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Re: One more commentary on breast implant approval

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Anybody feel like taking this guy to task over this comment?

"From a scientific standpoint, the decision we are making tonight is in the best interests of American women," Schultz responded.

Dr. Schultz is the FDA's medical device chief.

Here is this guy's email address:


If he thinks approving silicone gel breast implants is in the best interests of American women, he is on the wrong planet! And then of course, what about the best interests of the children?

No, I think he's got the interests of his wallet in mind instead.

Anyone else feel like giving him a piece of their mind, besides me?


One more commentary on breast implant approval

http://abclocal. go.com/wpvi/ story?section= healthcheck & id=4773237

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Here's my response:

I had to write with regard to the following statement made by you:

" From a scientific standpoint, the decision we are making tonight is in the

best interests of American women, " Schultz responded.

What is in the best interest of American women is not yet another faulty

breast implant that will cause illness or damage to their body but to accept

their bodies as they are.

If you listened to the many women who have reported their illnesses to you,

you would know that breast implants are not safe for every woman. You would

also know that there are a minority of women who do become very ill and some

die, from saline and silicone breast implants.

I took Vioxx and had no problems with it, yet it isn't on the market any

longer because SOME people become sick or died while taking it. How are

breast implants any different?

Kenda Skaggs

> Anybody feel like taking this guy to task over this comment?


> " From a scientific standpoint, the decision we are making tonight is in the

> best interests of American women, " Schultz responded.


> Dr. Schultz is the FDA's medical device chief.


> Here is this guy's email address:


> daniel.schultz@...

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Kenda honey, I am so glad that you did not have implants. Thank you for speaking out against this decision. I hope that my will take the time to write to him as well.

Love to you always...Lea


Re: One more commentary on breast implant approval

Here's my response:I had to write with regard to the following statement made by you:"From a scientific standpoint, the decision we are making tonight is in thebest interests of American women," Schultz responded.What is in the best interest of American women is not yet another faultybreast implant that will cause illness or damage to their body but to accepttheir bodies as they are.If you listened to the many women who have reported their illnesses to you,you would know that breast implants are not safe for every woman. You wouldalso know that there are a minority of women who do become very ill and somedie, from saline and silicone breast implants.I took Vioxx and had no problems with it, yet it isn't on the market anylonger because SOME people become sick or died while taking it. How arebreast implants any different?Kenda Skaggs> Anybody feel like taking this guy to task over this comment?> > "From a scientific standpoint, the decision we are making tonight is in the> best interests of American women," Schultz responded.> > Dr. Schultz is the FDA's medical device chief.> > Here is this guy's email address:> > daniel.schultzfda (DOT) hhs.gov

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Good point Kenda. I'd venture a guess..it's because men died while

on Vioxx too, and they couldn't have that happening to men! But

women will be willing guinea pigs for these toxic chest bombs

anyday, and women are expendible in this man's world, right? Just

like the third world countries. Things may have seemed to have

changed in our Western society, but really, have they?


-- In , Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:


> Here's my response:


> I had to write with regard to the following statement made by you:


> " From a scientific standpoint, the decision we are making tonight

is in the

> best interests of American women, " Schultz responded.


> What is in the best interest of American women is not yet another


> breast implant that will cause illness or damage to their body but

to accept

> their bodies as they are.


> If you listened to the many women who have reported their

illnesses to you,

> you would know that breast implants are not safe for every woman.

You would

> also know that there are a minority of women who do become very

ill and some

> die, from saline and silicone breast implants.


> I took Vioxx and had no problems with it, yet it isn't on the

market any

> longer because SOME people become sick or died while taking it.

How are

> breast implants any different?


> Kenda Skaggs




> > Anybody feel like taking this guy to task over this comment?

> >

> > " From a scientific standpoint, the decision we are making

tonight is in the

> > best interests of American women, " Schultz responded.

> >

> > Dr. Schultz is the FDA's medical device chief.

> >

> > Here is this guy's email address:

> >

> > daniel.schultz@...


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Patty, I will definitely email him.

In Canada it's the Medical Devices Bureau that governs this area.

I'm in the middle of composing my " letter of love " sprinkled with

the " wrath of God " to the Canadian counterpart of your FDA.


Sunny :)


> Anybody feel like taking this guy to task over this comment?


> " From a scientific standpoint, the decision we are making tonight

is in the best interests of American women, " Schultz responded.


> Dr. Schultz is the FDA's medical device chief.


> Here is this guy's email address:


> daniel.schultz@...


> If he thinks approving silicone gel breast implants is in the best

interests of American women, he is on the wrong planet! And then of

course, what about the best interests of the children?


> No, I think he's got the interests of his wallet in mind instead.


> Anyone else feel like giving him a piece of their mind, besides me?


> Patty


> One more commentary on breast implant



> http://abclocal. go.com/wpvi/ story?section= healthcheck & id=4773237


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Kenda, good for you. Well said.


Sunny :)


> Here's my response:


> I had to write with regard to the following statement made by you:


> " From a scientific standpoint, the decision we are making tonight

is in the

> best interests of American women, " Schultz responded.


> What is in the best interest of American women is not yet another


> breast implant that will cause illness or damage to their body but

to accept

> their bodies as they are.


> If you listened to the many women who have reported their illnesses

to you,

> you would know that breast implants are not safe for every woman.

You would

> also know that there are a minority of women who do become very ill

and some

> die, from saline and silicone breast implants.


> I took Vioxx and had no problems with it, yet it isn't on the

market any

> longer because SOME people become sick or died while taking it.

How are

> breast implants any different?


> Kenda Skaggs




> > Anybody feel like taking this guy to task over this comment?

> >

> > " From a scientific standpoint, the decision we are making tonight

is in the

> > best interests of American women, " Schultz responded.

> >

> > Dr. Schultz is the FDA's medical device chief.

> >

> > Here is this guy's email address:

> >

> > daniel.schultz@...


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