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Re: ParaGone and juicing and initial results

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I forgot to mention this. The folks at RenewLife also made sure to mention

to me that fasting creates " die-off " just like the parasite cleanse does, so

they said I might possiblly feel overwhelmed. I just thought I'd mention

that as a sensible precaution to anyone who might also consider combining a

parasite cleanse with juicing.

in health,

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I forgot to mention this. The folks at RenewLife also made sure to mention

to me that fasting creates " die-off " just like the parasite cleanse does, so

they said I might possiblly feel overwhelmed. I just thought I'd mention

that as a sensible precaution to anyone who might also consider combining a

parasite cleanse with juicing.

in health,

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In a message dated 02-02-15 11:00:16 EST, you write:

<< The folks at RenewLife also made sure to mention

to me that fasting creates " die-off " just like the parasite cleanse does, so

they said I might possiblly feel overwhelmed. >>

What do you mean by feeling overwhelmed? Feeling badly? Feeling horrible,

feeling pain, what? Please explain. I'm just in the process now of getting

a colon cleanse, and wanting to know how to do a parasite cleanse...then off

to other cleanses.

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FlyingABar@... writes:

> What do you mean by feeling overwhelmed? Feeling badly? Feeling horrible,

> feeling pain, what? Please explain. I'm just in the process now of

> getting

> a colon cleanse, and wanting to know how to do a parasite cleanse...then

> off

> to other cleanses.


Well, it was the person from RenewLife who used that specific word and

unfortunately it was in a voicemail response to my voicemail message to them

(modern technology!). I've sent them an email, but haven't had a response

so I think I will call them again with the hopes of getting an answer.

I think by " overwhelmed " they were just trying to say that since a juice fast

and a parasite cleanse BOTH create die-off there would be more than there

usually would with just the parasite cleanse. I know some have written that

eliminating the die-off has caused symptoms of bloating and constipation.

So that's possibly what they were referring to. I haven't experienced that

yet, but I'm just a few days into it. I will ask them for more specifics

about what they mean by 'overwhelmed' and I'll let you know what they tell


The directions say: " If you experience diarrhea, nausea, headaches, or

fatigue, reduce or discontinue use of this product. " But I've read in

other places that at least headaches and fatigue can be symptoms of a cleanse

of any kind. And normally, stopping a cleanse would be a way to relieve the

symptoms but not eliminating the cause of the problem. So I'm a little

perplexed at that statement on the directions to a cleanse. However, it

could just be a safeguard on their part - perhaps a legal requirement in

their directions? I don't really know - just speculating.

And so I guess this is just a very long-winded way of saying that I don't

really have an answer to your question! :) But when I get one I will send

it out. :)

in health,

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It isn't that I'm perplexed about what to

do, personally. I was just generally saying that I don't understand why the

company would say in one place to stop if a person feels fatigue and then in

another place that fatigue is a common symptom of early cleansing stages.

It just makes me a little less confident of the company, that's all. And the

fact that they told me in a voicemail to use only particular fruits and to

stay away from particular vegetables for juicing, but their directions don't

indicate that at all. Plenty of people do juicing even if they aren't

fasting, so if it's that important I would think they should mention it.

Another thing is that the directions say that you " can " take the tincture

with a small amount of water, but then it says to take the capsules with 8 oz

of water - and to take both at the same time. So you really have to use 8 oz

of water with the tincture. It doesn't matter if you take the tincture and

then the water - it's all in there. I would just be reluctant to order any

other products from this particular company - just a personal preference.

Consistency and quality in communication are two important things to me.

I'm just venting. :)

Yes, I will listen to my body and if something gets to a point where I think

it's too much, I will ease up on the parasite cleanse. It's only for 15 days

on, 5 days off and then 15 days on again, anyway, so it will be finished in

no time. :)

thanks again for your thoughts,

in health,

cozad76078@... writes:

> The die-off cleansing reactions, as you know, can happen with most any very

> powerful body cleanser. I got headaches with parasite cleanse. I get

> headaches with Primal Defense (it's supposed to go for parasites and lots

> of nasty stuff in there). As long as you can function at whatever you need

> to, then power on through.

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The die-off cleansing reactions, as you know, can happen with most any very

powerful body cleanser. I got headaches with parasite cleanse. I get headaches

with Primal Defense (it's supposed to go for parasites and lots of nasty stuff

in there). As long as you can function at whatever you need to, then power on

through. Otherwise back off a little. Was pretty sick a few times...wanting to

take asprins...but that was a viscious circle that I have faithfully broken.

Suffer and get well. But then, I also had the luxury of being able to go to bed

and rest when it was bad. Some have to go to jobs (know you do). So don't go too

fast. Especially juice fasting. If it was me, I'd eat some vegetable soup and

maybe salad. of Dewberry Hill (going through back aches and swollen

joints right now), purging old pain killers!

The directions say: " If you experience diarrhea, nausea, headaches, or

fatigue, reduce or discontinue use of this product. " But I've read in

other places that at least headaches and fatigue can be symptoms of a cleanse

of any kind. And normally, stopping a cleanse would be a way to relieve the

symptoms but not eliminating the cause of the problem. So I'm a little

perplexed at that statement on the directions to a cleanse. However, it

could just be a safeguard on their part - perhaps a legal requirement in

their directions? I don't really know - just speculating.

And so I guess this is just a very long-winded way of saying that I don't

really have an answer to your question! :) But when I get one I will send

it out. :)

in health,

" People are like stain glass windows; they sparkle and shine when the sun is

out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there

is alight within. " -Kubler Ross

" Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that

followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. "

Holy Bible


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- (or anyone with advice)

You sound like the juicing pro. I have a few questions.

I find I can't really fast on juice for more than a day or two

because I start to crave salt. I mean out-of-my-mind, gonna-

kill-if-I-don't-get-it kind of cravings. I actually sucked all the salt

and seasonings off a piece of beef jerky and threw the meat away!

Do you fast only on apple juice when you do yours? Is it ok to drink a

V8 juice or something for the salt? I want to fast a day or two correctly and

then do my first real liver flush.

Question two: I drink the juice of a fresh lemon with 2 Tbs. flax oil in the


Do you think this will work for parasites by the time I cleanse if I'm not

eating/drinking sugary foods in the meantime? It seems like there are so many

cleanses to do just to prepare for the liver cleanse. I feel like I can't get

it together

to do it right.

I'm hoping this lemon/flax mixture everyday, a few days of colon blasting

and a day of juice fasting will be enough for me to do the liver cleanse. I

just can't " rest " for days at a time living only on juice. My life won't allow

it. :(

I wish I could take a month at a resort where these cleansing programs are

all you get to eat. In my dreams.


Rachd1961@... wrote:

> Hello folks,

> I started juicing on Wednesday and decided to bite the bullet <grin> and do a

> parasite cleanse along with the juicing. I chose ParaGone by RenewLife. I

> called the company to make sure that it would be okay to do the cleanse while

> juicing. Here is what they told me (I thought it was good information to

> pass along). While doing a parasite cleanse, they said to use the following

> guidelines for juices.


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Hi Janet

Well...I'm not a pro, but I'll do my best! :)

When you've fasted, have they been fruit juice or vegetable or both? If you

include celery with a vegetable juice mix that will go a long way toward

those salt cravings. If your cravings are that strong, I'd suggest that you

include the celery in your juicing to ward them off, rather then trying to

deal with them when they come up and are so strong.

When I've done juice fasts in the past I have included a variety of juices -

not just apple. This most recent one I only used apple and lemon, but that's

just because I'm on ParaGone and I was given a list of recommended juices to

use with that. It ruled out carrot and beet, which are two that I had

planned to use!! So - my plans got altered a bit. I did start eating again

- this ended up being a short term juice fast after all. But I am mainly

focusing on eating cleansing things to go along with the ParaGone - in other

words, to help move things along. :) I am still doing a quart of apple

juice every day with the juice of a whole lemon, along with including the

juice of a whole lemon with two glasses of water in the morning. But that's

off-track, I think...

As for V8 Juice, while it is better than some things you could get at the

grocery store, I'm fairly sure that it would have to have preservatives in it

- which is something that's good to avoid generally speaking and definitely

during a fast. Fresh juices are your best ally in a fasting period.

About the lemon juice and flax oil and parasites - I've never heard of this,

so I'm afraid I'm not any help with that. Maybe someone else on the list is

familiar with this. I didn't do a parasite cleanse before I started the

gallbladder/liver cleansing, though, and didn't experience any ill effects

from it.

You wrote about not being able to " rest " while living on juice. I just

wanted to say that while it's good to give your body adequate rest during any

cleanse, I don't believe there's any need for anything out of the ordinary.

When I did the 67 day juice fast a couple of years ago I worked right through

it. Nobody at work even knew that I was doing it. When the body gets a

break from digestion it has more energy for other things, so often a person

will actually feel lighter and more energetic. :)

And I agree - a month at a cleansing resort IS a dream!! :)

in health,


taylorj@... writes:

> - (or anyone with advice)

> You sound like the juicing pro. I have a few questions.

> I find I can't really fast on juice for more than a day or two

> because I start to crave salt. I mean out-of-my-mind, gonna-

> kill-if-I-don't-get-it kind of cravings. I actually sucked all the salt

> and seasonings off a piece of beef jerky and threw the meat away!

> Do you fast only on apple juice when you do yours? Is it ok to drink a

> V8 juice or something for the salt? I want to fast a day or two correctly

> and

> then do my first real liver flush.

> Question two: I drink the juice of a fresh lemon with 2 Tbs. flax oil in

> the a.m.

> Do you think this will work for parasites by the time I cleanse if I'm not

> eating/drinking sugary foods in the meantime? It seems like there are so

> many

> cleanses to do just to prepare for the liver cleanse. I feel like I can't

> get it together

> to do it right.

> I'm hoping this lemon/flax mixture everyday, a few days of colon blasting

> and a day of juice fasting will be enough for me to do the liver cleanse.

> I

> just can't " rest " for days at a time living only on juice. My life won't

> allow it. :(

> I wish I could take a month at a resort where these cleansing programs are

> all you get to eat. In my dreams.

> Janet



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----- Original Message -----

From: " Janet " <taylorj@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 10:24 AM

Subject: Re: ParaGone and juicing and initial results

Janet.....Betsy here.......if you want super salty, it's really very simple.

Juice some celery stalks. Celery juice is EXTREMELY salty tasting.

Janet wrote:

> - (or anyone with advice)

> You sound like the juicing pro. I have a few questions.

> I find I can't really fast on juice for more than a day or two

> because I start to crave salt. I mean out-of-my-mind, gonna-

> kill-if-I-don't-get-it kind of cravings. I actually sucked all the salt

> and seasonings off a piece of beef jerky and threw the meat away!

> Do you fast only on apple juice when you do yours? Is it ok to drink a

> V8 juice or something for the salt?

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Janet, Betsy has a great idea about the celery. It is also a very mild sedative

(won't interfere with driving). I would also say that you need to do the water

cure (has sea salt in pure water) and drink that all day long. See the home page

of The Cure Zone for the Water Cure. Also there are colloidal minerals you can

buy at the health food store that are salty tasting and just add a few drops of

that to your water. Just be sure you are getting the right amount of the right

kind of salt. of Dewberry Hill

----- Original Message -----

From: " Janet " <taylorj@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 10:24 AM

Subject: Re: ParaGone and juicing and initial results

Janet.....Betsy here.......if you want super salty, it's really very simple.

Juice some celery stalks. Celery juice is EXTREMELY salty tasting.

Janet wrote:

> - (or anyone with advice)

> You sound like the juicing pro. I have a few questions.

> I find I can't really fast on juice for more than a day or two

> because I start to crave salt. I mean out-of-my-mind, gonna-

> kill-if-I-don't-get-it kind of cravings. I actually sucked all the salt

> and seasonings off a piece of beef jerky and threw the meat away!

> Do you fast only on apple juice when you do yours? Is it ok to drink a

> V8 juice or something for the salt?

" People are like stain glass windows; they sparkle and shine when the sun is

out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there

is alight within. " -Kubler Ross

" Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that

followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. "

Holy Bible


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