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Re: Had meeting w/ 1st PS

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Sharron . . . I love his remark that he's done "thousands of capsulectomies" . . . BS! . . . I also love your Mercedes remark! . . . Also . . . when interviewing these docs, ask to see "after" pictures of their explant work. Rogene

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> Sharron . . .


> I love his remark that he's done " thousands of

capsulectomies " . . . BS! . . .


> I also love your Mercedes remark! . . .


> Also . . . when interviewing these docs, ask to see " after "

pictures of their explant work.


> Rogene



That is a good one although mine said he didn't have any photos bu is

doing the study, someone here said that they knew people that had

taken pictures before I was there, but the PS didn't have any to show

when I asked.

They don't always tell the truth, These Doctors act so shocked Like

this is the first they are hearing of this stuff, they are just

trying to save their income from putting thses in,



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I think that was the one thing I forgot to ask him...but honestly, in

my gut, I was not too keen on him at that point. I will ask about

that in the future....


> Sharron . . .


> I love his remark that he's done " thousands of

capsulectomies " . . . BS! . . .


> I also love your Mercedes remark! . . .


> Also . . . when interviewing these docs, ask to see " after "

pictures of their explant work.


> Rogene


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This is great, thank you thak you! Thank you for sharing your

experience. Yes, I definitely won't be going back to him.


> emerald....


> ok..... Good Lord is all I can say...

> I read your fist post and just had to wipe the water I was

drinking and

> consequently spit out all over my computer monitor..... it was

deja-vu... I am

> wondering, by the way, if we live in the same town..... don't

mention any doc

> names please.....


> OK - Remember - All I am about to say is my opinion based on my


> experience with my PS but I have been here a few years and have

also have had my

> share of BAD experiences during my implant nightmare.... also


> that I am still very ill... this is why I am trying so hard to

convince others

> not to make the same mistakes I did and get the best help out

there..... all

> based on stories I have heard from other doctors and women that

have had great

> results - not myself


> #1 Not putting you out w/ General anesthesia? a big red flag....


> #2 1/2 hour in and out - what is he a fast food plastic surgeon?

does he

> get paid by the minute? as far as I know a good explant should

take at least 2

> hours or so at least from what I understand - with a lift maybe



> #3 not removing the capsules? a super big no-no.... every doc

should remove

> this - many women remain ill after the implants have been removed

because of

> this... the scar tissue can contain pieces of the silicone shell

that has

> rubbed off, mold or bacteria that has leaked out of the implant -

all kinds of

> crap - get those removed!!!!


> #4 drains - I for one did not have a doc that used these.....not

such a good

> idea....

> I did find one that did the general anesthesia.... he removed


> capsules (supposedly)...

> he took his time - no problem there - did a great job too as

I looked

> great but did not

> use drains.... I ended up 2 days after surgery having 1

breast start to

> swell and look

> weird... then went to him and after he unwrapped it, it

looked like it

> was implanted again...

> turns out the " pocket " was collecting fluid - a hematoma that

had to be

> manually

> drained - basically the area filled w/ blood and fluid and he

went in w/

> a huge needle - no

> anesthesia and drained it - 80cc's of fluid he got out... he

had to do

> this 2 separate

> times. it was painful and it sucked for a lack of better



> Later, After sending the implants off the be analyzed, I found

they both

> were horribly contaminated and leaking - (the doctor noticed this

one the left

> one BEFORE I SENT THEM OFF), and filled with all types of mold,

etc.... the

> junk that was being removed w/ his syringe from not having drains


> would have been draining constantly and was probably full of this

garbage and a

> lot of it I am sure got absorbed into my system and caused a lot

of the

> issues I am having today... GET DRAINS... ALL THE NASTY POISON







> I will also add this tidbit.. anybody with this attitude, saying

it would

> only be half an hour, no drains, much less pain with an

exchange... he sounds

> like a typical $$$ hound to me - not caring for your needs... keep

in mind....

> when I went in - maybe it has changed in the last 3 years but I

doubt it....

> if you got a removal they just get what you pay them less all the

> expenses.... if they get an exchange, they bill the implant

company and get all their $$

> back as they are a lifetime guarantee.... this is what a girl in


> original Ps's office told me a while back... the MFG pay all

expenses for

> replacements so this is why they push them - was so right? I

don't know - maybe it was

> just the doc I went to... maybe he still doesn't practice that

way... I just

> wanted to know why I was treated so badly when I asked for

removal when he

> had treated me so well the three times before when I had other

> complications/replacements- this is what she told me..... just be



> I would be very aware of anyone who offered explant in a short

time without

> capsule removal and General... sounds a little fishy to me - just

do your

> homework - weirder things have happened. Hindsight is 20/20...you

DO NOT want

> to be me in 2-3 years.... am in very bad shape...


> again - all this is my opinion - I am in no way telling you what

to do -

> just sharing my experience with you in hopes of keeping you from

my mistakes....

> your doctor could be completely fine and on the up and up - just


> what happened with mine so you do your research


> best of luck to you

> shari


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. . . You've got that right . . . These guys KNOW . . . but they don't want YOU to know! . . . I'd love to know what they REALLY think of women! Rogene Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote: >> Sharron . . . > > I love his remark that he's done "thousands of capsulectomies"

.. . . BS! . . . > > I also love your Mercedes remark! . . . > > Also . . . when interviewing these docs, ask to see "after" pictures of their explant work.> > Rogene>Rogene,That is a good one although mine said he didn't have any photos bu is doing the study, someone here said that they knew people that had taken pictures before I was there, but the PS didn't have any to show when I asked.They don't always tell the truth, These Doctors act so shocked Like this is the first they are hearing of this stuff, they are just trying to save their income from putting thses in, TerriAloha

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Red flag here, and oh, it makes me so mad when doctors say that scar tissue will eventually disintegrate in your body....there is NO EVIDENCE that this is true! That is just a bunch of BS, and in fact, there are articles regarding the dangers associated with retained scar tissue! This doctor seriously needs some education on the subject.... Next! Time to move on.... PattyEmerald Kittee <emeraldkittee@...> wrote: hi ladies!I had my meeting with the PS. I would love

comments on the info I received. It wasn't as bad as thought it would be, and let me say first off, I wouldn't have known a thing had I not found you all. He stared off by saying I was a rare person who wanted them out totally but that was no problem and sounds like I had thought it out.I didn't mention enbloc initially - wanted to give him time to say what he'd naturally say. He said 'that is very easy - we wouldn't have to put you fully under, which is good, and it would take about 1/2 hour, you'd walk out of here like nothing much happened. You could be back to normal activities in a week'I then asked 'so you don't do them enbloc?' and he said 'no, no, in your case there is no need to removed the capsule' I asked him why not and he responded with 'the capsule is essentially YOU, it's your scar tissue, and will eventually disintigrate in your body; Now if you were ruptured, leaking,had contracture, it

would be a different story'I countered with 'and if a capsulectomy is important to me, how do you feel about that?' He proceded to say 'absolutely, I have done thousands of them, and if for some reason psychologically you want it all out, we can do that. But, why put yourself under a greater risk of full anesthisa, more bleeding, and more recovery if you don't have to.' I confirmed that it was important to me for my mental well being and asked him how many he has done, etc. He told me it would take at least an hour and a half (I know you all say should be at least 2 hrs)This is the point I want comments on - I asked if he used drains and he said 'no, no, I don't need drains with you'. Could that be true in my case? or not?Other points he made were - I would not be a candidate for a lift at all (I asked) , and they should return to their A status (From C cup); My pain would be far less than if I got

an implant exchange. He noticed one was hanging a bit lower/folded a bit differently - I noticed it too recently.His assistant will call me Tuesday - I have more questions for her and want to confirm I can get copy of operating report etc. They gave me two quotes one w/ capsulectomy and one without. It's a grand more for that, which, of course, I would do.So, that is the scoop. Once I have the drain questions answered I could make a better decison on him; am waiting on hearing back from 2 others as well. He was respectful/unflappable about my needs, which was good - I was prepared to walk out if I got attitude. It was verrry weird to be there though - all these lovely women in the waiting room, and wanted to grab them and drag them to lunch saying 'you're fine, honey, you are beautiful as you are!' but it wasn't the place to launch a PR campaign lol. My dear boyfriend came with and, referencing the

video they were playing, showing a woman's Before and After breast shots, scoffed and said rather loudly, 'look! there is nothing wrong with her in the first place! I think she looked FINE'and then he mumbled 'this is all b.s.' I burst out laughing. Thought that was pretty great. You know why I feel better today? Because I have STARTED the process, the 'interviewing' if you will, and because I am informed, and will continue to educate myself.

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