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Re: Re: EStrogen dominance, don't assume this is your problem be tested to confirm

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Thanks for the great post on this unrecognized syndrome...it's all so important. How are you doing now? Do you take a bio-identical hormone replacement? Do you have to take this continuously for life or do you have to go in for regular testing and adjust accordingly? It sure sounds like alot of testing, but with hormones, everything can get very whacked out.... Thanks again for sharing your experiences with this. Pattysomersautumn <somersautumn@...> wrote: Hi ladies, haven't posted in a long time.Estrogen dominance is a real condition but not all women have this highly publizied condition, many have POD, (premature ovarian decline--LOSS OF ESTROGEN) that can be caused by stress, poor nutrition, toxins, genetics.Don't assume you're "estrogen dominant" have serum blood tests on days 1,2, or 3 day 14 and 20,21 or 22 of your cycle, three times in the month taking NO hormones. you need to be hormone free in order to get your baseline readings.I've read several books on hormones since I have hormone problems and my LOW estrogen as a young woman has made my health worse. Estrogen levels must be otimal to fight off infection and to boost the immune system. Estrogen is also a natural pain modulator. Many studies show that LOW estrogen is common in women with FMS and CFS. it's not the cause but makes the condition

more miserable with insomnia, depression, dry skin, loss of libido and achiness that comes with low estrodial. Also, low estrogen in ratio to high progesterone can cause pms too, it's not only the low P to high T.Also, to low of testosterone can cause fatigue, and low libido and dry skin.Hormone conditions should not be taken for granted, be tested before assuming what you have.By far the best books I've read on this issue are "It's My Ovaries, Stupid" by Vliet,MD, "The Hormone Solution" by Schwartz, MD and most of all "Natural Hormone Balance for Women" by Uzzi Reiss, MD.I've also read clinical studies.Again, I'm not saying ED is not real, it's just over generalized.I went into POD soon after 25 due to illness.In , Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:>> Just to make

sure you all don't miss this important discussion! At least scroll down to the discussion of the causes of estrogen dominance:> http://www.drlam.com/A3R_brief_in_doc_format/Estrogen_Dominance.cfm#6> Estrogen Dominance > Estrogen and progesterone work in synchronization with each other as checks and balances to achieve hormonal harmony in both sexes. It is not the absolute deficiency of estrogen or progesterone but rather the relative dominance of estrogen and relative deficiency of progesterone that is main cause of health problems when they are off balance.> > While sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone decline with age gradually, there is a drastic change in the rate of decline during the perimenopausal and menopausal years for the women in these two hormones as mentioned

earlier. > From age 35 to 50, there is a 75% reduction in production of progesterone in the body. Estrogen, during the same period, only declines about 35%. By menopause, the total amount of progesterone made is extremely low, while estrogen is still present in the body at about half its pre-menopausal level. > > With the gradual drop in estrogen but severe drop in progesterone, there is insufficient progesterone to counteract the amount of estrogen in our body. This state is called estrogen dominance. Many women in their mid-thirties, most women during peri-menopause (mid-forties), and essentially all women during menopause (age 50 and beyond) are overloaded with estrogen and at the same time suffering from progesterone deficiency because of the severe drop in physiological production during this period. The end result - excessive estrogen relative to progesterone, a condition we called estrogen

dominance. > According to Dr. Lee, the world's authority on natural hormone therapy, the key to hormonal balance is the modulation of progesterone to estrogen ratio. For optimum health, the progesterone to estrogen ratio should be between 200 and 300 to 1. > > > What is so bad about estrogen dominance? It is the root cause of a myriad of illnesses. Conditions associated with this include fibrocystic breast disease, PMS, uterine fibroids, breast cancer, endometriosis, infertility problem, endometrial polyps, PCOS, auto-immune disorders, low blood sugar problems, and menstrual pain, among many others. > Questions? Ask me.> > Estrogen Dominance in Pre-menopausal Women> > There are two periods in a women's life that her progesterone level is low - at puberty and again at peri-menopause ( the few years right before menopause). Between puberty and peri-menopause, the

production of progesterone can go astray, leading to estrogen dominance as mentioned earlier. Between this period, estrogen dominance can also be the result of excessive external estrogen intake (from diet and environment) or internal estrogen production ( from obesity, birth control pills, or ovarian tumor). > > Two common causes are: > > A. Anovulation (lack of ovulation). Ovulation is the time of the month where an ovarian follicle releases an ovum (egg). Under normal condition, the released egg makes it way from the ovary to the uterus in preparation for fertilization. This usually happens from day 12 to day 14 of the menstrual cycle. After the egg is released, the empty follicle becomes the corpus luteum. This is the main factory where the production of progesterone takes place.> > When the follicles become dysfunctional, no eggs are released. This is called anovulation. If a woman

is not ovulating, there would not be a corpus luteum and therefore no increased progesterone production. Laboratory measurement would show both a low estrogen and a low progesterone level. Many still have a seemingly normal menstrual cycle even if there is no ovulation. The lack of progesterone, however, leads to relative estrogen dominance and symptoms like PMS, mood swings, cramps, and tender breast. Anovulation is commonly caused by exposure of female embryos to environmental estrogen (also called xenobiotic or xenoestrogen) such as pesticides, plastic, and pollution. It is often related to a poor diet and stress. > > B. Luteal insufficiency. More frequent than anovulation, the egg is produced but the corpus luteum malfunctions. It just does not make enough progesterone. Laboratory measurements would show a high estrogen but low progesterone, and typical symptoms of estrogen dominance would arise.

Without adequate progesterone, the chance of achieving pregnancy is reduced. Don't forget that progesterone is what keeps the womb going and it nourishes the fetus.> > > Estrogen Dominance in Menopausal Women> > The predominant reason why menopausal women developed estrogen dominance is because they are being prescribed unopposed estrogen such as Premarin as part of their hormone replacement therapy (HRT) program. Despite decades of research clearly showing that HRT significantly increased breast cancer, millions of women worldwide are on unopposed estrogen for treatment of menopausal symptoms. > > Obesity is another cause. During menopause, the amount of estrogen produced from the ovaries decreases, but not as drastic when it comes to another hormone that the ovaries produce called androstenedione (a male hormone). Fat cells can convert androstenedione into estrogen. The amount of

conversion in some people is enough to maintain a reasonable estrogen level in the body well into the 70s. The result of excessive estrogen and absolute deficiency in progesterone is clear - estrogen dominance. > > We mentioned above our body is essentially soaked in a sea of estrogen. Where does the estrogen comes from? Let us take a closer look. > > Causes of Estrogen Dominance> > Our body normally functions in perfect homeostasis. With the advent of society and industrial state in the past 70 years, our body has been subjected to unprecedented insults from environmental estrogen-like hormones. In less than one hundred years, we have managed to turn our diet from whole fruits and whole food to fast and processed food. In the past, cattle were raised on grass and natural organic feed and chickens were allowed to run free. This is in stark contrast to the commercialization of cattle

and poultry farms of today where animals are in cages most of the time. Worse yet, feeds laced with pesticides and hormones, both of which have estrogen-like activities, are routinely given to animals, which in turn is passed to humans.> > Women in non-industrialized cultures whose diets are whole food based and are untainted with modern processed foods and pesticides seldom suffer a deficiency in progesterone and the signs of estrogen dominance manifested as menopausal symptoms.> > 12 of the most common reasons:> > 1. Commercially raised cattle and poultry. These animals are fed estrogen-like hormones as well as growth hormone that are passed onto humans. It takes 60 pounds of grain, feed, and hay to produce one pound of edible beef. On the other hand, it only takes one pound of feed to produce one pound of edible fish. Deep-sea fish such as halibut, sardines, cod, and mackerel are

good to consume. Young ones are often less contaminated than older fish, and smaller fish are better shielded from contamination than larger fish like sharks and swordfish. Avoid all coastal fish and shellfish, which are high in contaminants. Fish are far superior to beef or chicken in terms of hormone load. It is interesting to note that one-half of all antibiotics in the United States are used in livestock - 25 million pounds a year. These antibiotics can contribute to hormone disruptor exposure. The use of antibiotics is especially prevalent in poultry farms. It only takes 6 weeks now to grow a chicken> to full size (down from four months in 1940). Up to 80,000 birds may be packed into one warehouse. Feeds used contain a myriad of hormone-disrupting toxins including pesticides, antibiotics, and drugs to combat disease when so many animals are packed closely together.> > 2. Commercially grown fruits

and vegetables containing pesticides. If you eat in any developed countries, you are taking in pesticides from fruits and vegetables, many of which are known hormone disruptors. Approximately 5 billion pounds of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other biocides are being added to the world each year. In the past 100 years, several hundred billions pounds of pesticides have been released into the environment. Pesticides that are banned in the US, such as DDT, are being used in some other countries freely. Illegal pesticides are being used on crops that we eat everyday. It is estimated that a person eats illegal pesticides 75 times a year just by following USDA's recommendation of five servings of fruits and vegetables a day if these are purchased in regular supermarkets. Vegetables grown in developing foreign countries such as South America and Africa find their way back to our dinner table in this global

community. Pesticide residues have> chemical structures that are similar to estrogen. These are eventually passed onto humans. Produce with the most pesticides reported in A Shopper's Guide to Pesticdes in Produce include strawberries (contain vinclozolin, a known endocrine disruptor), bell peppers, peaches, apples, apricots, and spinach. Foods with the least amount of pesticides include avocados, corn, onions, sweet potatoes, bananas, green onions, broccoli, and cauliflower. If you are eating non-organic fruits and vegetables, peel and wash them well with diluted vinegar. This will help to reduce pesticides on the surface. Needless to say, this will not help to rid of the pesticides inside. Discard the outer leaves of leafy vegetables, and trim fat from meat and skin from poultry and fish that tend to collect residues.> > 3. Exposure to xenoestrogen. When a female embryo develops in the womb,

500,000 to 800,000 follicles are created in the embryo, each enclosing an immature ovum. These fragile ovarian follicles are extremely sensitive to the toxicity of environmental pollutants. When the mother is exposed to toxic chemicals that resemble estrogen in its molecular structure, she may experience no apparent damage outwardly. However the baby is more vulnerable to these toxins that may damage its ovarian follicles and make them dysfunctional. This will not be apparent until the baby reaches puberty some 10 to 15 years later, when symptoms of incomplete ovulation or insufficient progesterone production can be noted. > > Petrochemical compounds found in general consumer products such as creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos, perfume, hair spray and room deodorizers. Such compounds often have chemical structures similar to estrogen and indeed act like estrogen. Other sources of xenoestrogen include car

exhaust, petrochemically derived pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides; solvents and adhesives such as that those found in nail polish, paint removers, and glues; dry-cleaning chemicals; practically all plastics, industrial waste such as PCBs and dioxins, synthetic estrogens from urine of women taking HRT and birth control pills that is flushed down the toilet and eventually found its way into the food chain and back into the body. They are fat soluble and non-biodegradable. > > 4. Industrial solvents. A common source of industrial xenoestrogens often overlooked is a family of chemicals called solvents. These chemicals enter the body through the skin, and accumulated quickly in the lipid-rich tissues such as myelin (nerve sheath) and adipose (fat). Some common organic solvents include alcohol like methanol, aldehydes like acetaldehyde, glycol like ethylene glycol, and ketones like acetone. They are commonly

found in cosmetics, fingernail polish and fingernail polish remover, glues, paints, varnishes, and other types of finishes, cleaning products, carpet, fiberboard, and other processed woods. Pesticides and herbicides such as lawn and garden sprays, indoor insect sprays are also sources of minute amounts of xenoestrogens. While the amount may be small in each, the additive effect from years of chronic exposure can lead to estrogen dominance.> > 5. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). HRT with estrogen alone without sufficient opposing progesterone such as the drug Premarin should be banned. This increases the level of estrogen in the body. Premarin, a estrogen only drug commonly used in the past 40 years, is the mainstay of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT). It is a patented, chemicalized hormonal substitute that is not the same as what you have in your body. It contains 48% estrone and only a small amount

of progesterone which is insufficient to have an opposing effect. The indiscriminate and over-prescription of Premarin to many who may not need it is the problem. Symptoms include water retention, breast swelling, fibrocysts in the breast, depression, headache, gallbladder problems, and heavy period. The excessive estrogen from ERT also lead to increased chances of DNA damage, setting a stage for endometrial and breast cancer. > > 6. Over production of estrogen. Excessive estrogen can arise from ovarian cysts or tumors.> > 7. Stress. Stress causes adrenal gland exhaustion and reduced progesterone output. This tilts the estrogen to progesterone ratios in favor of estrogen. Excessive estrogen in turn causes insomnia and anxiety, which further taxes the adrenal gland. This leads to a further reduction in progesterone output and even more estrogen dominance. After a few years in this type of vicious

cycle, the adrenal glands become exhausted. This dysfunction leads to blood sugar imbalance, hormonal imbalances, and chronic fatigue.> > 8. Obesity. Fat has an enzyme that converts adrenal steroids to estrogen. The higher the fat intake, the higher the conversion of fat to estrogen. Overeating is the norm in developed countries. A population from such countries, especially in the Western hemisphere where a large part of the dietary calorie is derived from fat, has a much higher incidence of menopausal symptoms. Studies have shown that estrogen and progesterone levels fell in women who switched from a typical high-fat, refined-carbohydrate diet to a low-fat, high-fiber and plant-based diet even though they did not adjust their total calorie intake. Plants contain over 5,000 known sterols that have progestogenic effects. People who eat more wholesome foods have a far lower incidence of menopausal

symptoms because their pre- and post-menopause levels of estrogen do not drop as significantly. > > 9. Liver diseases. Liver diseases such as cirrhosis from excessive alcohol intake reduce the breakdown of estrogen. Taking drugs that can impair liver function may also contribute to a higher level of estrogen. > > 10. Deficiency of Vitamin B6 and Magnesium. Both of these are necessary for the neutralization of estrogen in the liver. Too much estrogen also tends to create deficiency of zinc, magnesium and the B vitamins. These are all important constituents of hormonal balance.> > 11. Increased sugar, fast food and processed food. Intake of these leads to a depletion of magnesium. > > 12. Increase in coffee consumption. Caffeine intake from all sources was linked with higher estrogen levels regardless of age, body mass index (BMI), caloric intake, smoking, alcohol, and

cholesterol intake. Studies have shown that women who consumed at least 500 milligrams of caffeine daily, the equivalent of four or five cups of coffee, had nearly 70% more estrogen during the early follicular phase than women who consume no more than 100 mg of caffeine daily, or less than one cup of coffee. Tea is not much better as it contains about half the amount of caffeine as compared to coffee. The exception is herbal tea like chamomile which contains no caffeine.> > In absolute terms, those who live in the developed world are bathed in a continuous sea of estrogen and do not know it. Yes, we all have hormonal imbalances, and specifically - estrogen dominance.> > > > __________________________________________________>

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I just ordered the book on natural hormones. I want to read up on this, and I think it will be good info. I missed my period for 3 months, and just got it finally. Something was going on, and I am not sure if it is pre-menopause or what! I am sure this will give me some good ideas on getting through this period of life. Thanks for the good recommendations. Pattysomersautumn <somersautumn@...> wrote: You're welcome Patty.I want to clarify

that blood testing BEFORE starting progesterone or estorgen should be three times (beginning cycle, days 1,2 OR three (choose one), day 14 and day 20,21 OR 22 (pick one) estrogen, progesterone, LH, fsh should be checked too so you can see the activity of your hormones--three times before deciding what is up with your hormones.a doctor can't tell with one tests because our hormones go up and down with our cycle, it's not too many time to tests before you decide to get on hormones.I have high normal progesterone and I'm ovulating but low normal estrogen. my doctor is going to try me on a small dose of bioidentical estrogen and progesterone, giving me more estrogen because i have less of that then the progesterone.Something set off an illness in me after I had implants and the explant.I've been under terrible stress too .i also wanted to warn all you ladies the over the counter hormone creams are not the way to go,

get a perscription from a doctor who is affiliated with a reputable compounding pharmacy.KRONOS Compounding Pharmacy in Las Vegas1-800-723-7455Women's International Pharmacy1-800-279-5708www.womensinternational.com > >> > Just to make sure you all don't miss this important discussion! > At least scroll down to the discussion of the causes of estrogen > dominance:> > > http://www.drlam.com/A3R_brief_in_doc_format/Estrogen_Dominance.cfm#6> > Estrogen Dominance > > Estrogen and progesterone work in synchronization with each > other as checks and balances to achieve hormonal harmony in both > sexes. It is not the absolute deficiency of estrogen or > progesterone but rather the relative dominance of estrogen and > relative deficiency of progesterone that is main cause of health > problems when they are off balance.> >

> > While sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone decline with > age gradually, there is a drastic change in the rate of decline > during the perimenopausal and menopausal years for the women in > these two hormones as mentioned earlier. > > From age 35 to 50, there is a 75% reduction in production of > progesterone in the body. Estrogen, during the same period, only > declines about 35%. By menopause, the total amount of progesterone > made is extremely low, while estrogen is still present in the body > at about half its pre-menopausal level. > > > > With the gradual drop in estrogen but severe drop in progesterone, > there is insufficient progesterone to counteract the amount of > estrogen in our body. This state is called estrogen dominance. Many > women in their mid-thirties, most women during peri-menopause (mid-> forties), and

essentially all women during menopause (age 50 and > beyond) are overloaded with estrogen and at the same time suffering > from progesterone deficiency because of the severe drop in > physiological production during this period. The end result - > excessive estrogen relative to progesterone, a condition we called > estrogen dominance. > > According to Dr. Lee, the world's authority on natural > hormone therapy, the key to hormonal balance is the modulation of > progesterone to estrogen ratio. For optimum health, the progesterone > to estrogen ratio should be between 200 and 300 to 1. > > > > > > What is so bad about estrogen dominance? It is the root cause > of a myriad of illnesses. Conditions associated with this include > fibrocystic breast disease, PMS, uterine fibroids, breast cancer, > endometriosis, infertility problem, endometrial

polyps, PCOS, auto-> immune disorders, low blood sugar problems, and menstrual pain, > among many others. > > Questions? Ask me.> > > > Estrogen Dominance in Pre-menopausal Women> > > > There are two periods in a women's life that her progesterone > level is low - at puberty and again at peri-menopause ( the few > years right before menopause). Between puberty and peri-menopause, > the production of progesterone can go astray, leading to estrogen > dominance as mentioned earlier. Between this period, estrogen > dominance can also be the result of excessive external estrogen > intake (from diet and environment) or internal estrogen production ( > from obesity, birth control pills, or ovarian tumor). > > > > Two common causes are: > > > > A. Anovulation (lack of ovulation). Ovulation is the time of the > month

where an ovarian follicle releases an ovum (egg). Under normal > condition, the released egg makes it way from the ovary to the > uterus in preparation for fertilization. This usually happens from > day 12 to day 14 of the menstrual cycle. After the egg is released, > the empty follicle becomes the corpus luteum. This is the main > factory where the production of progesterone takes place.> > > > When the follicles become dysfunctional, no eggs are released. > This is called anovulation. If a woman is not ovulating, there would > not be a corpus luteum and therefore no increased progesterone > production. Laboratory measurement would show both a low estrogen > and a low progesterone level. Many still have a seemingly normal > menstrual cycle even if there is no ovulation. The lack of > progesterone, however, leads to relative estrogen dominance and > symptoms

like PMS, mood swings, cramps, and tender breast. > Anovulation is commonly caused by exposure of female embryos to > environmental estrogen (also called xenobiotic or xenoestrogen) such > as pesticides, plastic, and pollution. It is often related to a poor > diet and stress. > > > > B. Luteal insufficiency. More frequent than anovulation, the egg > is produced but the corpus luteum malfunctions. It just does not > make enough progesterone. Laboratory measurements would show a high > estrogen but low progesterone, and typical symptoms of estrogen > dominance would arise. Without adequate progesterone, the chance of > achieving pregnancy is reduced. Don't forget that progesterone is > what keeps the womb going and it nourishes the fetus.> > > > > > Estrogen Dominance in Menopausal Women> > > > The predominant reason why

menopausal women developed estrogen > dominance is because they are being prescribed unopposed estrogen > such as Premarin as part of their hormone replacement therapy (HRT) > program. Despite decades of research clearly showing that HRT > significantly increased breast cancer, millions of women worldwide > are on unopposed estrogen for treatment of menopausal symptoms. > > > > Obesity is another cause. During menopause, the amount of estrogen > produced from the ovaries decreases, but not as drastic when it > comes to another hormone that the ovaries produce called > androstenedione (a male hormone). Fat cells can convert > androstenedione into estrogen. The amount of conversion in some > people is enough to maintain a reasonable estrogen level in the body > well into the 70s. The result of excessive estrogen and absolute > deficiency in progesterone is

clear - estrogen dominance. > > > > We mentioned above our body is essentially soaked in a sea of > estrogen. Where does the estrogen comes from? Let us take a closer > look. > > > > Causes of Estrogen Dominance> > > > Our body normally functions in perfect homeostasis. With the > advent of society and industrial state in the past 70 years, our > body has been subjected to unprecedented insults from environmental > estrogen-like hormones. In less than one hundred years, we have > managed to turn our diet from whole fruits and whole food to fast > and processed food. In the past, cattle were raised on grass and > natural organic feed and chickens were allowed to run free. This is > in stark contrast to the commercialization of cattle and poultry > farms of today where animals are in cages most of the time. Worse > yet, feeds laced

with pesticides and hormones, both of which have > estrogen-like activities, are routinely given to animals, which in > turn is passed to humans.> > > > Women in non-industrialized cultures whose diets are whole food > based and are untainted with modern processed foods and pesticides > seldom suffer a deficiency in progesterone and the signs of estrogen > dominance manifested as menopausal symptoms.> > > > 12 of the most common reasons:> > > > 1. Commercially raised cattle and poultry. These animals are fed > estrogen-like hormones as well as growth hormone that are passed > onto humans. It takes 60 pounds of grain, feed, and hay to produce > one pound of edible beef. On the other hand, it only takes one pound > of feed to produce one pound of edible fish. Deep-sea fish such as > halibut, sardines, cod, and mackerel are good to consume.

Young ones > are often less contaminated than older fish, and smaller fish are > better shielded from contamination than larger fish like sharks and > swordfish. Avoid all coastal fish and shellfish, which are high in > contaminants. Fish are far superior to beef or chicken in terms of > hormone load. It is interesting to note that one-half of all > antibiotics in the United States are used in livestock - 25 million > pounds a year. These antibiotics can contribute to hormone disruptor > exposure. The use of antibiotics is especially prevalent in poultry > farms. It only takes 6 weeks now to grow a chicken> > to full size (down from four months in 1940). Up to 80,000 birds > may be packed into one warehouse. Feeds used contain a myriad of > hormone-disrupting toxins including pesticides, antibiotics, and > drugs to combat disease when so many animals are packed

closely > together.> > > > 2. Commercially grown fruits and vegetables containing pesticides. > If you eat in any developed countries, you are taking in pesticides > from fruits and vegetables, many of which are known hormone > disruptors. Approximately 5 billion pounds of pesticides, > herbicides, fungicides, and other biocides are being added to the > world each year. In the past 100 years, several hundred billions > pounds of pesticides have been released into the environment. > Pesticides that are banned in the US, such as DDT, are being used in > some other countries freely. Illegal pesticides are being used on > crops that we eat everyday. It is estimated that a person eats > illegal pesticides 75 times a year just by following USDA's > recommendation of five servings of fruits and vegetables a day if > these are purchased in regular

supermarkets. Vegetables grown in > developing foreign countries such as South America and Africa find > their way back to our dinner table in this global community. > Pesticide residues have> > chemical structures that are similar to estrogen. These are > eventually passed onto humans. Produce with the most pesticides > reported in A Shopper's Guide to Pesticdes in Produce include > strawberries (contain vinclozolin, a known endocrine disruptor), > bell peppers, peaches, apples, apricots, and spinach. Foods with the > least amount of pesticides include avocados, corn, onions, sweet > potatoes, bananas, green onions, broccoli, and cauliflower. If you > are eating non-organic fruits and vegetables, peel and wash them > well with diluted vinegar. This will help to reduce pesticides on > the surface. Needless to say, this will not help to rid of the > pesticides inside.

Discard the outer leaves of leafy vegetables, and > trim fat from meat and skin from poultry and fish that tend to > collect residues.> > > > 3. Exposure to xenoestrogen. When a female embryo develops in > the womb, 500,000 to 800,000 follicles are created in the embryo, > each enclosing an immature ovum. These fragile ovarian follicles are > extremely sensitive to the toxicity of environmental pollutants. > When the mother is exposed to toxic chemicals that resemble estrogen > in its molecular structure, she may experience no apparent damage > outwardly. However the baby is more vulnerable to these toxins that > may damage its ovarian follicles and make them dysfunctional. This > will not be apparent until the baby reaches puberty some 10 to 15 > years later, when symptoms of incomplete ovulation or insufficient > progesterone production can be noted.

> > > > Petrochemical compounds found in general consumer products such as > creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos, perfume, hair spray and room > deodorizers. Such compounds often have chemical structures similar > to estrogen and indeed act like estrogen. Other sources of > xenoestrogen include car exhaust, petrochemically derived > pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides; solvents and adhesives such > as that those found in nail polish, paint removers, and glues; dry-> cleaning chemicals; practically all plastics, industrial waste such > as PCBs and dioxins, synthetic estrogens from urine of women taking > HRT and birth control pills that is flushed down the toilet and > eventually found its way into the food chain and back into the body. > They are fat soluble and non-biodegradable. > > > > 4. Industrial solvents. A common source of

industrial > xenoestrogens often overlooked is a family of chemicals called > solvents. These chemicals enter the body through the skin, and > accumulated quickly in the lipid-rich tissues such as myelin (nerve > sheath) and adipose (fat). Some common organic solvents include > alcohol like methanol, aldehydes like acetaldehyde, glycol like > ethylene glycol, and ketones like acetone. They are commonly found > in cosmetics, fingernail polish and fingernail polish remover, > glues, paints, varnishes, and other types of finishes, cleaning > products, carpet, fiberboard, and other processed woods. Pesticides > and herbicides such as lawn and garden sprays, indoor insect sprays > are also sources of minute amounts of xenoestrogens. While the > amount may be small in each, the additive effect from years of > chronic exposure can lead to estrogen dominance.> >

> > 5. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). HRT with estrogen alone > without sufficient opposing progesterone such as the drug Premarin > should be banned. This increases the level of estrogen in the body. > Premarin, a estrogen only drug commonly used in the past 40 years, > is the mainstay of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT). It is a > patented, chemicalized hormonal substitute that is not the same as > what you have in your body. It contains 48% estrone and only a small > amount of progesterone which is insufficient to have an opposing > effect. The indiscriminate and over-prescription of Premarin to many > who may not need it is the problem. Symptoms include water > retention, breast swelling, fibrocysts in the breast, depression, > headache, gallbladder problems, and heavy period. The excessive > estrogen from ERT also lead to increased chances of DNA damage,

> setting a stage for endometrial and breast cancer. > > > > 6. Over production of estrogen. Excessive estrogen can arise from > ovarian cysts or tumors.> > > > 7. Stress. Stress causes adrenal gland exhaustion and reduced > progesterone output. This tilts the estrogen to progesterone ratios > in favor of estrogen. Excessive estrogen in turn causes insomnia and > anxiety, which further taxes the adrenal gland. This leads to a > further reduction in progesterone output and even more estrogen > dominance. After a few years in this type of vicious cycle, the > adrenal glands become exhausted. This dysfunction leads to blood > sugar imbalance, hormonal imbalances, and chronic fatigue.> > > > 8. Obesity. Fat has an enzyme that converts adrenal steroids to > estrogen. The higher the fat intake, the higher the conversion of > fat to

estrogen. Overeating is the norm in developed countries. A > population from such countries, especially in the Western hemisphere > where a large part of the dietary calorie is derived from fat, has a > much higher incidence of menopausal symptoms. Studies have shown > that estrogen and progesterone levels fell in women who switched > from a typical high-fat, refined-carbohydrate diet to a low-fat, > high-fiber and plant-based diet even though they did not adjust > their total calorie intake. Plants contain over 5,000 known sterols > that have progestogenic effects. People who eat more wholesome foods > have a far lower incidence of menopausal symptoms because their pre- > and post-menopause levels of estrogen do not drop as significantly. > > > > 9. Liver diseases. Liver diseases such as cirrhosis from excessive > alcohol intake reduce the

breakdown of estrogen. Taking drugs that > can impair liver function may also contribute to a higher level of > estrogen. > > > > 10. Deficiency of Vitamin B6 and Magnesium. Both of these are > necessary for the neutralization of estrogen in the liver. Too much > estrogen also tends to create deficiency of zinc, magnesium and the > B vitamins. These are all important constituents of hormonal balance.> > > > 11. Increased sugar, fast food and processed food. Intake of these > leads to a depletion of magnesium. > > > > 12. Increase in coffee consumption. Caffeine intake from all > sources was linked with higher estrogen levels regardless of age, > body mass index (BMI), caloric intake, smoking, alcohol, and > cholesterol intake. Studies have shown that women who consumed at > least 500 milligrams of caffeine daily, the equivalent

of four or > five cups of coffee, had nearly 70% more estrogen during the early > follicular phase than women who consume no more than 100 mg of > caffeine daily, or less than one cup of coffee. Tea is not much > better as it contains about half the amount of caffeine as compared > to coffee. The exception is herbal tea like chamomile which contains > no caffeine.> > > > In absolute terms, those who live in the developed world are > bathed in a continuous sea of estrogen and do not know it. Yes, we > all have hormonal imbalances, and specifically - estrogen dominance.> > > > > > > > __________________________________________________> >

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I totally agree with this! I had HORRIBLE problems when I had my hysterectomy. I was put on an HRT patch for a year or so, and I kept having bad panic attacks, could not sleep, and was in incredible Fibro pain, crying spells, the whole bit. Went to my Gyno, who took one look at me and gave me a huge estrogen shot, and I was FINE. Now I get my hormones monitored every time I have freaky symptoms. I had it done last week, but have not got the results back yet. My doctor wanted to find out if my headache was caused by lack of estrogen. If my hormones come back normal, he said it is more than likely my implants.somersautumn <somersautumn@...> wrote: Hi ladies, haven't posted in a long time.Estrogen dominance is a real condition but not all women have this highly publizied condition, many have POD, (premature ovarian decline--LOSS OF ESTROGEN) that can be caused by stress, poor nutrition, toxins, genetics.Don't assume you're "estrogen dominant" have serum blood tests on days 1,2, or 3 day 14 and 20,21 or 22 of your cycle, three times in the month taking NO hormones. you need to be hormone free in order to get your baseline readings.I've read several books on hormones since I have hormone problems and my LOW estrogen as a young woman has made my health worse. Estrogen levels must be otimal to fight off infection and to boost the immune system. Estrogen is also a natural pain modulator. Many studies show that

LOW estrogen is common in women with FMS and CFS. it's not the cause but makes the condition more miserable with insomnia, depression, dry skin, loss of libido and achiness that comes with low estrodial. Also, low estrogen in ratio to high progesterone can cause pms too, it's not only the low P to high T.Also, to low of testosterone can cause fatigue, and low libido and dry skin.Hormone conditions should not be taken for granted, be tested before assuming what you have.By far the best books I've read on this issue are "It's My Ovaries, Stupid" by Vliet,MD, "The Hormone Solution" by Schwartz, MD and most of all "Natural Hormone Balance for Women" by Uzzi Reiss, MD.I've also read clinical studies.Again, I'm not saying ED is not real, it's just over generalized.I went into POD soon after 25 due to illness.In , Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:>> Just to make sure you all don't miss this important discussion! At least scroll down to the discussion of the causes of estrogen dominance:> http://www.drlam.com/A3R_brief_in_doc_format/Estrogen_Dominance.cfm#6> Estrogen Dominance > Estrogen and progesterone work in synchronization with each other as checks and balances to achieve hormonal harmony in both sexes. It is not the absolute deficiency of estrogen or progesterone but rather the relative dominance of estrogen and relative deficiency of progesterone that is main cause of health problems when they are off balance.> > While sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone decline with

age gradually, there is a drastic change in the rate of decline during the perimenopausal and menopausal years for the women in these two hormones as mentioned earlier. > From age 35 to 50, there is a 75% reduction in production of progesterone in the body. Estrogen, during the same period, only declines about 35%. By menopause, the total amount of progesterone made is extremely low, while estrogen is still present in the body at about half its pre-menopausal level. > > With the gradual drop in estrogen but severe drop in progesterone, there is insufficient progesterone to counteract the amount of estrogen in our body. This state is called estrogen dominance. Many women in their mid-thirties, most women during peri-menopause (mid-forties), and essentially all women during menopause (age 50 and beyond) are overloaded with estrogen and at the same time suffering from progesterone deficiency because of

the severe drop in physiological production during this period. The end result - excessive estrogen relative to progesterone, a condition we called estrogen dominance. > According to Dr. Lee, the world's authority on natural hormone therapy, the key to hormonal balance is the modulation of progesterone to estrogen ratio. For optimum health, the progesterone to estrogen ratio should be between 200 and 300 to 1. > > > What is so bad about estrogen dominance? It is the root cause of a myriad of illnesses. Conditions associated with this include fibrocystic breast disease, PMS, uterine fibroids, breast cancer, endometriosis, infertility problem, endometrial polyps, PCOS, auto-immune disorders, low blood sugar problems, and menstrual pain, among many others. > Questions? Ask me.> > Estrogen Dominance in Pre-menopausal Women> > There are two periods in a women's life

that her progesterone level is low - at puberty and again at peri-menopause ( the few years right before menopause). Between puberty and peri-menopause, the production of progesterone can go astray, leading to estrogen dominance as mentioned earlier. Between this period, estrogen dominance can also be the result of excessive external estrogen intake (from diet and environment) or internal estrogen production ( from obesity, birth control pills, or ovarian tumor). > > Two common causes are: > > A. Anovulation (lack of ovulation). Ovulation is the time of the month where an ovarian follicle releases an ovum (egg). Under normal condition, the released egg makes it way from the ovary to the uterus in preparation for fertilization. This usually happens from day 12 to day 14 of the menstrual cycle. After the egg is released, the empty follicle becomes the corpus luteum. This is the main factory where

the production of progesterone takes place.> > When the follicles become dysfunctional, no eggs are released. This is called anovulation. If a woman is not ovulating, there would not be a corpus luteum and therefore no increased progesterone production. Laboratory measurement would show both a low estrogen and a low progesterone level. Many still have a seemingly normal menstrual cycle even if there is no ovulation. The lack of progesterone, however, leads to relative estrogen dominance and symptoms like PMS, mood swings, cramps, and tender breast. Anovulation is commonly caused by exposure of female embryos to environmental estrogen (also called xenobiotic or xenoestrogen) such as pesticides, plastic, and pollution. It is often related to a poor diet and stress. > > B. Luteal insufficiency. More frequent than anovulation, the egg is produced but the corpus luteum malfunctions. It just does not

make enough progesterone. Laboratory measurements would show a high estrogen but low progesterone, and typical symptoms of estrogen dominance would arise. Without adequate progesterone, the chance of achieving pregnancy is reduced. Don't forget that progesterone is what keeps the womb going and it nourishes the fetus.> > > Estrogen Dominance in Menopausal Women> > The predominant reason why menopausal women developed estrogen dominance is because they are being prescribed unopposed estrogen such as Premarin as part of their hormone replacement therapy (HRT) program. Despite decades of research clearly showing that HRT significantly increased breast cancer, millions of women worldwide are on unopposed estrogen for treatment of menopausal symptoms. > > Obesity is another cause. During menopause, the amount of estrogen produced from the ovaries decreases, but not as drastic when it

comes to another hormone that the ovaries produce called androstenedione (a male hormone). Fat cells can convert androstenedione into estrogen. The amount of conversion in some people is enough to maintain a reasonable estrogen level in the body well into the 70s. The result of excessive estrogen and absolute deficiency in progesterone is clear - estrogen dominance. > > We mentioned above our body is essentially soaked in a sea of estrogen. Where does the estrogen comes from? Let us take a closer look. > > Causes of Estrogen Dominance> > Our body normally functions in perfect homeostasis. With the advent of society and industrial state in the past 70 years, our body has been subjected to unprecedented insults from environmental estrogen-like hormones. In less than one hundred years, we have managed to turn our diet from whole fruits and whole food to fast and processed food. In

the past, cattle were raised on grass and natural organic feed and chickens were allowed to run free. This is in stark contrast to the commercialization of cattle and poultry farms of today where animals are in cages most of the time. Worse yet, feeds laced with pesticides and hormones, both of which have estrogen-like activities, are routinely given to animals, which in turn is passed to humans.> > Women in non-industrialized cultures whose diets are whole food based and are untainted with modern processed foods and pesticides seldom suffer a deficiency in progesterone and the signs of estrogen dominance manifested as menopausal symptoms.> > 12 of the most common reasons:> > 1. Commercially raised cattle and poultry. These animals are fed estrogen-like hormones as well as growth hormone that are passed onto humans. It takes 60 pounds of grain, feed, and hay to produce one pound of

edible beef. On the other hand, it only takes one pound of feed to produce one pound of edible fish. Deep-sea fish such as halibut, sardines, cod, and mackerel are good to consume. Young ones are often less contaminated than older fish, and smaller fish are better shielded from contamination than larger fish like sharks and swordfish. Avoid all coastal fish and shellfish, which are high in contaminants. Fish are far superior to beef or chicken in terms of hormone load. It is interesting to note that one-half of all antibiotics in the United States are used in livestock - 25 million pounds a year. These antibiotics can contribute to hormone disruptor exposure. The use of antibiotics is especially prevalent in poultry farms. It only takes 6 weeks now to grow a chicken> to full size (down from four months in 1940). Up to 80,000 birds may be packed into one warehouse. Feeds used contain a myriad of hormone-disrupting

toxins including pesticides, antibiotics, and drugs to combat disease when so many animals are packed closely together.> > 2. Commercially grown fruits and vegetables containing pesticides. If you eat in any developed countries, you are taking in pesticides from fruits and vegetables, many of which are known hormone disruptors. Approximately 5 billion pounds of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other biocides are being added to the world each year. In the past 100 years, several hundred billions pounds of pesticides have been released into the environment. Pesticides that are banned in the US, such as DDT, are being used in some other countries freely. Illegal pesticides are being used on crops that we eat everyday. It is estimated that a person eats illegal pesticides 75 times a year just by following USDA's recommendation of five servings of fruits and vegetables a day if these are purchased in

regular supermarkets. Vegetables grown in developing foreign countries such as South America and Africa find their way back to our dinner table in this global community. Pesticide residues have> chemical structures that are similar to estrogen. These are eventually passed onto humans. Produce with the most pesticides reported in A Shopper's Guide to Pesticdes in Produce include strawberries (contain vinclozolin, a known endocrine disruptor), bell peppers, peaches, apples, apricots, and spinach. Foods with the least amount of pesticides include avocados, corn, onions, sweet potatoes, bananas, green onions, broccoli, and cauliflower. If you are eating non-organic fruits and vegetables, peel and wash them well with diluted vinegar. This will help to reduce pesticides on the surface. Needless to say, this will not help to rid of the pesticides inside. Discard the outer leaves of leafy vegetables, and trim fat from

meat and skin from poultry and fish that tend to collect residues.> > 3. Exposure to xenoestrogen. When a female embryo develops in the womb, 500,000 to 800,000 follicles are created in the embryo, each enclosing an immature ovum. These fragile ovarian follicles are extremely sensitive to the toxicity of environmental pollutants. When the mother is exposed to toxic chemicals that resemble estrogen in its molecular structure, she may experience no apparent damage outwardly. However the baby is more vulnerable to these toxins that may damage its ovarian follicles and make them dysfunctional. This will not be apparent until the baby reaches puberty some 10 to 15 years later, when symptoms of incomplete ovulation or insufficient progesterone production can be noted. > > Petrochemical compounds found in general consumer products such as creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos, perfume, hair spray and room

deodorizers. Such compounds often have chemical structures similar to estrogen and indeed act like estrogen. Other sources of xenoestrogen include car exhaust, petrochemically derived pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides; solvents and adhesives such as that those found in nail polish, paint removers, and glues; dry-cleaning chemicals; practically all plastics, industrial waste such as PCBs and dioxins, synthetic estrogens from urine of women taking HRT and birth control pills that is flushed down the toilet and eventually found its way into the food chain and back into the body. They are fat soluble and non-biodegradable. > > 4. Industrial solvents. A common source of industrial xenoestrogens often overlooked is a family of chemicals called solvents. These chemicals enter the body through the skin, and accumulated quickly in the lipid-rich tissues such as myelin (nerve sheath) and adipose (fat). Some

common organic solvents include alcohol like methanol, aldehydes like acetaldehyde, glycol like ethylene glycol, and ketones like acetone. They are commonly found in cosmetics, fingernail polish and fingernail polish remover, glues, paints, varnishes, and other types of finishes, cleaning products, carpet, fiberboard, and other processed woods. Pesticides and herbicides such as lawn and garden sprays, indoor insect sprays are also sources of minute amounts of xenoestrogens. While the amount may be small in each, the additive effect from years of chronic exposure can lead to estrogen dominance.> > 5. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). HRT with estrogen alone without sufficient opposing progesterone such as the drug Premarin should be banned. This increases the level of estrogen in the body. Premarin, a estrogen only drug commonly used in the past 40 years, is the mainstay of estrogen replacement therapy

(ERT). It is a patented, chemicalized hormonal substitute that is not the same as what you have in your body. It contains 48% estrone and only a small amount of progesterone which is insufficient to have an opposing effect. The indiscriminate and over-prescription of Premarin to many who may not need it is the problem. Symptoms include water retention, breast swelling, fibrocysts in the breast, depression, headache, gallbladder problems, and heavy period. The excessive estrogen from ERT also lead to increased chances of DNA damage, setting a stage for endometrial and breast cancer. > > 6. Over production of estrogen. Excessive estrogen can arise from ovarian cysts or tumors.> > 7. Stress. Stress causes adrenal gland exhaustion and reduced progesterone output. This tilts the estrogen to progesterone ratios in favor of estrogen. Excessive estrogen in turn causes insomnia and anxiety, which

further taxes the adrenal gland. This leads to a further reduction in progesterone output and even more estrogen dominance. After a few years in this type of vicious cycle, the adrenal glands become exhausted. This dysfunction leads to blood sugar imbalance, hormonal imbalances, and chronic fatigue.> > 8. Obesity. Fat has an enzyme that converts adrenal steroids to estrogen. The higher the fat intake, the higher the conversion of fat to estrogen. Overeating is the norm in developed countries. A population from such countries, especially in the Western hemisphere where a large part of the dietary calorie is derived from fat, has a much higher incidence of menopausal symptoms. Studies have shown that estrogen and progesterone levels fell in women who switched from a typical high-fat, refined-carbohydrate diet to a low-fat, high-fiber and plant-based diet even though they did not adjust their total calorie

intake. Plants contain over 5,000 known sterols that have progestogenic effects. People who eat more wholesome foods have a far lower incidence of menopausal symptoms because their pre- and post-menopause levels of estrogen do not drop as significantly. > > 9. Liver diseases. Liver diseases such as cirrhosis from excessive alcohol intake reduce the breakdown of estrogen. Taking drugs that can impair liver function may also contribute to a higher level of estrogen. > > 10. Deficiency of Vitamin B6 and Magnesium. Both of these are necessary for the neutralization of estrogen in the liver. Too much estrogen also tends to create deficiency of zinc, magnesium and the B vitamins. These are all important constituents of hormonal balance.> > 11. Increased sugar, fast food and processed food. Intake of these leads to a depletion of magnesium. > > 12. Increase in coffee consumption.

Caffeine intake from all sources was linked with higher estrogen levels regardless of age, body mass index (BMI), caloric intake, smoking, alcohol, and cholesterol intake. Studies have shown that women who consumed at least 500 milligrams of caffeine daily, the equivalent of four or five cups of coffee, had nearly 70% more estrogen during the early follicular phase than women who consume no more than 100 mg of caffeine daily, or less than one cup of coffee. Tea is not much better as it contains about half the amount of caffeine as compared to coffee. The exception is herbal tea like chamomile which contains no caffeine.> > In absolute terms, those who live in the developed world are bathed in a continuous sea of estrogen and do not know it. Yes, we all have hormonal imbalances, and specifically - estrogen dominance.> > > >


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I have low estrogen, too. I have been tested many times, trying to find the

correct dose of estrogen. My progesterone is low as well, so I supplement

with both. You have to be extremely careful when supplementing with

estrogen because having too much can increase your risk for female cancers.


> Hi ladies, haven't posted in a long time.

> Estrogen dominance is a real condition but not all women have this

> highly publizied condition, many have POD, (premature ovarian

> decline--LOSS OF ESTROGEN) that can be caused by stress, poor

> nutrition, toxins, genetics.

> Don't assume you're " estrogen dominant " have serum blood tests on

> days 1,2, or 3 day 14 and 20,21 or 22 of your cycle, three times in

> the month taking NO hormones. you need to be hormone free in order

> to get your baseline readings.

> I've read several books on hormones since I have hormone problems

> and my LOW estrogen as a young woman has made my health worse.

> Estrogen levels must be otimal to fight off infection and to boost

> the immune system. Estrogen is also a natural pain modulator. Many

> studies show that LOW estrogen is common in women with FMS and CFS.

> it's not the cause but makes the condition more miserable with

> insomnia, depression, dry skin, loss of libido and achiness that

> comes with low estrodial. Also, low estrogen in ratio to high

> progesterone can cause pms too, it's not only the low P to high T.

> Also, to low of testosterone can cause fatigue, and low libido and

> dry skin.

> Hormone conditions should not be taken for granted, be tested before

> assuming what you have.

> By far the best books I've read on this issue are " It's My Ovaries,

> Stupid " by Vliet,MD, " The Hormone Solution " by

> Schwartz, MD and most of all " Natural Hormone Balance for Women " by

> Uzzi Reiss, MD.

> I've also read clinical studies.

> Again, I'm not saying ED is not real, it's just over generalized.

> I went into POD soon after 25 due to illness.












> In , Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...>

> wrote:


>> Just to make sure you all don't miss this important discussion!

> At least scroll down to the discussion of the causes of estrogen

> dominance:


> http://www.drlam.com/A3R_brief_in_doc_format/Estrogen_Dominance.cfm#6

>> Estrogen Dominance

>> Estrogen and progesterone work in synchronization with each

> other as checks and balances to achieve hormonal harmony in both

> sexes. It is not the absolute deficiency of estrogen or

> progesterone but rather the relative dominance of estrogen and

> relative deficiency of progesterone that is main cause of health

> problems when they are off balance.


>> While sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone decline with

> age gradually, there is a drastic change in the rate of decline

> during the perimenopausal and menopausal years for the women in

> these two hormones as mentioned earlier.

>> From age 35 to 50, there is a 75% reduction in production of

> progesterone in the body. Estrogen, during the same period, only

> declines about 35%. By menopause, the total amount of progesterone

> made is extremely low, while estrogen is still present in the body

> at about half its pre-menopausal level.


>> With the gradual drop in estrogen but severe drop in progesterone,

> there is insufficient progesterone to counteract the amount of

> estrogen in our body. This state is called estrogen dominance. Many

> women in their mid-thirties, most women during peri-menopause (mid-

> forties), and essentially all women during menopause (age 50 and

> beyond) are overloaded with estrogen and at the same time suffering

> from progesterone deficiency because of the severe drop in

> physiological production during this period. The end result -

> excessive estrogen relative to progesterone, a condition we called

> estrogen dominance.

>> According to Dr. Lee, the world's authority on natural

> hormone therapy, the key to hormonal balance is the modulation of

> progesterone to estrogen ratio. For optimum health, the progesterone

> to estrogen ratio should be between 200 and 300 to 1.



>> What is so bad about estrogen dominance? It is the root cause

> of a myriad of illnesses. Conditions associated with this include

> fibrocystic breast disease, PMS, uterine fibroids, breast cancer,

> endometriosis, infertility problem, endometrial polyps, PCOS, auto-

> immune disorders, low blood sugar problems, and menstrual pain,

> among many others.

>> Questions? Ask me.


>> Estrogen Dominance in Pre-menopausal Women


>> There are two periods in a women's life that her progesterone

> level is low - at puberty and again at peri-menopause ( the few

> years right before menopause). Between puberty and peri-menopause,

> the production of progesterone can go astray, leading to estrogen

> dominance as mentioned earlier. Between this period, estrogen

> dominance can also be the result of excessive external estrogen

> intake (from diet and environment) or internal estrogen production (

> from obesity, birth control pills, or ovarian tumor).


>> Two common causes are:


>> A. Anovulation (lack of ovulation). Ovulation is the time of the

> month where an ovarian follicle releases an ovum (egg). Under normal

> condition, the released egg makes it way from the ovary to the

> uterus in preparation for fertilization. This usually happens from

> day 12 to day 14 of the menstrual cycle. After the egg is released,

> the empty follicle becomes the corpus luteum. This is the main

> factory where the production of progesterone takes place.


>> When the follicles become dysfunctional, no eggs are released.

> This is called anovulation. If a woman is not ovulating, there would

> not be a corpus luteum and therefore no increased progesterone

> production. Laboratory measurement would show both a low estrogen

> and a low progesterone level. Many still have a seemingly normal

> menstrual cycle even if there is no ovulation. The lack of

> progesterone, however, leads to relative estrogen dominance and

> symptoms like PMS, mood swings, cramps, and tender breast.

> Anovulation is commonly caused by exposure of female embryos to

> environmental estrogen (also called xenobiotic or xenoestrogen) such

> as pesticides, plastic, and pollution. It is often related to a poor

> diet and stress.


>> B. Luteal insufficiency. More frequent than anovulation, the egg

> is produced but the corpus luteum malfunctions. It just does not

> make enough progesterone. Laboratory measurements would show a high

> estrogen but low progesterone, and typical symptoms of estrogen

> dominance would arise. Without adequate progesterone, the chance of

> achieving pregnancy is reduced. Don't forget that progesterone is

> what keeps the womb going and it nourishes the fetus.



>> Estrogen Dominance in Menopausal Women


>> The predominant reason why menopausal women developed estrogen

> dominance is because they are being prescribed unopposed estrogen

> such as Premarin as part of their hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

> program. Despite decades of research clearly showing that HRT

> significantly increased breast cancer, millions of women worldwide

> are on unopposed estrogen for treatment of menopausal symptoms.


>> Obesity is another cause. During menopause, the amount of estrogen

> produced from the ovaries decreases, but not as drastic when it

> comes to another hormone that the ovaries produce called

> androstenedione (a male hormone). Fat cells can convert

> androstenedione into estrogen. The amount of conversion in some

> people is enough to maintain a reasonable estrogen level in the body

> well into the 70s. The result of excessive estrogen and absolute

> deficiency in progesterone is clear - estrogen dominance.


>> We mentioned above our body is essentially soaked in a sea of

> estrogen. Where does the estrogen comes from? Let us take a closer

> look.


>> Causes of Estrogen Dominance


>> Our body normally functions in perfect homeostasis. With the

> advent of society and industrial state in the past 70 years, our

> body has been subjected to unprecedented insults from environmental

> estrogen-like hormones. In less than one hundred years, we have

> managed to turn our diet from whole fruits and whole food to fast

> and processed food. In the past, cattle were raised on grass and

> natural organic feed and chickens were allowed to run free. This is

> in stark contrast to the commercialization of cattle and poultry

> farms of today where animals are in cages most of the time. Worse

> yet, feeds laced with pesticides and hormones, both of which have

> estrogen-like activities, are routinely given to animals, which in

> turn is passed to humans.


>> Women in non-industrialized cultures whose diets are whole food

> based and are untainted with modern processed foods and pesticides

> seldom suffer a deficiency in progesterone and the signs of estrogen

> dominance manifested as menopausal symptoms.


>> 12 of the most common reasons:


>> 1. Commercially raised cattle and poultry. These animals are fed

> estrogen-like hormones as well as growth hormone that are passed

> onto humans. It takes 60 pounds of grain, feed, and hay to produce

> one pound of edible beef. On the other hand, it only takes one pound

> of feed to produce one pound of edible fish. Deep-sea fish such as

> halibut, sardines, cod, and mackerel are good to consume. Young ones

> are often less contaminated than older fish, and smaller fish are

> better shielded from contamination than larger fish like sharks and

> swordfish. Avoid all coastal fish and shellfish, which are high in

> contaminants. Fish are far superior to beef or chicken in terms of

> hormone load. It is interesting to note that one-half of all

> antibiotics in the United States are used in livestock - 25 million

> pounds a year. These antibiotics can contribute to hormone disruptor

> exposure. The use of antibiotics is especially prevalent in poultry

> farms. It only takes 6 weeks now to grow a chicken

>> to full size (down from four months in 1940). Up to 80,000 birds

> may be packed into one warehouse. Feeds used contain a myriad of

> hormone-disrupting toxins including pesticides, antibiotics, and

> drugs to combat disease when so many animals are packed closely

> together.


>> 2. Commercially grown fruits and vegetables containing pesticides.

> If you eat in any developed countries, you are taking in pesticides

> from fruits and vegetables, many of which are known hormone

> disruptors. Approximately 5 billion pounds of pesticides,

> herbicides, fungicides, and other biocides are being added to the

> world each year. In the past 100 years, several hundred billions

> pounds of pesticides have been released into the environment.

> Pesticides that are banned in the US, such as DDT, are being used in

> some other countries freely. Illegal pesticides are being used on

> crops that we eat everyday. It is estimated that a person eats

> illegal pesticides 75 times a year just by following USDA's

> recommendation of five servings of fruits and vegetables a day if

> these are purchased in regular supermarkets. Vegetables grown in

> developing foreign countries such as South America and Africa find

> their way back to our dinner table in this global community.

> Pesticide residues have

>> chemical structures that are similar to estrogen. These are

> eventually passed onto humans. Produce with the most pesticides

> reported in A Shopper's Guide to Pesticdes in Produce include

> strawberries (contain vinclozolin, a known endocrine disruptor),

> bell peppers, peaches, apples, apricots, and spinach. Foods with the

> least amount of pesticides include avocados, corn, onions, sweet

> potatoes, bananas, green onions, broccoli, and cauliflower. If you

> are eating non-organic fruits and vegetables, peel and wash them

> well with diluted vinegar. This will help to reduce pesticides on

> the surface. Needless to say, this will not help to rid of the

> pesticides inside. Discard the outer leaves of leafy vegetables, and

> trim fat from meat and skin from poultry and fish that tend to

> collect residues.


>> 3. Exposure to xenoestrogen. When a female embryo develops in

> the womb, 500,000 to 800,000 follicles are created in the embryo,

> each enclosing an immature ovum. These fragile ovarian follicles are

> extremely sensitive to the toxicity of environmental pollutants.

> When the mother is exposed to toxic chemicals that resemble estrogen

> in its molecular structure, she may experience no apparent damage

> outwardly. However the baby is more vulnerable to these toxins that

> may damage its ovarian follicles and make them dysfunctional. This

> will not be apparent until the baby reaches puberty some 10 to 15

> years later, when symptoms of incomplete ovulation or insufficient

> progesterone production can be noted.


>> Petrochemical compounds found in general consumer products such as

> creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos, perfume, hair spray and room

> deodorizers. Such compounds often have chemical structures similar

> to estrogen and indeed act like estrogen. Other sources of

> xenoestrogen include car exhaust, petrochemically derived

> pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides; solvents and adhesives such

> as that those found in nail polish, paint removers, and glues; dry-

> cleaning chemicals; practically all plastics, industrial waste such

> as PCBs and dioxins, synthetic estrogens from urine of women taking

> HRT and birth control pills that is flushed down the toilet and

> eventually found its way into the food chain and back into the body.

> They are fat soluble and non-biodegradable.


>> 4. Industrial solvents. A common source of industrial

> xenoestrogens often overlooked is a family of chemicals called

> solvents. These chemicals enter the body through the skin, and

> accumulated quickly in the lipid-rich tissues such as myelin (nerve

> sheath) and adipose (fat). Some common organic solvents include

> alcohol like methanol, aldehydes like acetaldehyde, glycol like

> ethylene glycol, and ketones like acetone. They are commonly found

> in cosmetics, fingernail polish and fingernail polish remover,

> glues, paints, varnishes, and other types of finishes, cleaning

> products, carpet, fiberboard, and other processed woods. Pesticides

> and herbicides such as lawn and garden sprays, indoor insect sprays

> are also sources of minute amounts of xenoestrogens. While the

> amount may be small in each, the additive effect from years of

> chronic exposure can lead to estrogen dominance.


>> 5. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). HRT with estrogen alone

> without sufficient opposing progesterone such as the drug Premarin

> should be banned. This increases the level of estrogen in the body.

> Premarin, a estrogen only drug commonly used in the past 40 years,

> is the mainstay of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT). It is a

> patented, chemicalized hormonal substitute that is not the same as

> what you have in your body. It contains 48% estrone and only a small

> amount of progesterone which is insufficient to have an opposing

> effect. The indiscriminate and over-prescription of Premarin to many

> who may not need it is the problem. Symptoms include water

> retention, breast swelling, fibrocysts in the breast, depression,

> headache, gallbladder problems, and heavy period. The excessive

> estrogen from ERT also lead to increased chances of DNA damage,

> setting a stage for endometrial and breast cancer.


>> 6. Over production of estrogen. Excessive estrogen can arise from

> ovarian cysts or tumors.


>> 7. Stress. Stress causes adrenal gland exhaustion and reduced

> progesterone output. This tilts the estrogen to progesterone ratios

> in favor of estrogen. Excessive estrogen in turn causes insomnia and

> anxiety, which further taxes the adrenal gland. This leads to a

> further reduction in progesterone output and even more estrogen

> dominance. After a few years in this type of vicious cycle, the

> adrenal glands become exhausted. This dysfunction leads to blood

> sugar imbalance, hormonal imbalances, and chronic fatigue.


>> 8. Obesity. Fat has an enzyme that converts adrenal steroids to

> estrogen. The higher the fat intake, the higher the conversion of

> fat to estrogen. Overeating is the norm in developed countries. A

> population from such countries, especially in the Western hemisphere

> where a large part of the dietary calorie is derived from fat, has a

> much higher incidence of menopausal symptoms. Studies have shown

> that estrogen and progesterone levels fell in women who switched

> from a typical high-fat, refined-carbohydrate diet to a low-fat,

> high-fiber and plant-based diet even though they did not adjust

> their total calorie intake. Plants contain over 5,000 known sterols

> that have progestogenic effects. People who eat more wholesome foods

> have a far lower incidence of menopausal symptoms because their pre-

> and post-menopause levels of estrogen do not drop as significantly.


>> 9. Liver diseases. Liver diseases such as cirrhosis from excessive

> alcohol intake reduce the breakdown of estrogen. Taking drugs that

> can impair liver function may also contribute to a higher level of

> estrogen.


>> 10. Deficiency of Vitamin B6 and Magnesium. Both of these are

> necessary for the neutralization of estrogen in the liver. Too much

> estrogen also tends to create deficiency of zinc, magnesium and the

> B vitamins. These are all important constituents of hormonal balance.


>> 11. Increased sugar, fast food and processed food. Intake of these

> leads to a depletion of magnesium.


>> 12. Increase in coffee consumption. Caffeine intake from all

> sources was linked with higher estrogen levels regardless of age,

> body mass index (BMI), caloric intake, smoking, alcohol, and

> cholesterol intake. Studies have shown that women who consumed at

> least 500 milligrams of caffeine daily, the equivalent of four or

> five cups of coffee, had nearly 70% more estrogen during the early

> follicular phase than women who consume no more than 100 mg of

> caffeine daily, or less than one cup of coffee. Tea is not much

> better as it contains about half the amount of caffeine as compared

> to coffee. The exception is herbal tea like chamomile which contains

> no caffeine.


>> In absolute terms, those who live in the developed world are

> bathed in a continuous sea of estrogen and do not know it. Yes, we

> all have hormonal imbalances, and specifically - estrogen dominance.




>> __________________________________________________


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Sunny, I'm sure I have taken Donq Quai before. I used to take all kinds of different herbs...fenugreek, fennel, black cohosh, uva ursi, marshmallow root, nettles, licorice root, ashwaganda, damiana, bilberry, cat's claw, ginseng, echinacea, valerian, gingko, ginger, red clover, and more! Not all at once, mind you, but I've been around the block with herbs. I got to the point that I said, enough supplements! I stuck pretty much with Garden of Life lately, and a few other items. Perhaps herbs will be just the thing I need at this point in time though. I love the idea of getting the whole plant rather than concentrated parts of it. Like you, I believe God gave us all we need to heal, and in the perfect form too! You're a wealth of knowledge Sunny, and a great student of natural healing. I am so glad you are

with us! And that you are healing finally! Hugs, Patty Sunny <wellnessnow@...> wrote: Patty, Dong Quai works really well for alot of women. It's a chinese herb. It also relaxs muscles and helps with joint pain. And many more good results.Love & Healing Prayers,Sunny :)> > >> > > Just to make sure you all don't miss this important discussion! > > At least scroll down to the discussion of the causes of estrogen > > dominance:> > > > > > http://www.drlam.com/A3R_brief_in_doc_format/Estrogen_Dominance.cfm#6> > > Estrogen Dominance > > > Estrogen and progesterone work in synchronization with each > > other as checks and balances to achieve hormonal harmony in both > > sexes. It is not the absolute deficiency of estrogen or > > progesterone but rather the relative dominance of estrogen and > > relative deficiency of progesterone that is main

cause of health > > problems when they are off balance.> > > > > > While sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone decline > with > > age gradually, there is a drastic change in the rate of decline > > during the perimenopausal and menopausal years for the women in > > these two hormones as mentioned earlier. > > > From age 35 to 50, there is a 75% reduction in production of > > progesterone in the body. Estrogen, during the same period, only > > declines about 35%. By menopause, the total amount of progesterone > > made is extremely low, while estrogen is still present in the body > > at about half its pre-menopausal level. > > > > > > With the gradual drop in estrogen but severe drop in > progesterone, > > there is insufficient progesterone to counteract the amount of > > estrogen

in our body. This state is called estrogen dominance. > Many > > women in their mid-thirties, most women during peri-menopause (mid-> > forties), and essentially all women during menopause (age 50 and > > beyond) are overloaded with estrogen and at the same time > suffering > > from progesterone deficiency because of the severe drop in > > physiological production during this period. The end result - > > excessive estrogen relative to progesterone, a condition we called > > estrogen dominance. > > > According to Dr. Lee, the world's authority on natural > > hormone therapy, the key to hormonal balance is the modulation of > > progesterone to estrogen ratio. For optimum health, the > progesterone > > to estrogen ratio should be between 200 and 300 to 1. > > > > > > > > > What is so bad about

estrogen dominance? It is the root cause > > of a myriad of illnesses. Conditions associated with this include > > fibrocystic breast disease, PMS, uterine fibroids, breast cancer, > > endometriosis, infertility problem, endometrial polyps, PCOS, auto-> > immune disorders, low blood sugar problems, and menstrual pain, > > among many others. > > > Questions? Ask me.> > > > > > Estrogen Dominance in Pre-menopausal Women> > > > > > There are two periods in a women's life that her progesterone > > level is low - at puberty and again at peri-menopause ( the few > > years right before menopause). Between puberty and peri-menopause, > > the production of progesterone can go astray, leading to estrogen > > dominance as mentioned earlier. Between this period, estrogen > > dominance can also be the result of

excessive external estrogen > > intake (from diet and environment) or internal estrogen production > ( > > from obesity, birth control pills, or ovarian tumor). > > > > > > Two common causes are: > > > > > > A. Anovulation (lack of ovulation). Ovulation is the time of the > > month where an ovarian follicle releases an ovum (egg). Under > normal > > condition, the released egg makes it way from the ovary to the > > uterus in preparation for fertilization. This usually happens from > > day 12 to day 14 of the menstrual cycle. After the egg is > released, > > the empty follicle becomes the corpus luteum. This is the main > > factory where the production of progesterone takes place.> > > > > > When the follicles become dysfunctional, no eggs are released. > > This is called

anovulation. If a woman is not ovulating, there > would > > not be a corpus luteum and therefore no increased progesterone > > production. Laboratory measurement would show both a low estrogen > > and a low progesterone level. Many still have a seemingly normal > > menstrual cycle even if there is no ovulation. The lack of > > progesterone, however, leads to relative estrogen dominance and > > symptoms like PMS, mood swings, cramps, and tender breast. > > Anovulation is commonly caused by exposure of female embryos to > > environmental estrogen (also called xenobiotic or xenoestrogen) > such > > as pesticides, plastic, and pollution. It is often related to a > poor > > diet and stress. > > > > > > B. Luteal insufficiency. More frequent than anovulation, the egg > > is produced but the corpus luteum malfunctions. It

just does not > > make enough progesterone. Laboratory measurements would show a > high > > estrogen but low progesterone, and typical symptoms of estrogen > > dominance would arise. Without adequate progesterone, the chance > of > > achieving pregnancy is reduced. Don't forget that progesterone is > > what keeps the womb going and it nourishes the fetus.> > > > > > > > > Estrogen Dominance in Menopausal Women> > > > > > The predominant reason why menopausal women developed estrogen > > dominance is because they are being prescribed unopposed estrogen > > such as Premarin as part of their hormone replacement therapy > (HRT) > > program. Despite decades of research clearly showing that HRT > > significantly increased breast cancer, millions of women worldwide > > are on unopposed

estrogen for treatment of menopausal symptoms. > > > > > > Obesity is another cause. During menopause, the amount of > estrogen > > produced from the ovaries decreases, but not as drastic when it > > comes to another hormone that the ovaries produce called > > androstenedione (a male hormone). Fat cells can convert > > androstenedione into estrogen. The amount of conversion in some > > people is enough to maintain a reasonable estrogen level in the > body > > well into the 70s. The result of excessive estrogen and absolute > > deficiency in progesterone is clear - estrogen dominance. > > > > > > We mentioned above our body is essentially soaked in a sea of > > estrogen. Where does the estrogen comes from? Let us take a closer > > look. > > > > > > Causes of Estrogen Dominance> >

> > > > Our body normally functions in perfect homeostasis. With the > > advent of society and industrial state in the past 70 years, our > > body has been subjected to unprecedented insults from > environmental > > estrogen-like hormones. In less than one hundred years, we have > > managed to turn our diet from whole fruits and whole food to fast > > and processed food. In the past, cattle were raised on grass and > > natural organic feed and chickens were allowed to run free. This > is > > in stark contrast to the commercialization of cattle and poultry > > farms of today where animals are in cages most of the time. Worse > > yet, feeds laced with pesticides and hormones, both of which have > > estrogen-like activities, are routinely given to animals, which in > > turn is passed to humans.> > > > > >

Women in non-industrialized cultures whose diets are whole food > > based and are untainted with modern processed foods and pesticides > > seldom suffer a deficiency in progesterone and the signs of > estrogen > > dominance manifested as menopausal symptoms.> > > > > > 12 of the most common reasons:> > > > > > 1. Commercially raised cattle and poultry. These animals are fed > > estrogen-like hormones as well as growth hormone that are passed > > onto humans. It takes 60 pounds of grain, feed, and hay to produce > > one pound of edible beef. On the other hand, it only takes one > pound > > of feed to produce one pound of edible fish. Deep-sea fish such as > > halibut, sardines, cod, and mackerel are good to consume. Young > ones > > are often less contaminated than older fish, and smaller fish are

> > better shielded from contamination than larger fish like sharks > and > > swordfish. Avoid all coastal fish and shellfish, which are high in > > contaminants. Fish are far superior to beef or chicken in terms of > > hormone load. It is interesting to note that one-half of all > > antibiotics in the United States are used in livestock - 25 > million > > pounds a year. These antibiotics can contribute to hormone > disruptor > > exposure. The use of antibiotics is especially prevalent in > poultry > > farms. It only takes 6 weeks now to grow a chicken> > > to full size (down from four months in 1940). Up to 80,000 birds > > may be packed into one warehouse. Feeds used contain a myriad of > > hormone-disrupting toxins including pesticides, antibiotics, and > > drugs to combat disease when so many animals are

packed closely > > together.> > > > > > 2. Commercially grown fruits and vegetables containing > pesticides. > > If you eat in any developed countries, you are taking in > pesticides > > from fruits and vegetables, many of which are known hormone > > disruptors. Approximately 5 billion pounds of pesticides, > > herbicides, fungicides, and other biocides are being added to the > > world each year. In the past 100 years, several hundred billions > > pounds of pesticides have been released into the environment. > > Pesticides that are banned in the US, such as DDT, are being used > in > > some other countries freely. Illegal pesticides are being used on > > crops that we eat everyday. It is estimated that a person eats > > illegal pesticides 75 times a year just by following USDA's > > recommendation of five

servings of fruits and vegetables a day if > > these are purchased in regular supermarkets. Vegetables grown in > > developing foreign countries such as South America and Africa find > > their way back to our dinner table in this global community. > > Pesticide residues have> > > chemical structures that are similar to estrogen. These are > > eventually passed onto humans. Produce with the most pesticides > > reported in A Shopper's Guide to Pesticdes in Produce include > > strawberries (contain vinclozolin, a known endocrine disruptor), > > bell peppers, peaches, apples, apricots, and spinach. Foods with > the > > least amount of pesticides include avocados, corn, onions, sweet > > potatoes, bananas, green onions, broccoli, and cauliflower. If you > > are eating non-organic fruits and vegetables, peel and wash them > > well

with diluted vinegar. This will help to reduce pesticides on > > the surface. Needless to say, this will not help to rid of the > > pesticides inside. Discard the outer leaves of leafy vegetables, > and > > trim fat from meat and skin from poultry and fish that tend to > > collect residues.> > > > > > 3. Exposure to xenoestrogen. When a female embryo develops in > > the womb, 500,000 to 800,000 follicles are created in the embryo, > > each enclosing an immature ovum. These fragile ovarian follicles > are > > extremely sensitive to the toxicity of environmental pollutants. > > When the mother is exposed to toxic chemicals that resemble > estrogen > > in its molecular structure, she may experience no apparent damage > > outwardly. However the baby is more vulnerable to these toxins > that > > may damage its

ovarian follicles and make them dysfunctional. This > > will not be apparent until the baby reaches puberty some 10 to 15 > > years later, when symptoms of incomplete ovulation or insufficient > > progesterone production can be noted. > > > > > > Petrochemical compounds found in general consumer products such > as > > creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos, perfume, hair spray and room > > deodorizers. Such compounds often have chemical structures similar > > to estrogen and indeed act like estrogen. Other sources of > > xenoestrogen include car exhaust, petrochemically derived > > pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides; solvents and adhesives > such > > as that those found in nail polish, paint removers, and glues; dry-> > cleaning chemicals; practically all plastics, industrial waste > such > > as PCBs and

dioxins, synthetic estrogens from urine of women > taking > > HRT and birth control pills that is flushed down the toilet and > > eventually found its way into the food chain and back into the > body. > > They are fat soluble and non-biodegradable. > > > > > > 4. Industrial solvents. A common source of industrial > > xenoestrogens often overlooked is a family of chemicals called > > solvents. These chemicals enter the body through the skin, and > > accumulated quickly in the lipid-rich tissues such as myelin > (nerve > > sheath) and adipose (fat). Some common organic solvents include > > alcohol like methanol, aldehydes like acetaldehyde, glycol like > > ethylene glycol, and ketones like acetone. They are commonly found > > in cosmetics, fingernail polish and fingernail polish remover, > > glues, paints, varnishes,

and other types of finishes, cleaning > > products, carpet, fiberboard, and other processed woods. > Pesticides > > and herbicides such as lawn and garden sprays, indoor insect > sprays > > are also sources of minute amounts of xenoestrogens. While the > > amount may be small in each, the additive effect from years of > > chronic exposure can lead to estrogen dominance.> > > > > > 5. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). HRT with estrogen alone > > without sufficient opposing progesterone such as the drug Premarin > > should be banned. This increases the level of estrogen in the > body. > > Premarin, a estrogen only drug commonly used in the past 40 years, > > is the mainstay of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT). It is a > > patented, chemicalized hormonal substitute that is not the same as > > what you have

in your body. It contains 48% estrone and only a > small > > amount of progesterone which is insufficient to have an opposing > > effect. The indiscriminate and over-prescription of Premarin to > many > > who may not need it is the problem. Symptoms include water > > retention, breast swelling, fibrocysts in the breast, depression, > > headache, gallbladder problems, and heavy period. The excessive > > estrogen from ERT also lead to increased chances of DNA damage, > > setting a stage for endometrial and breast cancer. > > > > > > 6. Over production of estrogen. Excessive estrogen can arise > from > > ovarian cysts or tumors.> > > > > > 7. Stress. Stress causes adrenal gland exhaustion and reduced > > progesterone output. This tilts the estrogen to progesterone > ratios > > in favor of estrogen.

Excessive estrogen in turn causes insomnia > and > > anxiety, which further taxes the adrenal gland. This leads to a > > further reduction in progesterone output and even more estrogen > > dominance. After a few years in this type of vicious cycle, the > > adrenal glands become exhausted. This dysfunction leads to blood > > sugar imbalance, hormonal imbalances, and chronic fatigue.> > > > > > 8. Obesity. Fat has an enzyme that converts adrenal steroids to > > estrogen. The higher the fat intake, the higher the conversion of > > fat to estrogen. Overeating is the norm in developed countries. A > > population from such countries, especially in the Western > hemisphere > > where a large part of the dietary calorie is derived from fat, has > a > > much higher incidence of menopausal symptoms. Studies have shown > >

that estrogen and progesterone levels fell in women who switched > > from a typical high-fat, refined-carbohydrate diet to a low-fat, > > high-fiber and plant-based diet even though they did not adjust > > their total calorie intake. Plants contain over 5,000 known > sterols > > that have progestogenic effects. People who eat more wholesome > foods > > have a far lower incidence of menopausal symptoms because their > pre- > > and post-menopause levels of estrogen do not drop as > significantly. > > > > > > 9. Liver diseases. Liver diseases such as cirrhosis from > excessive > > alcohol intake reduce the breakdown of estrogen. Taking drugs that > > can impair liver function may also contribute to a higher level of > > estrogen. > > > > > > 10. Deficiency of Vitamin B6 and Magnesium. Both

of these are > > necessary for the neutralization of estrogen in the liver. Too > much > > estrogen also tends to create deficiency of zinc, magnesium and > the > > B vitamins. These are all important constituents of hormonal > balance.> > > > > > 11. Increased sugar, fast food and processed food. Intake of > these > > leads to a depletion of magnesium. > > > > > > 12. Increase in coffee consumption. Caffeine intake from all > > sources was linked with higher estrogen levels regardless of age, > > body mass index (BMI), caloric intake, smoking, alcohol, and > > cholesterol intake. Studies have shown that women who consumed at > > least 500 milligrams of caffeine daily, the equivalent of four or > > five cups of coffee, had nearly 70% more estrogen during the early > > follicular phase than

women who consume no more than 100 mg of > > caffeine daily, or less than one cup of coffee. Tea is not much > > better as it contains about half the amount of caffeine as > compared > > to coffee. The exception is herbal tea like chamomile which > contains > > no caffeine.> > > > > > In absolute terms, those who live in the developed world are > > bathed in a continuous sea of estrogen and do not know it. Yes, we > > all have hormonal imbalances, and specifically - estrogen > dominance.> > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________> > >

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Hi Sunny! Thank you so much for the kind words. You have such a wonderful outlook on life. As for the scar tissue question....I don't think X-Rays pick up scar tissue very well, unless they look like a suspicious mass that has grown out of control, and I doubt that they get that bad unless they have been there growing for years. I think most of the time, the surgeons have to get in there and see what's been leftover from the original surgery. The operative report from explant, if it has been written up correctly, is going to state something about the disposition of that scar capsule. I just wish that all doctors knew what they were doing when it comes to dealing with scar tissue. Those capsules may be part of your body, but that does not mean it is a good thing! Tumors are part of our body too, but they can kill us!

It's amazing how they say things that are not even close to the truth....like scar tissue dissolves....I have YET to see anything in print that proves scar tissue dissolves. Does anyone have anything that proves scar tissue dissolves? I think they just make that stuff up and think if it sounds good it will pass! Yes, a simple life is a joyful life.....I have found that out too. God bless you Sunny, and I look forward to your sunny posts showing up here on our group to encourage and help others for a long time to come! Hope you are feeling wonderful, Patty Sunny <wellnessnow@...> wrote: Patty, I am glad & grateful to belong to this support network. One of my friends said, "God is the space between you and me"....I strongly believe that He works through us to lift one another up. I went to my PS today for post-surgery checkup. Everything looks great and if it keeps this way, I won't need reconstruction in 6 months. He gave me a copy of the operative report, without hassle, and took an after picture and said I could have copies of before and after pictures in about 3 weeks. He removed "en bloc" and said everything looked good. Thin & flexible capsules. We'll see how I feel in time. He also told me the copy was just for me, and he wouldn't release it to anyone else, so to keep it confidential.

Mmmm Hmmmmm....! Right......Can you see if the capsules are in with an x-ray?I really feel a need to simplify my life...we're all moving back to the city and I'm going through my "stuff" and letting go of alot. Also, with eating, and supplementation - choosing raw foods, mainly and some cooked. Live enzymes are important. I just think of Mother Theresa with her 2 saris (outfits) she would wear one and wash the other one to wear the next day. Now that's simplicity.Love & Healing Prayers to all & thanks for all the love & support --Sunny :) p.s. God bless you ALL-ways, Patty for starting this life-saving site. :)> > >

>> > > > Just to make sure you all don't miss this important discussion! > > > At least scroll down to the discussion of the causes of estrogen > > > dominance:> > > > > > > > > > http://www.drlam.com/A3R_brief_in_doc_format/Estrogen_Dominance.cfm#6> > > > Estrogen Dominance > > > > Estrogen and progesterone work in synchronization with each > > > other as checks and balances to achieve hormonal harmony in both > > > sexes. It is not the absolute deficiency of estrogen or > > > progesterone but rather the relative dominance of estrogen and > > > relative deficiency of progesterone that is main cause of health > > > problems when they are off balance.>

> > > > > > > While sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone decline > > with > > > age gradually, there is a drastic change in the rate of decline > > > during the perimenopausal and menopausal years for the women in > > > these two hormones as mentioned earlier. > > > > From age 35 to 50, there is a 75% reduction in production of > > > progesterone in the body. Estrogen, during the same period, only > > > declines about 35%. By menopause, the total amount of > progesterone > > > made is extremely low, while estrogen is still present in the > body > > > at about half its pre-menopausal level. > > > > > > > > With the gradual drop in estrogen but severe drop in > > progesterone, > > > there is insufficient progesterone to counteract the amount of >

> > estrogen in our body. This state is called estrogen dominance. > > Many > > > women in their mid-thirties, most women during peri-menopause > (mid-> > > forties), and essentially all women during menopause (age 50 and > > > beyond) are overloaded with estrogen and at the same time > > suffering > > > from progesterone deficiency because of the severe drop in > > > physiological production during this period. The end result - > > > excessive estrogen relative to progesterone, a condition we > called > > > estrogen dominance. > > > > According to Dr. Lee, the world's authority on natural > > > hormone therapy, the key to hormonal balance is the modulation of > > > progesterone to estrogen ratio. For optimum health, the > > progesterone > > > to estrogen ratio should

be between 200 and 300 to 1. > > > > > > > > > > > > What is so bad about estrogen dominance? It is the root cause > > > of a myriad of illnesses. Conditions associated with this include > > > fibrocystic breast disease, PMS, uterine fibroids, breast cancer, > > > endometriosis, infertility problem, endometrial polyps, PCOS, > auto-> > > immune disorders, low blood sugar problems, and menstrual pain, > > > among many others. > > > > Questions? Ask me.> > > > > > > > Estrogen Dominance in Pre-menopausal Women> > > > > > > > There are two periods in a women's life that her progesterone > > > level is low - at puberty and again at peri-menopause ( the few > > > years right before menopause). Between puberty and peri-> menopause, >

> > the production of progesterone can go astray, leading to estrogen > > > dominance as mentioned earlier. Between this period, estrogen > > > dominance can also be the result of excessive external estrogen > > > intake (from diet and environment) or internal estrogen > production > > ( > > > from obesity, birth control pills, or ovarian tumor). > > > > > > > > Two common causes are: > > > > > > > > A. Anovulation (lack of ovulation). Ovulation is the time of > the > > > month where an ovarian follicle releases an ovum (egg). Under > > normal > > > condition, the released egg makes it way from the ovary to the > > > uterus in preparation for fertilization. This usually happens > from > > > day 12 to day 14 of the menstrual cycle. After the egg is >

> released, > > > the empty follicle becomes the corpus luteum. This is the main > > > factory where the production of progesterone takes place.> > > > > > > > When the follicles become dysfunctional, no eggs are released. > > > This is called anovulation. If a woman is not ovulating, there > > would > > > not be a corpus luteum and therefore no increased progesterone > > > production. Laboratory measurement would show both a low estrogen > > > and a low progesterone level. Many still have a seemingly normal > > > menstrual cycle even if there is no ovulation. The lack of > > > progesterone, however, leads to relative estrogen dominance and > > > symptoms like PMS, mood swings, cramps, and tender breast. > > > Anovulation is commonly caused by exposure of female embryos to > >

> environmental estrogen (also called xenobiotic or xenoestrogen) > > such > > > as pesticides, plastic, and pollution. It is often related to a > > poor > > > diet and stress. > > > > > > > > B. Luteal insufficiency. More frequent than anovulation, the > egg > > > is produced but the corpus luteum malfunctions. It just does not > > > make enough progesterone. Laboratory measurements would show a > > high > > > estrogen but low progesterone, and typical symptoms of estrogen > > > dominance would arise. Without adequate progesterone, the chance > > of > > > achieving pregnancy is reduced. Don't forget that progesterone is > > > what keeps the womb going and it nourishes the fetus.> > > > > > > > > > > > Estrogen Dominance in

Menopausal Women> > > > > > > > The predominant reason why menopausal women developed estrogen > > > dominance is because they are being prescribed unopposed estrogen > > > such as Premarin as part of their hormone replacement therapy > > (HRT) > > > program. Despite decades of research clearly showing that HRT > > > significantly increased breast cancer, millions of women > worldwide > > > are on unopposed estrogen for treatment of menopausal symptoms. > > > > > > > > Obesity is another cause. During menopause, the amount of > > estrogen > > > produced from the ovaries decreases, but not as drastic when it > > > comes to another hormone that the ovaries produce called > > > androstenedione (a male hormone). Fat cells can convert > > > androstenedione into

estrogen. The amount of conversion in some > > > people is enough to maintain a reasonable estrogen level in the > > body > > > well into the 70s. The result of excessive estrogen and absolute > > > deficiency in progesterone is clear - estrogen dominance. > > > > > > > > We mentioned above our body is essentially soaked in a sea of > > > estrogen. Where does the estrogen comes from? Let us take a > closer > > > look. > > > > > > > > Causes of Estrogen Dominance> > > > > > > > Our body normally functions in perfect homeostasis. With the > > > advent of society and industrial state in the past 70 years, our > > > body has been subjected to unprecedented insults from > > environmental > > > estrogen-like hormones. In less than one hundred

years, we have > > > managed to turn our diet from whole fruits and whole food to fast > > > and processed food. In the past, cattle were raised on grass and > > > natural organic feed and chickens were allowed to run free. This > > is > > > in stark contrast to the commercialization of cattle and poultry > > > farms of today where animals are in cages most of the time. Worse > > > yet, feeds laced with pesticides and hormones, both of which have > > > estrogen-like activities, are routinely given to animals, which > in > > > turn is passed to humans.> > > > > > > > Women in non-industrialized cultures whose diets are whole food > > > based and are untainted with modern processed foods and > pesticides > > > seldom suffer a deficiency in progesterone and the

signs of > > estrogen > > > dominance manifested as menopausal symptoms.> > > > > > > > 12 of the most common reasons:> > > > > > > > 1. Commercially raised cattle and poultry. These animals are > fed > > > estrogen-like hormones as well as growth hormone that are passed > > > onto humans. It takes 60 pounds of grain, feed, and hay to > produce > > > one pound of edible beef. On the other hand, it only takes one > > pound > > > of feed to produce one pound of edible fish. Deep-sea fish such > as > > > halibut, sardines, cod, and mackerel are good to consume. Young > > ones > > > are often less contaminated than older fish, and smaller fish are > > > better shielded from contamination than larger fish like sharks > > and > > >

swordfish. Avoid all coastal fish and shellfish, which are high > in > > > contaminants. Fish are far superior to beef or chicken in terms > of > > > hormone load. It is interesting to note that one-half of all > > > antibiotics in the United States are used in livestock - 25 > > million > > > pounds a year. These antibiotics can contribute to hormone > > disruptor > > > exposure. The use of antibiotics is especially prevalent in > > poultry > > > farms. It only takes 6 weeks now to grow a chicken> > > > to full size (down from four months in 1940). Up to 80,000 > birds > > > may be packed into one warehouse. Feeds used contain a myriad of > > > hormone-disrupting toxins including pesticides, antibiotics, and > > > drugs to combat disease when so many animals are packed closely

> > > together.> > > > > > > > 2. Commercially grown fruits and vegetables containing > > pesticides. > > > If you eat in any developed countries, you are taking in > > pesticides > > > from fruits and vegetables, many of which are known hormone > > > disruptors. Approximately 5 billion pounds of pesticides, > > > herbicides, fungicides, and other biocides are being added to the > > > world each year. In the past 100 years, several hundred billions > > > pounds of pesticides have been released into the environment. > > > Pesticides that are banned in the US, such as DDT, are being used > > in > > > some other countries freely. Illegal pesticides are being used on > > > crops that we eat everyday. It is estimated that a person eats > > > illegal pesticides

75 times a year just by following USDA's > > > recommendation of five servings of fruits and vegetables a day if > > > these are purchased in regular supermarkets. Vegetables grown in > > > developing foreign countries such as South America and Africa > find > > > their way back to our dinner table in this global community. > > > Pesticide residues have> > > > chemical structures that are similar to estrogen. These are > > > eventually passed onto humans. Produce with the most pesticides > > > reported in A Shopper's Guide to Pesticdes in Produce include > > > strawberries (contain vinclozolin, a known endocrine disruptor), > > > bell peppers, peaches, apples, apricots, and spinach. Foods with > > the > > > least amount of pesticides include avocados, corn, onions, sweet > > >

potatoes, bananas, green onions, broccoli, and cauliflower. If > you > > > are eating non-organic fruits and vegetables, peel and wash them > > > well with diluted vinegar. This will help to reduce pesticides on > > > the surface. Needless to say, this will not help to rid of the > > > pesticides inside. Discard the outer leaves of leafy vegetables, > > and > > > trim fat from meat and skin from poultry and fish that tend to > > > collect residues.> > > > > > > > 3. Exposure to xenoestrogen. When a female embryo develops in > > > the womb, 500,000 to 800,000 follicles are created in the embryo, > > > each enclosing an immature ovum. These fragile ovarian follicles > > are > > > extremely sensitive to the toxicity of environmental pollutants. > > > When the mother

is exposed to toxic chemicals that resemble > > estrogen > > > in its molecular structure, she may experience no apparent damage > > > outwardly. However the baby is more vulnerable to these toxins > > that > > > may damage its ovarian follicles and make them dysfunctional. > This > > > will not be apparent until the baby reaches puberty some 10 to 15 > > > years later, when symptoms of incomplete ovulation or > insufficient > > > progesterone production can be noted. > > > > > > > > Petrochemical compounds found in general consumer products such > > as > > > creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos, perfume, hair spray and room > > > deodorizers. Such compounds often have chemical structures > similar > > > to estrogen and indeed act like estrogen. Other sources of

> > > xenoestrogen include car exhaust, petrochemically derived > > > pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides; solvents and adhesives > > such > > > as that those found in nail polish, paint removers, and glues; > dry-> > > cleaning chemicals; practically all plastics, industrial waste > > such > > > as PCBs and dioxins, synthetic estrogens from urine of women > > taking > > > HRT and birth control pills that is flushed down the toilet and > > > eventually found its way into the food chain and back into the > > body. > > > They are fat soluble and non-biodegradable. > > > > > > > > 4. Industrial solvents. A common source of industrial > > > xenoestrogens often overlooked is a family of chemicals called > > > solvents. These chemicals enter the body through the skin,

and > > > accumulated quickly in the lipid-rich tissues such as myelin > > (nerve > > > sheath) and adipose (fat). Some common organic solvents include > > > alcohol like methanol, aldehydes like acetaldehyde, glycol like > > > ethylene glycol, and ketones like acetone. They are commonly > found > > > in cosmetics, fingernail polish and fingernail polish remover, > > > glues, paints, varnishes, and other types of finishes, cleaning > > > products, carpet, fiberboard, and other processed woods. > > Pesticides > > > and herbicides such as lawn and garden sprays, indoor insect > > sprays > > > are also sources of minute amounts of xenoestrogens. While the > > > amount may be small in each, the additive effect from years of > > > chronic exposure can lead to estrogen dominance.> > > >

> > > > 5. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). HRT with estrogen alone > > > without sufficient opposing progesterone such as the drug > Premarin > > > should be banned. This increases the level of estrogen in the > > body. > > > Premarin, a estrogen only drug commonly used in the past 40 > years, > > > is the mainstay of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT). It is a > > > patented, chemicalized hormonal substitute that is not the same > as > > > what you have in your body. It contains 48% estrone and only a > > small > > > amount of progesterone which is insufficient to have an opposing > > > effect. The indiscriminate and over-prescription of Premarin to > > many > > > who may not need it is the problem. Symptoms include water > > > retention, breast swelling, fibrocysts in

the breast, depression, > > > headache, gallbladder problems, and heavy period. The excessive > > > estrogen from ERT also lead to increased chances of DNA damage, > > > setting a stage for endometrial and breast cancer. > > > > > > > > 6. Over production of estrogen. Excessive estrogen can arise > > from > > > ovarian cysts or tumors.> > > > > > > > 7. Stress. Stress causes adrenal gland exhaustion and reduced > > > progesterone output. This tilts the estrogen to progesterone > > ratios > > > in favor of estrogen. Excessive estrogen in turn causes insomnia > > and > > > anxiety, which further taxes the adrenal gland. This leads to a > > > further reduction in progesterone output and even more estrogen > > > dominance. After a few years in this type of

vicious cycle, the > > > adrenal glands become exhausted. This dysfunction leads to blood > > > sugar imbalance, hormonal imbalances, and chronic fatigue.> > > > > > > > 8. Obesity. Fat has an enzyme that converts adrenal steroids to > > > estrogen. The higher the fat intake, the higher the conversion of > > > fat to estrogen. Overeating is the norm in developed countries. A > > > population from such countries, especially in the Western > > hemisphere > > > where a large part of the dietary calorie is derived from fat, > has > > a > > > much higher incidence of menopausal symptoms. Studies have shown > > > that estrogen and progesterone levels fell in women who switched > > > from a typical high-fat, refined-carbohydrate diet to a low-fat, > > >

high-fiber and plant-based diet even though they did not adjust > > > their total calorie intake. Plants contain over 5,000 known > > sterols > > > that have progestogenic effects. People who eat more wholesome > > foods > > > have a far lower incidence of menopausal symptoms because their > > pre- > > > and post-menopause levels of estrogen do not drop as > > significantly. > > > > > > > > 9. Liver diseases. Liver diseases such as cirrhosis from > > excessive > > > alcohol intake reduce the breakdown of estrogen. Taking drugs > that > > > can impair liver function may also contribute to a higher level > of > > > estrogen. > > > > > > > > 10. Deficiency of Vitamin B6 and Magnesium. Both of these are > > > necessary for the neutralization of

estrogen in the liver. Too > > much > > > estrogen also tends to create deficiency of zinc, magnesium and > > the > > > B vitamins. These are all important constituents of hormonal > > balance.> > > > > > > > 11. Increased sugar, fast food and processed food. Intake of > > these > > > leads to a depletion of magnesium. > > > > > > > > 12. Increase in coffee consumption. Caffeine intake from all > > > sources was linked with higher estrogen levels regardless of age, > > > body mass index (BMI), caloric intake, smoking, alcohol, and > > > cholesterol intake. Studies have shown that women who consumed at > > > least 500 milligrams of caffeine daily, the equivalent of four or > > > five cups of coffee, had nearly 70% more estrogen during the > early

> > > follicular phase than women who consume no more than 100 mg of > > > caffeine daily, or less than one cup of coffee. Tea is not much > > > better as it contains about half the amount of caffeine as > > compared > > > to coffee. The exception is herbal tea like chamomile which > > contains > > > no caffeine.> > > > > > > > In absolute terms, those who live in the developed world are > > > bathed in a continuous sea of estrogen and do not know it. Yes, > we > > > all have hormonal imbalances, and specifically - estrogen > > dominance.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________> > > >

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I think Fuchs ey called it "medical words of art"! I think she is right! It all makes sense to us, doesn't it? But these people get so caught up in the medical politics and they lose their common sense or something! Yes, salt water sounds so benign doesn't it? I wonder if they would drink salt water from some old implants? Hmmm? After all, it's only salt water! And if it has some fungus or mold growing in it, no problem! It's just salt water, right? Yeah, right! Thanks Terri! I can tell you get as upset about this stuff as I do! Patty Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote: > Patty,You bring up a good point, I think they do make stuff up as they go along, I personally have called several people out at Doctors offices, wether it is the nurse or the receptionist or Dr, when they state something as absolute when I know otherwise I let them know they are confused, But I have to. It is my body I have learned so much about tests and results, meds,ect. Most of these Local Dr.s are clueless, they don't seem to know alot about toxins, and Poisions, Lets not forget the toxic soup that has all of those bad chemicals, we have the list of ingredients it is public knowledge. I mean roach pesticide!!!!, It is all there in black and white. I would think as a Dr. the

whole chemistry part of this should be fascinating, it is not to us because we deal with the consequences of implants. But as a scientist or Dr. you would think they would be like WOW this toatally makes sense, If you put that kind of chemical poision in a body of course they will make you sick, would you eat or drink those ingredients? No of course not but with words like Saline, they make them sound so pure, like ,"its just salt water, That is why alot of Dr.s And the public are so confused and fooled by implant safety like we were. Just my opinion,Terri P .

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