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Say NO to Big Media

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This is important because the media is skewing what the public knows about breast implants in favor of their advertisers! - Rogene Subject: thought you'd be interested FW: Say NO to Big MediaDate: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 17:24:01 -0500Rogene,This is again from consumers reports, union, etc. All nonprofit publishers. Last time the links didn't open properly when I tried to forward it, so I'm forwarding the whole thing this time. Please though, if you will, remove my email identifiers to protect my address. (I'm amazed that after sharing humor with friends only... how my new email address is being exposed to spam. That's precisely why as a courtesy to others, I remove all other addresses.) Thanks,

aka FlamingoFrom: Consumers Union Reply-Consumers Union cynthiagwhite@...Subject: Say NO to Big MediaDate: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 07:20:04 -0500 (CDT)Hear Us Now!A project of Consumers Union, nonprofit publisher of Consumer ReportsDear ,A few huge media companies already control most of what you see ontelevision, hear on the radio, and read in the newspaper. Now if someof the bureaucrats in Washington have their way, these mediabehemoths, such as Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., could get evenbigger and more powerful.The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has begun rewritinglong-standing rules meant to keep a single company from buying up toomany television stations, radio stations and newspapers in individualmarkets and they are asking for the public's comments on thesepossible changes. The new rules are

likely to result in even moremedia consolidation and less diversity in local news and entertainmentchoices. That's bad news for consumers and American democracy.Right now, the FCC is seeking comments from the public. Let'sgive them what they asked for, send in your comments and tell the FCCto stop media consolidation.http://cu.convio.net/site/R?i=spGMSBftERkTyIBDhewk4g..When a single big media company can own most of the radio and TVstations and local newspapers in town, less attention gets paid tocommunity needs, fewer voices and opinions are aired, and the amountand quality of local news suffers.Be part of the official record and urge the FCC to preserve mediaownership rules that help foster local news competition, ensurediversity, and feed democracy.http://cu.convio.net/site/R?i=rhxUCXeT_MK7lUcpmjCNWA..Thank you, JindrichHearUsNow.orgA project of Consumers Union506 West

14th Street, Suite AAustin, TX 78701You have 30 Consumer Power Points!Earn more points.http://cu.convio.net/site/R?i=OmUn7y_7LLEt_Qhe8sApeA..What are Power Points? Learn more!http://cu.convio.net/site/R?i=9s8sy3bN-0kGXyNgtQnDiQ..Donate |http://cu.convio.net/site/R?i=ioTcMDyVFOLggvN6Znwu4A..Your Privacy |http://cu.convio.net/site/R?i=GX-s3R3ex1jx4PJYOoftew..Change Email Preferences |http://cu.convio.net/site/CO?i=WZpKKBQejvkNt_A5PPrO-EbNfvn2zIr7 & cid=0About Consumers Unionhttp://cu.convio.net/site/R?i=ZLgLX66gk3ubriiB83ZXXw..If you want to update your contact information please click here.Scroll down and enter (in the "Email me my password" box) your username, which is cynthiagwhite@... and your email address,then we'll email you your password and you can log in to change yourinformation. If you have any problems, please contact us byreplying to

this email.http://cu.convio.net/site/R?i=gUYtl1nidwcKGnHtPXMohw..Unsubscribe from receiving email, or change your email preferences.http://cu.convio.net/site/CO?i=7R4fnkYxJsQ5s_BXXucTQNhk25BRlCLa & cid=0

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