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[LISTEN-UP] Cat scan Question

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Hello everyone,

I have a question. My daughter Madelyn is 5 1/2 months old. The ENT wants to

do a cat scan on her now even though her hearing loss went from a

moderate/severe to a mild loss both ears. I asked why they still want to do

it and the girl at the doctor office said because he still wants to.(that was

not good enough). I don't mind her having it done but my only concern is

that they have to sedate her. I am not to wild about her being put under if

it's not needed. Has anyone else's child had a cat scan? Even with her

improvement in her hearing do you think it's still a good idea to have done?

I know the ENT had talked about malformation inside the ear or a tumor.

Nobody can tell us why her hearing has gotten better. Is this something a cat

scan can tell? I was told by the audie that it could of been a developmental

delay but she wasn't 100% sure. Do you ever find out the cause? Sorry for so

many questions. Madelyn's little personality is getting much better. She is

actually starting to be a happy baby. Her screaming is now far and in

between. She is rolling from tummy to back and I think that is because she

hates to be on her tummy. She is holding her head up on her own now. The only

thing she won't do yet is try to put weight on her legs when you stand her

up. I know alot of people have been talking about their pediatrician. I have

had nothing but problems with mine. Not only did she not listen to us about

Madelyn's hearing she just misdiagnosed my son. I kepted taking him in for

the past 4 months because of his throat hurting. She kepted saying nothing

was wrong except his tonsils were swollen. We live in Arizona and I would put

him in the car in August (hot season) and he would have the chills. Well just

found out he is at the tail end of mono. This is a 5 1/2 boy who has it. Time

for a new doctor. Someone wrote that you have to keep on the doctor. That is

so true. I know I went off topic. Sorry. Thanks for letting me vent. If

anybody has any comments on Madelyn it sure would be helpful.


Elaine D.

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Hi Elaine

My daughter had a cat scan and had to be sedated each time... I did not

feel it was a big deal to sedate her so they could do the cat scan.. When she

came out of it

she was awnry and groggy for quite some time but we found out everything was

" normal " inside her ears so she was able to have a cochlear implant... For us,

it was worth

it... Tahna and Nellie

Erd525@... wrote:

> From: Erd525@...


> Hello everyone,


> I have a question. My daughter Madelyn is 5 1/2 months old. The ENT wants to

> do a cat scan on her now even though her hearing loss went from a

> moderate/severe to a mild loss both ears. I asked why they still want to do

> it and the girl at the doctor office said because he still wants to.(that was

> not good enough). I don't mind her having it done but my only concern is

> that they have to sedate her. I am not to wild about her being put under if

> it's not needed. Has anyone else's child had a cat scan? Even with her

> improvement in her hearing do you think it's still a good idea to have done?

> I know the ENT had talked about malformation inside the ear or a tumor.

> Nobody can tell us why her hearing has gotten better. Is this something a cat

> scan can tell? I was told by the audie that it could of been a developmental

> delay but she wasn't 100% sure. Do you ever find out the cause? Sorry for so

> many questions. Madelyn's little personality is getting much better. She is

> actually starting to be a happy baby. Her screaming is now far and in

> between. She is rolling from tummy to back and I think that is because she

> hates to be on her tummy. She is holding her head up on her own now. The only

> thing she won't do yet is try to put weight on her legs when you stand her

> up. I know alot of people have been talking about their pediatrician. I have

> had nothing but problems with mine. Not only did she not listen to us about

> Madelyn's hearing she just misdiagnosed my son. I kepted taking him in for

> the past 4 months because of his throat hurting. She kepted saying nothing

> was wrong except his tonsils were swollen. We live in Arizona and I would put

> him in the car in August (hot season) and he would have the chills. Well just

> found out he is at the tail end of mono. This is a 5 1/2 boy who has it. Time

> for a new doctor. Someone wrote that you have to keep on the doctor. That is

> so true. I know I went off topic. Sorry. Thanks for letting me vent. If

> anybody has any comments on Madelyn it sure would be helpful.


> Thank-you,


> Elaine D.


> > All messages posted to this list are private and confidential. Each post is

the intellectual property of the author and therefore subject to copyright


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My son had a cat scan when he was 4 months old and a MRI when he was 6

months old. The type of sedation they used was quite mild, just enough to

make him sleepy, he could not have anything to eat for 10 hours before, so

as soon as they gave him the liquid medicine it did not take long for him to

doze off. And afterwards, he just woke up a little groggy, but was fine and

wanted a bottle right away.

I would get the cat scan done, just in case there is some type of

malformation of the inner ear, this will certainly detect it, and once you

know one way or the other it will ease your mind.

Take care,


;s MOm

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Erd525@... wrote:

> From: Erd525@...


> Hello everyone,


> I have a question. My daughter Madelyn is 5 1/2 months old. The ENT wants to

> do a cat scan on her now even though her hearing loss went from a

> moderate/severe to a mild loss both ears. I asked why they still want to do

> it and the girl at the doctor

I would get a 2nd opinion from another ENT before having the CAT scan. When my

daughter had a drop in her hearing my ENT at the time wanted to do a CAT scan.

When I

asked why I got pretty much the same response as you. My daughter has CMV which

causes a progressive loss so I didn't see the need. I called her neurologist and


agreed with me that there wasn't a need. A few years later when she started

having major fluctuations in her hearing I took her to Boston childrens. The ENT


reccomended a CAT scan but spent a lot of time explaining why at that point she

felt it was neccessary and answered all my questions so she did have one done at


time. After nine years of dealing with doctors I will no longer waste my time

with one who won't explain what he's doing or answer my



> ------------

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Hello Elaine:

My daughter le had a cat scan done when she was 4 or 5 months old. The

reason for doing her cat scan was due to conflicting Brainstem she had 4 ABRS

done with

conflicting results. The Ent really believed she had a mixed hearing loss and

it ended up being just conductive loss after having the cat scan and other ABR


le's Cat Scan showed that the bones were malformed and that the stapes was

missing in both ears. So we received alot of useful information from the cat

scan. She

was sedated for it also, and I know I was very nervous about it. She too was

groggy after it was done. One reason I was extremely nervous was le was

on an apnea

monitor for 8 months and I was so afraid to put her to sleep.

But everything was fine, she was just sleepy.

Regarding the developmental delays, she had plenty. She was a 33 weeker. She

is 14months old and walks with help but not on her own. She didn't crawl until

she was 10

months old. She didn't bare weight on her legs for a long time, especially her

left leg, she would not even let it touch the ground, it would pop back up. She

does PT

twice a week and OT once a week. If you have concerns regarding developmental

issues, you could go and have a development evaluation. But I am a strong

believe in they

will do it when they want too and all kids are different,. My son was walking

by his first birthday.

You really do have to keep on your peds and explain to them how it is. I

haven't been thrilled with mine lately and I am highly considering switching,

but I am afraid

to due to the HMO, I can usually get a referral for anything with some

explanation on why I feel it's necessary. I have heard horror stories from

people about HMO but I

have been so very lucky, I never had a problem so far. I probably just cursed


But I would say if they doctors can give you a reason or they are not sure and

they are looking for a reason. I would say go with the cat scan also. It may

or may not

give you the answers your looking for. Hang in there. Take care. Have a great

weekend. Take care Colleen

Erd525@... wrote:

> From: Erd525@...


> Hello everyone,


> I have a question. My daughter Madelyn is 5 1/2 months old. The ENT wants to

> do a cat scan on her now even though her hearing loss went from a

> moderate/severe to a mild loss both ears. I asked why they still want to do

> it and the girl at the doctor office said because he still wants to.(that was

> not good enough). I don't mind her having it done but my only concern is

> that they have to sedate her. I am not to wild about her being put under if

> it's not needed. Has anyone else's child had a cat scan? Even with her

> improvement in her hearing do you think it's still a good idea to have done?

> I know the ENT had talked about malformation inside the ear or a tumor.

> Nobody can tell us why her hearing has gotten better. Is this something a cat

> scan can tell? I was told by the audie that it could of been a developmental

> delay but she wasn't 100% sure. Do you ever find out the cause? Sorry for so

> many questions. Madelyn's little personality is getting much better. She is

> actually starting to be a happy baby. Her screaming is now far and in

> between. She is rolling from tummy to back and I think that is because she

> hates to be on her tummy. She is holding her head up on her own now. The only

> thing she won't do yet is try to put weight on her legs when you stand her

> up. I know alot of people have been talking about their pediatrician. I have

> had nothing but problems with mine. Not only did she not listen to us about

> Madelyn's hearing she just misdiagnosed my son. I kepted taking him in for

> the past 4 months because of his throat hurting. She kepted saying nothing

> was wrong except his tonsils were swollen. We live in Arizona and I would put

> him in the car in August (hot season) and he would have the chills. Well just

> found out he is at the tail end of mono. This is a 5 1/2 boy who has it. Time

> for a new doctor. Someone wrote that you have to keep on the doctor. That is

> so true. I know I went off topic. Sorry. Thanks for letting me vent. If

> anybody has any comments on Madelyn it sure would be helpful.


> Thank-you,


> Elaine D.


> > All messages posted to this list are private and confidential. Each post is

the intellectual property of the author and therefore subject to copyright


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