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Re: Welcome C. Myrick

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My vanity prevented me from using a cane for almost a full year and

several falls. Luckily none were disastarous but the last one scared me

enough to put vanity aside. To anyone who hesitates to use a cane when

necessary, please do not be foolish! People will ask fewer questions

when they see you using a cane. Most will figure...there's a medical

problem and you and your physician have addressed it and the cane is

helpful. End of story in most cases. I think you will find that after

a short period of time, you will not be troubled by your use of the

cane. Let it help you and throw the vanity aside. For what it's worth,

I too am 45 years old and was an athlete and active person all my life

until PLS hit me in 1995; I received the official diagnosis in 1998. As

most will tell you, it's life style altering not life threatening. Stay




dcwilso@... wrote:

> From: dcwilso@...


> Hello:


> My name is Don and my spouse, Bettie Jo, is the PLS person

> in our household. I am glad that you have found the site. You will

> find a great deal of information available from our members. There is


> another source for PLS information. Dr. Levy, Ph.D., has

> published the PLS Newsletter for 15 years. You can reach him at

> 73112.611@.... Please make contact with him.


> I personally feel that we have an obligation to educate others about

> PLS. Because of that, when asked, Bettie Jo and I will usually

> explain

> that the problem is PLS and follow that with a very short explanation

> of the disease.


> PLS seems to manifest itself differently within each individual.

> There

> seems not to be two people who have the exact same symptoms att he

> same stage or progression. You have already made one important

> choice, that being to begin using a cane. One absolute is trauma

> (falls,

> illness, stress) caused the progression to accelerate.


> Ask any questions. Someone will always have an answer. However,

> sometimes those answers are questioned by others. I personally feel

> that this is also a positive with PLS-FRIENDS. Different things work

> with different people. The trick is to find what works best for you.

> There are treatments for the symptoms, and methods to attach the

> disease itself. These methods range from exercise, megadoses of

> vitamines, biofeedback, a supper positive attitude, and some drug

> therapies.


> I personally don't know of anyone from the Pacific northwest, but

> there well may be someone. Dr. Levy's newsletter has a much larger

> circulation than PLS-FRIENDS. Dr. Levy can check his list for folks

> in

> you area.


> Take care.


> Don

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

> [

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