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, My Experience with Doctors

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, my family doctor was supportive, but never would say the

words, " your're implants are your problem " I showed him copies of

info I printed from Silicone Toxicity Disease (I googled) He didn't

say much when I told him I had 90% of the symptoms. He did ask for a

copy for his file....Hmmmmm...interesting. He just came out and

said, " Would you like them out? " I said a huge YES! He referred me

to a PS...I did the same thing with him.

Showed him the symptoms...he was a bit snitty and said, " where'd you

get this info, from the internet??? " I said YUP, confidently. Told

him about the women I connected with on a support group and he also

said the same thing, " would you like them out? " Wow, they are

careful not to admit they are poisonous units. I told him I wanted a

complete job...capsulectomy, etc. enbloc...the women here taught me

all this.

I am grateful that I only had to wait 3 months for surgery. My PS's

bedside manner leaves alot to be desired, but he's an excellent

surgeon. He also wanted a copy of the symptoms I showed him. I also

had a copy of a female plastic surgeons story I printed off the net.

He didn't want to see that. He said, " that won't be necessary " . Ya

gotta giggle a little when you see how they act.

I had tests done and saw a rheumatologist...all my scientific tests

came back normal, the rheumy was a cynical old fella and as soon as I

mentioned I was using natural methods as well, he got persnickety and

basically said I was fine, and diagnosed me with myalgia.

I am so grateful I have them out. I feel very different. My healing

is ongoing and I know I will get better and better.

That's a part of my story....hope it helps you.

Love & Blessings,

Sunny :)


> Thank you for everyones quick response and support. I am feeling a

> little overwhelmed with what I should do and how quickly I need to

> act. I think that I am still going to see a rheumatologist to see


> he has to say, but I know I am going to be disheartened if he won't

> even consider the implants as a possiblity for my symptoms. Have


> all encountered this or has anybody been to a doctor that

said, " Yes,

> your implants may be the cause. " For those who have undergone an

> explantation did you have quite a bit of testing before, and did


> have any support from doctors to go forward with the explantation


> did you have to make that decision on your own? It is not that I am

> scared to take a chance, but I guess I just want to be as sure as

> possible that this is the cause of my symptoms and not something


> Also, was it incredible expensive to have the explantation?


> Thanks,



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