniversary party for my sis and her hubby - and forgot to invite THEM!

I saw a demonstration on TV one time that named the condition I experienced precisely. They gave a person a simple drawing to copy . . . When it looked like they were done, they asked them if they were finished . . . In every case, they had left a major element off the drawing . . . but didn't see it until it was pointed out . . . Now that shows up when I skip ingredients in a recipe. I wish I had written the name down! . .. It's caused by damage to a specific part of the brain.


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Rogene I believe they cause brain damage brain fog etc...I was just saying I haven't had much of that yet...brain fog yes but as far as the others symptoms they seem to be worse right now.

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I have not doubt that implants have caused brain damage . .. I've seen far too many women (besides myself) that have the same problems. , , Some women have had brain leisons reported in brain scan. I suspect that gel implants are more likely to cause these problems because of migrated gel, but I'm just guessing. If you ever want to see a circus, get a conference room full of implanted women! Our propensity to misunderstand, take things personally, lash out, to be unable to express ourselves clearly, and to be paranoid makes for a wild time! Seriously, we need to give each other more consideration than we would others. . . That's why we sometime let a troublemakers stay a little longer than we probably should. Thank God! We've been blessed no to have trouble makers in some time! Rogene "jdebolt@..."

<jdebolt@...> wrote: I'll just bet implants/chemicals damaged that part of our brain. sad. ~ married to DH Mark, and sharing the lives of nine busy children. <3 <3 Re: Re: Stiff Neck What I find interesting is that when I use the wrong words, they're used in the right context . .. i.e. I may say I heard something on the radio when I meant TV . . . Say there's a car out front, when I mean a truck . . . ask for coffee when I want tea. . . . It's really strange! . . . Because my mind KNOWS the word I want to say . .. It just comes out wrong. If I feel emotional about something, I find it hard to keep my sentences straight . .. to finish one sentence before starting another. Simple math is harder than more complex math . .. i.e. . . . how many servings do I need to prepare for six people . . . One time I prepared three servings of a main dish (six pieces) for six people. Horribly embarrassing! I threw an anniversary party for my sis and her hubby - and forgot to invite THEM! I saw a demonstration on TV one time that named the condition I experienced precisely. They gave a person a simple drawing to copy . . . When it looked like they were done, they asked them if they were finished . . . In every case, they had left a major element off the drawing . . . but didn't see it until it was pointed out . . . Now that shows up when I skip ingredients in a recipe. I wish I had written the name down! . .. It's caused by damage to a specific part of the brain. Rogene

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  • 4 years later...

Yet another major magnesium deficiency symptom.


> I just posted this to my Lyme group website. I hope it helps somebody:


> We have all had our stiff necks, eh? What's that about?!?! Not sure I

> know the true answer for all of us, but here's a little anecdote that

> might shed some light for some:


> About a month ago, my 18-year-old son , who has Lyme (and

> Company!), woke up with his neck stiffer than ever. He was VERY

> uncomfortable. We tried massage and tumeric and heat, without much

> improvement. Then I took him to a chiro trained in nutrition and

> kinesiology. The doc said 's neck ache was related to his thyroid,

> and that he probably needed iodine!


> He treated with laser and a gentle kind of adjustment, and I

> started on a little Dr. Ron's iodine, which is like Iodoral, but

> withOUT the magnesium stearate. seemed fixed! We happened to be

> going to our LLND soon after, so we told her the story. She shook her

> head in doubt. But then she tested , and agreed: he needs iodine.

> So much so, in fact, that she recommended twice the dose I had just

> started giving him!


> So I started thinking, is it possible that many of our stiff neck

> problems have been about iodine deficiency or other thyroid problems?

> Are you taking iodine? How's your thyroid?


> B.


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Interesting. Lyme affects the thyroid which makes one iodine deficient, causing

the stiff neck. A hypothesis. Lyme patients are low in magnesium also. What

is the magnesium/iodine relationship?


> >

> > I just posted this to my Lyme group website. I hope it helps somebody:

> >

> > We have all had our stiff necks, eh? What's that about?!?! Not sure I

> > know the true answer for all of us, but here's a little anecdote that

> > might shed some light for some:

> >

> > About a month ago, my 18-year-old son , who has Lyme (and

> > Company!), woke up with his neck stiffer than ever. He was VERY

> > uncomfortable. We tried massage and tumeric and heat, without much

> > improvement. Then I took him to a chiro trained in nutrition and

> > kinesiology. The doc said 's neck ache was related to his thyroid,

> > and that he probably needed iodine!

> >

> > He treated with laser and a gentle kind of adjustment, and I

> > started on a little Dr. Ron's iodine, which is like Iodoral, but

> > withOUT the magnesium stearate. seemed fixed! We happened to be

> > going to our LLND soon after, so we told her the story. She shook her

> > head in doubt. But then she tested , and agreed: he needs iodine.

> > So much so, in fact, that she recommended twice the dose I had just

> > started giving him!

> >

> > So I started thinking, is it possible that many of our stiff neck

> > problems have been about iodine deficiency or other thyroid problems?

> > Are you taking iodine? How's your thyroid?

> >

> > B.

> >


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