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does anyone else have this?

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In a message dated 8/8/2006 9:31:16 AM Eastern Standard Time, funx2sweet@... writes:

On Saturday I felt pretty good, so I decided to mow the front lawn. It was pretty long because we had not touched it in a while because it has been so hot here. After I was done, I was totally wiped out. I layed down and took a nap, got up around 7pm and then had no trouble at all going to sleep again later that night. I did the same thing on Sunday (the nap that is) and was out of work yesterday because I felt so bad. It seems after activity like this I get SO fatigued and have pain all over. I feel a bit better today but my joints still hurt and are stiff.


My guess is that you'll get a lot of "yes's" on this one.

Yes here, but I also have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I can't even walk around on my lawn, much less mow it...

It was several years of things like that getting worse and worse, until finally I fatigue kept me from not only doing things like that, but also walking, shopping, running errands, and eventually even "talking" if it's over 30-60 minutes ---- which led up to the diagnosis. (CFS makes your throat sore, and your eyes swell up as you get exhausted during the day, by the way... or at least it does in my case. It also does it to me if I talk, like I was saying. Face to face socialization is nearly impossible.)

I have to sleep a full 12 hours per day, and some days I sleep up to 20 hours per day. (Just unable to move.) After taking an antibiotic or going through a busy week, I have to literally sleep 6-8 hours, be up 2, go back to sleep 6-8 hours, be up 2... It takes that much sleep to work up 2 hours energy and I do that in cycles for 2-3 weeks or more until I can get back to my normal 12 up/12 down.

Keep tabs on the dates you're starting to notice fatigue, and if things like this happen over 6-12 months, and worsen to these points, ----they may diagnose you with CFS. There's really nothing special they do for it. They just shove vitamins and B-12 into you.

Same with the joint part. I think about everyone on here has Fibromyalgia and/or degenerative joint diseases. (Part of the Fibromyalgia diagnostic criteria is also having chronic pain for 6-12 months, as well as other tests. It's not only joint/skeletal, but also muscular. My thighs, arms, and neck are worst.)

Anyway, just answering since it fit me.

Hang in there...


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I have felt awful ever since I got my saline implants almost 3 years ago ..I can barley bend or kneel down..I'm 47. I hope and pray the pain will go away when I have Dr Kolb remove my implants. MY worst symptom is pain in my joints mainly knees and neck.

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I SECOND Rogene's comment! If i even ATTEMPT to work out, i have to take it RIDICULOUSLY easy. It's sometimes embarrasing b/c i'm only 27 years old (who USED to be a figure competitor) and people look at me like " what is that girl DOING?!...she doesn't even look like she's working out! " It's pretty pathetic!

If i don't take it easy, like you, i'm out for days. It's very discouraging. THANK GOD i have an incredible man/friend by my side to uplift me (and NO.. i'm not married... YET, anyway!) :)



On 8/8/06, funx2sweet <funx2sweet@...> wrote:

On Saturday I felt pretty good, so I decided to mow the front lawn. It was pretty long because we had not touched it in a while because it has been so hot here. After I was done, I was totally wiped out. I layed down and took a nap, got up around 7pm and then had no trouble at all going to sleep again later that night. I did the same thing on Sunday (the nap that is) and was out of work yesterday because I felt so bad. It seems after activity like this I get SO fatigued and have pain all over. I feel a bit better today but my joints still hurt and are stiff.


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Brigite, Do you still have your implants in? If not, have you seen any improvement? My symptoms are certainly getting worse. I used to be able to work out a few days a week for several weeks and then I would start to feel bad over night it seems. It has now been about 9 months that I have felt pretty bad. Some days I feel ok with a little tiredness and stiffness and sometimes I feel awful. Thanks KissofSadness@... wrote: In a message dated 8/8/2006 9:31:16 AM Eastern Standard Time, funx2sweet writes: On Saturday I felt pretty good, so I decided to mow the front lawn. It was pretty long because we had not touched it in a while because it has been so hot here. After I was done, I was totally wiped out. I layed down and took a nap, got up around 7pm and then had no trouble at all going to sleep again later that night. I did the same thing on Sunday (the nap that is) and was out of work yesterday because I felt so bad. It seems after activity like this I get SO fatigued and have pain all over. I feel a bit better today but my joints still hurt and are stiff. Thanks My guess is that you'll get a lot of "yes's" on this one. Yes here, but I also have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I can't even walk around on my lawn, much less mow it... It was several years of things like that getting worse and worse, until finally I fatigue kept me from not only doing things like that, but also walking, shopping, running errands, and eventually even "talking" if it's over 30-60 minutes ---- which led up to the diagnosis. (CFS makes your throat sore, and your eyes swell up as you get exhausted during the day, by the way... or at least it does in my case. It also does it to me if I talk, like I was saying. Face to face socialization is nearly impossible.) I have to sleep a full 12 hours per day, and

some days I sleep up to 20 hours per day. (Just unable to move.) After taking an antibiotic or going through a busy week, I have to literally sleep 6-8 hours, be up 2, go back to sleep 6-8 hours, be up 2... It takes that much sleep to work up 2 hours energy and I do that in cycles for 2-3 weeks or more until I can get back to my normal 12 up/12 down. Keep tabs on the dates you're starting to notice fatigue, and if things like this happen over 6-12 months, and worsen to these points, ----they may diagnose you with CFS. There's really nothing special they do for it. They just shove vitamins and B-12 into you. Same with the joint part. I think about everyone on here has Fibromyalgia and/or degenerative joint diseases. (Part of the Fibromyalgia diagnostic criteria is also having chronic pain for 6-12 months, as well

as other tests. It's not only joint/skeletal, but also muscular. My thighs, arms, and neck are worst.) Anyway, just answering since it fit me. Hang in there... Brigite

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Will we ever return back to normal again

For some reason I cannot even define the word normal

My skin and body is that of an old woman for heaven sakes

Fatigue and weakness takes hold and it becomes to overpowering for me

Believe it or not I use to be a mud wrestler !!!

Now I can hardly dress myself for goodness sakes:(

This Whole Ordeal of Implants

Is A Nightmare In Hell


I must admit that I push myself when doing things. I used to be the same way when I worked out regulary (pre-implant of course). My thought was if I feel comfortable at a certain weight - then I can lift more or I can go longer on the cardio machine. My attitude has always been that I just need to finish whatever I'm doing no matter what. It is hard to take it easy sometimes. It is really depressing too because I totally feel trapped in a body that is just useless.

Shoham <resultsbyrachel@...> wrote:

I SECOND Rogene's comment! If i even ATTEMPT to work out, i have to take it RIDICULOUSLY easy. It's sometimes embarrasing b/c i'm only 27 years old (who USED to be a figure competitor) and people look at me like "what is that girl DOING?!...she doesn't even look like she's working out!" It's pretty pathetic! If i don't take it easy, like you, i'm out for days. It's very discouraging. THANK GOD i have an incredible man/friend by my side to uplift me (and NO.. i'm not married... YET, anyway!)

:- California On 8/8/06, funx2sweet <funx2sweet > wrote:

On Saturday I felt pretty good, so I decided to mow the front lawn. It was pretty long because we had not touched it in a while because it has been so hot here. After I was done, I was totally wiped out. I layed down and took a nap, got up around 7pm and then had no trouble at all going to sleep again later that night. I did the same thing on Sunday (the nap that is) and was out of work yesterday because I felt so bad. It seems after activity like this I get SO fatigued and have pain all over. I feel a bit better today but my joints still hurt and are stiff.


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Hi - you sound like me, one day of feeling better and I think I

can go jogging, or help my friends move, etc. It usually sets me

back for quite a while after I do something like that. I'm sorry if

I don't know whether or not you still have your implants or not, but

I haven't been as tuned in to this group lately as I would like to

be. Rest and recouperate! God Bless,


> On Saturday I felt pretty good, so I decided to mow

the front lawn. It was pretty long because we had not touched it in

a while because it has been so hot here. After I was done, I was

totally wiped out. I layed down and took a nap, got up around 7pm

and then had no trouble at all going to sleep again later that

night. I did the same thing on Sunday (the nap that is) and was out

of work yesterday because I felt so bad. It seems after activity

like this I get SO fatigued and have pain all over. I feel a bit

better today but my joints still hurt and are stiff.


> Thanks




> ---------------------------------

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Pretty common ! Exercise for a person with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome can send a person into a downward spiral. We had a former group member who used to shove exercise down our throats (oh, gosh, I really don't mean to sound nasty, but that is what she did), and the truth is that AFTER you have made some progress in recovery, exercise is a good thing because it gets the blood pumping, makes the heart stronger, helps sweat toxins out and yeah, it 's good. But BEFORE you have recovered to that point, exercise can be devastating. The body just can't handle it well. It takes time to get things turned around. As much as we know exercise is a good thing, it must be done in moderation and with common sense. So, don't feel bad that you pushed yourself hard...just take it as a learning experience and then as you progress in your healing, you'll be able to rejoice at how far you've come when you

can expend lots of energy and not pay for it! Pattyfunx2sweet <funx2sweet@...> wrote: On Saturday I felt pretty good, so I decided to mow the front lawn. It was pretty long because we had not touched it in a while because it has been so hot here. After I was done, I was totally wiped out. I layed down and took a nap, got up around 7pm and then had no trouble at all going to sleep again later that night. I did the same thing on Sunday (the nap that is) and was out of work

yesterday because I felt so bad. It seems after activity like this I get SO fatigued and have pain all over. I feel a bit better today but my joints still hurt and are stiff. Thanks Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

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Hi Cherie, I still have mine in. I had saline implants in late 1998. I am scheduled to have them removed August 21st. I Pray I will feel better after having them removed. I have been to SO many doctors and this is my last effort. They have tested me for everything else. Cherie Sutherland <funhome@...> wrote: Hi - you sound like me, one day of feeling better and I think I can go jogging, or help my friends move, etc. It

usually sets me back for quite a while after I do something like that. I'm sorry if I don't know whether or not you still have your implants or not, but I haven't been as tuned in to this group lately as I would like to be. Rest and recouperate! God Bless,Cherie> On Saturday I felt pretty good, so I decided to mow the front lawn. It was pretty long because we had not touched it in a

while because it has been so hot here. After I was done, I was totally wiped out. I layed down and took a nap, got up around 7pm and then had no trouble at all going to sleep again later that night. I did the same thing on Sunday (the nap that is) and was out of work yesterday because I felt so bad. It seems after activity like this I get SO fatigued and have pain all over. I feel a bit better today but my joints still hurt and are stiff. > > Thanks> > > > ---------------------------------> Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.>

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Rogene, you got that right! We had a ladies' day in Red Deer

yesterday...me, my daughter-n-law and 2 granddaughters. We had to go

in for business, so Daddy (my son) took the boys and away we drove!

I should say, I drove. It's an automatic mini-van, easy to drive. I

didn't take anything for pain so I could feel exactly where I was

at. Wow...made it throught he day allright...today, however I had to

take it REALLY slow. Thank God I work with Emma and can nap with her!

Love to all & healing prayers,

Sunny :)

> On Saturday I felt pretty good, so I decided to mow the

front lawn. It was pretty long because we had not touched it in a

while because it has been so hot here. After I was done, I was

totally wiped out. I layed down and took a nap, got up around 7pm and

then had no trouble at all going to sleep again later that night. I

did the same thing on Sunday (the nap that is) and was out of work

yesterday because I felt so bad. It seems after activity like this I

get SO fatigued and have pain all over. I feel a bit better today but

my joints still hurt and are stiff.


> Thanks




> ---------------------------------

> Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.

Great rates starting at 1¢/min.


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