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Rep. DeLauro statement on implants

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Zuckerman <dz@...> wrote: From: " Zuckerman" <dz@...><ifriends@...>Subject: Rep. DeLauro statement on implantsDate: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 22:37:57 -0500 There are Members of Congress who care about what happened to you and we will work with them. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Kate CyrulFriday, November 17, 2006(202) 225-3661 DeLauro: Science

Ignored Again as FDA Approves Silicone Gel Implants WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congresswoman L. DeLauro (Conn.-3) today issued thefollowing statement upon learning that the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) had approved silicone breast implants. DeLauro is the author ofhttp://www.house.gov/delauro/press/2006/September/FDA_Women_09_21_06.html>The FDA Scientific Fairness for Women Act, which requires manufacturers todemonstrate the safety of breast implants prior to the approval of theirapplications. She is also the ranking member of the House AppropriationsAgriculture Subcommittee, with jurisdiction and oversight responsibilitiesof the FDA and its budget. In the 110th Congress, DeLauro will likelybecome the chairwoman of this subcommittee. "FDA's decision to approve the use of silicone breast implants is verydisturbing given the unproven safety record of these devices and recentallegations that one of the manufacturers failed to submit important safetydata to the FDA. This appears to be yet another example of the FDAdismissing scientific evidence in order to appease corporate interests. "When Congress reconvenes next session, it must examine the agency'sapproval process and ensure that the FDA makes decisions based on scienceand not on corporate and political considerations." In 2000, FDA's own researchers found that 69 percent of women with siliconebreast implants that were an average age of 17 years experienced ruptures,and 21 percent experienced leaks. ###www.house.gov/delauro No virus found in this incoming

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