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infrared sauna

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From what I've read from others on this site, a far infrared sauna

penetrates much deeper than a regular sauna, and you sweat out alot

more toxins. Search online for them and see what the articles or ads

say about them, that might be of some help to you.



> What is this suppose to do for us ? Is it the sweating or what that

helps ?

> Is it good for loseing weight and muscle aches too ?


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  • 4 months later...
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Now is good. I have one and really enjoy it.


> who has done this

> do i do this when my fog and yeast is gone to get rid of toxins or do

> i do it now?


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The infra red sauna gave me the head ache symptom back so badly I stayed out of it.... Have not returned back yet... I agree if doing it start out slowly... Then work your way up to it.... I am not ready for it I don't think anyway.... I only stayed in it for 15 minutes and got out three times and wiped down toxins with a wet white towel.... Headache city so right now I just do the foot baths...

God Bless,

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Gretchen, I have an infrared sauna in my home. I noticed that when I was really sick, the sauna made me feel worse. I had to take it really slow and easy, and I ended up staying out of it for almost a year. FInally I was able to start using it again as I healed. But I took the precaution of wrapping a wet towel around my head to try to keep the brain fog at bay. My brain fog was the worse symptom that came back when starting the saunas. Pattyfoxygretchy <gretchenc@...> wrote:

who has done thisdo i do this when my fog and yeast is gone to get rid of toxins or doi do it now?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I agree, also with Sauna's at gym's they use the hot coals lots of times..... The infra Red sauna is designed for detoxing, not losing weight and helping muscles after an exercise. I refuse to go to a public gym for swimming or anything, since my immune system is so low, I pick up whatever is in the wind. Here is a link to an infra red sauna for detoxing.... I don't think we are allowed to use cedar wood either?

Far Infrared Saunas - Miracle Heat Saunas

God Bless,

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So we can use a infra red sauna with cedar? I heard NO???? Had to buy one with certain wood.... I used an infra red sauna a few times, but it was early in my sickness. I got a headache and dizzy really badly. Now I maybe able to give it a try again... I use the foot bath and have been pulling tons of heavy metals out of my feet lately. Looks like Mold, but I guess it is heavy metals. It is green flakes?

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I think the word "allowed" is too strong . . .

But given the choice between FAR infrared and steam or dry saunas, I think FAR infrared saunas are by FAR the best.

You can use them for losing weight and relaxing muscles as well.


Re: Infrared sauna


I agree, also with Sauna's at gym's they use the hot coals lots of times..... The infra Red sauna is designed for detoxing, not losing weight and helping muscles after an exercise. I refuse to go to a public gym for swimming or anything, since my immune system is so low, I pick up whatever is in the wind. Here is a link to an infra red sauna for detoxing.... I don't think we are allowed to use cedar wood either?

Far Infrared Saunas - Miracle Heat Saunas

God Bless,


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Each sauna manufacturer makes claims that their wood is the best . . . I'm not an expert on that at all. Personally, I don't think that one should have problems with any of the woods used. . . My only caution is that the wood is natural, without chemicals used to treat it. I can't imagine anyone treating the wood that goes into a sauna and expecting to stay in business.

Chances are the way you felt had to do with the toxins. . .

Always start a new program slowly . . .

Listen to your body. If you get the message, "enough", "get out", "no way", pay attention. That doesn't mean that it won't work later . . . just that you're not ready right then - or you're overdoing it at the moment.

You can expect some discomfort when detoxing . . . How much you want to deal with at any one time is something only you can decide.

Personally, as bad as it feels, when I do something that causes a Herx, I thank my body for releasing the junk, then take it easy while it processes the stuff out.

If you don't learn to manage Herxes, you'll create an adversion to detoxing . . . and that will get you nowhere!


Re: Infrared sauna


So we can use a infra red sauna with cedar? I heard NO???? Had to buy one with certain wood.... I used an infra red sauna a few times, but it was early in my sickness. I got a headache and dizzy really badly. Now I maybe able to give it a try again... I use the foot bath and have been pulling tons of heavy metals out of my feet lately. Looks like Mold, but I guess it is heavy metals. It is green flakes?


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have you checked in to portable infrared sauna.

I know needs has one for $356.00 www.needs.com 1800-634-1380

That my next step to get one of those.They say to air it out from

the smell put it outside and turn in on and it will cook the smell

out.I do this with anything i buy.I let the sun cook it out.Or use


god bless michele

> >>

> >> I have a white tongue or vaginal discharge when I have candida


> > I never

> >> had implants. I did USED to have fibromyalgia. I discussed

> > implants and

> >> health problems with Dr. Kolb at length and it is her belief


> > the

> >> majority of fibromyalgia seen in sick explanted women is caused


> > candida.

> >> She also believes that most patients who kick fibro have the

> > candida-caused

> >> version. Of interest is that I tested positive for the double


> > gene. A

> >> dead giveaway that I would have candida problems.

> >>

> >> Kenda

> >>

> >>> A general question: How do people know if they need anti-fungal

> > medicines,

> >>> whether prescription or alternative? If one doesn't have rashes

> > or itchiness,

> >>> how does one know if any particular symptom is fungal? I see so

> > much talk

> >>> about anti-fungals, but am curious as to how people figured out

> > that they

> >>> needed them. Did they get tested? Self-diagnose? I don't


> > that one can

> >>> assume that any fibro symptoms post-explant are related to


> > issues, so I

> >>> guess I would be leery of self-diagnosing.

> >>>

> >>> Any insight? I am hoping to understand this for my own health


> > well. I have

> >>> never taken anti-fungals and never thought I needed them, but


> > know? Maybe

> >>> it is another sneaky little monster that needs addressing.

> >>> Bindi

> >>

> >

> >


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One of our ladies bought a portable unit and really liked it . . .

I would definitely cook it out thoroughly before using it. . . I think the portables are made of plastic.


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I bought one from Sunlight Saunas...and it is made of

Basswood..supposedly hypoallergenic. Can't smell an odor at all.

I haven't used it as much as my husband. He loves it.

I sat in there a couple of weeks ago and didn't sweat at all. Am

thinking possibly due to my adrenal glands and the osmotic changes.

My body didn't want to release anything else.

Am going to get a little more stable with the Armour and

Cortef...and see how it goes.


> My doctor recommended that I not buy a sauna made of cedar.


> Kenda



> > Rogene,

> >

> > I agree, also with Sauna's at gym's they use the hot coals lots

of times.....

> > The infra Red sauna is designed for detoxing, not losing weight

and helping

> > muscles after an exercise. I refuse to go to a public gym for

swimming or

> > anything, since my immune system is so low, I pick up whatever

is in the wind.

> > Here is a link to an infra red sauna for detoxing.... I don't

think we are

> > allowed to use cedar wood either?

> >

> > _Far Infrared Saunas - Miracle Heat Saunas_


> >

> >

> > God Bless,

> >

> > ~

> >

> >

> >

> > ************************************** See what's free at



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I have a FAR sauna too. I love mine but can't get my husband into it! I

sweat like a pig in it.


> I bought one from Sunlight Saunas...and it is made of

> Basswood..supposedly hypoallergenic. Can't smell an odor at all.

> I haven't used it as much as my husband. He loves it.

> I sat in there a couple of weeks ago and didn't sweat at all. Am

> thinking possibly due to my adrenal glands and the osmotic changes.

> My body didn't want to release anything else.

> Am going to get a little more stable with the Armour and

> Cortef...and see how it goes.





>> My doctor recommended that I not buy a sauna made of cedar.


>> Kenda



>>> Rogene,


>>> I agree, also with Sauna's at gym's they use the hot coals lots

> of times.....

>>> The infra Red sauna is designed for detoxing, not losing weight

> and helping

>>> muscles after an exercise. I refuse to go to a public gym for

> swimming or

>>> anything, since my immune system is so low, I pick up whatever

> is in the wind.

>>> Here is a link to an infra red sauna for detoxing.... I don't

> think we are

>>> allowed to use cedar wood either?


>>> _Far Infrared Saunas - Miracle Heat Saunas_

> (http://www.miracleheat.com/)



>>> God Bless,


>>> ~




>>> ************************************** See what's free at

> http://www.aol.com.




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One of our ladies found she sweat profusely after rubbing herself down with a lemon before using the sauna . . . I don't remember who it was . . . maybe she'll speak up.

It might work for you . . .

When you're real toxic, it can take a while to start sweating . . . You could try doing some light exercise before going in the sauna too.


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Thanks Rogene,

I will try that. Actually, I am a little hesitant to try to much

right now....I think the sauna might be too aggressive until I get y

adrenal glands straight. I need to research this....

I had sweated in it a couple of days earlier,...but had also sweated a

lot in the yard....so I just think I had no more sodium my body was

willing to give up. Possibly.


> ,


> One of our ladies found she sweat profusely after rubbing herself

down with a lemon before using the sauna . . . I don't remember who

it was . . . maybe she'll speak up.


> It might work for you . . .


> When you're real toxic, it can take a while to start sweating . . .

You could try doing some light exercise before going in the sauna too.


> Rogene


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Just go at the sauna easy . . . It's really not an aggressive detox - unless you push yourself. There is an old book "Clear Body, Clear Mind" L. Ron Hubbard . .. the Scientology guy. He recommends a sweat detox program using mega vitamins and niacin.

I did a modified version of his program, using a hot tub . . . It was rough! Hours every day! . . . Had I known how much it would benefit me, I probably would have found somewhere where I could work the program on a supervised basis. As it was, I was doing it by myself and quit when I started Herxing badly. The book is interesting whether you want to do a full sweat detox program or not though.

The light alone, without the heat has theraputic value . . . You can leave the door wide open, stay cool and still benefit.

How much I sweat varies considerably. . . I love to work up a good sweat - but it doesn't always happen.


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