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Re: Now do we have Fibomylagia ?

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There is no blood or urine test for Fibromyalgia--it is usually diagnosed through tender pain points over a period of time. Only your doctor can give you a diagnosis of fibromyalgia.

Yes, implants can bring this on.


Now do we have Fibomylagia ?

So do I now have fibomylagia ? Can implants bring this on ? Do I follow some Fibo thing now ? I'm so confused.... karen

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> So do I now have fibomylagia ? Can implants bring this on ? Do I

follow some

> Fibo thing now ? I'm so confused....karen


I'm sorry you're confused, , and I can truly understand why. I'm

not confused. I almost died because of silicone/platinum/other toxins

as well, I'm sure. I have a disease which is specific to my exposure

to the presence of these bags of shit in my body for 27 years. And I

am permanently damaged neurologically from this experience. I have a

friend who had silicone injections directly into her breasts just

before they came out with implants: HER LOVING HUSBAND is trying to

prove she has alzheimer's and have her 'put away.' She's not got

Alzheimer's! She's just neurologically damaged from silicone--she's

NOT DEMENTED! There has been no concern or research into the illness

we have, very few doctors who have had the guts to put their names and

reputations on the line to treat us, and I believe they have had their

own agendas, too. You will see them fade into the wallpaper now that

WE HAVE BEEN DEFEATED by the powers that be. We're alone, ladies,

just as we always have been. , take your pick of diagnoses. It

doesn't matter what you call it. But we must continue to help each

other with healing the best we can. Because that's all there has

been, all there is, and that's all there's gonna be! Hugs and

blessings, sweetie,

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I have no confusion, either. It is crystal clear to me, that my 20

year old ruptured implants made me desperately ill. I was first

diagnosed with peripheral neuopathy, autoimmune thyroid disease, and

then multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus.

Oh, I was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but my rheumatologist then

didn't even tell me - I found that out by looking at my medical

records. All my doctors had dx me with fibromyalgia, secondary to the

other problems, I guess. I don't know why they did not tell me -

maybe because they figured it was peripheral to everything else that

was going on. I had horrible rashes that I could not get rid of for 5

years. I also had developed hives and went into anaphylactic shock -

so I carried an epipen. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't work. I became

severely depressed.

Then I had my explant. Now it has been two and a half years. My

blood tests are normal. I am working again part time, in my own

practice. I have a life again. The difference is phenomenol.

> >

> > So do I now have fibomylagia ? Can implants bring this on ? Do I

> follow some

> > Fibo thing now ? I'm so confused....karen

> >

> I'm sorry you're confused, , and I can truly understand why. I'm

> not confused. I almost died because of silicone/platinum/other toxins

> as well, I'm sure. I have a disease which is specific to my exposure

> to the presence of these bags of shit in my body for 27 years. And I

> am permanently damaged neurologically from this experience. I have a

> friend who had silicone injections directly into her breasts just

> before they came out with implants: HER LOVING HUSBAND is trying to

> prove she has alzheimer's and have her 'put away.' She's not got

> Alzheimer's! She's just neurologically damaged from silicone--she's

> NOT DEMENTED! There has been no concern or research into the illness

> we have, very few doctors who have had the guts to put their names and

> reputations on the line to treat us, and I believe they have had their

> own agendas, too. You will see them fade into the wallpaper now that

> WE HAVE BEEN DEFEATED by the powers that be. We're alone, ladies,

> just as we always have been. , take your pick of diagnoses. It

> doesn't matter what you call it. But we must continue to help each

> other with healing the best we can. Because that's all there has

> been, all there is, and that's all there's gonna be! Hugs and

> blessings, sweetie,


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Thanks it's just that I'm trying to figure out how to treat myself...I read so much and am told so much, and I'm so desperate to get better,but surely I can't take it or try it all...hahah this is such a hard thing to deal with.

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I don't want the DX I was trying to think if I should treat myself according to this....by the way Patty I know you were a lot worse off than me...can you tell me if your feeling better and what you do or take on a daily basis ? thanks

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I am not sure that I was alot worse off than you, as I never ever had disabling pain at all, and you seem to be dealing with severe pain.

My worst symptoms were brain fog and fatigue. That was my nightmare experience, feeling like an 80 year old woman in a 37 year old body, with absolutely no energy at all, and feeling like my brain was stuffed with cotton.

I never considered fibromyalgia as a possible diagnosis, so I do not share that with many of you, but I do know that detoxing was vital to me! I believe it is to you as well.

However, if you remember correctly, as I've stated so often, I feel really, really good almost all the time now. I was explanted in Feb 1998, so it has been nearly 9 years for me. It took me about 4 years to get to the point where I felt well enough to say I was healed greatly, but I was also diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroid disease, and treating for that made a big difference.

Slowly, very slowly, all of my symptoms disappeared. I felt well enough to travel and do missionary work in September 2003 to the Dominican Republic, and in June 2005 to India, (where we boarded 10 flights in 12 days). It was quite an experience and I survived better than some of my traveling companions!

On a daily basis, I do the following:

Avoid hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, excessive sugar, sodas, coffee, and gluten, and focus on foods in their more natural state. I cook from scratch, and drink raw milk in the form of kefir (about a quart a day). We eat no pork at all, and eat meats that are free range or wild.

Take 1.5 grains of Armour thyroid. (In the morning usually, but I need to start remembering to split it into 2 doses, morning and late afternoon, per Dr. Mercola)

Take supplements:

Garden of Life Primal Defense, Omegazyme, RM-10, FYI, Radical Fruits, Living Multi

Fish Oil

Evening Primrose Oil

Vitamin C

Vitamin E

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Milk Thistle


Chromium Picolinate


Total Bee Plus (Royal Jelly, Propolis)

Get at least 8 hours good sleep, trying to go to bed no later than 10 PM.

Prayer and meditation, reading and studying God's Word (Yes, I consider this a daily part of my healing process, and a very vital one!)

Avoid chemically-laden personal hygiene products, focusing on those that are made from totally natural products.

Things I know I need to do on a daily basis, but am not so good at and need to improve on:

Drinking lots and lots of pure water


Things I do for detoxing on a fairly regular basis:

Take anti-microbial supplements, like Olive leaf extract, raw garlic, oregano oil (given my recent blood test results, I think I need to take these continually)

Coffee enemas

Infrared Sauna sessions


Master Cleanse

Liver flushes

Drink cleansing teas

As for my menopausal symptoms, I have used the creams in the past, then went off, and am starting to use them again and will monitor that carefully.

I'd love to add a weekly massage to my schedule! That would just be heaven....but I just don't have the money to blow on that, and with no pain, I don't think it's vital. But if I had fibromyalgia, I'd definitely do more massages.

If you have any questions, ask away!


Re: Now do we have Fibomylagia ?

I don't want the DX I was trying to think if I should treat myself according to this....by the way Patty I know you were a lot worse off than me...can you tell me if your feeling better and what you do or take on a daily basis ? thanks

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Not that I am having a pitty party here but I have all three,

everything is just slightly better since explant, except the brain

fog has lifted halleluja!!! If that darn fatigue would just go away I

think I can handle all the pain everywhere as I have been dealing

with it for 10 years now. 20 years with the implants and 10 of them I

was sick without a clue in the world. Why does it keep saying there

was a ban on silicone? We all know they are all silicone. And anyone

could have gotten them pretty easy as I understand.

Terri P

-- In , Tricia Trish

<glory2glory1401@...> wrote:


> ,

> I am not sure that I was alot worse off than you, as I never ever

had disabling pain at all, and you seem to be dealing with severe



> My worst symptoms were brain fog and fatigue. That was my

nightmare experience, feeling like an 80 year old woman in a 37 year

old body, with absolutely no energy at all, and feeling like my brain

was stuffed with cotton.


> I never considered fibromyalgia as a possible diagnosis, so I do

not share that with many of you, but I do know that detoxing was

vital to me! I believe it is to you as well.


> However, if you remember correctly, as I've stated so often, I feel

really, really good almost all the time now. I was explanted in Feb

1998, so it has been nearly 9 years for me. It took me about 4 years

to get to the point where I felt well enough to say I was healed

greatly, but I was also diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroid disease,

and treating for that made a big difference.


> Slowly, very slowly, all of my symptoms disappeared. I felt well

enough to travel and do missionary work in September 2003 to the

Dominican Republic, and in June 2005 to India, (where we boarded 10

flights in 12 days). It was quite an experience and I survived better

than some of my traveling companions!


> On a daily basis, I do the following:


> Avoid hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, excessive sugar,

sodas, coffee, and gluten, and focus on foods in their more natural

state. I cook from scratch, and drink raw milk in the form of kefir

(about a quart a day). We eat no pork at all, and eat meats that are

free range or wild.


> Take 1.5 grains of Armour thyroid. (In the morning usually, but I

need to start remembering to split it into 2 doses, morning and late

afternoon, per Dr. Mercola)


> Take supplements:

> Garden of Life Primal Defense, Omegazyme, RM-10, FYI, Radical

Fruits, Living Multi

> Fish Oil

> Evening Primrose Oil

> Vitamin C

> Vitamin E

> Alpha Lipoic Acid

> Milk Thistle

> Magnesium

> Chromium Picolinate

> Selenium

> Total Bee Plus (Royal Jelly, Propolis)


> Get at least 8 hours good sleep, trying to go to bed no later than

10 PM.

> Prayer and meditation, reading and studying God's Word (Yes, I

consider this a daily part of my healing process, and a very vital


> Avoid chemically-laden personal hygiene products, focusing on those

that are made from totally natural products.


> Things I know I need to do on a daily basis, but am not so good at

and need to improve on:

> Drinking lots and lots of pure water

> Exercise


> Things I do for detoxing on a fairly regular basis:


> Take anti-microbial supplements, like Olive leaf extract, raw

garlic, oregano oil (given my recent blood test results, I think I

need to take these continually)

> Coffee enemas

> Infrared Sauna sessions

> Fasting

> Master Cleanse

> Liver flushes

> Drink cleansing teas


> As for my menopausal symptoms, I have used the creams in the past,

then went off, and am starting to use them again and will monitor

that carefully.


> I'd love to add a weekly massage to my schedule! That would just be

heaven....but I just don't have the money to blow on that, and with

no pain, I don't think it's vital. But if I had fibromyalgia, I'd

definitely do more massages.


> If you have any questions, ask away!

> Patty







> Re: Now do we have Fibomylagia ?


> I don't want the DX I was trying to think if I should treat myself

according to this....by the way Patty I know you were a lot worse off

than me...can you tell me if your feeling better and what you do or

take on a daily basis ? thanks


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Have you had your adrenals and thyroid checked? Poor adrenal and/or poor

thyroid function will definitely cause fatigue.


> -Molly,

> Not that I am having a pitty party here but I have all three,

> everything is just slightly better since explant, except the brain

> fog has lifted halleluja!!! If that darn fatigue would just go away I

> think I can handle all the pain everywhere as I have been dealing

> with it for 10 years now. 20 years with the implants and 10 of them I

> was sick without a clue in the world. Why does it keep saying there

> was a ban on silicone? We all know they are all silicone. And anyone

> could have gotten them pretty easy as I understand.

> Terri P




> -- In , Tricia Trish

> <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:


>> ,

>> I am not sure that I was alot worse off than you, as I never ever

> had disabling pain at all, and you seem to be dealing with severe

> pain.


>> My worst symptoms were brain fog and fatigue. That was my

> nightmare experience, feeling like an 80 year old woman in a 37 year

> old body, with absolutely no energy at all, and feeling like my brain

> was stuffed with cotton.


>> I never considered fibromyalgia as a possible diagnosis, so I do

> not share that with many of you, but I do know that detoxing was

> vital to me! I believe it is to you as well.


>> However, if you remember correctly, as I've stated so often, I feel

> really, really good almost all the time now. I was explanted in Feb

> 1998, so it has been nearly 9 years for me. It took me about 4 years

> to get to the point where I felt well enough to say I was healed

> greatly, but I was also diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroid disease,

> and treating for that made a big difference.


>> Slowly, very slowly, all of my symptoms disappeared. I felt well

> enough to travel and do missionary work in September 2003 to the

> Dominican Republic, and in June 2005 to India, (where we boarded 10

> flights in 12 days). It was quite an experience and I survived better

> than some of my traveling companions!


>> On a daily basis, I do the following:


>> Avoid hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, excessive sugar,

> sodas, coffee, and gluten, and focus on foods in their more natural

> state. I cook from scratch, and drink raw milk in the form of kefir

> (about a quart a day). We eat no pork at all, and eat meats that are

> free range or wild.


>> Take 1.5 grains of Armour thyroid. (In the morning usually, but I

> need to start remembering to split it into 2 doses, morning and late

> afternoon, per Dr. Mercola)


>> Take supplements:

>> Garden of Life Primal Defense, Omegazyme, RM-10, FYI, Radical

> Fruits, Living Multi

>> Fish Oil

>> Evening Primrose Oil

>> Vitamin C

>> Vitamin E

>> Alpha Lipoic Acid

>> Milk Thistle

>> Magnesium

>> Chromium Picolinate

>> Selenium

>> Total Bee Plus (Royal Jelly, Propolis)


>> Get at least 8 hours good sleep, trying to go to bed no later than

> 10 PM.

>> Prayer and meditation, reading and studying God's Word (Yes, I

> consider this a daily part of my healing process, and a very vital

> one!)

>> Avoid chemically-laden personal hygiene products, focusing on those

> that are made from totally natural products.


>> Things I know I need to do on a daily basis, but am not so good at

> and need to improve on:

>> Drinking lots and lots of pure water

>> Exercise


>> Things I do for detoxing on a fairly regular basis:


>> Take anti-microbial supplements, like Olive leaf extract, raw

> garlic, oregano oil (given my recent blood test results, I think I

> need to take these continually)

>> Coffee enemas

>> Infrared Sauna sessions

>> Fasting

>> Master Cleanse

>> Liver flushes

>> Drink cleansing teas


>> As for my menopausal symptoms, I have used the creams in the past,

> then went off, and am starting to use them again and will monitor

> that carefully.


>> I'd love to add a weekly massage to my schedule! That would just be

> heaven....but I just don't have the money to blow on that, and with

> no pain, I don't think it's vital. But if I had fibromyalgia, I'd

> definitely do more massages.


>> If you have any questions, ask away!

>> Patty







>> Re: Now do we have Fibomylagia ?


>> I don't want the DX I was trying to think if I should treat myself

> according to this....by the way Patty I know you were a lot worse off

> than me...can you tell me if your feeling better and what you do or

> take on a daily basis ? thanks





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You have all three what? I think I missed something here.

One thing I can say...you just recently had your capsules removed, right?

I wonder if it is possible that those were aggravating things.

I had my capsules removed when my implants were removed. And it took well over

a year

and a half before I noticed major changes in my health.

It is a good thing the brain fog lifted. That drove me crazy....I hated

forgetting things and

feeling in a daze.

And, of course, not everything we have is necessarily implant related. I do

believe the

fibromyalgia and autoimmune illnesses are often related - notwithstanding the

recent FDA

decision. I know from my own experience.

> >

> > ,

> > I am not sure that I was alot worse off than you, as I never ever

> had disabling pain at all, and you seem to be dealing with severe

> pain.

> >

> > My worst symptoms were brain fog and fatigue. That was my

> nightmare experience, feeling like an 80 year old woman in a 37 year

> old body, with absolutely no energy at all, and feeling like my brain

> was stuffed with cotton.

> >

> > I never considered fibromyalgia as a possible diagnosis, so I do

> not share that with many of you, but I do know that detoxing was

> vital to me! I believe it is to you as well.

> >

> > However, if you remember correctly, as I've stated so often, I feel

> really, really good almost all the time now. I was explanted in Feb

> 1998, so it has been nearly 9 years for me. It took me about 4 years

> to get to the point where I felt well enough to say I was healed

> greatly, but I was also diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroid disease,

> and treating for that made a big difference.

> >

> > Slowly, very slowly, all of my symptoms disappeared. I felt well

> enough to travel and do missionary work in September 2003 to the

> Dominican Republic, and in June 2005 to India, (where we boarded 10

> flights in 12 days). It was quite an experience and I survived better

> than some of my traveling companions!

> >

> > On a daily basis, I do the following:

> >

> > Avoid hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, excessive sugar,

> sodas, coffee, and gluten, and focus on foods in their more natural

> state. I cook from scratch, and drink raw milk in the form of kefir

> (about a quart a day). We eat no pork at all, and eat meats that are

> free range or wild.

> >

> > Take 1.5 grains of Armour thyroid. (In the morning usually, but I

> need to start remembering to split it into 2 doses, morning and late

> afternoon, per Dr. Mercola)

> >

> > Take supplements:

> > Garden of Life Primal Defense, Omegazyme, RM-10, FYI, Radical

> Fruits, Living Multi

> > Fish Oil

> > Evening Primrose Oil

> > Vitamin C

> > Vitamin E

> > Alpha Lipoic Acid

> > Milk Thistle

> > Magnesium

> > Chromium Picolinate

> > Selenium

> > Total Bee Plus (Royal Jelly, Propolis)

> >

> > Get at least 8 hours good sleep, trying to go to bed no later than

> 10 PM.

> > Prayer and meditation, reading and studying God's Word (Yes, I

> consider this a daily part of my healing process, and a very vital

> one!)

> > Avoid chemically-laden personal hygiene products, focusing on those

> that are made from totally natural products.

> >

> > Things I know I need to do on a daily basis, but am not so good at

> and need to improve on:

> > Drinking lots and lots of pure water

> > Exercise

> >

> > Things I do for detoxing on a fairly regular basis:

> >

> > Take anti-microbial supplements, like Olive leaf extract, raw

> garlic, oregano oil (given my recent blood test results, I think I

> need to take these continually)

> > Coffee enemas

> > Infrared Sauna sessions

> > Fasting

> > Master Cleanse

> > Liver flushes

> > Drink cleansing teas

> >

> > As for my menopausal symptoms, I have used the creams in the past,

> then went off, and am starting to use them again and will monitor

> that carefully.

> >

> > I'd love to add a weekly massage to my schedule! That would just be

> heaven....but I just don't have the money to blow on that, and with

> no pain, I don't think it's vital. But if I had fibromyalgia, I'd

> definitely do more massages.

> >

> > If you have any questions, ask away!

> > Patty

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Re: Now do we have Fibomylagia ?

> >

> > I don't want the DX I was trying to think if I should treat myself

> according to this....by the way Patty I know you were a lot worse off

> than me...can you tell me if your feeling better and what you do or

> take on a daily basis ? thanks

> >


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The pain in all the joints as well as the fatigue and brain fog.

Terri P

> > >

> > > ,

> > > I am not sure that I was alot worse off than you, as I never


> > had disabling pain at all, and you seem to be dealing with severe

> > pain.

> > >

> > > My worst symptoms were brain fog and fatigue. That was my

> > nightmare experience, feeling like an 80 year old woman in a 37


> > old body, with absolutely no energy at all, and feeling like my


> > was stuffed with cotton.

> > >

> > > I never considered fibromyalgia as a possible diagnosis, so I


> > not share that with many of you, but I do know that detoxing was

> > vital to me! I believe it is to you as well.

> > >

> > > However, if you remember correctly, as I've stated so often, I


> > really, really good almost all the time now. I was explanted in


> > 1998, so it has been nearly 9 years for me. It took me about 4


> > to get to the point where I felt well enough to say I was healed

> > greatly, but I was also diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroid


> > and treating for that made a big difference.

> > >

> > > Slowly, very slowly, all of my symptoms disappeared. I felt


> > enough to travel and do missionary work in September 2003 to the

> > Dominican Republic, and in June 2005 to India, (where we boarded


> > flights in 12 days). It was quite an experience and I survived


> > than some of my traveling companions!

> > >

> > > On a daily basis, I do the following:

> > >

> > > Avoid hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, excessive


> > sodas, coffee, and gluten, and focus on foods in their more


> > state. I cook from scratch, and drink raw milk in the form of


> > (about a quart a day). We eat no pork at all, and eat meats that


> > free range or wild.

> > >

> > > Take 1.5 grains of Armour thyroid. (In the morning usually,

but I

> > need to start remembering to split it into 2 doses, morning and


> > afternoon, per Dr. Mercola)

> > >

> > > Take supplements:

> > > Garden of Life Primal Defense, Omegazyme, RM-10, FYI, Radical

> > Fruits, Living Multi

> > > Fish Oil

> > > Evening Primrose Oil

> > > Vitamin C

> > > Vitamin E

> > > Alpha Lipoic Acid

> > > Milk Thistle

> > > Magnesium

> > > Chromium Picolinate

> > > Selenium

> > > Total Bee Plus (Royal Jelly, Propolis)

> > >

> > > Get at least 8 hours good sleep, trying to go to bed no later


> > 10 PM.

> > > Prayer and meditation, reading and studying God's Word (Yes, I

> > consider this a daily part of my healing process, and a very


> > one!)

> > > Avoid chemically-laden personal hygiene products, focusing on


> > that are made from totally natural products.

> > >

> > > Things I know I need to do on a daily basis, but am not so good


> > and need to improve on:

> > > Drinking lots and lots of pure water

> > > Exercise

> > >

> > > Things I do for detoxing on a fairly regular basis:

> > >

> > > Take anti-microbial supplements, like Olive leaf extract, raw

> > garlic, oregano oil (given my recent blood test results, I think


> > need to take these continually)

> > > Coffee enemas

> > > Infrared Sauna sessions

> > > Fasting

> > > Master Cleanse

> > > Liver flushes

> > > Drink cleansing teas

> > >

> > > As for my menopausal symptoms, I have used the creams in the


> > then went off, and am starting to use them again and will monitor

> > that carefully.

> > >

> > > I'd love to add a weekly massage to my schedule! That would

just be

> > heaven....but I just don't have the money to blow on that, and


> > no pain, I don't think it's vital. But if I had fibromyalgia, I'd

> > definitely do more massages.

> > >

> > > If you have any questions, ask away!

> > > Patty

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Re: Now do we have Fibomylagia ?

> > >

> > > I don't want the DX I was trying to think if I should treat


> > according to this....by the way Patty I know you were a lot worse


> > than me...can you tell me if your feeling better and what you do


> > take on a daily basis ? thanks

> > >

> >


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I have had a tsh of 2.85 and my adrenals haven't been checked,

Everytime I bring up testing something else I think my doctor just

thinks I am nuts.

I am thinking it is the adrenals and thyroid, Whenever I do the

iodine painting it is gone in 20 minutes. My tsh used to be 1.85. I

think I need supplememts but don't know which ones I need for that.

Terri P

> >>

> >> ,

> >> I am not sure that I was alot worse off than you, as I never ever

> > had disabling pain at all, and you seem to be dealing with severe

> > pain.

> >>

> >> My worst symptoms were brain fog and fatigue. That was my

> > nightmare experience, feeling like an 80 year old woman in a 37


> > old body, with absolutely no energy at all, and feeling like my


> > was stuffed with cotton.

> >>

> >> I never considered fibromyalgia as a possible diagnosis, so I do

> > not share that with many of you, but I do know that detoxing was

> > vital to me! I believe it is to you as well.

> >>

> >> However, if you remember correctly, as I've stated so often, I


> > really, really good almost all the time now. I was explanted in


> > 1998, so it has been nearly 9 years for me. It took me about 4


> > to get to the point where I felt well enough to say I was healed

> > greatly, but I was also diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroid


> > and treating for that made a big difference.

> >>

> >> Slowly, very slowly, all of my symptoms disappeared. I felt well

> > enough to travel and do missionary work in September 2003 to the

> > Dominican Republic, and in June 2005 to India, (where we boarded


> > flights in 12 days). It was quite an experience and I survived


> > than some of my traveling companions!

> >>

> >> On a daily basis, I do the following:

> >>

> >> Avoid hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, excessive


> > sodas, coffee, and gluten, and focus on foods in their more


> > state. I cook from scratch, and drink raw milk in the form of


> > (about a quart a day). We eat no pork at all, and eat meats that


> > free range or wild.

> >>

> >> Take 1.5 grains of Armour thyroid. (In the morning usually, but


> > need to start remembering to split it into 2 doses, morning and


> > afternoon, per Dr. Mercola)

> >>

> >> Take supplements:

> >> Garden of Life Primal Defense, Omegazyme, RM-10, FYI, Radical

> > Fruits, Living Multi

> >> Fish Oil

> >> Evening Primrose Oil

> >> Vitamin C

> >> Vitamin E

> >> Alpha Lipoic Acid

> >> Milk Thistle

> >> Magnesium

> >> Chromium Picolinate

> >> Selenium

> >> Total Bee Plus (Royal Jelly, Propolis)

> >>

> >> Get at least 8 hours good sleep, trying to go to bed no later


> > 10 PM.

> >> Prayer and meditation, reading and studying God's Word (Yes, I

> > consider this a daily part of my healing process, and a very vital

> > one!)

> >> Avoid chemically-laden personal hygiene products, focusing on


> > that are made from totally natural products.

> >>

> >> Things I know I need to do on a daily basis, but am not so good


> > and need to improve on:

> >> Drinking lots and lots of pure water

> >> Exercise

> >>

> >> Things I do for detoxing on a fairly regular basis:

> >>

> >> Take anti-microbial supplements, like Olive leaf extract, raw

> > garlic, oregano oil (given my recent blood test results, I think


> > need to take these continually)

> >> Coffee enemas

> >> Infrared Sauna sessions

> >> Fasting

> >> Master Cleanse

> >> Liver flushes

> >> Drink cleansing teas

> >>

> >> As for my menopausal symptoms, I have used the creams in the


> > then went off, and am starting to use them again and will monitor

> > that carefully.

> >>

> >> I'd love to add a weekly massage to my schedule! That would just


> > heaven....but I just don't have the money to blow on that, and


> > no pain, I don't think it's vital. But if I had fibromyalgia, I'd

> > definitely do more massages.

> >>

> >> If you have any questions, ask away!

> >> Patty

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Re: Now do we have Fibomylagia ?

> >>

> >> I don't want the DX I was trying to think if I should treat


> > according to this....by the way Patty I know you were a lot worse


> > than me...can you tell me if your feeling better and what you do


> > take on a daily basis ? thanks

> >>

> >

> >

> >


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Hi Terri,

Can you talk to an ND? They can do the appropriate testing for you --

without rolling their eyes at you. :)


> Kenda,

> I have had a tsh of 2.85 and my adrenals haven't been checked,

> Everytime I bring up testing something else I think my doctor just

> thinks I am nuts.

> I am thinking it is the adrenals and thyroid, Whenever I do the

> iodine painting it is gone in 20 minutes. My tsh used to be 1.85. I

> think I need supplememts but don't know which ones I need for that.

> Terri P








>>>> ,

>>>> I am not sure that I was alot worse off than you, as I never ever

>>> had disabling pain at all, and you seem to be dealing with severe

>>> pain.


>>>> My worst symptoms were brain fog and fatigue. That was my

>>> nightmare experience, feeling like an 80 year old woman in a 37

> year

>>> old body, with absolutely no energy at all, and feeling like my

> brain

>>> was stuffed with cotton.


>>>> I never considered fibromyalgia as a possible diagnosis, so I do

>>> not share that with many of you, but I do know that detoxing was

>>> vital to me! I believe it is to you as well.


>>>> However, if you remember correctly, as I've stated so often, I

> feel

>>> really, really good almost all the time now. I was explanted in

> Feb

>>> 1998, so it has been nearly 9 years for me. It took me about 4

> years

>>> to get to the point where I felt well enough to say I was healed

>>> greatly, but I was also diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroid

> disease,

>>> and treating for that made a big difference.


>>>> Slowly, very slowly, all of my symptoms disappeared. I felt well

>>> enough to travel and do missionary work in September 2003 to the

>>> Dominican Republic, and in June 2005 to India, (where we boarded

> 10

>>> flights in 12 days). It was quite an experience and I survived

> better

>>> than some of my traveling companions!


>>>> On a daily basis, I do the following:


>>>> Avoid hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, excessive

> sugar,

>>> sodas, coffee, and gluten, and focus on foods in their more

> natural

>>> state. I cook from scratch, and drink raw milk in the form of

> kefir

>>> (about a quart a day). We eat no pork at all, and eat meats that

> are

>>> free range or wild.


>>>> Take 1.5 grains of Armour thyroid. (In the morning usually, but

> I

>>> need to start remembering to split it into 2 doses, morning and

> late

>>> afternoon, per Dr. Mercola)


>>>> Take supplements:

>>>> Garden of Life Primal Defense, Omegazyme, RM-10, FYI, Radical

>>> Fruits, Living Multi

>>>> Fish Oil

>>>> Evening Primrose Oil

>>>> Vitamin C

>>>> Vitamin E

>>>> Alpha Lipoic Acid

>>>> Milk Thistle

>>>> Magnesium

>>>> Chromium Picolinate

>>>> Selenium

>>>> Total Bee Plus (Royal Jelly, Propolis)


>>>> Get at least 8 hours good sleep, trying to go to bed no later

> than

>>> 10 PM.

>>>> Prayer and meditation, reading and studying God's Word (Yes, I

>>> consider this a daily part of my healing process, and a very vital

>>> one!)

>>>> Avoid chemically-laden personal hygiene products, focusing on

> those

>>> that are made from totally natural products.


>>>> Things I know I need to do on a daily basis, but am not so good

> at

>>> and need to improve on:

>>>> Drinking lots and lots of pure water

>>>> Exercise


>>>> Things I do for detoxing on a fairly regular basis:


>>>> Take anti-microbial supplements, like Olive leaf extract, raw

>>> garlic, oregano oil (given my recent blood test results, I think

> I

>>> need to take these continually)

>>>> Coffee enemas

>>>> Infrared Sauna sessions

>>>> Fasting

>>>> Master Cleanse

>>>> Liver flushes

>>>> Drink cleansing teas


>>>> As for my menopausal symptoms, I have used the creams in the

> past,

>>> then went off, and am starting to use them again and will monitor

>>> that carefully.


>>>> I'd love to add a weekly massage to my schedule! That would just

> be

>>> heaven....but I just don't have the money to blow on that, and

> with

>>> no pain, I don't think it's vital. But if I had fibromyalgia, I'd

>>> definitely do more massages.


>>>> If you have any questions, ask away!

>>>> Patty







>>>> Re: Now do we have Fibomylagia ?


>>>> I don't want the DX I was trying to think if I should treat

> myself

>>> according to this....by the way Patty I know you were a lot worse

> off

>>> than me...can you tell me if your feeling better and what you do

> or

>>> take on a daily basis ? thanks









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I have known this in my heart for a couple of months now, When I

looked back at records from a couple of years back I was under 2.0.

I have been looking into it, Thank you for validating , My surgeon

thought so too. But I am done seeing her now. My PCD thinks it is

not. But I am persuing this through my other Dr.s,

Thank you,

Terri P

> > > >>

> > > >> ,

> > > >> I am not sure that I was alot worse off than you, as I never


> > > > had disabling pain at all, and you seem to be dealing with


> > > > pain.

> > > >>

> > > >> My worst symptoms were brain fog and fatigue. That was my

> > > > nightmare experience, feeling like an 80 year old woman in a


> >year

> > > > old body, with absolutely no energy at all, and feeling like


> >brain

> > > > was stuffed with cotton.

> > > >>

> > > >> I never considered fibromyalgia as a possible diagnosis, so

I do

> > > > not share that with many of you, but I do know that detoxing


> > > > vital to me! I believe it is to you as well.

> > > >>

> > > >> However, if you remember correctly, as I've stated so often,


> >feel

> > > > really, really good almost all the time now. I was explanted


> >Feb

> > > > 1998, so it has been nearly 9 years for me. It took me about 4

> >years

> > > > to get to the point where I felt well enough to say I was


> > > > greatly, but I was also diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroid

> >disease,

> > > > and treating for that made a big difference.

> > > >>

> > > >> Slowly, very slowly, all of my symptoms disappeared. I felt


> > > > enough to travel and do missionary work in September 2003 to


> > > > Dominican Republic, and in June 2005 to India, (where we


> >10

> > > > flights in 12 days). It was quite an experience and I survived

> >better

> > > > than some of my traveling companions!

> > > >>

> > > >> On a daily basis, I do the following:

> > > >>

> > > >> Avoid hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, excessive

> >sugar,

> > > > sodas, coffee, and gluten, and focus on foods in their more

> >natural

> > > > state. I cook from scratch, and drink raw milk in the form of

> >kefir

> > > > (about a quart a day). We eat no pork at all, and eat meats


> >are

> > > > free range or wild.

> > > >>

> > > >> Take 1.5 grains of Armour thyroid. (In the morning usually,


> >I

> > > > need to start remembering to split it into 2 doses, morning


> >late

> > > > afternoon, per Dr. Mercola)

> > > >>

> > > >> Take supplements:

> > > >> Garden of Life Primal Defense, Omegazyme, RM-10, FYI, Radical

> > > > Fruits, Living Multi

> > > >> Fish Oil

> > > >> Evening Primrose Oil

> > > >> Vitamin C

> > > >> Vitamin E

> > > >> Alpha Lipoic Acid

> > > >> Milk Thistle

> > > >> Magnesium

> > > >> Chromium Picolinate

> > > >> Selenium

> > > >> Total Bee Plus (Royal Jelly, Propolis)

> > > >>

> > > >> Get at least 8 hours good sleep, trying to go to bed no later

> >than

> > > > 10 PM.

> > > >> Prayer and meditation, reading and studying God's Word (Yes,


> > > > consider this a daily part of my healing process, and a very


> > > > one!)

> > > >> Avoid chemically-laden personal hygiene products, focusing on

> >those

> > > > that are made from totally natural products.

> > > >>

> > > >> Things I know I need to do on a daily basis, but am not so


> >at

> > > > and need to improve on:

> > > >> Drinking lots and lots of pure water

> > > >> Exercise

> > > >>

> > > >> Things I do for detoxing on a fairly regular basis:

> > > >>

> > > >> Take anti-microbial supplements, like Olive leaf extract, raw

> > > > garlic, oregano oil (given my recent blood test results, I


> >I

> > > > need to take these continually)

> > > >> Coffee enemas

> > > >> Infrared Sauna sessions

> > > >> Fasting

> > > >> Master Cleanse

> > > >> Liver flushes

> > > >> Drink cleansing teas

> > > >>

> > > >> As for my menopausal symptoms, I have used the creams in the

> >past,

> > > > then went off, and am starting to use them again and will


> > > > that carefully.

> > > >>

> > > >> I'd love to add a weekly massage to my schedule! That would


> >be

> > > > heaven....but I just don't have the money to blow on that, and

> >with

> > > > no pain, I don't think it's vital. But if I had fibromyalgia,


> > > > definitely do more massages.

> > > >>

> > > >> If you have any questions, ask away!

> > > >> Patty

> > > >>

> > > >>

> > > >>

> > > >>

> > > >>

> > > >>

> > > >> Re: Now do we have Fibomylagia ?

> > > >>

> > > >> I don't want the DX I was trying to think if I should treat

> >myself

> > > > according to this....by the way Patty I know you were a lot


> >off

> > > > than me...can you tell me if your feeling better and what you


> >or

> > > > take on a daily basis ? thanks

> > > >>

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >


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Thanks Kenda,

That is my next course of action as my welfare insurance doesn't

cover for " Those types of treatment " .

So I am going back to work shortly and wont need the welfare that i

was forced to go on 1 1/2 years ago. You would think they would want

to know so I could better faster and go back to work?

Terri P

> >>>>

> >>>> ,

> >>>> I am not sure that I was alot worse off than you, as I never


> >>> had disabling pain at all, and you seem to be dealing with


> >>> pain.

> >>>>

> >>>> My worst symptoms were brain fog and fatigue. That was my

> >>> nightmare experience, feeling like an 80 year old woman in a 37

> > year

> >>> old body, with absolutely no energy at all, and feeling like my

> > brain

> >>> was stuffed with cotton.

> >>>>

> >>>> I never considered fibromyalgia as a possible diagnosis, so I


> >>> not share that with many of you, but I do know that detoxing was

> >>> vital to me! I believe it is to you as well.

> >>>>

> >>>> However, if you remember correctly, as I've stated so often, I

> > feel

> >>> really, really good almost all the time now. I was explanted in

> > Feb

> >>> 1998, so it has been nearly 9 years for me. It took me about 4

> > years

> >>> to get to the point where I felt well enough to say I was healed

> >>> greatly, but I was also diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroid

> > disease,

> >>> and treating for that made a big difference.

> >>>>

> >>>> Slowly, very slowly, all of my symptoms disappeared. I felt


> >>> enough to travel and do missionary work in September 2003 to the

> >>> Dominican Republic, and in June 2005 to India, (where we boarded

> > 10

> >>> flights in 12 days). It was quite an experience and I survived

> > better

> >>> than some of my traveling companions!

> >>>>

> >>>> On a daily basis, I do the following:

> >>>>

> >>>> Avoid hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, excessive

> > sugar,

> >>> sodas, coffee, and gluten, and focus on foods in their more

> > natural

> >>> state. I cook from scratch, and drink raw milk in the form of

> > kefir

> >>> (about a quart a day). We eat no pork at all, and eat meats


> > are

> >>> free range or wild.

> >>>>

> >>>> Take 1.5 grains of Armour thyroid. (In the morning usually,


> > I

> >>> need to start remembering to split it into 2 doses, morning and

> > late

> >>> afternoon, per Dr. Mercola)

> >>>>

> >>>> Take supplements:

> >>>> Garden of Life Primal Defense, Omegazyme, RM-10, FYI, Radical

> >>> Fruits, Living Multi

> >>>> Fish Oil

> >>>> Evening Primrose Oil

> >>>> Vitamin C

> >>>> Vitamin E

> >>>> Alpha Lipoic Acid

> >>>> Milk Thistle

> >>>> Magnesium

> >>>> Chromium Picolinate

> >>>> Selenium

> >>>> Total Bee Plus (Royal Jelly, Propolis)

> >>>>

> >>>> Get at least 8 hours good sleep, trying to go to bed no later

> > than

> >>> 10 PM.

> >>>> Prayer and meditation, reading and studying God's Word (Yes, I

> >>> consider this a daily part of my healing process, and a very


> >>> one!)

> >>>> Avoid chemically-laden personal hygiene products, focusing on

> > those

> >>> that are made from totally natural products.

> >>>>

> >>>> Things I know I need to do on a daily basis, but am not so good

> > at

> >>> and need to improve on:

> >>>> Drinking lots and lots of pure water

> >>>> Exercise

> >>>>

> >>>> Things I do for detoxing on a fairly regular basis:

> >>>>

> >>>> Take anti-microbial supplements, like Olive leaf extract, raw

> >>> garlic, oregano oil (given my recent blood test results, I


> > I

> >>> need to take these continually)

> >>>> Coffee enemas

> >>>> Infrared Sauna sessions

> >>>> Fasting

> >>>> Master Cleanse

> >>>> Liver flushes

> >>>> Drink cleansing teas

> >>>>

> >>>> As for my menopausal symptoms, I have used the creams in the

> > past,

> >>> then went off, and am starting to use them again and will


> >>> that carefully.

> >>>>

> >>>> I'd love to add a weekly massage to my schedule! That would


> > be

> >>> heaven....but I just don't have the money to blow on that, and

> > with

> >>> no pain, I don't think it's vital. But if I had fibromyalgia,


> >>> definitely do more massages.

> >>>>

> >>>> If you have any questions, ask away!

> >>>> Patty

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>> Re: Now do we have Fibomylagia ?

> >>>>

> >>>> I don't want the DX I was trying to think if I should treat

> > myself

> >>> according to this....by the way Patty I know you were a lot


> > off

> >>> than me...can you tell me if your feeling better and what you do

> > or

> >>> take on a daily basis ? thanks

> >>>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>

> >

> >

> >


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At 2.85 I would say your thyroid is low. Above

2.0 is suspicious, near 3.0 is low. If mine was

above 2.0 I would feel sluggish, tired,

depressed, no drive at all, and I would have

gained at least 10 pounds. Armour thyroid or

Synthroid are the two I am familiar with. Ask

your doctor, and don't let him tell you your test

is in the " normal " range. It may be in the

normal range, but my OB/Gyn believes it should stay near 1.5.


At 06:58 PM 11/19/2006, you wrote:


>I have had a tsh of 2.85 and my adrenals haven't been checked,

>Everytime I bring up testing something else I think my doctor just

>thinks I am nuts.

>I am thinking it is the adrenals and thyroid, Whenever I do the

>iodine painting it is gone in 20 minutes. My tsh used to be 1.85. I

>think I need supplememts but don't know which ones I need for that.

>Terri P



> > >>

> > >> ,

> > >> I am not sure that I was alot worse off than you, as I never ever

> > > had disabling pain at all, and you seem to be dealing with severe

> > > pain.

> > >>

> > >> My worst symptoms were brain fog and fatigue. That was my

> > > nightmare experience, feeling like an 80 year old woman in a 37


> > > old body, with absolutely no energy at all, and feeling like my


> > > was stuffed with cotton.

> > >>

> > >> I never considered fibromyalgia as a possible diagnosis, so I do

> > > not share that with many of you, but I do know that detoxing was

> > > vital to me! I believe it is to you as well.

> > >>

> > >> However, if you remember correctly, as I've stated so often, I


> > > really, really good almost all the time now. I was explanted in


> > > 1998, so it has been nearly 9 years for me. It took me about 4


> > > to get to the point where I felt well enough to say I was healed

> > > greatly, but I was also diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroid


> > > and treating for that made a big difference.

> > >>

> > >> Slowly, very slowly, all of my symptoms disappeared. I felt well

> > > enough to travel and do missionary work in September 2003 to the

> > > Dominican Republic, and in June 2005 to India, (where we boarded


> > > flights in 12 days). It was quite an experience and I survived


> > > than some of my traveling companions!

> > >>

> > >> On a daily basis, I do the following:

> > >>

> > >> Avoid hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, excessive


> > > sodas, coffee, and gluten, and focus on foods in their more


> > > state. I cook from scratch, and drink raw milk in the form of


> > > (about a quart a day). We eat no pork at all, and eat meats that


> > > free range or wild.

> > >>

> > >> Take 1.5 grains of Armour thyroid. (In the morning usually, but


> > > need to start remembering to split it into 2 doses, morning and


> > > afternoon, per Dr. Mercola)

> > >>

> > >> Take supplements:

> > >> Garden of Life Primal Defense, Omegazyme, RM-10, FYI, Radical

> > > Fruits, Living Multi

> > >> Fish Oil

> > >> Evening Primrose Oil

> > >> Vitamin C

> > >> Vitamin E

> > >> Alpha Lipoic Acid

> > >> Milk Thistle

> > >> Magnesium

> > >> Chromium Picolinate

> > >> Selenium

> > >> Total Bee Plus (Royal Jelly, Propolis)

> > >>

> > >> Get at least 8 hours good sleep, trying to go to bed no later


> > > 10 PM.

> > >> Prayer and meditation, reading and studying God's Word (Yes, I

> > > consider this a daily part of my healing process, and a very vital

> > > one!)

> > >> Avoid chemically-laden personal hygiene products, focusing on


> > > that are made from totally natural products.

> > >>

> > >> Things I know I need to do on a daily basis, but am not so good


> > > and need to improve on:

> > >> Drinking lots and lots of pure water

> > >> Exercise

> > >>

> > >> Things I do for detoxing on a fairly regular basis:

> > >>

> > >> Take anti-microbial supplements, like Olive leaf extract, raw

> > > garlic, oregano oil (given my recent blood test results, I think


> > > need to take these continually)

> > >> Coffee enemas

> > >> Infrared Sauna sessions

> > >> Fasting

> > >> Master Cleanse

> > >> Liver flushes

> > >> Drink cleansing teas

> > >>

> > >> As for my menopausal symptoms, I have used the creams in the


> > > then went off, and am starting to use them again and will monitor

> > > that carefully.

> > >>

> > >> I'd love to add a weekly massage to my schedule! That would just


> > > heaven....but I just don't have the money to blow on that, and


> > > no pain, I don't think it's vital. But if I had fibromyalgia, I'd

> > > definitely do more massages.

> > >>

> > >> If you have any questions, ask away!

> > >> Patty

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> Re: Now do we have Fibomylagia ?

> > >>

> > >> I don't want the DX I was trying to think if I should treat


> > > according to this....by the way Patty I know you were a lot worse


> > > than me...can you tell me if your feeling better and what you do


> > > take on a daily basis ? thanks

> > >>

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >



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