Guest guest Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 My son has a very spoiled Chinchilla her name is Crystal Chinchillas do not like being held to long Breeders do not believe it when we tell them Crystal sleeps with my son and that is the truth She acts and sleeps like a dog most of the time My son never gives Crystal a break sometimes she does not want to be held Crystal gets angry sometimes with my son and she will sit up on her hind legs in her cage as she has very good aim and pees on him She will only do this when she is agitated Chinchillas stay awake and play at night Crystal only gets a break when my son is sleeping Even during the day she is laying on my son's shoulder snuggled into his neck or sound asleep on the couch with him Chinchillas are very clean animals live for about 20 years maybe longer Chinchilla fur is considered the softest in the world and is thirty times softer than human hair.moisture that gathers in their thick fur. In fact, they have the highest fur Their fur is so dense that skin parasites (such as fleas) cannot live on one lest they suffocate. Whereas humans grow one hair from each follicle, a chinchilla has more than fifty hairs from a single follicle Chinchillas as Pets Chinchillas make charming pets, largely because each has it own distinctive personality, but they are naturally skittish and are not considered to be good pets for small children as they have delicate bones and generally do not like to be held. However, some enjoy snoozing in laps and posing for pictures as well as being held, petted and gently scratched. As with most creatures, temperament depends largely on upbringing. Intelligent creatures, chinchillas may be taught tricks (rolling over, sitting up, etc.) with enough patience, using clearly spoken verbal cues over time in a quiet room. In captivity, chinchillas live up to about twenty years, but they usually do not live for more than ten years in countries with a climate that they are not adapted to. Chinchillas require regular dust baths. Specially processed sand made from pumice avoids the problems of fine dust. The fur of a chinchilla should never be allowed to get wet. Chinchilla fur lacks guard hairs, and water will remain in the fur, eventually causing hypothermia. If a chinchilla does become wet one can slowly dry the creature using a hair/blow dryer on low heat six or more inches from the animal's body. Higher heat or closer distances can cause burns. Chinchillas should be kept in a large cage, about 24" x 24" x 18" minimum per animal. If there is any possibility of a pregnancy, a sufficiently fine mesh should be used as small chinchillas are good climbers and can easily squeeze through small holes. Cages should also avoid walking surfaces made of metal fencing as chinchillas can catch a limb under the metal. A chinchilla poses for the camera Chinchillas enjoy ledges, boxes, sticks, and other perches, as well as exercise wheels, which however must be chosen with safety in mind. In particular, exercise wheels should be large enough, and if mesh is used, the mesh must be sufficiently fine to prevent limbs or digits from being caught. Animals of the same sex live peacefully together in a single cage with sufficient space, and a male can usually be kept with one or more females. Male chinchillas will fight each other for a mate and therefore no more than one male should be kept with a female. If living space is too small, chinchillas will become extremely territorial. Chinchillas have quite delicate digestive systems and so have special dietary requirements. It is usually easiest to feed them specially formulated chinchilla food. Rabbit food does not meet the nutritional needs of chinchillas and frequently makes them fat, as does too much rusk or raisin. Hay is an essential part of their diet. It is preferable that they have a water bottle, as water in a dish or bowl will be quickly soiled. Cedar bedding is toxic to chinchillas and should not be used. Pine shavings are acceptable. The bedding, food, and water, should be changed at least once a week and preferably every day. A group of chinchillas living together A chinchilla can become unhealthy if it does not get exercise. An exercise time in a special "chinchilla-proofed" room is optimal, as a wheel or similar exercise device in the cage is not enough. They enjoy leaping from furniture and running around. They must be watched at all times, as they can escape from even a well-prepared room. If provided with nothing else, they will chew on wood, wire (electrical or otherwise), and anything else they can find. To prevent this, items such as paper towel tubes or wooden chew toys should be provided both during the exercise time and in the cage. Prone to excited sounds, chinchillas will also emit chirps and calls according to their mood. Over time an owner will hear a multitude of these orations--all indicating the animal's personal state. A soft cooing might indicate playfulness and comfort. A very quiet chirping can be heard while the chinchilla is exploring a new place. Some sounds will originate from the grinding of teeth, which they will sometimes do after eating. They do sneeze, sometimes from the fine dust in their bath, which can be heard. If a chinchilla feels threatened, a high and loud bark will be heard, much like a squirrel can bark. A last resort will involve the chinchilla standing on hind legs and emitting both a bark and a stream of urine. Some chinchillas are prone to cuts and scratches, especially on the nose. It is important that this be dealt with quickly to avoid infection. A first-aid topical antibiotic ointment is generally the best option, though if the problem area is on the nose it is crucial that it does not block the nostrils Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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