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Kathynye@... wrote: From: Kathynye@...Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 22:58:30 EDTSubject: POST:Kathynye@...Subj: Explant Question? Date: 10/12/2006 12:06:36 PM Eastern Standard Time From: wisgroup_leader@... wisgroup_leader@... Sent from the Internet (Details) All-I have been contacted by a woman, who received silicone implants in 1991, just prior to the moratorium. She and her primary care doctor are suspecting a rupture on one side.In addition, she is experiencing considerable health issues, and is significantly anemic. Her doctor is

treating her for anemia, and won't advise considering explant until the anemia has impoved.She is interested in locating a doctor in the San Francisco area to eventually perform the explant. She wants a surgeon, who uses the enbloc method with the usual protocols for the best result. Do any of you have recommendations?Also, she has heard of a procedure which transfers tissue from the abdominal area to create breasts. I'm not especially familiar with this procedure, and wouldn't want to advise her in it's regard. I know several of you have experienced horrific results with the tram flap procedure. Have any of you either experienced, or heard about the procedure she speaks about?Please advise.Myrl http://www.webstarmagic.com/wisletter.htm============================================================Subj: US group seeks FDA probe

of breast implants data Date: 10/12/2006 11:24:09 AM Eastern Standard Time From: ilena.rose@... US group seeks FDA probe of breast implants dataBy Heaveyhttp://today.reuters.com/news/articleinvesting.aspx?view=CN & storyID=2006-10-12T144948Z_01_N12313172_RTRIDST_0_HEALTH-BREASTIMPLANTS.XML & rpc=66 & type=qcna WASHINGTON, Oct 12 (Reuters) - U.S. advocacy group Public Citizen on Thursday called for a criminal investigation into allegations that Mentor Corp. (MNT.N: Quote, Profile, Research) failed to give federal regulators information about potential problems with the company's silicone breast implants. Mentor Corp. and its rival Inamed Corp., now a

unit of Allergan Inc. (AGN.N: Quote, Profile, Research), last year received initial FDA clearance to resume widespread sales of silicone breast implants as long as certain conditions, such as providing additional data, were met first. Final approval is pending. In a letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Public Citizen said a former Mentor scientist contacted the FDA in June to alert regulators about safety risk data on leaking gel, toxicity levels and other issues. The employee, who worked at Mentor for 15 years but did not want his name made public, had urged Mentor to submit the data but the device maker refused, Public Citizen said. "The fact that they (the studies) were done and that they found some serious problems with the safety of the implants is reason enough for the FDA to take them into account and demand that Mentor provide the actual data from the studies," wrote Dr. Sidney Wolfe, director of Public

Citizen's Health Research Group. Silicone-filled breast implants have been banned for most U.S. women since 1992 amid allegations they can cause long-term health problems.Public Citizen has been critical of the FDA and has called for a number of drugs and some devices to be pulled from the market.Public Citizen, in its letter, called on the FDA to postpone a final decision until the additional data were submitted.Representatives for Mentor and the FDA could not be immediately reached for comment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~www.BreastImplantAwareness.org=============================================================Subj: CANDO Platinum Study Update and Addendum Date: 10/6/2006 5:13:31 PM Eastern Standard Time From: ilena.rose@... Sent from the Internet

(Details) Click here for CANDO's website with links about the Platinum Issue Click here for Addendum as of September 29, 2006 A million thank you's is not enough to Keeling and her indefatigable work on this important issue.Ilena RosenthalHumantics Foundationwww.BreastImplantAwareness.org Ilena,Please post this addendum filed on 9/29/06 to citizen petition on silicone breast implants 2006P-0151/PSA 1 originally filed 4/10/06. This is the official CANDO response to the FDA's Backgrounder on Platinum in Silicone Breast Implants, 2006 review "Platinum in silicone breast implants", Brook and Lane letters to the editor of Analytical Chemistry on 8/1/06, and the 8/1/06 editorial in Analytical Chemistry. KeelingChemically Associated Neurological DisordersP.O. Box 682633Houston, Tx. 77268-2633281/444-0662keeling.m@... ============================================================Subj: FDA PLATINUM REMINDER ... how to get to place your comments Date: 10/7/2006 4:14:45 PM Eastern Standard Time From: ilena.rose@... Sent from the Internet (Details) Please just follow Pam's steps below to get through the login process.This is very important and timely. Thank you to all who have so diligently worked on this project.Blessings to all,Ilena www.BreastImplantAwareness.orgwww.BreastImplantAwareness.org/CANDO.htmPlatinum Issue

Documents and StudiesFrom: Pamatintheknow@... <Pamatintheknow@...>Date: Oct 7, 2006 12:46 PM Subject: FDA PLATINUM REMINDERilena.rose@...This is just a reminder.... if you have not already done so...PLEASE send in your comments NOW!!! The link to the FDA is listed below. You can click on the link but YOU MUST MANUALLY enter the docket number 2006P-0151 This docket number will not be accepted from a copy and paste function.THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!!PLEASE TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION! COMMAND TRUST NETWORK, IN THE KNOW AND TOXIC DISCOVERY NEED YOUR HELP!Monday, October 9 is the last day you can submit comments to the FDA on platinum. Whether you've already submitted a comment or not it is imperative that YOUR VOICES ARE HEARD!. We must tell the FDA what has happened to our health and how it has affected our lives and the lives of our children and our families. Submitting your story is not a difficult process. You can do it right now, at your computer. 1) Share your personal story writing a paragraph or two about your health problems since receiving breast implants.

Were you healthy prior to implants? It is important that the FDA be made aware of this fact. 2) If you have a child who was born after you received implants and who also suffers from health problems then PLEASE share this important information in your letter to FDA. 3) If you have been tested for Platinum then please note this in your letter to the FDA telling them what was tested and what your levels of Platinum are. Simply stated, we don't know the cause of the health problems we have experienced after implantation nor do we know whether platinum from breast implants have added to our health problems (it certainly could not have helped). Isn't it beyond time that we learn what has caused so many of us to be ill? Isn't it time FDA protects the women and children of this Nation from harmful chemicals? Go to your computers now! Write the FDA. Encourage every woman you know that had/has breast implants to do the same! DO NOT CONTINUE TO SUFFER

IN SILENCE! Let us finally make our voices heard in Washington.You can submit your comment online at the FDA website. Go to http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/oc/dockets/comments/CommentSearch.cfm?CID= & AGENCY=FDA and type in 2006P-0151 in the Docket ID field. From there, click on the "submit comment" button on the right side of the page, fill in the fields and submit your comments. If you prefer to submit a hard copy of your comments, please send them to: Dockets Management Branch (HFA-305)Food and Drug Administration5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061 Rockville, MD 20852 Be sure to include the Docket ID 2006P-0151, your name and address, and the fact that you are submitting comments as an individual consumer. Please submit your comments right away. The FDA will only accept comments through October 9 – NEXT MONDAY. Thank you for your help in

working to ensure that FDA makes safety come first in its decision about silicone breast implants . www.toxicdiscovery.com COMMAND TRUST NETWORKhttp://www.commandtrust.org/ IN-THE-KNOWhttp://www.intheknow.org/mainletter.shtml ===============================================Kathy Nye's info pageshttp://kathynyebreastimplants.homestead.com/Silicone Breast Implant Information Site 2006http://www.siliconebreastimplant.homestead.com/

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