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Going on vacation

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Have a great trip. I just had a friend take a trip up that way. They

had the best time. I hear it's lovely although I've never had a

chance to visit that part of the world.


We are leaving Friday AM for North Dakota.

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In a message dated 7/9/03 8:21:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, nancylw@...


> I am going to put my lists on no mail Thursday night so I'll read

> everything

> up till then. We are leaving Friday AM for North Dakota. My aunt and uncle

> are having a 50th wedding anniversary celebration on Sunday so we decided to

> go up for it. Instead of coming right home afterward we are going to travel

> west across ND and down to SD to the Black HIlls badlands area. Then we'll

> go to Sioux Falls to visit a friend of mine that recently moved back up

> there. We expect to get home on either the 18th or 19th, so I'l catch up

> then! Hope you all have a great week, I know we will!


Wow, , sounds like a fun time!! I hope you enjoy yourselves!



It makes sense to go up the molehill

dressed for the mountain

Nan, the Wiser

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  • 3 years later...
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> I am going on vacation for 3 days (lexington, KY). I will be staying

> in a hotel. I am alredy worried about what to eat. The drinks will be

> no problem (water and herbal tea), but what should I eat, ... and

> where? I eat organic and because of my inability to eat raw veggies,

I am wondering what I should do? There is no fride in the hotel either.

> Jeanette

==>Eggs are your safest choice, along with steak (no sauce) - take

your own ocean sea salt with you, and ensure they use butter. Chicken

is good as long as it's not breaded; the same for fish, shrimp,

seafoods (except most restaurants have farmed salmon). Ask for lemon

to garnish foods with. Cooked veggies are a good choice too. Even

though they might not be organic they will be better than eating foods

not allowed. Take coconut oil with you to take at the hotel just after

meals, or just before.


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