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Re: Re: The Breast Implant Industry is Dancing in the Streets

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It is unfair how they are getting away with these things. There is so much injustice in the world. It's really sad! But we know what their end is! It's not good!

It is somewhat of a mystery how God deals with things, but I think He's given us plenty of clues in His Word. Jesus calls Satan the "prince of this world" in 12:31, and Satan himself says in Luke 4: 5-7 that all the authority and splendor of the kingdoms of the world were given to him. We have to assume that he was given them by God Himself, because God is omnipotent--He owns it all! So, if Satan has authority over the kingdoms of the world, it's not too hard to figure out what he's going to do with it....he comes to steal, kill and destroy, but sometimes does that looking like an angel of light. Ah, he's no good!

But God has a plan that is being played out. I have to believe that that plan included the redemption of mankind, but it wasn't a flashy redemption. The mysteries of the Gospel are such that men have to search for God with their whole hearts, and search deep into their soul to find Him. He promises to be found by us when we search with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.

So, getting back to the things of this world, mankind has just been given over to their depravity. That's the big picture! There are sure alot of people who thumb their noses at God and push Him out of their lives, there's no doubt about that. That just leaves room for the devil to have his way, doesn't it? God doesn't hang around where He is not wanted, and boy, that just gives the devil all kinds of fun. I think the devil is having a good ol' time right now and according to the Word of God, he is going to be getting his way alot in the end times. But God is just waiting, patiently waiting for that final day of redemption. He is not going to rush into it, but waits patiently for people to turn their hearts to Him. He sees our pain, and He sees our suffering and He just says, "Hold on, dear one, just a little longer....I'm

coming someday with judgement, but just have faith for the moment...hold on."

says in Romans 8:18, "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."

Can you imagine what awaits us???? Oh, I can hardly wait to see! We'll finally be rid of these bodies of death and have bodies of life!

I absolutely LOVE the image that Revelation 19:11 gives us of our Victorious, Mighty King of Kings, the slayer of all things evil, Jesus, as he makes His appearance. Yes, He's coming back. Talk about a King of Kings, arriving on a white horse to rescue His people! Wow! And, we will be like Him, with those resurrected bodies. I know I am probably sounding like a crazy person to alot of you, but well, you'll just have to read the Bible for yourself if you don't believe me. It's up to you what you want to do with it, but as for me, I'm believing GOD and His Word!

Sunny, you got me started! You all should know better than that by now!


Sounds like you had a fun day....I think clowning sounds like a perfect career for you!


The Breast Implant Industry is Dancing in > the Streets> > > > The Humantics Foundation and Breast Implant Awareness.org is very > sad to share the news that the FDA has caved ...> > > > > > > > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted> > Hinesberg Journal, Canada - 4 minutes ago> > By ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The > government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast > implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the > devices available to ... > > > >

FDA OKs wide sales of silicone breast implants> > Reuters.uk, UK - 4 minutes ago> > WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mentor Corp. and Allergan Inc. have won US > approval to return silicone-gel breast implants to widespread sales > for the first time since 1992, US health officials said on Friday.> > > > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted> > Biloxi Sun Herald, USA - 8 minutes ago> > AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on > silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety > concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women > who have clamored for them.> > > > FDA lifting 14-year virtual ban on breast implants> > Los Angeles Times, CA - 9 minutes ago> > From AP. WASHINGTON -- The government ended a 14-year virtual ban > on silicone-gel breast implants today despite lingering safety

> concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women > who have clamored for them.> > > > Ban Lifted on Silicone Gel Implants> > 6abc.com, PA - 10 minutes ago> > WASHINGTON (AP) - November 17, 2006 - The government ended a 14-> year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite > lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of > thousands of women who have clamored for them.> > > > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted> > Belleville News-Democrat, IL - 10 minutes ago> > AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on > silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety > concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women > who have clamored for them.> > > > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted> > Ely Times,

USA - 10 minutes ago> > By ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The > government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast > implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the > devices available to ... > > > > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted> > Contra Costa Times, CA - 12 minutes ago> > AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on > silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety > concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women > who have clamored for them.> > > > Silicone implants are back> > CNNMoney.com - 12 minutes ago> > By , CNNMoney.com staff writer. The blessing from the > Food and Drug Administration provides a boon to two California-based > companies, Allergan (up $1.76 to $112.50, Charts) of Irvine,

which > owns the implant maker Inamed, and rival Mentor Corp.> > > > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted> > Wilkes Barre Times-Leader, PA - 13 minutes ago> > AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on > silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety > concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women > who have clamored for them.> > > > Ban On Silicone Breast Implants Lifted> > WRAL.com, NC - 13 minutes ago> > WASHINGTON -- The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on > silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety > concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women > who have clamored for them.> > > > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted> > Chicago Tribune, United States - 13 minutes ago> > By ANDREW

BRIDGES. AP Writer. WASHINGTON -- The government ended a > 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite > lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of > thousands of women who have clamored for them.> > > > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted> > Kentucky.com, KY - 13 minutes ago> > AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on > silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety > concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women > who have clamored for them.> > > > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted> > Brocktown News, USA - 14 minutes ago> > By ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The > government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast > implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the >

devices available to ... > > > > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted> > Miami Herald, FL - 15 minutes ago> > AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on > silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety > concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women > who have clamored for them.> > > > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted> > San Mercury News, USA - 16 minutes ago> > AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on > silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety > concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women > who have clamored for them.> >>

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Now there is a delightful image! It makes me laugh to think of a whole crowd of us pummeling the FDA guru's, the plastic surgeons and manufacturers with our yucky, moldy and gross, stinking implants! I've needed to laugh lately...thanks for that!


Re: The Breast Implant Industry is Dancing in the Streets

Patty, I do believe, and some days it just seems unfair that they are getting away with all this. It is very frustrating and mysterious how God deals with things. I have a vigilante "imaginary friend" that I'd like to send their way. Oh, oh....no revenge, Sunny ! LOLI have cartoon visions of all of us taking our explanted bags - full of mold and chemicals and "egging" the bldgs. of Mentor and Inamed. THAT would make the news! Then we would be charged with exposing them with toxic chemicals!! And we'd end up in jail, where they belong. Oh, forgive me....I need to laugh or I'll cry. And staying angry just makes the pain worse. I dressed up as a clown today for Emma's 4th birthday to lighten up my day and hopefully a few others. No one expected it, so it was fun.I love you all.....keep up the good fight!Sunny :)


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