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I posted on July 23rd that my doctor put me on Saccharomycin. This

was about 2 weeks after my explant. She put me on it because I was

continuing to have a bit of diarrhea and Lacidophil defense was not

doing the trick. Well, the diarrhea got worse..and the low grade

fever came back. On August 3rd she put me on 2 antibiotics and kept

me on the Saccharomycin because she thought I had Clostridium

bacterial overgrowth due to the antibiotic Keflex my ps put me on.

Well...my rash came back after starting the Saccharomycin and I

felt absolutely horrible. I suffered thru the week-end, called her

Monday and went into see her Tuesday. She took me off the

antibotics and the saccharomycin. I am 100% better. No diarrhea

and no low grade fever and the rash is letting up.

My test for Clostridium came back negative. I believe I had an

allergic reaction to the Saccharomycin...since I got worse while

just taking that.

She is running blood work for antibodies to yeast...and some other


I am now wondering if the rash I had for so long....that went

away ...and then came back when I took Saccharomycin...indicates an

allergy to yeast! This could specifically explain out rashes...or

perhaps some of our rashes. Yeast provoking our immune system.

I have tried to google this ...but can't find much.

Any thoughts anyone????

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