Guest guest Posted August 19, 2006 Report Share Posted August 19, 2006 Hey Molly, It's great to see you posting again, and with such great news! I am so happy for you that you are making progress. And I am thrilled to hear you are making a difference in the lives of those who experienced tragedy from implants. You are awesome! PattyMolly Bloom <mollyb54@...> wrote: You are fortunate that you registered in time to get any explant money. I also had Surgitek (mine were double lumen - silicone and saline). You might want to consider going to Dr. Melmed in Texas or Dr. Kolb in Atlanta - both relatively close.Both of these doctors know the importance of removing capsules with silicone implants.All I can say is do whatever you need to do to get an explant. I was a late registrant with the MDL and received no explant or rupture money. I took a loan out for the money to go to Dr. Kolb. I was not working, and although I am married, we had many medical bills, student loans (and we are not young but I had gone back to school in my 40s). It has been a very rough few years. It was worth every penny to get my implants removed. here was one of the first women I ever talked to about explant, when I knew absolutely nothing. Later, I didn't even recall talking to her. But now I know that she was the first to tell me to make absolutely sure I have a good surgeon who will remove my implants properly. She said bad removal can be worse than not removing implants at all. Somehow that DID stick in my head and my husband and I researched we could to find out what was needed, and where to go. I knew my life was at stake.By the time I had my implants removed, I had had hives and went into anaphylactic shock. I had never before had allergies, and now I know it was the implants. I carried an epipen with me everywhere. Within a relatively short time before explant, I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropathy and fibromyalgia. I couldn't walk across my living room and had filed for disability. I did think I was going to die. My internist later told me that she watched me deteriorate before her eyes, which is why she kept ordering all kinds of tests and referred me to neurologists, rheumatologists, endocrologists.... I couldn't even keep up with all the appointments, and had to reschedule some of them when I was too sick to make it. I will never never forget this time. I had graduated from law school just as I was starting to get really really sick. I had massive student loans with no way to pay them, because I was too sick. I grew so despondent that I was hosptialized for depression. I had reached the end of my rope and didn't think I would live, and couldn't imagine living in so much pain.And until just a couple months before explant, I had never considered my implants might be the problem. As it turns out, they were badly ruptured and probably had been for 5 years.Somehow my husband and I got through this all. I have never been one to believe in miracles but I swear someone had been watching over me. It was a virtual stranger who asked me if I had implants. I had never met him in person, but he was referred to me by a mutual friend, to help him look something up on the internet. I told him I was too sick to help, after only a short time. He asked me why, and I told him. He asked me if I had breast implants, and said what I was experiencing sounded like silicone poisoning. He then told me he was a doctor. So it was by pure coincidence that I considered implants, even as sick as I was.It was women on this forum (although I didn't know it at the time), and Implant.Info.Net that also helped point me in the right direction. I didn't even have surgery the first time I went to Atlanta. Dr. Knos, the anesthesiologist that works with Dr. Kolb, ran another test the night before surgery, because she said she didn't like the trend of my liver function tests. As they were wheeling me in the operating room (literally), she came in and stopped the procedure. She said surgery could send me into hepatic failure, and sent me to the Emory liver transplant clinic for tests. I ended up having surgery a month later, after a second flight out of state. But I thank God I did find a good doctor.So what after explant?THIS is the good news. Most women DO improve after explant. And no, explant does not cause us to gain weight (as someone worried). It took some time for my health to improve, but within two years my blood tests were normal. A horrible itchy rash that left me bloodied and scarred for 5 years disappeared. I no longer carry an epipen, because I have not had hives since explant. I do not take Avonex for MS, because I had bad side effects from it, and because I have had no more MS symptoms. I still take plaquenil for lupus, but my doc has drastically reduced the amount I take - again, because my symptoms have improved and my blood tests are normal now.I am on a diet and have lost 24 pounds. I took and passed the bar exam and have been admitted to the state bar to practice law. My husband was offered a better job than he had, and we have worked ourselves out a deep financial hole. As a late registrant in MDL, I was only eligible for an "Option II" claim which has very narrow criteria that are not easy to meet. But I found a good attorney who helped me with it. A couple of weeks ago my claim for lupus was approved. I am sleeping at night again. There is something else. I am working part time now, for the attorney who helped me with my own claim. I am working on breast implant settlement cases. I had helped write an appeal for the family of a woman had died from lupus. Her claim had been denied - for even the lowest amount. About 15 minutes ago I heard that the appeal went through, and her family will be given the highest amount possible for lupus - $250,000.And this makes all of this worth it.>> I'm totally freaking out now and need a few group hugs here!> > I was reading a post about someone here who was involved in an > Explant Assistance program in the Dow Corning Settlement. > > I'm a claiment, so I dug out a book I had, and called the number > about the Explant program.> > The lady I talked to told me that I am no longer a Dow Corning > Claiment because they "found out" that my implants are Bristol, not > Dow Corning or whatever. I did not know this.> > So the lady gave me the number of the Bristol office so that I can > see about assistance with removal.> > Now, right after I got my implants, 16 years ago, I sent in all my > paperwork to my lawyer, who mailed it in to Dow Corning,where, all > these years, I've been receiving paperwork every few months from > them.> > Basically, I did not know my size bags, or anything about my > implants-just that I had told the surgeon that I wanted saline > implants and to make them "not too big".> > So this Bristol lady pulls my records a few minutes ago and I am now > IN SHOCK.> > She told me that I have 400 Surgitek Gel round SILICONE implants!!!!> > OMG!!! All these 16 years, I have thought my implants were SALINE, > and I'm now finding out that they are SILICONE!!!> > I'm FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW!> > No wonder I've been sick!> > So anyway, to make a long story short-the lady is sending me some > paperwork to fill out, and they are going to cover $1,000 of my > explant, and then AFTER I pay to have them removed, they will > reimburse me for another $3,000.> > I am going to check into getting a loan to cover the rest. I have > been unable to find a surgeon who does En Bloc in Memphis, Tennessee.> > I'm FREAKING OUT over this!> How low will we go? Check out Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 19, 2006 Report Share Posted August 19, 2006 . .. How awful! . . . Both your doctor and your pharmacist should have caught the conflict between medications! . . . I suspect they're regrouping and trying to figure out how to cover they -you-kno-whats! Can you find a good naturopath there in Hawaii? . . . He/she may be able to help you get straightened out . . . I have a friend who lived in Honolulu . . . She may be able to recommend someone there. I'd suggesting calling your pharmacist . . . He/she probably knows more about the medications anyway! . . . Some doctors get their education from their non-medically educated drug salesmen! Hugs, Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 19, 2006 Report Share Posted August 19, 2006 Leyna, That would be 1990. I don't think they had the kind of consent forms then they do now . . . But, it probably wouldn't matter anyway . . . "Tort reform" has pretty well eliminated the possibility of anyone being held responsible anyway. Rogeneleyna1964 <leyna1964@...> wrote: No...I had my implants put in 16 years ago, and the doctor was elderly at that time, so more than likely he is no longer alive. Also, I remember signing some paper saying that if anything went wrong, I would not hold him responisible. > >> > I'm totally freaking out now and need a few group hugs here!> > > > I was reading a post about someone here who was involved in an > > Explant Assistance program in the Dow Corning Settlement. > > > > I'm a claiment, so I dug out a book I had, and called the number > > about the Explant program.> > > > The lady I talked to told me that I am no longer a Dow Corning > > Claiment because they "found out" that my implants are Bristol, > not > > Dow Corning or whatever. I did not know this.> > > > So the lady gave me the number of the Bristol office so that I can > > see about assistance with removal.> > > > Now, right after I got my implants, 16 years ago, I sent in all my > > paperwork to my lawyer, who mailed it in to Dow Corning,where, all > > these years, I've been receiving paperwork every few months from > > them.> > > > Basically, I did not know my size bags, or anything about my > > implants-just that I had told the surgeon that I wanted saline > > implants and to make them "not too big".> > > > So this Bristol lady pulls my records a few minutes ago and I am > now > > IN SHOCK.> > > > She told me that I have 400 Surgitek Gel round SILICONE > implants!!!!> > > > OMG!!! All these 16 years, I have thought my implants were SALINE, > > and I'm now finding out that they are SILICONE!!!> > > > I'm FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW!> > > > No wonder I've been sick!> > > > So anyway, to make a long story short-the lady is sending me some > > paperwork to fill out, and they are going to cover $1,000 of my > > explant, and then AFTER I pay to have them removed, they will > > reimburse me for another $3,000.> > > > I am going to check into getting a loan to cover the rest. I have > > been unable to find a surgeon who does En Bloc in Memphis, > Tennessee.> > > > I'm FREAKING OUT over this!> >> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 19, 2006 Report Share Posted August 19, 2006 Sis . .. With saline, especially textured, silicone migrates too . . . little things called macrophages bite off tiny pieces in an effort to get rid of the foreign invader.. and drop them wherever. Wouldn't you have thought they would figure that out by now? . . . Or is there so much money to be made that it doesn't matter? I think fungal/staph organisms are more of a problem with saline . . . and silicone gel migration with gel . . . Regardless of the type, one can become deathly ill from a device that the FDA over which the FDA SHOULD exercise their oversight. Rogene auntsisnj <auntsisnj@...> wrote: While I'm certainly not an expert on anything other than how sick I got from implants (saline), I do agree that there are additional complications with silicone than there are with saline. Saline are by no means safe and pose a threat to our immune systems - we tend to share many of the same complaints, which perhaps are brought about by the shell being made of the same materials - but I think the scary part about silicone is that the gel breaks loose and is embedded throughout the body, and thus continues to make people sick.Sis> >> > > > > > In a message dated 8/18/2006 1:22:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, > > leyna1964@ writes:> > > > She told me that I have 400 Surgitek Gel round SILICONE implants!!!!> > > > OMG!!! All these 16 years, I have thought my implants were SALINE, > > and I'm now finding out that they are SILICONE!!!> > > > I'm FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW!> > > > No wonder I've been sick!> > > > > > > > > > > > Leyna,> > > > At the same time -- thank God they are helping you explant. It's an AWFUL > > situation, but now you can hopefully get them out!> > > > Silicone IS worse than having Salines, but either way --- many of us have > > never had Silicone ones, and have Salines that are making us just as sick. So, > > I know it's alarming... and in my mind, I would feel violated in some way... > > but view it as a way now to get them OUT.> > > > Use that upset and anger to make you want to detox that much harder. I know > > that's easier said than done, because I'm having trouble finding it in me to > > detox... but this gives you all the more reason to get this junk OUT of your > > body!> > > > Hang in there!!!!!!> > > > Brigite> >> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 19, 2006 Report Share Posted August 19, 2006 Thanks Sunny! --- Sunny <wellnessnow@...> wrote: > Leyna, here's belated BIG HUGE HUG!!! I don't have > access to a > computer everyday right now, so I'm catching up. > What a shocking > thing to learn!!! I'm praying for you. > > Love & Blessings, > > Sunny > > > > > > I'm totally freaking out now and need a few group > hugs here! > > > > I was reading a post about someone here who was > involved in an > > Explant Assistance program in the Dow Corning > Settlement. > > > > I'm a claiment, so I dug out a book I had, and > called the number > > about the Explant program. > > > > The lady I talked to told me that I am no longer a > Dow Corning > > Claiment because they " found out " that my implants > are Bristol, not > > Dow Corning or whatever. I did not know this. > > > > So the lady gave me the number of the Bristol > office so that I can > > see about assistance with removal. > > > > Now, right after I got my implants, 16 years ago, > I sent in all my > > paperwork to my lawyer, who mailed it in to Dow > Corning,where, all > > these years, I've been receiving paperwork every > few months from > > them. > > > > Basically, I did not know my size bags, or > anything about my > > implants-just that I had told the surgeon that I > wanted saline > > implants and to make them " not too big " . > > > > So this Bristol lady pulls my records a few > minutes ago and I am > now > > IN SHOCK. > > > > She told me that I have 400 Surgitek Gel round > SILICONE implants!!!! > > > > OMG!!! All these 16 years, I have thought my > implants were SALINE, > > and I'm now finding out that they are SILICONE!!! > > > > I'm FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW! > > > > No wonder I've been sick! > > > > So anyway, to make a long story short-the lady is > sending me some > > paperwork to fill out, and they are going to cover > $1,000 of my > > explant, and then AFTER I pay to have them > removed, they will > > reimburse me for another $3,000. > > > > I am going to check into getting a loan to cover > the rest. I have > > been unable to find a surgeon who does En Bloc in > Memphis, > Tennessee. > > > > I'm FREAKING OUT over this! > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 19, 2006 Report Share Posted August 19, 2006 A woman at the gym I go to had leaking silicones but an MRI didn't show it. The doctor actually had to open the bottom of her breast to look with a scope. MRIs are expensive. I wouldn't do it unless it isn't going to cost you much because it isn't necessarily conclusive. Kenda > -Ok, so I just contacted that Colleen girl-she has a nice website. I > hope she writes back, especially since we live in the same place! > > Does everyone think that I should have an MRI done, to see if my > SILICONE implants are leaking? > > -- In , Tricia Trish > <glory2glory1401@...> wrote: >> >> {{{HUG}}} >> >> I know this is a I have heard of this happening > before though! I am not sure why this was an often repeated > mistake....either the doctor didn't hear you right (not likely), or > he was arrogant and took it upon himself to implant you with what HE > thought was a better product, leftover inventory, or just what was > on hand. (more likely). It is unfortunate. In fact, I have a > friend who has had " salines " for about 16 years and my guess is that > she REALLY has silicone....just my intuition anyway. >> >> It is a blessing that you have found the funds for explant now > though....if you can go to an expert at explant, I would highly > recommend it. You have no idea if your implants are ruptured or > not, and it is really, really important that you have them taken out > en bloc. No exceptions there! En bloc is the only way to go in > your case. >> >> Ohio isn't that far from you, is it? >> >> Have you tried to make contact with Colleen McKenzie in > Tennessee? She also went through explant...she has a website at > Maybe she can walk you through this and help > you find someone who will explant properly, and get the assistance > you need. There's got to be a way for you to get these things out > and get it paid for. >> >> I'm so sorry! It's a shock, but it's not the end of the >'ll get through this and we will be here to help you > through the difficulties. That's the purpose for this group! >> {{{HUG}}}} >> Patty >> >> leyna1964 <leyna1964@...> wrote: >> I'm totally freaking out now and need a few group hugs > here! >> >> I was reading a post about someone here who was involved in an >> Explant Assistance program in the Dow Corning Settlement. >> >> I'm a claiment, so I dug out a book I had, and called the number >> about the Explant program. >> >> The lady I talked to told me that I am no longer a Dow Corning >> Claiment because they " found out " that my implants are Bristol, > not >> Dow Corning or whatever. I did not know this. >> >> So the lady gave me the number of the Bristol office so that I can >> see about assistance with removal. >> >> Now, right after I got my implants, 16 years ago, I sent in all my >> paperwork to my lawyer, who mailed it in to Dow Corning,where, all >> these years, I've been receiving paperwork every few months from >> them. >> >> Basically, I did not know my size bags, or anything about my >> implants-just that I had told the surgeon that I wanted saline >> implants and to make them " not too big " . >> >> So this Bristol lady pulls my records a few minutes ago and I am > now >> IN SHOCK. >> >> She told me that I have 400 Surgitek Gel round SILICONE > implants!!!! >> >> OMG!!! All these 16 years, I have thought my implants were SALINE, >> and I'm now finding out that they are SILICONE!!! >> >> I'm FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW! >> >> No wonder I've been sick! >> >> So anyway, to make a long story short-the lady is sending me some >> paperwork to fill out, and they are going to cover $1,000 of my >> explant, and then AFTER I pay to have them removed, they will >> reimburse me for another $3,000. >> >> I am going to check into getting a loan to cover the rest. I have >> been unable to find a surgeon who does En Bloc in Memphis, > Tennessee. >> >> I'm FREAKING OUT over this! >> >> >> >> >> >> >> --------------------------------- >> Get your email and more, right on the new .com >> > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 19, 2006 Report Share Posted August 19, 2006 The newest MRI machines, a "coil" MRI is supposed to be able to detect silicone . . . But don't bet on it. . . There are very few of these machine across the country . . . and, even then it depends on the skill of the operator. Nevertheless, the FDA is making the MRI the standard with which to judge the new gel implants. If your surgeon suspects a rupture, he/she may order further tests so he/she is prepared to clean up a spill, if one should be encountered. Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 19, 2006 Report Share Posted August 19, 2006 Hmmm....well, my insurance would cover it 100%, but if it's not very conclusive, then it would be a waste of time I guess. --- Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote: > A woman at the gym I go to had leaking silicones but > an MRI didn't show it. > The doctor actually had to open the bottom of her > breast to look with a > scope. MRIs are expensive. I wouldn't do it unless > it isn't going to cost > you much because it isn't necessarily conclusive. > > Kenda > > > -Ok, so I just contacted that Colleen girl-she has > a nice website. I > > hope she writes back, especially since we live in > the same place! > > > > Does everyone think that I should have an MRI > done, to see if my > > SILICONE implants are leaking? > > > > -- In , Tricia Trish > > <glory2glory1401@...> wrote: > >> > >> {{{HUG}}} > >> > >> I know this is a I have heard of > this happening > > before though! I am not sure why this was an > often repeated > > mistake....either the doctor didn't hear you right > (not likely), or > > he was arrogant and took it upon himself to > implant you with what HE > > thought was a better product, leftover inventory, > or just what was > > on hand. (more likely). It is unfortunate. In > fact, I have a > > friend who has had " salines " for about 16 years > and my guess is that > > she REALLY has silicone....just my intuition > anyway. > >> > >> It is a blessing that you have found the funds > for explant now > > though....if you can go to an expert at explant, I > would highly > > recommend it. You have no idea if your implants > are ruptured or > > not, and it is really, really important that you > have them taken out > > en bloc. No exceptions there! En bloc is the > only way to go in > > your case. > >> > >> Ohio isn't that far from you, is it? > >> > >> Have you tried to make contact with Colleen > McKenzie in > > Tennessee? She also went through explant...she > has a website at > > Maybe she can walk you > through this and help > > you find someone who will explant properly, and > get the assistance > > you need. There's got to be a way for you to get > these things out > > and get it paid for. > >> > >> I'm so sorry! It's a shock, but it's not the > end of the > >'ll get through this and we will be > here to help you > > through the difficulties. That's the purpose for > this group! > >> {{{HUG}}}} > >> Patty > >> > >> leyna1964 <leyna1964@...> wrote: > >> I'm totally freaking out now and need a > few group hugs > > here! > >> > >> I was reading a post about someone here who was > involved in an > >> Explant Assistance program in the Dow Corning > Settlement. > >> > >> I'm a claiment, so I dug out a book I had, and > called the number > >> about the Explant program. > >> > >> The lady I talked to told me that I am no longer > a Dow Corning > >> Claiment because they " found out " that my > implants are Bristol, > > not > >> Dow Corning or whatever. I did not know this. > >> > >> So the lady gave me the number of the Bristol > office so that I can > >> see about assistance with removal. > >> > >> Now, right after I got my implants, 16 years ago, > I sent in all my > >> paperwork to my lawyer, who mailed it in to Dow > Corning,where, all > >> these years, I've been receiving paperwork every > few months from > >> them. > >> > >> Basically, I did not know my size bags, or > anything about my > >> implants-just that I had told the surgeon that I > wanted saline > >> implants and to make them " not too big " . > >> > >> So this Bristol lady pulls my records a few > minutes ago and I am > > now > >> IN SHOCK. > >> > >> She told me that I have 400 Surgitek Gel round > SILICONE > > implants!!!! > >> > >> OMG!!! All these 16 years, I have thought my > implants were SALINE, > >> and I'm now finding out that they are SILICONE!!! > >> > >> I'm FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW! > >> > >> No wonder I've been sick! > >> > >> So anyway, to make a long story short-the lady is > sending me some > >> paperwork to fill out, and they are going to > cover $1,000 of my > >> explant, and then AFTER I pay to have them > removed, they will > >> reimburse me for another $3,000. > >> > >> I am going to check into getting a loan to cover > the rest. I have > >> been unable to find a surgeon who does En Bloc in > Memphis, > > Tennessee. > >> > >> I'm FREAKING OUT over this! > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> --------------------------------- > >> Get your email and more, right on the new > .com > >> > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 19, 2006 Report Share Posted August 19, 2006 Leyna . .. As long as you are planning to have your implants removed, I'd forget about getting the October mammogram . . . If your explanting surgeon wants one done before explant, he will let you know. Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 19, 2006 Report Share Posted August 19, 2006 , Your posts have been fine . . . You can discuss your personal experiences with doctors and name names . . . But, if you can't personally vouch for what you're saying, you need to phrase it as being your opinion, etc . .. or cite the source for your info. Unless you have a rheumy who is open minded to the implant debacle, we've found that most rheumies are the worst doctors when it comes to treating implant related issues. . . . . It's as if they have a script they've been given to recite! . . . Really strange! IMHO, if they stick to the script, they're not liable for maltreatment of their patients. Neurologists seem to be the most open minded . . . Naturopaths appear to have the best understanding of not just how to treat the symptoms, but to get to the root of the problem. Still, you have to find a good one! Some of them are quacks too. Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 19, 2006 Report Share Posted August 19, 2006 Leyna, It is confusing . . . There were a bunch of companies that jumped on the implant bandwagon . . . each had their own version of breast implants . . . Some of them made all their own materials, some used materials from other companies, like DOW . . . When the s*** hit the fan, many of these companies folded or went bankrupt. Those who had other successful product lines had to stay and face the music . . . DOW declared bankruptcy, even though they had tremendous assets. . . And even though they have insurance that is helping to pay the claims, they've delayed paying these settlements for years! . . . about 13-14 years at this point. . . Now they're trying to change the wording in the settlement. . . Just one word from "or" to "and", would eliminate thousands of women from eligibility. That's why we've been circulating a petition to send to Judge Pointer as a protest and as a way of telling the court that we're watching. If you haven't signed onto the petition, let me know - we'll get a copy to you. In the meantime, since your implants aren't DOW, but they were made by a company still in business, you do have a chance at receiving some compensation, even if it isn't much. Many women didn't get a thing! . . . If DOW has it's way, many won't get a dime. Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 20, 2006 Report Share Posted August 20, 2006 If your insurance will cover it 100%, what do you have to lose? In the woman at the gym's case, it didn't show her rupture at all but that isn't to say that it never does. MRIs are expensive, if you don't have to pay, you have nothing to lose. I'd get it done but know that if it doesn't show a rupture, you still may have one. Kenda >> Hmmm....well, my insurance would cover it 100%, but if >> it's not very conclusive, then it would be a waste of >> time I guess. >> >> --- Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote: >> >>> A woman at the gym I go to had leaking silicones but >>> an MRI didn't show it. >>> The doctor actually had to open the bottom of her >>> breast to look with a >>> scope. MRIs are expensive. I wouldn't do it unless >>> it isn't going to cost >>> you much because it isn't necessarily conclusive. >>> >>> Kenda >>> >>>> -Ok, so I just contacted that Colleen girl-she has >>> a nice website. I >>>> hope she writes back, especially since we live in >>> the same place! >>>> >>>> Does everyone think that I should have an MRI >>> done, to see if my >>>> SILICONE implants are leaking? >>>> >>>> -- In , Tricia Trish >>>> <glory2glory1401@> wrote: >>>>> >>>>> {{{HUG}}} >>>>> >>>>> I know this is a I have heard of >>> this happening >>>> before though! I am not sure why this was an >>> often repeated >>>> mistake....either the doctor didn't hear you right >>> (not likely), or >>>> he was arrogant and took it upon himself to >>> implant you with what HE >>>> thought was a better product, leftover inventory, >>> or just what was >>>> on hand. (more likely). It is unfortunate. In >>> fact, I have a >>>> friend who has had " salines " for about 16 years >>> and my guess is that >>>> she REALLY has silicone....just my intuition >>> anyway. >>>>> >>>>> It is a blessing that you have found the funds >>> for explant now >>>> though....if you can go to an expert at explant, I >>> would highly >>>> recommend it. You have no idea if your implants >>> are ruptured or >>>> not, and it is really, really important that you >>> have them taken out >>>> en bloc. No exceptions there! En bloc is the >>> only way to go in >>>> your case. >>>>> >>>>> Ohio isn't that far from you, is it? >>>>> >>>>> Have you tried to make contact with Colleen >>> McKenzie in >>>> Tennessee? She also went through explant...she >>> has a website at >>>> Maybe she can walk you >>> through this and help >>>> you find someone who will explant properly, and >>> get the assistance >>>> you need. There's got to be a way for you to get >>> these things out >>>> and get it paid for. >>>>> >>>>> I'm so sorry! It's a shock, but it's not the >>> end of the >>>>'ll get through this and we will be >>> here to help you >>>> through the difficulties. That's the purpose for >>> this group! >>>>> {{{HUG}}}} >>>>> Patty >>>>> >>>>> leyna1964 <leyna1964@> wrote: >>>>> I'm totally freaking out now and need a >>> few group hugs >>>> here! >>>>> >>>>> I was reading a post about someone here who was >>> involved in an >>>>> Explant Assistance program in the Dow Corning >>> Settlement. >>>>> >>>>> I'm a claiment, so I dug out a book I had, and >>> called the number >>>>> about the Explant program. >>>>> >>>>> The lady I talked to told me that I am no longer >>> a Dow Corning >>>>> Claiment because they " found out " that my >>> implants are Bristol, >>>> not >>>>> Dow Corning or whatever. I did not know this. >>>>> >>>>> So the lady gave me the number of the Bristol >>> office so that I can >>>>> see about assistance with removal. >>>>> >>>>> Now, right after I got my implants, 16 years ago, >>> I sent in all my >>>>> paperwork to my lawyer, who mailed it in to Dow >>> Corning,where, all >>>>> these years, I've been receiving paperwork every >>> few months from >>>>> them. >>>>> >>>>> Basically, I did not know my size bags, or >>> anything about my >>>>> implants-just that I had told the surgeon that I >>> wanted saline >>>>> implants and to make them " not too big " . >>>>> >>>>> So this Bristol lady pulls my records a few >>> minutes ago and I am >>>> now >>>>> IN SHOCK. >>>>> >>>>> She told me that I have 400 Surgitek Gel round >>> SILICONE >>>> implants!!!! >>>>> >>>>> OMG!!! All these 16 years, I have thought my >>> implants were SALINE, >>>>> and I'm now finding out that they are SILICONE!!! >>>>> >>>>> I'm FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW! >>>>> >>>>> No wonder I've been sick! >>>>> >>>>> So anyway, to make a long story short-the lady is >>> sending me some >>>>> paperwork to fill out, and they are going to >>> cover $1,000 of my >>>>> explant, and then AFTER I pay to have them >>> removed, they will >>>>> reimburse me for another $3,000. >>>>> >>>>> I am going to check into getting a loan to cover >>> the rest. I have >>>>> been unable to find a surgeon who does En Bloc in >>> Memphis, >>>> Tennessee. >>>>> >>>>> I'm FREAKING OUT over this! >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> --------------------------------- >>>>> Get your email and more, right on the new >>> .com >>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> __________________________________________________ >> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 20, 2006 Report Share Posted August 20, 2006 Well, I guess that unless the doctor requires it, I'm not going to. He's just going to have to go on my word that I believe they are ruptured, or at least leaking. When I talk to them on Monday, I'm going to tell them that I want them out as soon as it normally a wait? I hope not! I told one of my many managers at work tonight-I begged her not to tell ANYONE, but by the end of the night, another employee came up asking me if I was " having silicone removed because of cancer " obviously, even though she got the facts wrong, my manager ran her mouth it looks like. All night, employees were coming up to me, all concerned, saying " Are you Ok Leyna? " and " How do you feel Leyna? " It was humilitating! lol --- Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote: > If your insurance will cover it 100%, what do you > have to lose? In the > woman at the gym's case, it didn't show her rupture > at all but that isn't to > say that it never does. MRIs are expensive, if you > don't have to pay, you > have nothing to lose. I'd get it done but know that > if it doesn't show a > rupture, you still may have one. > > Kenda > > > >> Hmmm....well, my insurance would cover it 100%, > but if > >> it's not very conclusive, then it would be a > waste of > >> time I guess. > >> > >> --- Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote: > >> > >>> A woman at the gym I go to had leaking silicones > but > >>> an MRI didn't show it. > >>> The doctor actually had to open the bottom of > her > >>> breast to look with a > >>> scope. MRIs are expensive. I wouldn't do it > unless > >>> it isn't going to cost > >>> you much because it isn't necessarily > conclusive. > >>> > >>> Kenda > >>> > >>>> -Ok, so I just contacted that Colleen girl-she > has > >>> a nice website. I > >>>> hope she writes back, especially since we live > in > >>> the same place! > >>>> > >>>> Does everyone think that I should have an MRI > >>> done, to see if my > >>>> SILICONE implants are leaking? > >>>> > >>>> -- In , Tricia > Trish > >>>> <glory2glory1401@> wrote: > >>>>> > >>>>> {{{HUG}}} > >>>>> > >>>>> I know this is a I have heard > of > >>> this happening > >>>> before though! I am not sure why this was an > >>> often repeated > >>>> mistake....either the doctor didn't hear you > right > >>> (not likely), or > >>>> he was arrogant and took it upon himself to > >>> implant you with what HE > >>>> thought was a better product, leftover > inventory, > >>> or just what was > >>>> on hand. (more likely). It is unfortunate. In > >>> fact, I have a > >>>> friend who has had " salines " for about 16 years > >>> and my guess is that > >>>> she REALLY has silicone....just my intuition > >>> anyway. > >>>>> > >>>>> It is a blessing that you have found the > funds > >>> for explant now > >>>> though....if you can go to an expert at > explant, I > >>> would highly > >>>> recommend it. You have no idea if your > implants > >>> are ruptured or > >>>> not, and it is really, really important that > you > >>> have them taken out > >>>> en bloc. No exceptions there! En bloc is the > >>> only way to go in > >>>> your case. > >>>>> > >>>>> Ohio isn't that far from you, is it? > >>>>> > >>>>> Have you tried to make contact with Colleen > >>> McKenzie in > >>>> Tennessee? She also went through explant...she > >>> has a website at > >>>> Maybe she can walk you > >>> through this and help > >>>> you find someone who will explant properly, and > >>> get the assistance > >>>> you need. There's got to be a way for you to > get > >>> these things out > >>>> and get it paid for. > >>>>> > >>>>> I'm so sorry! It's a shock, but it's not > the > >>> end of the > >>>>'ll get through this and we will be > >>> here to help you > >>>> through the difficulties. That's the purpose > for > >>> this group! > >>>>> {{{HUG}}}} > >>>>> Patty > >>>>> > >>>>> leyna1964 <leyna1964@> wrote: > >>>>> I'm totally freaking out now and > need a > >>> few group hugs > >>>> here! > >>>>> > >>>>> I was reading a post about someone here who > was > >>> involved in an > >>>>> Explant Assistance program in the Dow Corning > >>> Settlement. > >>>>> > >>>>> I'm a claiment, so I dug out a book I had, and > >>> called the number > >>>>> about the Explant program. > >>>>> > >>>>> The lady I talked to told me that I am no > longer > >>> a Dow Corning > >>>>> Claiment because they " found out " that my > >>> implants are Bristol, > >>>> not > >>>>> Dow Corning or whatever. I did not know this. > >>>>> > >>>>> So the lady gave me the number of the Bristol > >>> office so that I can > >>>>> see about assistance with removal. > >>>>> > >>>>> Now, right after I got my implants, 16 years > ago, > >>> I sent in all my > >>>>> paperwork to my lawyer, who mailed it in to > Dow > >>> Corning,where, all > >>>>> these years, I've been receiving paperwork > every > >>> few months from > >>>>> them. > >>>>> > >>>>> Basically, I did not know my size bags, or > >>> anything about my > >>>>> implants-just that I had told the surgeon that > I > >>> wanted saline > >>>>> implants and to make them " not too big " . > >>>>> > >>>>> So this Bristol lady pulls my records a few > >>> minutes ago and I am > >>>> now > >>>>> IN SHOCK. > >>>>> > >>>>> She told me that I have 400 Surgitek Gel round > >>> SILICONE > >>>> implants!!!! > >>>>> > >>>>> OMG!!! All these 16 years, I have thought my > >>> implants were SALINE, > >>>>> and I'm now finding out that they are > SILICONE!!! > >>>>> > >>>>> I'm FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW! > >>>>> > >>>>> No wonder I've been sick! > >>>>> > >>>>> So anyway, to make a long story short-the lady > is > >>> sending me some > >>>>> paperwork to fill out, and they are going to > >>> cover $1,000 of my > >>>>> explant, and then AFTER I pay to have them > >>> removed, they will > >>>>> reimburse me for another $3,000. > >>>>> > >>>>> I am going to check into getting a loan to > cover > >>> the rest. I have > >>>>> been unable to find a surgeon who does En Bloc > in > >>> Memphis, > >>>> Tennessee. > >>>>> > >>>>> I'm FREAKING OUT over this! > >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>> > === message truncated === __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 20, 2006 Report Share Posted August 20, 2006 Leyna, How long it takes to get scheduled varies considerablly from one doctor to another, and from one time frame to another . .. You're looking at anything from one week to three months. Your manager sounds like a lulu! .. . I'm glad you didn't have to tell her something far worse! . . . I thought one requrement of a manager is to maintain confidentiality! Just take a deep breath and use this as an opportunity to educate a bunch of people about breast implants . .. You'll probably save a life or two. Keep your head up! . .. You only bought into what the FDA still says is safe! . . . Plus a lousy doctor's reassuranes .. . You're not alone . . There are millions of us who did the same. You're going to get through this . .. one step at a time. .. You'll be soooooooooo glad to be on the other side of the explant experience! Hugs and prayers, Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 20, 2006 Report Share Posted August 20, 2006 That does make sense. I had gone to my gynocologist the other day, and when I told him my symptoms, I asked him if I should get an MRI. He said that it would not show anything, since my implants were saline...which I thought they were at the time! I can call and ask him to write me a referral to get one-unless the wait is too long. I need to get these out PRONTO, as I seem to be getting worse-this pain in my head is really scaring me! And this morning I woke up and my arm on the same side where the headache is was " asleep " and tingling and painful. It took over an hour to get back to normal, and my eyes are blurry on that side a lot. I feel horrible and I need to get this done as soon as possible, before anything worse happens. I'm terrified of having them rupture through my skin like the photos I've seen! *shudders* --- Molly Bloom <mollyb54@...> wrote: > I'm sorry but I disagree here. If your insurance > will cover it, DO have an MRI! > The MRI is not 100% accurate., but can still detect > rupture in many cases. It was an MRI > that showed my rupture (although it showed > intracapsular and not extracapsular which it > was). But that MRI helped me get insurance coverage > for explant. > > > > > > >> I'm totally freaking out now and > need a > > > few group hugs > > > > here! > > > >> > > > >> I was reading a post about someone here who > was > > > involved in an > > > >> Explant Assistance program in the Dow Corning > > > Settlement. > > > >> > > > >> I'm a claiment, so I dug out a book I had, > and > > > called the number > > > >> about the Explant program. > > > >> > > > >> The lady I talked to told me that I am no > longer > > > a Dow Corning > > > >> Claiment because they " found out " that my > > > implants are Bristol, > > > > not > > > >> Dow Corning or whatever. I did not know this. > > > >> > > > >> So the lady gave me the number of the Bristol > > > office so that I can > > > >> see about assistance with removal. > > > >> > > > >> Now, right after I got my implants, 16 years > ago, > > > I sent in all my > > > >> paperwork to my lawyer, who mailed it in to > Dow > > > Corning,where, all > > > >> these years, I've been receiving paperwork > every > > > few months from > > > >> them. > > > >> > > > >> Basically, I did not know my size bags, or > > > anything about my > > > >> implants-just that I had told the surgeon > that I > > > wanted saline > > > >> implants and to make them " not too big " . > > > >> > > > >> So this Bristol lady pulls my records a few > > > minutes ago and I am > > > > now > > > >> IN SHOCK. > > > >> > > > >> She told me that I have 400 Surgitek Gel > round > > > SILICONE > > > > implants!!!! > > > >> > > > >> OMG!!! All these 16 years, I have thought my > > > implants were SALINE, > > > >> and I'm now finding out that they are > SILICONE!!! > > > >> > > > >> I'm FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW! > > > >> > > > >> No wonder I've been sick! > > > >> > > > >> So anyway, to make a long story short-the > lady is > > > sending me some > > > >> paperwork to fill out, and they are going to > > > cover $1,000 of my > > > >> explant, and then AFTER I pay to have them > > > removed, they will > > > >> reimburse me for another $3,000. > > > >> > > > >> I am going to check into getting a loan to > cover > > > the rest. I have > > > >> been unable to find a surgeon who does En > Bloc in > > > Memphis, > > > > Tennessee. > === message truncated === __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 20, 2006 Report Share Posted August 20, 2006 Wow-how bizarre! I don't even remember my doctor's show how dumb I was back then, I just went to him because he was " cheap " ...I only paid $2350 for mine. I doubt he's still alive though-he was ancient when he did my surgery! lol --- Molly Bloom <mollyb54@...> wrote: > See if you can get an MRI - needs to be a breast > coil. > It may help with insurance for explant (depending on > where you are, what insurance, etc) - > it did with mine. > > You are not the first I have heard that discovered > they had silicone after being told they > had saline. This is the height of arrogance. A > plastic surgeon in Nashville TN was sued by > a woman for this very thing. She ended up dropping > the case - not sure why. But an > appeals court said a jury could infer fraudulent > concealment, therefore the statute of > limitations had not run.. This guy was a big deal > at Vanderbilt, and has his own clinic, > contracted with Inamed to design tissue expanders, > etc. He also had a drinking problem, > that came out in the court docs, and clearly was an > arrogant you-know-what. A real piece > of work. > > > > > > > > >> > > > > > >> {{{HUG}}} > > > > > >> > > > > > >> I know this is a I have > > > heard of > > > > > this happening > > > > > > before though! I am not sure why this was > an > > > > > often repeated > > > > > > mistake....either the doctor didn't hear > you > > > right > > > > > (not likely), or > > > > > > he was arrogant and took it upon himself > to > > > > > implant you with what HE > > > > > > thought was a better product, leftover > > > inventory, > > > > > or just what was > > > > > > on hand. (more likely). It is > unfortunate. > > > In > > > > > fact, I have a > > > > > > friend who has had " salines " for about 16 > > > years > > > > > and my guess is that > > > > > > she REALLY has silicone....just my > intuition > > > > > anyway. > > > > > >> > > > > > >> It is a blessing that you have found > the > > > funds > > > > > for explant now > > > > > > though....if you can go to an expert at > > > explant, I > > > > > would highly > > > > > > recommend it. You have no idea if your > > > implants > > > > > are ruptured or > > > > > > not, and it is really, really important > that > > > you > > > > > have them taken out > > > > > > en bloc. No exceptions there! En bloc is > the > > > > > only way to go in > > > > > > your case. > > > > > >> > > > > > >> Ohio isn't that far from you, is it? > > > > > >> > > > > > >> Have you tried to make contact with > Colleen > > > > > McKenzie in > > > > > > Tennessee? She also went through > > > explant...she > > > > > has a website at > > > > > > Maybe she can walk > you > > > > > through this and help > > > > > > you find someone who will explant > properly, > > > and > > > > > get the assistance > > > > > > you need. There's got to be a way for you > to > > > get > > > > > these things out > > > > > > and get it paid for. > > > > > >> > > > > > >> I'm so sorry! It's a shock, but it's > not > > > the > > > > > end of the > > > > > >'ll get through this and we > will > > > be > === message truncated === __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 20, 2006 Report Share Posted August 20, 2006 No, I haven't talked to my insurance company about this yet-it's the number one thing on my list to do tomorrow, before I talk to any more surgeons. --- Molly Bloom <mollyb54@...> wrote: > Why don't you check - has insurance already agreed > to help you with explant? (Sorry if > you already answered this)... If so, then don't > have the MRI since you are getting an > explant anyway. If insurance has not agreed, then > you might consider it. > If you plan on paying on your own anyway, then don't > worry about it. > > And Rogene is correct - you can still have a rupture > without the MRI showing it. > But if an MRI does show rupture, it can help get > insurance to pay for part of the explant, as > it did in my case. > > Just DON " T get a mammogram now!!!! If your implants > are not already ruptured, a > mammo can rupture them. > > > > > > >>>>> I'm totally freaking out now and > > > need a > > > >>> few group hugs > > > >>>> here! > > > >>>>> > > > >>>>> I was reading a post about someone here > who > > > was > > > >>> involved in an > > > >>>>> Explant Assistance program in the Dow > Corning > === message truncated === __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 20, 2006 Report Share Posted August 20, 2006 Yeah...I've been getting mammograms every single year for the last 12 years....I can't believe I've been so lucky this far! But then again, my implants could be ruptured for years with no symptoms, as I've read. --- Molly Bloom <mollyb54@...> wrote: > Why don't you check - has insurance already agreed > to help you with explant? (Sorry if > you already answered this)... If so, then don't > have the MRI since you are getting an > explant anyway. If insurance has not agreed, then > you might consider it. > If you plan on paying on your own anyway, then don't > worry about it. > > And Rogene is correct - you can still have a rupture > without the MRI showing it. > But if an MRI does show rupture, it can help get > insurance to pay for part of the explant, as > it did in my case. > > Just DON " T get a mammogram now!!!! If your implants > are not already ruptured, a > mammo can rupture them. > > > > > > >>>>> I'm totally freaking out now and > > > need a > > > >>> few group hugs > > > >>>> here! > > > >>>>> > > > >>>>> I was reading a post about someone here > who > > > was > > > >>> involved in an > > > >>>>> Explant Assistance program in the Dow > Corning > === message truncated === __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 20, 2006 Report Share Posted August 20, 2006 I have always advised women to never, never ask their insurance company if they will cover this procedure, get two doctors to write a letter of medical necessity and approach it that way by submitting the letters. It seems to work out best for most women that way. Lynda At 12:15 PM 8/20/2006, you wrote: >No, I haven't talked to my insurance company about >this yet-it's the number one thing on my list to do >tomorrow, before I talk to any more surgeons. > >--- Molly Bloom ><<>mollyb54@...> wrote: > > > Why don't you check - has insurance already agreed > > to help you with explant? (Sorry if > > you already answered this)... If so, then don't > > have the MRI since you are getting an > > explant anyway. If insurance has not agreed, then > > you might consider it. > > If you plan on paying on your own anyway, then don't > > worry about it. > > > > And Rogene is correct - you can still have a rupture > > without the MRI showing it. > > But if an MRI does show rupture, it can help get > > insurance to pay for part of the explant, as > > it did in my case. > > > > Just DON " T get a mammogram now!!!! If your implants > > are not already ruptured, a > > mammo can rupture them. > > > > > > > > > > >>>>> I'm totally freaking out now and > > > > need a > > > > >>> few group hugs > > > > >>>> here! > > > > >>>>> > > > > >>>>> I was reading a post about someone here > > who > > > > was > > > > >>> involved in an > > > > >>>>> Explant Assistance program in the Dow > > Corning > > >=== message truncated === > >__________________________________________________ > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 20, 2006 Report Share Posted August 20, 2006 Leyna, I've sensed a change coming over you as you've decided that explant is the way to go . . . You sound more positive, self-assured and energetic . . . although I know you're still struggling to make it from day to day . . . Just keep hanging on . . . you'll be through this soon! You've got a good man . . . Given the choice, the vast majority of men prefer their wives to be healthy . . . He's a keeper! Hugs and prayers, Rogene leyna1964 <leyna1964@...> wrote: Rogene,Thanks for the support Rogene! I can't wait to get it done-I'm at the point to where I'm not even that worried about being deformed afterwards....well, not too much-I do have to get mammograms and breast exams done all the time! lol Oh, and then there's the husband! I asked him last night if he would mind, if I became deformed, if I keep my shirt on and never let him see my breasts ever again. He said he loved me and that he did not mind. LOL>> Leyna,> > How long it takes to get scheduled varies considerablly from one doctor to another, and from one time frame to another . .. You're looking at anything from one week to three months. > > Your manager sounds like a lulu! .. . I'm glad you didn't have to tell her something far worse! . . . I thought one requrement of a manager is to maintain confidentiality! > > Just take a deep breath and use this as an opportunity to educate a bunch of people about breast implants . .. You'll probably save a life or two. Keep your head up! . .. You only bought into what the FDA still says is safe! . . . Plus a lousy doctor's reassuranes .. . You're not alone . . There are millions of us who did the same. > > You're going to get through this . .. one step at a time. .. You'll be soooooooooo glad to be on the other side of the explant experience!> > Hugs and prayers,> > Rogene> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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