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questioning explant

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I know that it is all so confusing. I know because I have been there,

I had my implants 20 years they were suppose to be saline and suppose

to be safe and last a lifetime, I never questioned that. When I got

sick ten years after having implants I never even thought about them.

I just thought it was my bad luck. Ten years of having Fibromayagia

and arthrytis in my neck and low back as well as hip pain til bone

pain I started having neurological problems. I couldn't remember my

assistants names or what I was doing. I was misplacing words in

sentences and forgetting words meanings. I didn't know what I was

doing from moment to moment. I had headaches morning noon and night,

I was dizzy all day and all night. I was passing out at work. I had

to quit work. I was in career that I loved and was making 45,000 a

year. I now make 500 a month on welfare. But since my explant I got

my memory back and my neuro problems are gone completely. I have no

doubt that those chemicals that are so toxic to the body and

especially the brain were poisioning me.From what I understand now,

it starts with the pain in the joints and muscle and eventually after

about ten years or longer goes into all your organs and your brain.

Just ask Shari about all her nero problems. Those of us who had them

for 20 years or many years have experienced these kinds of problems.

If you had left them in it would have been a matter of time before

the poision would have traveled through your organs. This chemical

soup was designed to kill roaches and was first designed as a

pesticide. Please look at the chemical list in our file section it

lists the ingredients that we had in our bodies. There shouldn't be

any more questions for anyone except what can we do to get better

from these chemicals now that they are out. We all have to learn to

love our bodies and really cater to giving ourselves extra comfort

and love and nutrients to try and heal the best that we can.

We care about all the ladies here and we care about you.

With love and aloha,

Terri P

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