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Oh no....now we have another Ann...LOL....i think that gives us almost two of

everyone here. Welcome Ann.....my name is also Anne but as you can see...its

with an " e " .

Anne Reischenbock



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  • 8 years later...

Hi Joanne!

Can't believe I've been noticed on this thing. Yes, I do quite well with

alternative care, but it is relative to what else I do.

Recently though, I've had a fall and sprained my left foot and my right knee.

Can you imagine? I'm sure you know what any extra trauma does for fibro. which I

can usually control for the most part w/a regime. But with this fall, everything

is being rebellious. Anyway, I am coming along and it could be worse I guess.

You mentioned building the immune system. Building the immune system is always a

good thing, UNLESS, you have an auto-immune issue. As you know w/fibro. we must

be careful w/taking stuff that most would take to " build " the immune system. We

usually need immune regulators since ours seem to go haywire.

I do think that I'm not as bad as I could be w/this last injury and my firbo.

because this time, I remained emotionally serene and what a difference. I have

found that the body doesn't differentiate between emotional stress and physical

stress. It simply knows that something is stressing it,then of course, there

goes that immune system trying to protect me, which for me meant more pain and


Anyway to make a long story short, LOL, although too late, a proper regulation

of the following is what has helped me; emotions, toxic overload, diet, the

proper amount of water and the proper replacement of nutrients, all of these

have played the biggest role for me.

But I must say that no matter what I did or took, until I dealt w/my emotions

and changed my diet, everything else was almost like throwing money out of the

window, even alternative care.

I think you've made a wise decision to not look so much for an illness to

connect your symptoms to since you've already have had many tests. Any many

illness manifest the same symptoms, so it is easy to think that you have many

things, but thank goodness, it's not necessarily so. The answer might be more

simple than you know.

One place might to start, might be and of course, this question is rhetorical,

but what was going on in your life six months prior to you getting any symptoms.

This isn't a way of diagnosing, obviously since I don't treat or diagnose, but

just a process of looking at which areas might be playing some role if any at

all in what your body is trying to tell you.

Also,I was wondering which area of your back is hurting and whether or not it is

an old injury or just simply started to hurt you?





> >

> > Uhhh, are we taking a vacation or have I been temporarily kicked out of the

> >site?

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> > Just wondering.

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Hi Joanne,

Thanks for sharing Joanne. Sounds like a leaky gut, I know many people who have

had one, including myself. I am glad that the diet is working for you. You gave

me the website and I was very interested in looking at it. I have looked at

Bee's site, I thought it very informative, just haven't had time to really

peruse it yet. But I am familiar w/quite a bit of what she is generally


I def. agree w/diet change, and have dealt w/leaky gut, but no longer deal w/it

as a result of diet change, colon re-building as well as tweaking a few other


I might add, that I have learned for me & many others that I know, who have had

leaky gut, chrons (severe inflammation of the intestines), that there were

certain emotional components that where connected for many us who have dealt

w/this issue.

One of the biggest issues was, ALWAYS having the need to be in control. And for

the Chrons, being too controlled. Not saying that this is you at all, because I

don't know you. I am also not saying that this means that this is merely a

psychological problem. Just sharing that along w/the physical stuff that we did,

we also had to do some emotional releasing work.

In agreement with what you said, I do agree that one's immune system needs to be

in an optimum state in order to assist the body in doing it's job. I was just

speaking of people w/autoimmune issues being careful of revving it, when it's

issue, is of always being on.

When it comes to diet though, I do not agree w/one way fitting all. I do

believe however, that any dietary eliminations of certain foods will most def.

produce changes, especially white products & certain carbs. But when it comes to

diet, I believe that one's blood type should be considered along w/personal

testing as well as many other factors. As even with the same blood types, there

can be variance's w/ones toleration to certain foods.

For instance, while coconut oil has many benefits, not everyone can tolerate it,

no matter how small of an amount that they start off with, seen this over & over

again. Yet, many diets advocate using coconut oil because of it's many health

benefits for " all. "

But if one can't tolerate it, it can cause other issues as I have also seen,

although it has benefited many.

It sounds like you have done a lot of research and thus have benefited yourself

greatly. I think this wonderful that many see that they too can help themselves.

I really appreciate forums that encourage others in this way.

You have a wonderful day.

> > >

> > > Uhhh, are we taking a vacation or have I been temporarily kicked out of


> > >site?

> > >

> > > Just wondering.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jean!

Thank you for that warm welcome. My journey has been so long that I was forced

to learn a lot about the healing process for me. You see, I was diagnosed in

1998 w/fibro, chronic fatigue, etc. etc. But prior to that obviously I had been

having many symptoms for years. I started seeing natural paths, herbalist,

Kinesiologist, etc. Desperately trying to get back to what I considered normal.

Well, it seemed that even though they helped some, that I would still end up in

the emergency room, or being hospitalized. Something just didn't make sense to

me, how was I paying all of this money out of pocket mind you, and still only

having limited progress. I'd tell my husband that something was missing and try

a new alternative person. Finally, I just got sick of it and begged my husband

to study herbalism so that he could help me and so that we wouldn't have to

drive so far for me to get help. I also knew that we really couldn't afford to

keep up w/as you said so the cost.

Anyway, shockingly, my husband agreed to take some classes, the first one being

a muscle testing class (kinesiology).

Although, I knew it impossible for me to concentrate, I decided that maybe I

should try and attend as well, so that if he missed anything, that maybe I could

get it.

Can you imagine w/all of my cognitive blocks. But anyway, so we started taking

classes, took a little while because of my limitations and practicing on each


I felt we needed more knowledge about the body and begged him to take more

classes. He said " no. " Because what we had gone through together w/me trying to

understand everything was a lot, and he just needed a break at the time. So I

said okay, I just knew that I would be wasting money trying to attend any

classes alone, as I couldn't readily absorb anything. But over the process of

about 5 years of taking home study courses, I've become certified in many areas

of natural health.

I started to get better and to stay out of the hospitals, people saw my results

and wanted help. I had no intentions on doing it as a business because it is

very energy draining.

However,I convinced my husband once again to start a small natural business &

I've been helping him, help people since. We don't treat or diagnose as we are

not Dr's. We simply help people figure out how to support on energy level what

nutrients would be best to try.

I am only able to do about 6 - 9 hours a month and sometimes less. But I am

grateful that I didn't give up, because what I studied should have been

completed way before I completed it. I still however, felt a since of

accomplishment. I should also mention that most things are what many ancestors

have always put into practice anyway.

As far as my colon goes, I've taken many things for the colon, as I've seen many

practitioners through the years. I've been on casada sagrada, LBS11, alfalfa,

liquid chlorophyll, magnesium, bowel detox, probiotics, intestinal sooth and

build and I've also had colonic several times. Obviously this is a lot of stuff,

so I wasn't on all of it at once, whatever I was tested for at the time is what

would be suggested that I take. I personally now feel that what one would take

would depend on what is going on w/the individual. Some people can do colonics

and some can't, however, we all need probiotics from time to time. And depending

on the colon, whether leaky gut, or whatever could use some intestinal sooth and

build. It is so individual. On one of the comanies websites that I use, they

have a health analyzer

for free to see which systems might benefit from nutritional support.

It is naturessunshine.com. If you decide to try something, use my name, so that

you can get discount w/out having to open up your own account.

One of the biggest changes for me was to drink enough water and to stop eating

things that once room temperature stuck to a plate, and required excessive

scrubbing to get it off. As well as really cutting back on things that were not

properly combined. I realized that this is somewhat similar to your paleo diet,

except you pretty much eliminate carbs, I think. swvQ

> > > > >

> > > > > Uhhh, are we taking a vacation or have I been temporarily kicked out

of the

> > > > >site?

> > > > >

> > > > > Just wondering.

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I didn't mean to post the other message yet, hadn't finished it or edited it

yet, so please forgive any errors and wasn't even sure that I was going to send

everything in the message. However, my 1 year old grandson pushed the button.

I can't even remember where I left off.

But anyway, I've had to cut down on just about everything that was energy

draining including helping my husband as much. I found that I am so passionate

about helping people that I gave much more to others than I did myself.

There is a book that I read during the years showing one which nutrients might

be helpful in regulating the energy of an autommune system.

I remember having an eye opening moment. Never thought about the fact that most

things that I was doing was revving my immune system up. Which were creating

more problems for me.

" We all have to build up our immune systems right? " According to what I've

learned, not if you have an autoimmune disease.

What a blessing to learn this. It also showed me that just because something is

natural doesn't mean that it's for you. Kind of silly I guess, when I think

about it, but my Dr. would always say that my immune systems was over reacting,

so why had I insisted on building it up.

I've also had the pleasure of working w/some Medical Drs. who really helped me

on my journey too, as some of them had a holistic belief system to their


Not sure if I've answered everything seeing that I can't remember what was sent

already. I looked at the Paleo diet and it reminds me so much of what I did when

properly combining my foods, minus the carbs of course. But what a difference

this made on my bowel habits and digestive system as well. It also afforded me a

little more energy as my digestive system didn't have to work so hard to break

stuff down.

What are some natural companies that you have used, I am always open to looking

at different products?

> > > > >

> > > > > Uhhh, are we taking a vacation or have I been temporarily kicked out

of the

> > > > >site?

> > > > >

> > > > > Just wondering.

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Hello.  I am , and just recently joined.  One day I was seeking some

information for alternative medicine for my cat, and I came across an article on

Apple Cider Vinegar.  Has anyone had any success with using this for fibro in


Subject: Re: Re: Ann

To: fibromyalgiacured

Date: Friday, December 24, 2010, 2:43 PM


Hi Ann

I have just found this post you sent. because I am not here so much lately I am

reading everything in wrong order and not sure which messages came before which.

this hebal thing you are doing sounds fantastic, and it is something i know many

folk here will be interested in.

herbs, are the only carb food i am confident with, that I know I can eat, but

because I know nothing at all about them, I simply eat a small mix each day. I

would love to here more about how they help us get strong, fight disease, feed

our bodies etc.

It is great to here you are doing well with this stuff, all natural too, this is

what we all love here

i am not sure because I do keep loosing track a bit lately, but I am thinking

that your focus has been on eating good wholesome foods, supplementing with good

herbs and perhaps other supplements and focusing mainly on curing your gut, and

from that your other healing has come. I do hope i am following you here, if I

am not it is not me being ignorant, I just do not know any other way to deal

with fibro other than this, so basically I am assuming you are doing a similar

thing to us, but if not i still think it is amazing because, well like i say,

herbs is something others have told me have worked for them, and I have a

genuine interest in  them

I hope I am making some sense. My shares are not very fluent lately, I am not

down or sad or anything like that but i have lost some of that free spirit if

you like. no worries it returns when it returns

anyway, the good news is, my mom has finally accepted my sister may need to do

this ketogenic thing. It is not all going to happen soon, but my mom has said

she will support her with the supplements, and I have managed to tell my mom a

bit more stuff

Last night I told her about the big four, gluten, casein, soya and corn. This

suprised her, but I do think she was recognising a bit of what I said. None of

us in our family ever eat soya or corn, since we never felt good with them, and

the other two, the wheat and milk, some addiction, especially with my dad and

sister. I was bad with the wheat, but not so bad with the milk

I do hope I am making a bot of sense here

anyway. I gave her some journals that show milk and wheat are definately issues

for Parkinsons and schitzophrenia, and i could see by my moms eyes something was


My dad is still moaning about eating the coconut oil, not because he has

problems with it, just because he likes to moan. I had to be a bit firm with him

and tell him how lucky he is to have somebody like me there to tell him. felt a

bit bad, but honestly, it was justified

Anyway, all in all I am pretty happy with the progress there, and I am so happy

that my husband has finally reached his goal weight

My children reached theirs a while back, my son put some back on a while back

but now seems to be over binging, or so he says

He may be right this time because I heard him moaning to his girlfriend that he

does not want to go out drinking over christmas

It is so strange. i changed my mind about drinking and all that when I was his

age. he is still smoking, down to 3 a week, sounds daft but i could alos do that

at his age. I want him to stop, but if i start on about that it really will

spoil things so I am just trying to look at how good they are doing with their

eating etc

My daughter looks fantastic, and she is really eating well, and she is getting

into learning the nutrition stuff so I am pleased with that too. she is another

one that smokes, and she definately smokes a lot more than my son, but we will

see. She does not like the drink at all, thank God

i say thank god to the drink because alcoholism is entrenched in my family and

her biological father had trouble with addiction too.

I am so lucky really that neither of them are going down that road. I cant say

for certain why they have not, but I do think the diet has helped. It does keep

us all more stable, I am certain of that. They actually use low carb and

ketogenic diets in rehab nowadays to help folk with alcohol and drug addiction

stay of the stuff

Anyway, I am warbling, but just wanted to let you know that I really do think

your ideas are kind of what we already do here and the new stuff you are

bringing is what we all want, well at least what I want LOL

I have to go and shop now, no idea when i will be on next. I will be fasting

later and that will last at least one day, maybe two or three

Don't take no notice of this, this really is my thing, nothing to do with Bees

diet, in fact Bee does not reall encourage fasting

I will share a bit more another time why i fast

But for now, do have a lovely Christmas, wont you

All my love joanne


> I didn't mean to post the other message yet, hadn't finished it or edited it

>yet, so please forgive any errors and wasn't even sure that I was going to send

>everything in the message. However, my 1 year old grandson pushed the button.

> I can't even remember where I left off.

> But anyway, I've had to cut down on just about everything that was energy

>draining including helping my husband as much. I found that I am so passionate

>about helping people that I gave much more to others than I did myself.


> There is a book that I read during the years showing one which nutrients might

>be helpful in regulating the energy of an autommune system.



> I remember having an eye opening moment. Never thought about the fact that


>things that I was doing was revving my immune system up. Which were creating

>more problems for me.


> " We all have to build up our immune systems right? " According to what I've

>learned, not if you have an autoimmune disease.

> What a blessing to learn this. It also showed me that just because something


>natural doesn't mean that it's for you. Kind of silly I guess, when I think

>about it, but my Dr. would always say that my immune systems was over reacting,

>so why had I insisted on building it up.


> I've also had the pleasure of working w/some Medical Drs. who really helped me

>on my journey too, as some of them had a holistic belief system to their



> Not sure if I've answered everything seeing that I can't remember what was


>already. I looked at the Paleo diet and it reminds me so much of what I did


>properly combining my foods, minus the carbs of course. But what a difference

>this made on my bowel habits and digestive system as well. It also afforded me


>little more energy as my digestive system didn't have to work so hard to break

>stuff down.


> What are some natural companies that you have used, I am always open to


>at different products?




> > > > > >

> > > > > > Uhhh, are we taking a vacation or have I been temporarily kicked out

>of the


> > > > > >site?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Just wondering.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

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Hi ,

Welcome to the board. I haven't used it, but I have seen many posts on it. I'm

sure someone will answer your question. We all have different and some of use

the same things we use and similar diets to help us. Did that make sense ;)?




> > > > > > >


> > > > > > > Uhhh, are we taking a vacation or have I been temporarily kicked



> >of the


> >


> > > > > > >site?


> > > > > > >


> > > > > > > Just wondering.


> > > > > > >


> > > > > > >


> > > > > > >


> > > > > > >


> > > > > > >


> > > > > > >


> > > > > > >

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