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Lea - Safe Place

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Lea, dear...do not worry about me. I am actually doing quite well.

My son and I get along quite famously...it's just been of late that

my whole family has gone through alot of health issues, injuries,

etc. Mike and I had a good family meeting and compromised on a few

things....It's all good. It's been stressful for all of us for the

past year, for sure. This too shall pass. I believe God places me

where I belong to grow and teach me patience and tolerance. Always

forming my character. Aren't I enough of a character already,

Lord???? LOL We are accepting the fact that we are human and can

have the odd tiff.

I do have the option of going on AISH - permanent disability with

Alberta government $1,000 per month. They are phasing out Assured

Income, with is $635.00 a month -- so regular Social Assistance is

around $400.oo per month, assured income - $635.00, and AISH

$l,000.00. I don't like being attached to the government in any

way. I don't even want to do my taxes, as income tax is illegal in

the first place.

There's a group in Vancouver called De-Tax. Lawyers. They help people

fight the pressure to pay income tax. The only tax the government

can legally expect you to pay is when you make a profit and capital

gain. Enough tax money is collected from the shopping we do, the gas

we buy, and the horrific amount they make on cigarette sales, and


The income tax is hurting children and families....it really frosts

me. Fathers and mothers losing 40 to 50 per cent of their paycheque.

Now, that's a crime.

Anyhoo, what they do is, go to court when a client is charged with

tax evasion, and simply ask to be tried in the Common Law Court. The

judge goes, OH OH! They then leave the courtroom, go into a regular

meeting room where the judge sits across and not above, from the

client. They leave winning the case and are told - indirectly, yet

with intensity...to keep their mouths shut. We all know that the

Canadian Revenue Canada is the biggest tax bully in the world. I

know of a woman who fought the law...it got ugly, and her home was

taken away, etc. But she won the war.

Boy, didn't I go off on a tangent! lol :) :)

Darling, I'm o.k. I still can work and would love to be creative in

resurrecting an old business I used to do. Still praying and

thinking about it. I will do respite with Emma whatever it takes.

The only thing I miss is dental coverage. If I ever need drugs, my

family doc gives me samples. I'm off all drugs right now, except a

mild anxiety pill I take at night, on nights I'm totally wired and

can't sleep. Otherwise, it's Flax Oil for me!!!! My new found


Lea, I pray your health can improve still. Let's not give up that

thought. I've seen miracles in my time. Believe!

Lots of Love & Cuddles,

Sunny :)


Cutie is leaving us tomorrow night to go live with a new family.

It's a big letting go for me....as she was my sister's cat for 14

yrs. I could feel my sister's presence in her so strongly. It's time

to move on and say a farewell, to my sis, as well. Another level of

grief work.

I'll miss her, but our sleep with be uninterrupted and we won't get

evicted for harboring an illegal tenant!

> >

> > This is very thought provoking in my opinion.

> >

> >

> >

> > Note: forwarded message attached.

> >

> >

> > -

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.

> > " Who despises the day of small things? " (Zechariah 4:10, NIV).

> >

> > God instructed the people to build a temple. The magnificent

> > one erected had been destroyed. The one the

> > Israelites were now building was much smaller and far less

> > glorious. Critics scoffed at them, saying, " What a waste of

> > time! This small thing you're building is nothing compared

> > to what we used to have! Why even bother to do it? "

> >

> > Sometimes I look at my life in much the same way. I remember

> > the past and I can't help but think life was so much better

> > when I was healthy. I had such grand plans. I was going to

> > write major, impressive works, become rich and famous. Ah!

> > The foolish desires of youth! I have written no great novel,

> > no -winning screenplay. Instead, my life consists of

> > things that are small in the world's eyes - writing

> > devotionals, newspaper articles and poetry, studying the

> > Bible, praying.

> >

> > God promised the Israelites that the glory of their small,

> > unostentatious temple would some day be even greater than the

> > glory of 's grand edifice (Haggai 2:9). And it was.

> > It was to this temple, many generations later, that and

> > ph brought the baby Jesus to be circumcised (Luke 8:21-


> > Surely His presence filled that simple building with glory

> > unlike anything ever witnessed before in a House of God!

> >

> > I think this is true with regard to the " temple " of our


> > too. We remember the healthy ones we used to have or see the

> > strong ones that others enjoy and ours seem so poor and

> > fragile in comparison. But when Christ enters our hearts and

> > fills us with His Holy Spirit, suddenly our imperfect bodies

> > take on a glory that the healthiest person in the world will

> > never have if he or she doesn't know Jesus. Chronic health

> > problems may result in days of small things that seem

> > unimportant to many, but if we allow the LORD to inhabit

> > them, we need not despise them but be glad for them.

> >

> >


> >


> >

> > Lou Cornish has chronic pain syndrome and fibromyalgia.

> > She lives in Canada

> >


> > ----parting words----

> >

> > There are about 300 Hopekeepers Groups in the United States.


> one

> > in your area at: http://www.restministries.org/pro-


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > *******************************

> > Fibrosplash is part of Rest Ministries, which can be found at

> http://www.restministries.org

> >

> > If you have any questions or need to contact the moderators,


> feel free to contact them at: fibrosplash-owner

> >

> > To reach Rest Ministries' & fibrosplash owner, Copen,


> contact her at: rest@

> >

> >

> >

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