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Re: The Breast Implant Industry is Dancing in the Streets

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Interesting timing - before the new Congress takes power...


> The Humantics Foundation and Breast Implant Awareness.org

> <http://www.BreastImplantAwareness.org>is very sad to share the news that

> the FDA has caved ...



> Ban on silicone breast implants

> lifted<http://www.newsone.ca/hinesbergjournal/ViewArticle.aspx?

id=27042 & source=2>

> Hinesberg Journal, Canada - 4 minutes ago

> By ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The government

> ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite

> lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to ...

> FDA OKs wide sales of silicone breast

> implants<http://today.reuters.co.uk/news/newsArticle.aspx?

type=healthNews & storyID=2006-11-17T221441Z_01_WBT006224_RTRIDST_0_HEALTH-

IMPLANTS-DC.XML & WTmodLoc=SciHealth-C4-Health-4>

> Reuters.uk, UK - 4 minutes ago

> WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mentor Corp. and Allergan Inc. have won US approval

> to return silicone-gel breast implants to widespread sales for the first

> time since 1992, US health officials said on Friday.

> Ban on silicone breast implants

> lifted<http://www.sunherald.com/mld/sunherald/news/politics/16040234.htm>

> Biloxi Sun Herald, USA - 8 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel

> breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices

> available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

> FDA lifting 14-year virtual ban on breast





> Los Angeles Times, CA - 9 minutes ago

> From AP. WASHINGTON -- The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

> silicone-gel breast implants today despite lingering safety concerns, making

> the devices available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for

> them.

> Ban Lifted on Silicone Gel

> Implants<http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=healthcheck & id=4773237>

> 6abc.com, PA - 10 minutes ago

> WASHINGTON (AP) - November 17, 2006 - The government ended a 14-year virtual

> ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

> concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women who

> have clamored for them.

> Ban on silicone breast implants



> Belleville News-Democrat, IL - 10 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel

> breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices

> available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

> Ban on silicone breast implants

> lifted<http://www.localnewsleader.com/elytimes/stories/index.php?

action=fullnews & id=27042>

> Ely Times, USA - 10 minutes ago

> By ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The government

> ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite

> lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to ...

> Ban on silicone breast implants

> lifted<http://www.contracostatimes.com/mld/cctimes/news/politics/16040234.htm>

> Contra Costa Times, CA - 12 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel

> breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices

> available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

> <http://money.cnn.com/2006/11/17/news/companies/silicone/> Silicone

> implants are back <http://money.cnn.com/2006/11/17/news/companies/silicone/>

> CNNMoney.com - 12 minutes ago

> By , CNNMoney.com staff writer. The blessing from the Food and

> Drug Administration provides a boon to two California-based companies,

> Allergan (up $1.76 to $112.50, Charts) of Irvine, which owns the implant

> maker Inamed, and rival Mentor Corp.

> Ban on silicone breast implants

> lifted<http://www.timesleader.com/mld/timesleader/living/health/16040234.htm>

> Wilkes Barre Times-Leader, PA - 13 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel

> breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices

> available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

> Ban On Silicone Breast Implants

> Lifted<http://www.wral.com/aphealthandwellnewsnews/10347252/detail.html>

> WRAL.com, NC - 13 minutes ago

> WASHINGTON -- The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel

> breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices

> available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

> Ban on silicone breast implants

> lifted<http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/chi-061117breast-implants,


> Chicago Tribune, United States - 13 minutes ago

> By ANDREW BRIDGES. AP Writer. WASHINGTON -- The government ended a 14-year

> virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

> concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women who

> have clamored for them.

> Ban on silicone breast implants

> lifted<http://www.kentucky.com/mld/kentucky/news/politics/16040234.htm>

> Kentucky.com, KY - 13 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel

> breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices

> available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

> Ban on silicone breast implants

> lifted<http://www.localnewsleader.com/brocktown/stories/index.php?

action=fullnews & id=27042>

> Brocktown News, USA - 14 minutes ago

> By ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The government

> ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite

> lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to ...

> Ban on silicone breast implants

> lifted<http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/living/health/16040234.htm>

> Miami Herald, FL - 15 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel

> breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices

> available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

> Ban on silicone breast implants

> lifted<http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/living/health/16040234.htm>

> San Mercury News, USA - 16 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel

> breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices

> available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.


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This is so incredibly sad, as I think of the new numbers of women who will suffer, and even more so, the new numbers of children who will be born to women who have implants and suffer mysterious and long term maladies that the doctors will not be able to understand.

While I was praying today, and before I knew that the ban was lifted, my thoughts turned over and over again to a phrase in my mind....The Voice of the Victims. When will we be heard?

The Victims are really the only ones who are in a position to voice approval or disapproval for these devices. They were the ones who have paid the highest price, and should be the ones to determine if that price is worth it. I would venture to say that all would say NO. They are the ones whose sacrifice should be counted the highest, and be able to say I AM NOT WILLING THAT ANYONE ELSE SHOULD PAY THIS SAME PRICE. To not hear our voice is to say that our suffering and our very lives have been counted as worthless. It is to toss us aside and trample us in the dirt.

SHAME ON the FDA!!!!!


And now, Id like to share the wisdom God has given us in His Word. It is the only thing that is eternal, strong, mighty, and powerful. God's Word is truth. Hear this, and meditate on this, and have peace:

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him;

Do not fret when men succeed in their ways,

when they carry out their wicked schemes.

Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;

do not fret--it leads only to evil.

For evil men will be cut off,

but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.

Psalm 37: 7-9

Ladies, we will someday inherit the land, by God's grace.

God bless us all,


The Breast Implant Industry is Dancing in the Streets

The Humantics Foundation and Breast Implant Awareness.org is very sad to share the news that the FDA has caved ...

Ban on silicone breast implants liftedHinesberg Journal, Canada - 4 minutes agoBy ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to ...

FDA OKs wide sales of silicone breast implantsReuters.uk, UK - 4 minutes agoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mentor Corp. and Allergan Inc. have won US approval to return silicone-gel breast implants to widespread sales for the first time since 1992, US health officials said on Friday.

Ban on silicone breast implants liftedBiloxi Sun Herald, USA - 8 minutes agoAP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

FDA lifting 14-year virtual ban on breast implantsLos Angeles Times, CA - 9 minutes agoFrom AP. WASHINGTON -- The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants today despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

Ban Lifted on Silicone Gel Implants6abc.com, PA - 10 minutes agoWASHINGTON (AP) - November 17, 2006 - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

Ban on silicone breast implants liftedBelleville News-Democrat, IL - 10 minutes agoAP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

Ban on silicone breast implants liftedEly Times, USA - 10 minutes agoBy ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to ...

Ban on silicone breast implants liftedContra Costa Times, CA - 12 minutes agoAP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

Silicone implants are backCNNMoney.com - 12 minutes agoBy , CNNMoney.com staff writer. The blessing from the Food and Drug Administration provides a boon to two California-based companies, Allergan (up $1.76 to $112.50, Charts) of Irvine, which owns the implant maker Inamed, and rival Mentor Corp.

Ban on silicone breast implants liftedWilkes Barre Times-Leader, PA - 13 minutes agoAP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

Ban On Silicone Breast Implants LiftedWRAL.com, NC - 13 minutes agoWASHINGTON -- The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

Ban on silicone breast implants liftedChicago Tribune, United States - 13 minutes agoBy ANDREW BRIDGES. AP Writer. WASHINGTON -- The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

Ban on silicone breast implants liftedKentucky.com, KY - 13 minutes agoAP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

Ban on silicone breast implants liftedBrocktown News, USA - 14 minutes agoBy ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to ...

Ban on silicone breast implants liftedMiami Herald, FL - 15 minutes agoAP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

Ban on silicone breast implants liftedSan Mercury News, USA - 16 minutes agoAP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

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Yep, I was thinking the same thing. The numbers of women who need

our help will increase after this announcement, because you know

that people will be saying " the FDA says they're safe " , and the

numbers of implant surgeries will increase. Plus who knows what

else has been added to the mix in order to make these " new "

silicones thicker. I'm sure the pro-implant sites are ecstatic, but

we know that eventually we'll be meeting even more women in need.

Hang on to your hats, ladies.



> This is so incredibly sad, as I think of the new numbers of women

who will suffer, and even more so, the new numbers of children who

will be born to women who have implants and suffer mysterious and

long term maladies that the doctors will not be able to understand.


> While I was praying today, and before I knew that the ban was

lifted, my thoughts turned over and over again to a phrase in my

mind....The Voice of the Victims. When will we be heard?


> The Victims are really the only ones who are in a position to

voice approval or disapproval for these devices. They were the ones

who have paid the highest price, and should be the ones to determine

if that price is worth it. I would venture to say that all would

say NO. They are the ones whose sacrifice should be counted the

highest, and be able to say I AM NOT WILLING THAT ANYONE ELSE SHOULD

PAY THIS SAME PRICE. To not hear our voice is to say that our

suffering and our very lives have been counted as worthless. It is

to toss us aside and trample us in the dirt.


> SHAME ON the FDA!!!!!




> And now, Id like to share the wisdom God has given us in His

Word. It is the only thing that is eternal, strong, mighty, and

powerful. God's Word is truth. Hear this, and meditate on this, and

have peace:


> Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him;

> Do not fret when men succeed in their ways,

> when they carry out their wicked schemes.


> Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;

> do not fret--it leads only to evil.


> For evil men will be cut off,

> but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.


> Psalm 37: 7-9


> Ladies, we will someday inherit the land, by God's grace.

> God bless us all,

> Patty







> The Breast Implant Industry is Dancing in

the Streets


> The Humantics Foundation and Breast Implant Awareness.org is very

sad to share the news that the FDA has caved ...




> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Hinesberg Journal, Canada - 4 minutes ago

> By ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The

government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast

implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the

devices available to ...


> FDA OKs wide sales of silicone breast implants

> Reuters.uk, UK - 4 minutes ago

> WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mentor Corp. and Allergan Inc. have won US

approval to return silicone-gel breast implants to widespread sales

for the first time since 1992, US health officials said on Friday.


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Biloxi Sun Herald, USA - 8 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


> FDA lifting 14-year virtual ban on breast implants

> Los Angeles Times, CA - 9 minutes ago

> From AP. WASHINGTON -- The government ended a 14-year virtual ban

on silicone-gel breast implants today despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


> Ban Lifted on Silicone Gel Implants

> 6abc.com, PA - 10 minutes ago

> WASHINGTON (AP) - November 17, 2006 - The government ended a 14-

year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite

lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of

thousands of women who have clamored for them.


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Belleville News-Democrat, IL - 10 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Ely Times, USA - 10 minutes ago

> By ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The

government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast

implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the

devices available to ...


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Contra Costa Times, CA - 12 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


> Silicone implants are back

> CNNMoney.com - 12 minutes ago

> By , CNNMoney.com staff writer. The blessing from the

Food and Drug Administration provides a boon to two California-based

companies, Allergan (up $1.76 to $112.50, Charts) of Irvine, which

owns the implant maker Inamed, and rival Mentor Corp.


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Wilkes Barre Times-Leader, PA - 13 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


> Ban On Silicone Breast Implants Lifted

> WRAL.com, NC - 13 minutes ago

> WASHINGTON -- The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Chicago Tribune, United States - 13 minutes ago

> By ANDREW BRIDGES. AP Writer. WASHINGTON -- The government ended a

14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite

lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of

thousands of women who have clamored for them.


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Kentucky.com, KY - 13 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Brocktown News, USA - 14 minutes ago

> By ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The

government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast

implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the

devices available to ...


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Miami Herald, FL - 15 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> San Mercury News, USA - 16 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


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I will continue to confess God's Word in this issue! Ilena, this is

for you!

" You have said, 'It is futile to serve God. What did we gain by

carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before

the Lord Almighty? But now we call the arrogant blessed. Certainly

the evildoers prosper and even those who challenge God escape.' "

Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord

listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his

presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name.

" They will be mine, " says the Lord, " in the day when I make up my

treasured possession. I will spare them, just as in compassion a

man spares his son who serves him. And you will again see the

distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who

serve God and those who do not.

" Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the

arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and that day that is

coming will set them on fire, " says the Lord Almighty. " Not a root

or a branch will be left to them. But for you who revere my name ,

the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And

you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. Then

you will trample down the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles

of your feet on the day when I do these things, " says the Lord


Malachi 3:14-18, 4:1-3

Ladies, you don't have to be a believer in order for these words to

come true. They are going to come true whether you believe them or

not, so take heart and be of good courage!



> Id like to share the wisdom God has given us in His Word. It is

the only thing that is eternal, strong, mighty, and powerful. God's

Word is truth. Hear this, and meditate on this, and have peace:


> Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him;

> Do not fret when men succeed in their ways,

> when they carry out their wicked schemes.


> Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;

> do not fret--it leads only to evil.


> For evil men will be cut off,

> but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.


> Psalm 37: 7-9


> Ladies, we will someday inherit the land, by God's grace.

> God bless us all,

> Patty







> The Breast Implant Industry is Dancing in

the Streets


> The Humantics Foundation and Breast Implant Awareness.org is very

sad to share the news that the FDA has caved ...




> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Hinesberg Journal, Canada - 4 minutes ago

> By ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The

government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast

implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the

devices available to ...


> FDA OKs wide sales of silicone breast implants

> Reuters.uk, UK - 4 minutes ago

> WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mentor Corp. and Allergan Inc. have won US

approval to return silicone-gel breast implants to widespread sales

for the first time since 1992, US health officials said on Friday.


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Biloxi Sun Herald, USA - 8 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


> FDA lifting 14-year virtual ban on breast implants

> Los Angeles Times, CA - 9 minutes ago

> From AP. WASHINGTON -- The government ended a 14-year virtual ban

on silicone-gel breast implants today despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


> Ban Lifted on Silicone Gel Implants

> 6abc.com, PA - 10 minutes ago

> WASHINGTON (AP) - November 17, 2006 - The government ended a 14-

year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite

lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of

thousands of women who have clamored for them.


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Belleville News-Democrat, IL - 10 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Ely Times, USA - 10 minutes ago

> By ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The

government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast

implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the

devices available to ...


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Contra Costa Times, CA - 12 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


> Silicone implants are back

> CNNMoney.com - 12 minutes ago

> By , CNNMoney.com staff writer. The blessing from the

Food and Drug Administration provides a boon to two California-based

companies, Allergan (up $1.76 to $112.50, Charts) of Irvine, which

owns the implant maker Inamed, and rival Mentor Corp.


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Wilkes Barre Times-Leader, PA - 13 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


> Ban On Silicone Breast Implants Lifted

> WRAL.com, NC - 13 minutes ago

> WASHINGTON -- The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Chicago Tribune, United States - 13 minutes ago

> By ANDREW BRIDGES. AP Writer. WASHINGTON -- The government ended a

14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite

lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of

thousands of women who have clamored for them.


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Kentucky.com, KY - 13 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Brocktown News, USA - 14 minutes ago

> By ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The

government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast

implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the

devices available to ...


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> Miami Herald, FL - 15 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


> Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> San Mercury News, USA - 16 minutes ago

> AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women

who have clamored for them.


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Patty, I do believe, and some days it just seems unfair that they are

getting away with all this. It is very frustrating and mysterious how

God deals with things. I have a vigilante " imaginary friend " that

I'd like to send their way. Oh, oh....no revenge, Sunny ! LOL

I have cartoon visions of all of us taking our explanted bags - full

of mold and chemicals and " egging " the bldgs. of Mentor and Inamed.

THAT would make the news! Then we would be charged with exposing

them with toxic chemicals!! And we'd end up in jail, where they

belong. Oh, forgive me....I need to laugh or I'll cry. And staying

angry just makes the pain worse.

I dressed up as a clown today for Emma's 4th birthday to lighten up

my day and hopefully a few others. No one expected it, so it was fun.

I love you all.....keep up the good fight!

Sunny :)

> >

> > Id like to share the wisdom God has given us in His Word. It is

> the only thing that is eternal, strong, mighty, and powerful.


> Word is truth. Hear this, and meditate on this, and have peace:

> >

> > Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him;

> > Do not fret when men succeed in their ways,

> > when they carry out their wicked schemes.

> >

> > Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;

> > do not fret--it leads only to evil.

> >

> > For evil men will be cut off,

> > but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.

> >

> > Psalm 37: 7-9

> >

> > Ladies, we will someday inherit the land, by God's grace.

> > God bless us all,

> > Patty

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > The Breast Implant Industry is Dancing


> the Streets

> >

> > The Humantics Foundation and Breast Implant Awareness.org is very

> sad to share the news that the FDA has caved ...

> >

> >

> >

> > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> > Hinesberg Journal, Canada - 4 minutes ago

> > By ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The

> government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast

> implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the

> devices available to ...

> >

> > FDA OKs wide sales of silicone breast implants

> > Reuters.uk, UK - 4 minutes ago

> > WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mentor Corp. and Allergan Inc. have won US

> approval to return silicone-gel breast implants to widespread sales

> for the first time since 1992, US health officials said on Friday.

> >

> > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> > Biloxi Sun Herald, USA - 8 minutes ago

> > AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

> silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

> concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of


> who have clamored for them.

> >

> > FDA lifting 14-year virtual ban on breast implants

> > Los Angeles Times, CA - 9 minutes ago

> > From AP. WASHINGTON -- The government ended a 14-year virtual ban

> on silicone-gel breast implants today despite lingering safety

> concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of


> who have clamored for them.

> >

> > Ban Lifted on Silicone Gel Implants

> > 6abc.com, PA - 10 minutes ago

> > WASHINGTON (AP) - November 17, 2006 - The government ended a 14-

> year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite

> lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of

> thousands of women who have clamored for them.

> >

> > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> > Belleville News-Democrat, IL - 10 minutes ago

> > AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

> silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

> concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of


> who have clamored for them.

> >

> > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> > Ely Times, USA - 10 minutes ago

> > By ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The

> government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast

> implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the

> devices available to ...

> >

> > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> > Contra Costa Times, CA - 12 minutes ago

> > AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

> silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

> concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of


> who have clamored for them.

> >

> > Silicone implants are back

> > CNNMoney.com - 12 minutes ago

> > By , CNNMoney.com staff writer. The blessing from the

> Food and Drug Administration provides a boon to two California-


> companies, Allergan (up $1.76 to $112.50, Charts) of Irvine, which

> owns the implant maker Inamed, and rival Mentor Corp.

> >

> > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> > Wilkes Barre Times-Leader, PA - 13 minutes ago

> > AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

> silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

> concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of


> who have clamored for them.

> >

> > Ban On Silicone Breast Implants Lifted

> > WRAL.com, NC - 13 minutes ago

> > WASHINGTON -- The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

> silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

> concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of


> who have clamored for them.

> >

> > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> > Chicago Tribune, United States - 13 minutes ago

> > By ANDREW BRIDGES. AP Writer. WASHINGTON -- The government ended


> 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite

> lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of

> thousands of women who have clamored for them.

> >

> > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> > Kentucky.com, KY - 13 minutes ago

> > AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

> silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

> concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of


> who have clamored for them.

> >

> > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> > Brocktown News, USA - 14 minutes ago

> > By ANDREW BRIDGES, AP Writer 2 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - The

> government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast

> implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the

> devices available to ...

> >

> > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> > Miami Herald, FL - 15 minutes ago

> > AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

> silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

> concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of


> who have clamored for them.

> >

> > Ban on silicone breast implants lifted

> > San Mercury News, USA - 16 minutes ago

> > AP. WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on

> silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety

> concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of


> who have clamored for them.

> >


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