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Cowardly Quackbusters by Tim Bolen

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Considering the fact that this group exists over 90% thanks to the work of

Dr. and people reading her books, this info may be interesting ... as

....most of you know what was Dr. going through thanks to Quackbusters

....long story...

And considering the fact that I and many other people owe great thanks for our

health to Dr.,

I thought this info is appropriate, ... " Quackery " is also all we at this

group kind of appreciate and do a lot ... I wonder why ? Why would someone

intentionally induce diarrhea, ...feel miserable in the morning ... drink awful

tasting Epsom salt .... " fish " " feces " from toilet bowl ... " play with it " ...

" try to smell it " ... cut it ... freeze it .... :-)

Buy the way, we have at least 20 Quackbusters lurking on this list ... Hello

and welcome one more time!

Sorry, it is long ...


For background information on the " Battle between Health and

Medicine " go to: http://www.save.org/by_whom2.htm.

From: " Tim & Jan Bolen " <jurimed2@...>

" Millions of Health Freedom Fighters - Newsletter " <jurimed2@...>

Subject: Cowardly " Quackbusters " DISMISS Case to Avoid Being DEPOSED?...

Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 08:50:41 -0800

Cowardly " Quackbusters " DISMISS Case to Avoid Being DEPOSED?...

Opinion by consumer advocate Tim Bolen

The self-styled " quackbusters " have LOST ANOTHER court case in

California... This time, before they even went to trial. And,

it looks to me, that they lost it INTENTIONALLY to avoid having

their leadership legally " deposed. "

Last year, to hear the " quackbusters " talk, you'd have thought

they'd found, and activated, the perfect plan to rid the world of

what THEY define as " quackery. "

Using their " front " organization, the National Council Against

Health Fraud (NCAHF), they decided to sue 39 Defendants under

California's " Private Attorney General Law. " In those separate

suits they basically claimed that all 39 Defendants were

committing " fraud " because, according to them, Alternative

Medicine proponents " Don't have scientific proof of their

claims. "

Oh, yeah?

This was the first legal test of the basic " quackbuster " claims

against Alternative Medicine. So far, TWICE NOW, they've been

laughed out of court for their STUPID arguments, and ARROGANT

presumptions... Two down, thirty-seven to go...

The North American Health Freedom Movement, tired of

" quackbuster " crap, has decided to take them on, right here, and

right now - nose-to-nose. And, the " quackbusters " are no match.

Now, faced with the fruits of their actions, you can't find a

" quackbuster " anywhere in sight. We've even looked under the

bed. The " quackpot menace " has fled the field. They simply

don't have ANYONE willing to stand up, and face, the Health

Freedom Movement.


All we're asking them to do, in all those 39 court cases they

filed in California, is three simple things: (1) provide

scientific proof of their ludicrous claims, (2) provide

" evidence based " testimony, from (3) experts and witnesses with

real credentials, and REAL RESUMES.

They cannot, in any of the cases we've gone nose-to-nose with

them in California, provide ANY of the three items we've asked

them to provide. And now, we've gone WAY beyond just asking for

their proof. We're demanding to know the details of their

reasoning in their decision to become the Plaintiff in those 39

cases. And, it's here, at this point, that Barrett and Baratz

(their leadership), have decided to cut, and run...

I think it is realistic to expect that both Barrett, and Baratz,

may soon flee the country (leave US soil for a foreign country),

where they can't be subpoenaed. It is getting that bad for them.

Top " quackbusters, " Barrett and Bobbie Baratz, will

apparently do ANYTHING to avoid being DEPOSED.

A " deposition " is a form of legal discovery. It is an

out-of-court recording of a witness's sworn testimony, which can

be used as evidence in a civil lawsuit, or a criminal trial (or



On Wednesday, January 29, 2002, in case # BC246920, Los Angeles

Superior Court Judge Elihu M. Berle granted a Defense Motion

ORDERING the depositions of Barrett and Baratz. The NCAHF had

earlier REFUSED TO PROVIDE Baratz and Barrett for deposition.

The NCAHF also demanded that, if they were to be deposed, the

defense " pay them expert witness fees, air fare, hotel bills,

meals, etc.). Baratz had demanded fees including $350 per hour

for his testimony.

$350 per hour? Did I mention the word " Megalomania? "

Only a few hours after the Judge's decision ordering the

depositions in the case, the NCAHF DISMISSED the case.

The case was due to go to trial February 13, 2002. California

Civil Litigator Negrete had assembled a stable of

world-renowned Defense witnesses - and was also calling (as

Defense witnesses) the ENTIRE Board of Directors of the NCAHF.

(Insert laugh-track here) It has become strongly apparent that

the " quackbusters " don't want their personal affairs examined

under a bright light. Gee, I wonder why?

Judge Berle agreed with Negrete's claim that Baratz, and Barrett,

were, in fact, " the Plaintiff, " and that the Defense team had the

right to depose them, and to depose them without cost to the

Defendant. The Judge also SANCTIONED the NCAHF and their

attorney (fined them $1000), for failing to provide Barrett, and

Baratz, at first demand.

Earlier in the case, the Plaintiff's attorney Morse Mehrban, had

tried to block deposition of any NCAHF leadership, claiming that

he, Mehrban, was the one to be deposed. The Judge, in that

earlier action, disagreed with Mehrban, sided with Negrete, and

ordered the NCAHF to provide a representative to answer Negrete's

questions in deposition. The NCAHF first provided

Jarvis, co-founder with Barrett, of the NCAHF. Jarvis, in

deposition, admitted to having NO KNOWLEDGE of the case, or of

how the NCAHF might have decided to become a Plaintiff. He

indicated that all decisions were made by Barrett, and

Bobbie Baratz. Hence, Negrete DEMANDED deposition of Barrett,

and Baratz. The Judge agreed.


Several reasons: (1) Because they know now, from experience,

that Health Freedom teams across North America, are exchanging

information about them, (2) Because they've had that

information used against them in courtrooms, and public meetings,

RECENTLY, to their detriment, (3) Because they are very afraid

of what we're going to do NEXT with the information we already

have, (4) Because they are very afraid of having to answer the

kind of questions we are asking, (5) Because they can see where

we are heading, with the kind of questions we are asking, (6)

Because they know we are using every opportunity to gather

information to bolster the " racketeering " (RICO) complaint filed

against them... (7) Because they know that the Department of

Justice (DOJ) has been sniffing around the Oakland (RICO) case,

wanting to see our files... (8) Because - they can run, but

they can't hide... and we are relentless.

I love it when a plan comes together...

Stay Tuned...

Tim Bolen

Consumer Advocate

Note: There will more on this case (including legal documents)

available at http://www.healthfreedomlaw.com

this coming weekend. I'll let you know...


This " Millions of Health Freedom Fighters - Newsletter " is about

the battle between " Health and Medicine " on Planet Earth. Tim

Bolen is an op/ed writer with extensive knowledge of the

activities of a subversive organization calling itself the

" quackbusters, " and that organization's attempts to suppress,

and discredit, any, and all health modalities that compete with

the allopathic (MD) paradigm for consumer health dollars. The

focus of the newsletter is on the ongoing activities, battles,

politics, and the victories won by members of the " Health Freedom

Movement " against the " quackbusters " It details " who the

quackbusters are, what they are, where they are operating, when

they appear, and how they operate - and how easy it is to beat

them... "

For background information on the " Battle between Health and

Medicine " go to: http://www.save.org/by_whom2.htm.

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