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LIver flushes

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There are a number of liver flushes listed on curezone.com, and you could pick one that works for you. Generally what needs to happen is that you cut out foods with fat content for half a day to let the bile build up, and then force it all to come out in great amount with the olive oil/grapefruit juice combo. You will clear out alot of stones and sludge buildup.

I wasn't sure if you were asking to add something to the epsom salts or the olive oil/grapefruit mix, but generally with the latter, NO, there is nothing else that I would recommend changing. I've seen some people say they subsituted safflower oil or some other polyunsaturated oil for the olive oil, and that is just plain dangerous! Polyunsaturated oils in abundance contribute to cancer! Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat, and much more stable and healthy, so follow the saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it.".

Now, on the epsom salts, I do use magnesium citrate in the lemon/lime flavor from the drug store instead. One is magnesium sulfate, the other magnesium citrate...they both do the same thing. I asked a pharmacist about it and he confirmed it to be okay. I can't stand epsom salts, but I can definitely get down the magnesium citrate, which tastes a little more like 7 UP. It is in the laxative section and costs about 1.50 for a bottle. I use two bottles during a liver flush.

Otherwise, Check these out.



Liver Flushdifferent recipes for cleansing liver and gall bladder:

"Dr. Hulda 's" Liver Cleanse and Gallbladder Flush Recipe - this recipe is the most popular because it is one of the best of all liver flush recipes (for majority of people) - tens of thousands have done this flush with no problems, most likely this recipe evolved from the recipe used by Hanna Kroeger in her book: "God Helps Those Who Help Themselves"!

Kelley's Liver Flush protocol - from "One Answer to Cancer" - similar to recipe explained by Hulda , but, this one was published in his book more then 20 years ago!

"Dr. Claude M. " Cleanse from: "Are you 'Stoned'?" Relatively new book...

Liver Flush Protocol with Orthophosphoric Acid and apple juice

"Classic Coke" Liver Flush and Gallbladder Cleanse.

Gallstones Cleanse from "Cleansing or Surgery" book. New book

1 pint Olive Oil Liver Cleanse - flush Liver & Gallbladder Flush - 7day program Recipe told by grandma Nada Old recipe - very simple

Re: Re: shari-new probs.....:(


So, does it have to be just those ingredients? I mean, can you add something to it to make it taste better? Rogene S <saxony01 (DOT) com> wrote:


Sorry . . . I've been traveling . . . It's so nice to be home again!

Epsom salts does taste bad . . . Drink it cold, and rinse your mouth with water right away! . . .

The grapefruit and olive oil are difficult to get down - whip it together thoroughly and drink it fast . . . a straw helps get it over the tongue. . . .

Apple juice is used with OrthoPhos.



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