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Hello ,

200mgs of Doxy a day is really not therapeutic. Have you read Dr. B's

guidelines. The usual dose is 400 mgs a day. It may give you a heck of a

Herx, but 200 mgs, won't do anything at all,

Welcome, and best of luck I am so glad your doctor will help you,

Connie, MI

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  • 1 year later...

no im dont live on afarm!!! i say that to thekids when they leaf the

doors open and bugs get in.lol ima manic? you thats what my froot

loop spiliin vacume husband said andrew!lol you didn't hurt my

fealings andrew. im use to it.lol ill slow down sorry.domnt be pissed

of at me. i wont take ala 4 hours or msms.no one will tell me what

they mean. ill find out at wallgreens tho. big secret!! i wont tell

any one when i know ether!lol ill right back dont wory! frekin emmys!

dam! i wont fall a sleep next year! karen must be on a nother group

with scientists. evry one is nice and then they say ask lots questons

and then nothing! moria doctor kane linda who elsse.lenny the jerk

ill slow down im tired an go to bed!lol



> u are on a farm?


> you have to slow down and work things out a bit.


> .


> what did i say?


> some autistic children don't digest milk properly and these badly

> digested milk particles get in the brain. drinking a lot of milk


> be a sign of this. this could be your daughter.


> you are going manic(over excited). this is a dangerous way to be


> i speak from experience.


> all i can put it down to is the enzymes you are taking.


> you have to go back right to square one and listen to what is being

> told to you.


> ala can be dangerous unless taken every four hours, i would suggest

> you don't buy it until you understand what the problems with it are.


> you have to go right back and sort out what the problem is with the

> enzymes.

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Don't be sad, it takes heaps of time to figure out all this stuff. Some of

the supplements like MSM and ALA could cause VERY serious problems for you or

your child if you don't use the right amount, at the right time, for the the

right length of time. You really need to learn about all the good and bad

that can happen iwth them BEFORE you buy or try them.

Enzymes are very safe, its OK to try them without reading heaps of books,

looking at videos and reading lists although as you know there is plenty to

learn LOL

You remind me of me, getting excited about the stuff that MIGHT help - but I

made many expensive mistakes running around trying all sorts and it didn't

help my son much either. It took me 2 years of reading stuff and asking

questions BEFORE I used ALA, thats a bit long but with the chelation stuff

you can do MORE HARM if you don't do it right. SLOW DOWN, enjoy the enyzmes

(they are great eh?) and keep at it - I wish there was an exam I could take

now I've done all this learnign LOL

Mandi in UK (United Kingdom - not enough snow LOL)

PS I think the auction of the celebrity clothes is on the internet not the


> no im dont live on afarm!!! i say that to thekids when they leaf the

> doors open and bugs get in.lol ima manic? you thats what my froot

> loop spiliin vacume husband said andrew!lol you didn't hurt my

> fealings andrew. im use to it.lol ill slow down sorry.domnt be pissed

> of at me. i wont take ala 4 hours or msms.no one will tell me what

> they mean. ill find out at wallgreens tho. big secret!! i wont tell

> any one when i know ether!lol ill right back dont wory! frekin emmys!

> dam! i wont fall a sleep next year! karen must be on a nother group

> with scientists. evry one is nice and then they say ask lots questons

> and then nothing! moria doctor kane linda who elsse.lenny the jerk

> ill slow down im tired an go to bed!lol


> regards

> nancy


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good morning mandy im feeling a lot beter to day. my husban throu out

the kirkmen enzyme told me i was crazy i went to sleep with nyqil

and 2 enzyme pils and i woke up late w=ith kids screeming! ihalf a

bad headace fromthe nyqill. i dont half heaps of time like karen but

ill figur it out. i wont by msms and ala at wallmart when i go today.

they are seriuos!! i dont give a crap about the emmys or oprah even.

andrew is so nice i half to slow down thanx andrew. no farm around

hear! lol i got a black nail [thumb] i slamed it in the car door

[camaro]i think it will fall of they all ways do.lol you half to put

a nedle under the nail to get th blood out or it turns balck. icant

put aneedle under the nail so ill put poilish on .ill call kirkmen

and yell at them when i get back from wallmart. may be ill call kane

the genious doctor who will cure evry one. i cant even get blood

sent!! thnaks kane!! why is the morphien in milk andrew? they give it

to cows/? your helping a lot!thankyou



> Hi

> Don't be sad, it takes heaps of time to figure out all this stuff.

Some of

> the supplements like MSM and ALA could cause VERY serious problems

for you or

> your child if you don't use the right amount, at the right time,

for the the

> right length of time. You really need to learn about all the good

and bad

> that can happen iwth them BEFORE you buy or try them.


> Enzymes are very safe, its OK to try them without reading heaps of


> looking at videos and reading lists although as you know there is

plenty to

> learn LOL


> You remind me of me, getting excited about the stuff that MIGHT

help - but I

> made many expensive mistakes running around trying all sorts and it


> help my son much either. It took me 2 years of reading stuff and


> questions BEFORE I used ALA, thats a bit long but with the

chelation stuff

> you can do MORE HARM if you don't do it right. SLOW DOWN, enjoy the


> (they are great eh?) and keep at it - I wish there was an exam I

could take

> now I've done all this learnign LOL

> Mandi in UK (United Kingdom - not enough snow LOL)

> PS I think the auction of the celebrity clothes is on the internet

not the

> telly


> > no im dont live on afarm!!! i say that to thekids when they leaf


> > doors open and bugs get in.lol ima manic? you thats what my froot

> > loop spiliin vacume husband said andrew!lol you didn't hurt my

> > fealings andrew. im use to it.lol ill slow down sorry.domnt be


> > of at me. i wont take ala 4 hours or msms.no one will tell me


> > they mean. ill find out at wallgreens tho. big secret!! i wont


> > any one when i know ether!lol ill right back dont wory! frekin


> > dam! i wont fall a sleep next year! karen must be on a nother


> > with scientists. evry one is nice and then they say ask lots


> > and then nothing! moria doctor kane linda who elsse.lenny the


> > ill slow down im tired an go to bed!lol

> >

> > regards

> > nancy

> >





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> SLOW DOWN, enjoy the


> (they are great eh?) and keep at it - I wish there was an exam I

could take

> now I've done all this learnign LOL

> Mandi in UK

dear Mandi,

WHAT? you mean that there is NOT an exam and a degree and

all sorts of rewards that we will get at the end of this!??


I bet you would " pass " it too!

Actually the exam is all essay questions--- it is called

" answering posts " ha ha ha aahahahhahah

Really, there is soooo much study involved, perhaps we

should all get a degree :)

ha ha ha


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did your husband throw out the enzymes! what a nuisance. you were

taking too many i think, also its better to pull the capsules apart

and sprinkle them on the food they dissolve than to swallow the


you are going to have to watch taking too much of these things.

theres no morphine in milk, but what happens with some children and

adults with a bad digestion is that the milk doesn't get digested

proeprly and the bits that are not digested properly get into the

blood and go to the brain and act like morphine.

one way to tell is to stop drinking milk and see if you go through a

withdrawl like a heroin addict giving up heroin.

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yea he threw them out in the gar trash! im glad caus i am a tired

but not sick. i went to wallmart the after noon and i got some enzyme

form them and i wont take 4!! lol i got some to diet ones to get

skinnyer and some cqenzyme 10. no ala or msms! ihalf no i d how it

feels to be addiked to heroin andrew! lol i never ebven smoked pot! i

undersrand what you mean about milk and morphene. it makes me and my

kids sleep good. i will wait til xmas for the book [karens]so i

understand enzyme with heaps of resaerch from a scientist! im not

gona yell at kirkmen on the phone. my husband is not mean. im not

pissed of at him. he pays the bills. wallmart was fun but next time

the kids stay all at home with a sitter. brats!lol.[like cindy] are

you from uk [united kingdom]it sounds nice. milk bits in the brain?

ok andrew. if you think so.

frekin emmys! dam!!

bye bye


> did your husband throw out the enzymes! what a nuisance. you were

> taking too many i think, also its better to pull the capsules apart

> and sprinkle them on the food they dissolve than to swallow the

> capsule.


> you are going to have to watch taking too much of these things.


> theres no morphine in milk, but what happens with some children and

> adults with a bad digestion is that the milk doesn't get digested

> proeprly and the bits that are not digested properly get into the

> blood and go to the brain and act like morphine.


> one way to tell is to stop drinking milk and see if you go through


> withdrawl like a heroin addict giving up heroin.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm with you on that one . I try to stay away from junk food

(it's just so much easier, though). I too am a lacto-ovo

vegetarian. I tried going on Adkins diet (not easy on our diet). I

found with that diet that I actually felt worse. I was on it for 3

months and found my RA flares where worse and more frequent. I cant

imagine what I would do as a vegan!! I don't know how to cook much

and what I do know I am either short on time to cook or just too

lazy to cook!!! Marina in Ohio

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  • 1 year later...
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If you could join this group of womannWho have lived in out nightmares

here are all the answers you need

Please get those two blood test done

Your physician can call Dr.Kolb if need be

I am still waiting for my blood test results

I am soooo fatiged right now



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  • 3 years later...

Thanks, . I'm still taking the Minocycline 100mg twice daily. While it was

not the med to put me into remission, it DID take care of some of the skin

issues I was having. So, now I take that with MTX injection weekly and Enbrel

sure-click pen weekly. I stopped the SSZ pills - my Rheumy was not too happy

about it - but the warnings I was getting on the drug-interaction site made me

decide to stop it. I've not felt any different since, so I believe it wasn't

doing any good anyway.

I have an appt with my Rheumy in a few weeks - I'll talk to him about my options

then. I've been adding 400mg Advil to my Percocets 10/325 for the pain and it

seems to be working pretty well, but I am tired all the time anymore too. We'll

see what he says. I'll keep you posted.

Praying you're feeling well, too.

Doreen :)

Barbara welcome to the group. I agree with Doreen, the rheumy first.

When I had trouble with my hands and saw the dr for my hands, he gave me a

stronger NSAID. I did later have to have surgery for Carpal Tunnel. Hopefully

the rheumy can give you something that will help.

Doreen, Sorry to hear you are not doing well. I had been wondering how you were

doing on the antibotic and hoping it was working for you.

Hope you both feel better soon.

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