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Have you seen a Rheumatologist about your knees?

Brigite :)


I have seen a few Rheumatologists

Forget them they want to put me on medicines that crazy people take

They all said there was no connection with the implants and I am hyper

I do not care to go back to any of them again

These so called doctors are too closed minded for this woman

If I want to get myself well again I am better off right here

Although Dr Kolb and the few others that you named would be an exception to the rule

Its just not reality to travel in my condition and being a single mom makes it more difficult

My family does not even bother with me as they think my symptoms are all in my head

Boy I Wish It Was !


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When you say the thyroid test comes up fine, what are the levels. My

doc said mine was fine when the level was 3.0 and that is severely

low for ME. The level is what is important, not that the test is fine.


At 04:36 AM 8/18/2006, you wrote:

>My thyroid was tested and everything is fine but I am still blown up

>I find myself putting my hand over my thyroid when my shallow

>breathing feels rapid

>but yet the thyroid test comes up fine, I had this test done two or

>three times



>Yes my body went into rejection immediately after implantatation

>Wow I was just so naive at the time


>The medcial field kept checking me for lymes disease at first


>Then it was more tests like MS and etc

>I should have went with my inner self

>But the medical field kept saying

>I was fine with my new implants


>Your inner self wants to believe it's not implant related

>After all the medical field is promising you it's not


>Yea Right...Tell Me That Now !!!




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